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1. Take a few deep breaths. Concentrate on your intention and mindfully light the tealight. Put the pinch
of salt under your tongue and let it dissolve.

2. Wrap the rosemary tightly from stem to tip with the embroidery thread, leaving enough thread at the
stem for a loop. While holding your intention, carefully pass the rosemary bundle just over the top of
the candle's flame three times. Then dip the rosemary into the water and gently tap yourself on the top
of the head with it three times. (That's your crown chakra, which connects you to the Universe and the
divine both inside and out.)

3. Cut another strand of embroidery thread that is long enough to fit around your ankle and tie it off
with three knots. (You can also go all "friendship bracelet" on your anklet, but a single strand is fine.)
Three is the number of wisdom, harmony, and understanding. This anklet will be a physical reminder of
your intention.

4. Put the tealight somewhere firesafe and supervised for it to burn out, or use the jar lid or snuffer to
extinguish the flame while you thank it for its presence in your ritual.

5. Last but not least, hang the rosemary bundle from its loop to dry. When your intention has
manifested, you can leave the rosemary outside as an offering to the Universe.

Hot Tip

Alternatively, you can simmer the rosemary in a small pot of water, then waft the steam over your
crown chakra and let the scent of rosemary fill your home. When you're finished, dispose of the
rosemary and water outside as an offering.

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