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141-1·13 MOTIJl·IEEL. Cl/\ . Dl·IAKA- 1000
PIIONE: 02-951 ])05. Fi\X : 02-958730 I

Nt\rvtE OF CANDIDATE ............................................................ CDC NO.

AT1'E.i\1PT- DATE:
STC\V Reg 11/1 Roll No.
I. Plan and Conduct a Passage Including Pusitiun Determination.
a. Passage Planning with respect to the LISI:' or navigation publications including
na\'igational charts ( including ECDIS and RCDS). sailing direclions, list of light. tide
tables, radio navigational warnings and ships routeing inforiiiation.
b. port radio services. VTIS. Port operation and pilot services.
c. the requirements or ship routeing and mandatory reporting systems.
d. IALA systems of maritime bouoyage . ·
c. electronic navigational systems limitations and sources of error. methods of correction.
f. limitation of electronic chart system including ECDIS and RCDS navigational chart
g. RADAR and ARPA-practical use, modes of operation. limitation. sources of error and
parallel indexing.
h. to i,sc an azimuth mirror for taking bearings including the determination of compass
i. to usc a sextant. identify and correct errors.
j. sources of meteorological information. ability lo use and inll:rpret in formation obt~ined
from ship borne Meteorological office \\'ill be taken as weather, systems. reporting and
recording systems.

2. Maintain a Sale Navigational Watch. .,

a. a thorough Kno.vledge of the principles of navigatkmal watchkceping at sea.
including under pilotage. and watchkeeping at anchor and .in port .
b. a thorough knowledge of the content. application and · intent of the international
Regulations for Preventing Collisions at Sea.
c. RADAR and ARPA-practical use. modes of operation, limitation. sources of error
and parallel indexing. •'
d. understand the use or bridge equipment, including ra\~ or turn indicator. course
recorder, echo sounder and NA VTEX.
e. knowledge or steering control systems including automatic pilot. operational
procedures and change over from manual to automatic control and vice-verse-a,
adjustment of controls for optimum performance, Steering test and drill. NFll and
emcr!!cncy steering. ,
f. k~owledge and aprlication or the ICS Bridge Proceclurcs-Quicle.
g. Precautions for ici.: navigation.
3. Compasses.
a. use. care and limitation or the magnetic and gyro compasses and associated
equirment including automatic pilot.
4. Manoeuvre the Sh9p. .
a. preparation for getting under way, duties prior to proceeding to sea. making harbour
entering a dock berthing alongside quays, jetties or other ship, and securing to buoys.
b. usc and care or mooring lines and associated equipment.
I ,

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c. helm orders. conning the ship, effccls of (ll"O(lellcrs on the steering of a shi(l • effects
of wind and ct11Tent stopping, going nstern turn short round interaction an~ squat.

ti .
nrnnoeuvring in the \'icinity of pilot vessels nnd other craft • embarking Hnd
llisembarking a pilot.
ctkct llr various tkad\\ eight. dralts. trim. speed and under keel clearances on_ wrnmg
. •
circle and slopping distances. manol.!uvring hoollcl. pilt card . effect of wind Ull<.I
current on ship hnmlling · · .
c. action in even\ or failure: bridge control. telegraph or steering : emergency Slccring
r. propl.!r procedures for anchoring.


l. Loading and Unloading ol'Cargocs. ·
a. use and care or synthetic librc and wire ropes, asccrtnining or safe-working londs . .
b. Use care and maintenance or ships machinery, deck appliances and cargo handling
c. basic knowledge of the regulations and recommendations affecting cargo
d. handling, stowage, securing and carriage, including the IMDG Code. Deck cargo-
grain cargo-timber-bulk-ore-container-refrigerated -dangerous goods- oi I-chemical -
gas- heavy lilt.
e. Cargo securing manunl
r. use of the hydrometer.
I. Response to navigational emergencies.
a. initial action following,: man overboard. collision grounding . noocling or major
mechanical damage. and receipt of a distress message. initial damage assessment nnd
control, protection ol'the marine environment.
b. precautions for the protection and snfety or passengers in emergency situations.
c. use of the International Aeronautical and Marine Search ,md Rescue (IAMSAR)
Manual (Volume Ill), distress and emergency signals; Search and r.: ~rnL· around the
U.K. and world -wide. '

2. Response to other emergencies.

a. li°nderstanding of the organizational procedures of the emergency parties and drills.
b. Action during distress and when disabled, ship abandonment and rescue.
c. precautions for towing other vessels and being towed.
d. Safety during helicopter operation
e. Assisting vessels in distress and rescuing persons at sea.
r. knowledge or the fire prevention, use and care or the lire-fighting appliances. the
shut-down and isolation or plant and equipment . escape_and breathing apparatus. fire
and safety plans.
g. Fire zone. emergency eseupe
h. knowledgt: of classes und chemistry of tire. ;
I. understanding or action to be taken in the event of tire including fires involving oil.
j. use and care of lifo-snving appliances and equiprncnt,.including hand held radio,
EPIRBs, .SARTs. immersion suits and thermal protective·. aids and rockets ' throwino.::, \
l ine. E
k. meaning of marking on survival eran and associated equipment. t
I. correct use of distress signals and awareness or penalties of misuse. 1
launch and manage survivnl crnfl and nssociated equipmel)t .
precaution for the protection nnd safety or passengers in e1)1ergencies.
knowledge of the contents of SOLAS trnining manuals and maintenance logs.
p. basic principles of' survival technique.. ·
q. appreciation of action to be taken when emergencies arise in port.
r. sources of mcdicul information available.

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/ /
I ~
3. Com1111111k:1tio11s.
a. use or
distress and c111crgcm:y signals ln1crna1ional Code
Sl::rndnnl Marine Ct11m111111ka10011 l>iuw;cs.
or Signals und the IMO

h. emergency co1mm111icnlio11 within thc GMDSS rcgulntioi1s.


I. Pol1111ion Prcvcmion Rl'quircmcnls.
a. MARPOL 73/78 precautions lo b"i: taken 10 rn.:vcnl pollution of the murinc
c11viro11mc11t as required by the MARPOL convcnlions, including Restricted Areas
am\ the disposal ol' pollutunls.
b. basic understanding or SOPEP 11rnm111l, Garbage Mnnagcmcnt P~an and anti
pollution equipment .
c. London d\llnping convc11tion- l11tervcntion convention -Civil liability convention.

2. Scaworthinncss or the Shi 11.

a. l111<.lcrstand fundamentals ol'water1igh1 integrity and the closing or all openings including
hatch covers. access hatches nncl wa1cnigh1 doors .
b. Prepnration for heavy weuther.
c. Name of the principal structures or vessels
d. Mainlaining water l~ghtncss integrity. load line items actions lo be taken during ingress
or water. _ict1isoning of cargo from deck. damage to hull and hatch, cargo shifting.
e. Dyr docking with and without cargo
r. Use and cnrc of winch, widlass. capstan. davit. fair lead, fitting between anchor and
chain locker. hanging nnchor, parling chain.
g. Anchor-types and their advantage and disadvantage, -preparations for anchoring,
anchoring with single anchor and use of second anchor, anchoring with current and
congested ,~•ater. clearing foul anchor aiid foul hawse. ··' .

3. Legislative Requirements.
a. Natio~1al and international law & treaty. IMO, ILO, UN, CCIR. ITU, CMI
b. UMSO and rules made there under.
c. h,ternatiqnal Marilime Law, UNCLOSS-1erritorial sea, conti!!uous zone, EEZ.
continental shelf, high seas, lnternaiional straits. -
cl. contents and usi: of Merchant Shipping Notices, Marine Guidance Notes. Marine
Information Notes and Annual summ,ll) of Admiralty Notice to Mariners.
e. Knowledge and application of current Merchant S_hipping l-lealth and Safetv
Legislation and the Code of Safe Working Practice for Merchant Seamen . Entrv int~
enclosed spaces. · •
r. basic knowl~dge ot·~·elevant IM? conventions concerning snli!ty at sea. and prowction
of the marine envJronmcnt. SOLAS-MARPOL-STCW-LOAD LINE-TONNAGE-
S I i", -Protocol and rules on STP, ITU Radio regulations, Athens conventio
carnage o1· passengers ::incI l hcir. Iuggage by sea (PAL74) . . ns on
;:- • Certificates to be carried by ships ·
h. rurpose and application of the ISM and ISPS Code.
I. Purpose of Flag State .and Pon Control State.
j. Pilot ladder regulations. ·
k. Log books.


DAIL.. ...................... ........... SIGNATURF OF EXAMINER

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