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Strona bierna i have something done - ćwiczenia

Zad 1. Przetłumacz poniższe zdania na język angielski.

1. Złodziej został zauważony przez sąsiadkę.


2. Dzieci nie mogą być tutaj wpuszczane.


3. Wyniki zostaną ogłoszone w przyszłym tygodniu.


4. Ta farma została sprzedana.


5. Ten stary dom został zburzony w zeszłym miesiącu.


6. Zostałam okradziona.


7. Mój samochód został skradziony.


8. Obiad jest właśnie podawany.


9. Pokazano nam nowe mieszkanie.

10. Mówi się, że on jest skąpy.


11. Zareportowano, że 2 sklepy zostały obrabowane.


Zad 2. Zamień poniższe zdania na stronę bierną.

1. Somebody will send my letter.


2. They clean this park every day.


3. People believe that he owns a boat.


4. Dust covered our furniture.


5. They have promoted him.


6. They do not teach French in this school.


7. Someone is serving drinks right now.

8. Students must write the answers in ink.


9. They are repairing the roads in our town.


10. They will cut down the trees in the park.


12. People say that Paul was communicating with FBI.


Zad 3. Zamień poniższe zdania na formę have sth done.

1. When will your glasses be made?


2. I hired a professional to cater for my party.


3. Did you ask anyone to sweep the chimney?


4. She asked him to do the shopping.


5. Their house was burgled last night.

6. He employed a carpenter to build the fence.


7. Julie’s housekeeper irons all her clothes.


8. His shop’s windows were smashed in the riot.


9. Pete must have sent my letter


10. He should plant some more flowers.


Zad 4. Przepisz znadania używając formy have sth done.

1) They serviced Ken’s car yesterday. – Ken………

2) They’re repairing our roof at the moment. – We……

3) They’re going to fit a stereo in my car. –I ………

4) Someone cleans Sue’s flat once a week. –Sue……

5) Has anyone tested your eyes recently? –Have you………..?

6) Someone stole John’s briefcase last week. –John………

7) Someone cleans her house. – She…….

8) Someone cooks her meals. –She………

9) Their windows need to be cleaned. –They need………

10) The hairdresser was styling Mrs Brown’s hair. –Mrs Brown……
11) She told her son to carry the shopping to the house. –She. ……..

12) Dad is going to arrange for someone to cut the grass . –Dad is going………

13) They used to employ a cleaner who cleaned the house. –They used……

14) Did the mechanic repair Paul’s motorbike? –Did Paul……..?

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