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Adrianus Andri1
Borong Public General Hospital, East Nusa Tenggara, Indonesia

Corresponding Author: Adrianus Andri. Borong Public General Hospital

E-mail : Adrianusandri100@gmail.com

Received 07 September 2023; Accepted 28 September 2023; Online Published 20 Oktober 2023


Background: This study aimed to compare the incidence of acute watery diarrhea in children aged
0-12 years between exclusive breastfeeding compared to formula milk and diarrhea incidence in
Borong Regional Public Hospital, Indonesia. Method: This was a cross-sectional design study with
a sample size of 60 infants. Information was obtained through interviews and medical record when
admission. Univariate data were presented in distribution frequency table form and bivariate analysis
data were analyzed by using Mann-Whitney test. Results: The incidence of diarrhea in children aged
0-12 years was dominated by children who consumed formula milk (68.3%) from the total study
sample. The results also found that there was a nonsignificant difference between exclusive
breastfeeding compared to infant formula milk and the incidence of diarrhea in infants under 1 year
of age. Conclusion: The incidence of diarrhea was lower among infants with exclusive breastfeeding
compared to infants with formula milk, although the difference is insignificant.

Keywords: outcome, microbiota, newborn

INTRODUCTION: months of life may prevent 2.5 million

instances of gastrointestinal infections (GI).2
Particularly in less developed The best feeding strategy for newborns
countries, diarrheal illness affects children is generally accepted to be breastfeeding,
regularly. Poor feeding practices, such as the which offers several health advantages to both
early introduction of supplemental feeding and the mother and the child. Direct breastfeeding,
which is the practice of providing a newborn
poor hygiene, are usually implicated.
with only breast milk and no other food or
Understanding the link between eating habits liquid, is crucial throughout the first six
and diarrhea is crucial for properly preventing months of life. However, the practice of
and treating illness in children.1 exclusive breastfeeding still encounters
Probiotics and bioactive compounds difficulties despite the benefits that are known
found in human breast milk have been shown to exist. It has been discovered that a mother's
to offer protection, hasten the maturity of the decision to give her baby formula milk instead
neonatal intestinal mucosa, and support of exclusively breastfeeding is influenced by
systemic immunity. One of the best therapies factors like maternal education, healthcare
to prevent baby diarrhea is exclusive provider support, and formula milk
breastfeeding (EBF). Globally, it is predicted marketing.3
that EBF administered during the first six

A study that was published in the whose previous pregnancies were less than 37
Jurnal Ilmiah Kesehatan Diagnosis found a weeks are all excluded. Acute diarrhea is a
link between formula feeding and the condition marked by recurrent, more than
three times per day, liquid-containment bowel
likelihood of newborns developing diarrhea.
movements that last fewer than 14 days.
According to the study, infants who are Exclusive breastfeeding refers to nursing only
exclusively breastfed had a lower risk of from the mother's breast, without additional
developing diarrhea than those who are food or liquids.
provided formula milk. This is so that bacteria Information was gathered from the
that can cause diarrhea don't thrive, which is patient's medical record. Data was collected
why formula milk preparation and hygiene are from January to July 2023. The infants'
feeding habits, such as whether they were
solely breastfed or given formula milk, as well
Therefore, it's critical to comprehend as whether they experienced diarrhea, were
how feeding habits affect a baby's likelihood determined from their medical records.
of developing diarrhea. If direct breastfeeding Frequency distribution tables are used to
is not possible, it is crucial to recognize if present univariate data, and the chi square test
formula feeding is totally prohibited or if it is is used to perform bivariate data analysis.
a viable option. The purpose of this study was Bivariate data analysis is carried out using the
chi square test, and univariate data are
to examine the connection between infants' presented as frequency distribution tables. The
incidence of diarrhea with either exclusive statistical program SPSS 23.0 was used to
breastfeeding or formula milk. conduct the data analysis.

This study was carried out at the The results of this study showed that
Borong Regional Public Hospital in the the incidence of watery diarrhea in children
Indonesian province of East Nusa Tenggara. mostly occurred in the average child aged 6
The number of newborns in the sample was years as shown in Table 1. The sex
60. Infants younger than 12 months old who distribution in this study was also not too
were admitted to Borong Regional Public much different (Male: 32 subjects, Female: 28
Hospital meet the inclusion criteria. Infants subjects) as attached to Table 2.
with serious illnesses or chronic diarrhea,
infants with low birth weights, and infants

Minimu Maximu Std.

N m m Mean Deviation
Age 60 1 12 6.78 3.655
Valid N
Table 1. Descriptive Statistics

Frequenc Valid Cumulative
y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Female 28 46.7 46.7 46.7
Male 32 53.3 53.3 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0
Table 2. Gender Distribution

In Table 3, it can be seen that the incidence of Whitney test and obtained a value of p =
diarrhea in children aged 0-12 years is 0.144. The p value is <0.05 so that it can be
dominated by infants who consume formula stated that there is insignificant difference in
milk (68.3% in infants who consume formula the incidence of watery diarrhea in children
milk). Based on these data, a statistical aged 0-12 years who consume breast milk or
analysis test was carried out with the Mann- formula milk (Table 4).

Frequenc Valid Cumulative

y Percent Percent Percent
Valid Breastfeedin
19 31.7 31.7 31.7
41 68.3 68.3 100.0
Total 60 100.0 100.0
Table 3. Feeding Practice

Mann-Whitney U 298.000
Wilcoxon W 1159.000
Z -1.462
Asymp. Sig. (2-
Table 4. Test Statistics

DISCUSSION: which is the primary site of postnatal

immune activation, is connected to both
Health outcomes for children are health and sickness in children.
influenced by the mother's diet during Breastfeeding, as opposed to formula
pregnancy and the baby's diet throughout feeding, has been shown to increase some
infancy. The child's gut microbiome, taxa (i.e., a group of related organisms,

such as those of a species, genus, class, intelligence tests, higher academic
etc.), such as Bifidobacterium spp., in the accomplishment, and higher earnings. The
gut.18 quantity of long-chain polyunsaturated
The World Health Organization fatty acids in breast milk, which are crucial
(WHO) suggests that a baby should only for brain growth and development, may
be breastfed for the first six months of his play a role in these long-term advantages.
or her life. The effects of early nutrition on In addition to promoting maternal
health have been thoroughly researched. connection, breastfeeding may also aid in
Breastmilk or infant formula are not the the growth of the child. The advantages of
only sources of nutrition at any other stage breastfeeding for one's physical and
of life. For instance, breastfeeding has mental development support its promotion
been associated with a reduced risk of and may have significant economic and
obesity and atopy in the long run, as well social effects.8
as a reduced risk of infection in the According to a study from
newborn period. A child's needs for Indonesia, there is a substantial correlation
macro- and micronutrients can be met by between the occurrence of diarrhea in
infant formula, but there are still a lot of
Indonesia and infants aged 0 to 6 months
bioactive compounds in human milk that
have not been added to the formula. who are not exclusively breastfed. Infants
Several of these components, including as who do not receive exclusive breastfeeding
proteins and oligosaccharides, partially are 2.12 times more likely to experience
enter the large intestine undigested and diarrhea than infants who do.6 Infants aged
thereby affect the developing lower-gut 0 to 6 months who were exclusively
microbiota.23 breastfed, partially breastfed, or fed infant
The preventive effects of
milk formula displayed significantly
breastfeeding against diarrhea incidence,
prevalence, hospitalizations, diarrhea different diarrhea incidence rates. Infants
mortality, and all-cause mortality have 0–6 months old who are breastfed get less
been well documented, according to a diarrhea. The first six months of a baby's
systematic review. The results of random existence should be spent solely on
effects meta-analyses of the eighteen breastfeeding, the mother is urged. To
studies that were included showed that reduce infants' occurrence of diarrhea
different levels of breastfeeding exposure
between 0 and 6 months old, the Primary
conferred varying degrees of protection,
with the greatest protection being Health Care sector improves public
conferred by exclusive breastfeeding education and promotion campaigns.10
among infants 0–5 months of age and by In the current study, babies less
any breastfeeding among infants and than 6 months had an average rate of
young children 6-23 months of age. In exclusive breastfeeding of 87.6%, and
particular, compared to exclusive EBF was strongly linked to a lower risk of
breastfeeding among infants 0–5 months childhood diseases. EBF reduced the
of age (RR: 10.52) and to any likelihood of illness in the previous two
breastfeeding among children ages 6–23 weeks accompanied by fever, cough, and
months (RR: 2.18), not breastfeeding was diarrhea. Potential confounders have no
associated with an elevated risk of diarrhea effect on these correlations. Our research,
mortality.15 which is the first to look at the connection
Breastfeeding improves a child's between exclusive breastfeeding and
chances of survival in the near term and is childhood diseases in Ethiopia, adds to the
positively linked to long-term gains in body of knowledge already available.11
human capital, such as better results on

The composition of the gut the nurse increases the activity of
microbiota may be influenced by nutrition. dispensing health information on lactation
Infants who are formula-fed are more or exclusive breastfeeding to pregnant
likely to have Bacteroides and Clostridium
women, especially those who are low
perfringens than breast-fed newborns are
to have Bifidobacteria and Clostridium educated and housewives, and that all
difficile. Penders et al. looked at 100 parties support the mother for the success
vaginally delivered, full-term babies who of breastfeeding7.
had not received any antibiotics. While bottle-feeding was linked to
Compared to formula-fed newborns, a higher risk of ARI in Ethiopian children,
breast-fed infants had lower intestinal EIBF and EBF were protective against
concentrations of Clostridium difficile ARI and diarrhea. Diarrhea was less likely
(p=0.03) and E. coli (p=0.004).20 to occur in babies who were primarily
The article selected as a source for breastfed. Our study implies that in order
this work is a selection of articles from the to lessen the incidence of ARI and diarrhea
years 2018 through 2022 that have been among Ethiopian children, community-
sorted according to the inclusion criteria. and facility-based interventions that focus
Formula feeding and diarrhea are strongly on improved IYCF practices should be
correlated or associated. Infants who are prioritized and scaled up.5
fed formula have a higher chance of The metabolism may be affected
developing diarrhea and have a higher by early diet long after childhood, even
frequency of diarrheal episodes. Infants into maturity. The majority of infants also
are more likely to get diarrhea if formula drink some formula, even though breast
milk is served in an improper or unclean milk is the best source of nutrients for
manner.17 them. Infant formula can still narrow the
This investigation makes it obvious difference between neonates who are
how crucial breastfeeding techniques are nursed and those who are fed formula,
to a baby's survival. Beyond its role in despite clear advances. The reduction of
lowering exposure to tainted food, which protein content, modification of the lipid
may have contributed to the great matrix, and addition of prebiotics,
protection against diarrhea deaths, probiotics, and synbiotics are highlighted
exclusive breastfeeding's involvement in as improvements to metabolic health.19
the prevention of infectious diseases is Infants who took the baby formula
highlighted by the decrease in ARI exhibited gut microbiota compositions that
mortality.13 According to the reviewed were more similar to those of breastfed
studies, nursing is a key strategy for infants in terms of richness and variety, as
preventing and defending against diarrhea well as greater levels of calprotectin,
in young children. The findings imply that compared to infants who consumed the
this approach is crucial to lowering post- Standard formula. Furthermore, we
neonatal mortality and the hospitalization discovered that the primary bacterial
rate for pediatric diarrheal illnesses.14 metabolic pathways of the BF and baby
It can be said that there was a formula groups were more similar to those
connection between infants' incidence of of the STD formula group. This shows that
diarrhea and exclusive breastfeeding. The adopting the novel infant formula in the
incidence of diarrhea decreases the longer future may alter the gut microbiota's
makeup, resulting in a healthier intestinal
the baby is exclusively breastfed. The microbiome.21
majority of mothers were found to be A follow-up study by Innova 2020
housewives and less educated, according revealed that both the infant formula and
to the survey. Therefore, it is preferable if the BF formula had a similar effect on the

fecal microbiota, in silico metabolic The annual cost to the healthcare
pathways, and several biochemical system from mothers who did not
indicators related to immunity after a year. breastfeed in accordance with
The addition of novel compounds to initial recommendations was calculated at
recipes is a developing area of inquiry that US$118 million. The average cost of the
should always be assessed by randomized healthcare system and out-of-pocket
clinical trials. Future intervention research expenses were $11.37 and $3.85,
should focus on the microbiological respectively. This cost is made up of
processes by which nutrition affects the US$29.98 million in non-medical patient
development of the gut during the first charges and US$88.64 million in provider
year of life and beyond.22 costs. The Indonesian government must
Resuming meals as soon as feasible make investments in breastfeeding
can reduce intestinal osmotic pressure protection, promotion, and support
brought on by infections, reduce the length because it might save the country's
of diarrhea, and improve children's healthcare system a lot of money if
nutritional status (evidence level A). A diet mothers don't breastfeed as recommended.
free of lactose can also reduce the length As shown by earlier studies, in order to
of diarrhea in children (evidence level B). fully comprehend the economic effects of
After receiving oral or IV rehydration not breastfeeding in accordance with
during an acute diarrheal episode, you advice, it is also necessary to take into
should as soon as possible start eating consideration the long-term costs
again. Give an age-appropriate diet, let associated with cognitive impairments.12
breastfed newborns and young children This recent study found that the
continue to nurse, and suggest low-lactose incidence of diarrhea in infants is
or lactose-free formula for those receiving especially prevalent in infants who
formula milk. For older kids, there are no consume formula milk. This supports
dietary restrictions; they can eat cereals, previous studies that found that breast milk
meat, yogurt, fruits, and vegetables. is one of the protective factors against the
Making sure there are enough calories is incidence of diarrhea. The statistical
the key goal. Supplementing with nutrition results of this study showed insignificant
is advised after healing. Monosaccharide- difference which can be caused by the lack
rich foods should be avoided, including of research samples, so that a larger
carbonated beverages, jellies, canned research sample is needed in future
juices, sweets, and other sugary beverages. studies. In addition, other factors that can
Foods high in fat should also be avoided.16 cause diarrhea in infants cannot be
Millions of people's lives could be ignored, such as hygiene factors,
improved through breastfeeding on a socioeconomic status, maternal education
global scale. The lifelong health effects of and immune status of each infant played
an important role.
breastfeeding are significantly improved.
The ideal time to start breastfeeding is CONCLUSION:
within the first hour after birth, and it
should be done exclusively for at least six There is an insignificant difference
months before stopping. Mother-infant in the incidence of diarrhea between
dyads need multiple tiers of assistance, infants who consumed formula milk or
from policymakers to health professionals breast milk. However, in presentation, the
to community leaders to their direct family incidence of diarrhea is dominated by
members, in order to meet global children who consumed formula milk.
breastfeeding targets.9

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