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Q1: Docker Toolbox is an installer for quick setup and launch of a Docker environment on

Mac and Windows systems. Select all of the Docker tools that come with the Docket

a A shell pre-configured for a Docker command-line environment

b Docker Machine for running docker-machine commands

c Oracle VirtualBox

d A shell post-configured for a Docker command-line environment

e Oracle RealBox Containers

f Docker Compose for running the docker-compose commands

Q2: Data Warehouse provides?

a None

b Storage, Functionality Responsiveness to queries

c Demand and Supply Responsiveness

d Transaction Responsiveness

e None of these

f None

Q3: Which operator is included in the data manipulation language (DML)??




d None


f None

Q4: What does the WHERE SQL operator does:?

a None

b changes the order of output rows

c restricts the set of rows to the selection of those records for which the condition is

d None

e converts the value of a column or function to a different type

f eliminates all row repeats from the result set

Q5: What is Solaris??

a None


c Sun microsystems UNIX

d Microsoft’s UNIX

e None


Q6: What are the responsibilities of Replication Controller??

a All of the mentioned

The correct Answer is: None

c Helps to achieve the desired state

d Update or delete multiple pods with a single command

The correct Answer is: None

f Creates a new pod, if the existing pod crashes

Q7: Which of the following is a hosted service that provides a Registry with build and
testing facilities for Dockerized application images, tools to help you set up and manage
your host infrastructure.?
a None

b Docker Cloud

c Docker Compose

d Docker Hub

e Docker Universal Control Plane

f None

Q8: What is the difference between characters \034 and \x34??

a \034 is hex 34 and \x34 is octal 34.

b \034 is octal 34 and \x34 is hex 34.

c None

d None

e None

f None

Q9: How to initialize a docker swarm??

a docker master init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

b docker init swarm --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

c docker init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

d None

e None

f docker swarm init --advertise-addr your_server_ip_here

Q10: Which of the following values would give you the hostname of the remote host in your
Ansible Playbook??

a None
b "{{ hostname }}"

c None

d "{{ server_hostname }}"

e "{{ host }}"

f "{{ ansible_hostname }}"

Q11: Which of the following statements are true??

a Alias names can be up to 64 characters in length

b None

c Alias names can be up to 255 characters in length

d Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 256 characters in length

e Names of databases, tables and columns can be up to 64 characters in length

f None

Q12: Which of the following tags represents a section of the document intended for
navigation in HTML5??

a dialog

b section

c footer

d nav

e None

f None

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