4 Report For YBFO

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Q1: Which of the following is a valid aggregate function?


b None



e None


Q2: Which of the following are true for routes in Laravel??

a None

b None

c Routes can only handle GET requests

d Routes can point to a method on a controller and also dictate which HTTP
methods are able to hit that URI.

e A route is an endpoint specified by a URI (Uniform Resource Identifier).

f You can not pass any arguments to your routes.

Q3: How do you round the number 7.25, to the nearest integer??

a rnd(7.25)

b Math.round(7.25)

c Math.rnd(7.25)

d None

e None

f round(7.25)

Q4: What is PHP heredoc used for??

a None

b allows creating single lines of string with using quotations

c allows creating single line of string without using quotations

d None

e allows creating multiple lines of string with quotations

f allows creating multiple lines of string without using quotations

Q5: What is the difference between echo and print??

a Print is a function where as echo is not.

b None

c None

d They both behave the same

e Print can take multiple parameters where as echo cannot

f Echo can take multiple parameters where as print cannot

Q6: Kubernetes is written in?

The correct Answer is: None

b Go

c Python

The correct Answer is: None

e C++

f Java spring framework

Q7: The if statement is used to execute some code only if a specified condition is true?

a None

b False
c None

d None

e True

f None

Q8: Which SQL statement is used to extract data from the database??

a None






Q9: How to run the docker image mentioned in the command. Which will create a docker
container in which the Apache HTTP server will run.?

a $ docker run -it -d httpd

b $ docker run -it -d --httpd

c None

d $ docker run -it -d http img

e None

f None

Q10: What is the correct way to write a JavaScript array??

a None

b var colors = (1:"red", 2:"green", 3:"blue")

c var colors = ["red", "green", "blue"]

d var colors = "red", "green", "blue"

e None

f var colors = 1 = ("red"), 2 = ("green"), 3 = ("blue")

Q11: What are template tags in WordPress??

a Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your plugins.

b None

c Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your database.

d None

e Template tags are used within themes to retrieve content from your folder.

f None

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