Science 2 Sheet 1

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————————= ACTIVITY SHEETS FOR PRACT) ICE SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (PART 2) ACTIVITY SHEET 1 Time : 2 Hours] [Total Marks : 49 Note : (i) All questions are compulsory. (i) Use of a calculator is not allowed. (itt) The numbers to the right of the questions indicate full marks. (iv) In case of MCQs [Q. No. 1(A))}, only the first attempt will be evaluated and wy be given credit. (v) For each MCQ, the correct alternative (A), (B), (C) or (D) with sub-question number ts to be written as an answer. E.g. : (1) (A), (tt) (B), (itt) (C) (v) Scientifically correct, labelled diagrams should be drawn wherever necessary, Q. 1. (A) Write the correct altern (i) The. man evolved about 50 thousand years ago. (A) Cro Magnon (B) Neanderthal (C) Java man (D) Ramapithecus (i) Longitudinal binary fission is seen in ......-- (A) Paramoectum — (B) Euglena (C) Amoeba (D) Spirogyra .- bacteria decompose the xenobiotic chemicals present in sewage. (A) Hydrocarbonoclastic _(B) Decomposing (©) E.colt (D) Phenol oxidizing (iv) The body organization of unicellular organisms is of ........ grade. (A) cellular (B) tissue (C) protoplasmic —_—(D) organ (v) Generally modified crop ........ has capacity to destroy bollworms. (A) BT brinjal (B) Golden rice (C) BT cotton (D) Matze . 1. (B) Answer the following questions : 8 (i) State whether true or false : Influence of parents is very stronger in case of adolescents. (it) Find the odd one out : ive : (au) Human hand, wing of cockroach, forelimb of bull, flipper of whale. (iii) Give the definition of glycolysis. (iv) Find the correlation Horse : Mammal : : Seahorse : . (v) Give functions of seminal vesicles. Q. 2. (A) Give scientific reasons : (Any two) 4 (i) Fibres are one of the important nutrients. 4) Enzymes obtained by microbial process are mixed with detergents. (iil) Destroying trees is to destroy everything. Q. 2. (B) Answer the following questions : (Any three) 6 (2) Deseribe the process of reproduction in yeast, (i) Give examples of Cyclostomata and Urochordata, 358 NAVNEET PRACTICE PAPERS : STD, x 15 Combustion chamber Emission of hot gases Generator Gas turbine Compressor Electrical energy (a) Which energy is generated from the power plant? (b) State its source. (c) Which is more eco-friendly - Power generation from coal or Power generation from natural gas? Why? i) (a) Name the energy currency of the cell. (b) How is energy obtained during starvation of hunger? (11) (@) In our country, there seems to be lack of awareness regarding reproductive health. Why? (b) Write the symptoms of disease gonorrhea. i (c) What precautions will you take to maintain reproductive health? (iv) Why is it necessary to ban the use of plastic bags? (¥) Complete the following chart : ‘To solve the natural and artificial problems To maintain the balance in nature (vt) Explain these symbols, what disasters can occur if these symbols are ignored? ] @ | J (@) tb) ©) (vit) Solve the following crossword puzzle : (1) Maximum energy generation in India is done using ... (2)... (3) Solar energy can be called -. energy. . energy is a renewable source of energy. --- energy. 4 SECTION 7 : SCIENCE & TECHNOLOGY (PareT 2) sso > 4) _.. energy of wind is used in windmills, ©) energy of water in dams ts used for generation of electricty. (6) ~_ can also yield energy which is obtained by sca. L 6 | ™ ¢ (viii) By choosing appropriate words given In the bracket, complete the paragraph : (translation, anticodon, tRNA, mRNA, amino acids, triplet codon, transcription, DNA) The ......... formed in nucleus comes in cytoplasm. It brings in the coded message from DNA. The message contains the codes for amino acids. The code for each amino acid consists of three nucleotides. It is called a“. Each mRNA is made up of thousands of triplet codons. As per the message on mRNA, ......... are supplied by the . For this purpose, tRNA has having complementary sequence to the codon on mRNA. This is called * Q. 4. Answer the following questions : (Any one) . (i) (a) Define green revolution, white revolution and blue revolution. (b) Write a short note on blue revolution. (ii) Observe the pictures and answer the questions : (a) Playing games on mobile while eating, is right or wrong, Justify. (b) What does picture B indicate? (c) To whom can the boy in picture B be taken? (d) What can happen if we behave as shown in picture C? (e) What is the advantage by activity shown in picture D? Note : Scan the QR Code given on page no. 373 for the complete solution ofthis Activity en] 360 NAVNEET PRACTICE PAPERS : STD. x

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