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Take a look at these in-depth descriptions of the catalog items to give yourself, and your congregation, a better idea of the projects available for sponsorship. Items are listed by catalog number.


Price: $500 Advance: 14916A The World Health Organization reports that roughly half of Cambodias rural population does not have access to sanitary drinking water. Instead, most rely on water from scum-covered fish ponds or the countrys polluted rivers. This practice leads to the spread of water-borne diseases, which are especially dangerous to the communitys most vulnerable members the young and the elderly. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to fund the digging of a well in a Cambodian village that currently has no or limited access to clean water.


Price: $50 Advance: 14916A Many of the sicknesses and diseases that pervade Cambodias rural communities can be prevented by taking the most simple of sanitation and hygiene measures washing hands, establishing barriers between wastewater and drinking water, and maintaining safe cooking practices. But a lack of basic hygiene awareness keeps many of these life-saving measures from being put into place. Thats why the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) program hosts hygiene and sanitation workshops in villages throughout the country. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD)

to fund a hygiene and sanitation workshop in village identified as in-need of basic hygiene improvements.


Price: $200 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. The dry season, then, is dry in more ways than weather. Its also a drought in terms of income. Development of profitable dry-season enterprises is one effective way to tackle rural poverty. Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) is taking a leading role in entrepreneurial development with its credit and savings groups. This unique model of microfinance not only provides loans to small businesses within a group setting, it also allows community members to invest in, and reap the rewards from, those businesses. Some successful models have included plow-for-rent services, grocery stores and food vendors. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to fund a credit and savings group. This $200 gift is representative of an averagesize loan given to a small business through one of these credit and savings groups.


Price: $50 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. The dry season, then, is dry in more ways than weather. Its also a drought in terms of income. Development of profitable dry-season enterprises is one effective way to tackle rural poverty. Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) is taking a leading role in entrepreneurial development with its micro-loans to small businesses. Moreover, CHAD provides hands-on training for its would-be entrepreneurs in management, marketing and bookkeeping. These trainings are open to the entire community, regardless of age, gender or religious affiliation. One particularly inspiring story regarding financial skills training is the Methodist Church of Okrot, where the credit and savings group is run by three teenage girls who were able to benefit from CHAD financial skills training. The lay leader at the church says the girls are learning important skills that will help them in the future if they ever choose to run a small business and several of them have expressed a desire to do so. Notably, this particular group has one of the highest loan repayment rates amongst CHADs credit and savings

groups. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to host a financial skills training in a community with a credit and savings group.


Price: $500 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. And when the water dries up, so does their income. Thats why Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) is working to keep the water flowing year-round with irrigation projects. With increased access to water, entire communities can grow cash-crops, like vegetables, during the dry season, helping to bring in badly needed income. Some can even manage a second rice harvest, ensuring their families have food to eat all year. Notably, CHAD has found that time and again, the extra income these projects bring in is often the difference that allows families to send their children to school. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to fund the purchase of a water pump for one community-wide irrigation project that will enable five families to productively grow several crops of vegetables to feed their families and sell in the market. In four years, the project generates enough surplus to enable another five family co-op to install an irrigation pump system.


Price: $50 Advance: 14916A See above description of CDA31 Water Pump. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), and will purchase enough fuel to get an irrigation co-op off to the right start.


Price: $250 Advance: 14916A Even though the annual rice harvest is the sole source of income for many Cambodians, it is not enough to meet most families food needs. So, when their

rice supply starts to run out before the next harvest, families are often forced to turn to high-interest rice lenders, who charge rates of 200 or even 300 percent. This traps families in a cycle of debt one that is especially dangerous because it threatens their food supply. Thats where Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) comes in, organizing community-wide rice banks that give families a low-interest alternative to turn to in their time of need and providing desperately-needed food security. CHAD has also seen that well-run rice banks often develop large enough rice stores to do community outreach in the form of disaster relief. This was seen earlier this year at Raksmey Methodist Church in Kampong Thom Province, where a commune of six homes were completely destroyed in a cooking fire, leaving the families destitute. The rice bank leaders consulted the pastor and church congregation they were connected with and made the decision to provide the families with a love-gift of enough rice, not only to meet their immediate food needs, but also to sell to provide for temporary shelter and to replace childrens school textbooks. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), to purchase CHADs normal contribution of one ton of rice toward the start of a new rice bank.


Price: $25 Advance: 14916A See above description of CDA41 One Ton of Rice. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), toward the purchase of CHADs normal contribution of one ton of rice toward the start of a new rice bank.

Price: $300 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. The dry season, then, is dry in more ways than weather. Its also a drought in terms of income. Development of profitable dry-season enterprises is one effective way to tackle rural poverty. Cows are one such enterprise. Theyre highly effective because they tackle this lack of income on multiple fronts: They provide nutritious milk, transportation and valuable fertilizer. Best of all, they can be bred to raise more cows. In accordance with the share-the-gift philosophy, the offspring of cows provided

through Community Health and Agriculture Development (CHAD), are passed on to other needy families in the village, who, in turn, pass on any calves born to them, creating a cycle of poverty alleviation that can affect an entire community. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), to purchase a cow.


Price: $30 Advance: 14916A See above description of CDA51 Cow. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), toward the purchase of a cow.


Price: $200 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. The dry season, then, is dry in more ways than weather. Its also a drought in terms of income. Development of profitable dry-season enterprises is one effective way to tackle rural poverty. Vegetable gardening is one such enterprise. With some seeds, a plot of land and water hauled from rivers or ponds, farmers can grow cash-crops like lettuce, green onion and carrots to help supplement their income. This is vital, because dry-season income often makes the financial difference that allows families to send their children to school. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), to purchase land for a garden plot, as well as the seeds needed to get a family gardening operation started.


Price: $20 Advance: 14916A See above description of CDA61 Garden Plot & Seeds. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD),

toward the purchase of land for a garden plot, as well as the seeds needed to get a family gardening operation started.


Price: $50 Advance: 14916A Most rural Cambodian families income relies solely on their annual rice harvest, which is confined to the wet season. The dry season, then, is dry in more ways than weather. Its also a drought in terms of income. Development of profitable dry-season enterprises is one effective way to tackle rural poverty. Chickens and ducks are one such enterprise and are especially effective because they fight poverty on multiple levels. Poultry eggs can be consumed on a daily basis to contribute important, and otherwise expensive, protein to a familys diet. They can also be sold, as can the birds themselves, when the family finds itself especially strained for extra income. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), to purchase a chicken or duck house and feed to get one poultry business up and running.


Price: $1 Advance: 14916A See above description of CDA71 Chicken/Duck House & Feed. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD), to purchase a chick or duckling for one familys poultry operation.


Price: $5 Advance: 3020542 Infant mortality rates have decreased substantially in Cambodia over the last 25 years, but maternal deaths remain high, accounting for 17 percent of deaths in women between the ages of 15 and 49, according to World Health Organization statistics. Providing quality pre-natal care, including a regimen of pre-natal vitamins, can give women a chance at a healthier and safer pregnancy. Thats why teams of volunteer doctors working with the Methodist Mission in Cambodia regularly distribute vitamins during free clinics in villages throughout Cambodia.

Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to provide prenatal vitamins for distribution at a free medical clinic.


Price: $10 Advance: 3020542 As is the case even in first-world countries like the U.S., Cambodian children are often faced with the annoying itching and scratching that is a symptom of head lice. But in Cambodia, children often go without proper treatment, and what started as an itch has the potential to turn into a life-threatening condition, as lice are known to transmit deadly diseases including typhus. Youth in the Solong Kandal Church are helping to remedy this problem within their own village by reaching out to local children with a monthly hygiene day. They reinforce hand-washing practices, wash hair and, most importantly, treat for lice. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to purchase a lice comb for use in lice-eradication efforts like those at Solong Kandal Church.


Price: $2 Advance: 3020542 See above description of CDH21 Lice Comb. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to purchase lice shampoo for use in liceeradication efforts like those at Solong Kandal Church.


Price: $10 Advance: 3020542 For sick villagers in Cambodia, the most cost-prohibitive part of treatment is often not the medicine itself, but the price of transportation to city hospitals from their outlying rural provinces. The trip in and of itself can be daunting, taking as long as 16 hours from some of the countrys most remote villages, and the cost puts hospital treatment out of reach for many.

To help ease the burden on sick patients, Community Health and Agricultural Development (CHAD) helps cover expenses of transportation, and even gives a daily meal allowance during their stay. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to fund one patients round-trip hospital transportation costs.


Price: $1 Advance: 3020542 See above description of CDH32 Round-trip Hospital Transport. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Community Health and Agricultural Development program (CHAD) to fund one day of a patients meals either on the way to, or during their appointment at, the hospital.


Price: $10 Advance: 14921A Every morning and afternoon, six days a week, the roads of Cambodia are littered with schoolchildren on their way on their way to and from class. They are easy to spot in their trademark uniforms: white collared shirts and blue slacks or skirts. For many of these children, their school uniforms are quite simply the best clothes they own, and they can usually only afford one set. But for thousands more children, even that $10 uniform set is a high-ticket item their families just cannot afford. And without a uniform, those children are not allowed the opportunity to attend public school. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Street Children program to purchase a uniform set for one elementary school child.


Price: $5 Advance: 14921A Slum children in Phnom Penh dont have much going for them, but thanks to the work of United Methodist Missionary Clara Biswas, they can experience the joy of Christmas. Every year Biswas puts on a Christmas program for children at

Daem Kor Village, who scavenge at the dump site, as well as for orphans at the Children of Light Home. They learn and relearn the Christmas story so they can put on a pageant, taking on the roles of shepherds and kings, angels and stable creatures. And after they take their bows, the children partake in a special Christmas meal, where each of them receives a small gift. Its truly a special moment for all of the children. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Street Children program to purchase a Christmas meal and gift for one child.


Price: $20 Advance: 14921A See above description of CHL21 Christmas Meal & Gift for One Child Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the health sector of the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Street Children program to purchase props for the childrens Christmas pageants at Daem Kor Village and Children of Light Home.


Price: $350 Advance: 14923A Cambodian youth have a heavy burden on their shoulders. Many of them drop out of school early to find jobs to provide for their families, but even those with high school diplomas have difficulty finding work in a job market with a 15 percent youth unemployment rate. But there is one in-demand profession for young people in Cambodia. Due to a sudden explosion of transportation infrastructure in the country, automotive and motorcycle mechanics are much sought-after. And through a 14-week training course at the Methodist-run Faith Engine Ministry school, youth from rural villages can learn the mechanic skills they need to find good-paying jobs. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Faith Engine Ministry School to pay tuition as well as room and board expenses for one student to attend the mechanic school.


Price: $15 Advance: 14923A See above description of FEM01 Full-ride Scholarship. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Faith Engine Ministry School to purchase a wrench set that will be presented to an FEM student upon his or her graduation. This tradition literally provides the FEM graduates with the tools they need to continue practicing their trade, or even to put them on the path toward opening their own small repair shop an ambition shared (and achieved) by many FEM graduates.


Price: $500 Advance: 14917A Pastors in Cambodia make many sacrifices. As leaders in the minority Christian community, they can face ridicule from their friends or family and discrimination in their hometowns. They also receive very little compensation for their efforts, and most have to farm or teach on the side to make ends meet. The Cambodian Methodist Bible School is trying to remove at least one obstacle in the way of would-be pastors by providing their education at a cost of just 10 kilograms of rice per year (about $10). The real cost of tuition, which includes room and board, is, of course, much higher, and the school can only hold the line on its fees through the generosity of donors. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Cambodia Methodist Bible School to provide a one-semester scholarship for an aspiring pastor.


Price: $5 Advance: 00230A (When donating to this Advance number, donors MUST specify Christian Education in the memo line) The pastor of Emmanuel Church is typical of any in Cambodia. He has no Sunday School resources for the 28 youth and more than 100 children in his flock. Its a picture repeated throughout the country, where youth and children compromise a majority of many congregations. Yet, there are few resources available to help them learn the stories of Jesus in a language they understand. The Methodist Christian Education Committee sees this as a serious problem

and is helping remedy it by producing Sunday School booklets in the childrens native Khmer language that contain age-appropriate lesson plans, activities, and crafts to help foster these children and teens spiritual development. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Christian Education Committee to fund the production and printing of Sunday School resource materials for one church.


Price: $40 Advance: 00230A (When donating to this Advance number, donors MUST specify Christian Education in the memo line) At churches throughout Cambodia, youth and children compromise a majority of the congregation, showing up sometimes by the hundreds. Providing ageappropriate and understandable Sunday School programming for these eager learners is one of the most powerful ways of reaching the next generation of Cambodians with the love of Christ. But many of the Sunday School teachers are merely youth themselves and find they are poorly equipped for such a massive undertaking. The Methodist Christian Education Committee has taken upon itself the task of training these educators, holding annual sessions on topics ranging from Biblical storytelling to arts and crafts, and worship leading. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to the Methodist Mission in Cambodias Christian Education Committee to fund one Sunday School teachers training.


Price: $400 Advance: 3020791 Of the low percentage of Cambodian youth who manage to successfully obtain their high school diploma, even fewer will be able to afford the costs of higher education, which is critical in a job market with a youth unemployment rate of 15 percent, but nonetheless out of reach due to its hefty price tag. At about $400 a year, the average Cambodian universitys tuition far exceeds the profits from a typical familys rice harvest usually their sole source of income. Each year, 20 youth get the chance to attend college on a scholarship from the Methodist Mission in Cambodia. Money contributed to this catalog item will provide a one-year university scholarship to a Cambodian student.


Price: $40 Advance: 3020791 See above description of SCH01 Full-year Tuition. Money contributed to this catalog item will help assist a scholarshiped student through the Methodist Mission with the cost of university textbooks.


Price: $200 Advance: 3020788 Hand-woven Cambodian silk is a sought-after commodity, combining generations of knowledge and rich Khmer culture in each and every ream of finished silk. But the start-up materials needed for weaving in particular, the raw silk thread is much too costly for even skilled craftswomen to afford. This has resulted in a cycle of indentured weaving, wherein women purchase the raw silk from the only people willing to extend them credit middlemen, who loan the silk with the agreement that the women will sell them the finished product well below market cost. This arrangement earns the women almost nothing, and ensures they will never save up the funds to buy their own thread, trapping them in a cycle of indentured servanthood. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to Cambodian Methodist Womens Livelihood Projects for the purchase of one ream of silk thread.


Price: $10 Advance: 3020788 Bamboo basketware is everywhere in Cambodia. Its used to toss rice as part of the harvest, to catch fish, move dirt and store belongings. Baskets are a practical household item that are always in demand. Its no surprise, then, that women with the skill to weave baskets can run flourishing small businesses out of their homes. Cambodian Methodist Women helps these entrepreneurs by providing them with the capital or materials they need to get started. And unlike other microfinance organizations, instead of paying CMW back, these women repay their loans by promising to pass their trade skills on to other women. In this way, a one-time loan can give a livelihood, and the independence that comes with it, to an entire village. This was the case for one village in Svay Rieng Province, near the Vietnam border, where one loan recipient started hosting weaving workshops for all the women in her village, and led to the start of

multiple womens weaving operations. Instead of decreasing the demand for her own baskets, the workshops instead created an entire village of skilled weavers, which is now reputed for its quality basketware. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to Cambodian Methodist Womens Livelihood Projects to purchase start-up materials for one basket weaver.


Price: $30 Advance: 3020789 Domestic violence pervades the very fabric of Cambodian families. Statistics vary but remain consistently high, from one-in-four to one-in-six women falling victim to abuse by her husband. Cambodian Methodist Women are working to change this detrimental trend, hosting couples conflict resolution workshops, which train husband-and-wife pairs on peaceful means of solving their differences. Moreover, the structure of the workshop focuses on enabling the couples to re-teach the methods they learn to their home churches and villages, so that the message spreads. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to Cambodian Methodist Women to provide a fellowship luncheon during a conflict-resolution training session.


Price: $2 Advance: 3020789 See above description of WTN21 Fellowship Meal. Money contributed to this catalog item will go to Cambodian Methodist Women to provide a study guide and resource materials for one couple at a conflictresolution training session.

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