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Task: Write an SAQ on the prompt below using the Festinger study.

∙ Description of the method.

∙ Description of the study
∙ Explanation of why this method is used.

The method used is called observation. Its aim is to gather first-hand information in the
natural environment. We know different types of observations. An observation can be either
participant or non-participant. The difference is, that in the participant observations,
researchers are part of the experiment, while in the non-participant they are not. We can use
Stanford's prison experiment as a non-participant study and Festinger's study as a participant
study. Another way to sort them is by dividing them into covert and overt observations. In
the covert observations, participants are not aware that they are part of the experiment, while
in the over ones they are. For example, the Stanford prison experiment was an overt study,
while Festinger's study was a covert one. Last, and probably the most important one, is the
difference between naturalistic observation and lab observations. In the naturalistic
observations, researchers have to infiltrate into the natural environment. The Stanford prison
experiment was a lab study, meanwhile Festinger's study was a naturalistic study. Lab
observations are easier to carry out, but might not be as accurate as the naturalistic ones,
because of the participant biases.

Festinger’s study was done in a small UFO cult called the seekers that believed that a great
flood was imminent and that spacemen would rescue those who were true believers. Festinger
wanted to find out how the members of the cult would cope when they realised that this
apocalyptic event did not happen. The researchers joined the cult, by claiming they are also
believers and then they observed the behaviour of the cult members. The goal of the
observations was first to determine the degree to which each member was convinced of the
truth of the belief system. Festinger and his team carried out a covert participant naturalistic
observation. It was covert because the members of the cult were unaware that the researchers
were studying them. They believed that they were members of the cult. It was a participant
observation because the researchers became members of the group that they were studying -
and interacted with them.

The Festinger research was based on covert observation because there is no other way to
observe the workings of the cult. Participants were treated as a closed group because this was
the only way for the researchers to observe the functioning of the cult. It would not be
possible to observe the group from the outside and get reasonable results. And because of
participation, the researcher had more control. With the use of covert observation, people did
not change their behaviour which can be changed in specific circumstances. The study is
treated as naturalistic, because it was carried out in a real cult environment.

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