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MA2101 Engineering Mathematics-III (common for CSE, CCE and IT)

Assignment 1
(Set, Relation, Inclusion & Exclusion Principle, POSET and Lattices)

1. If |A| = 5 and |B| = 10, find the maximum and minimum number of elements in A  B and
A  B. Ans: 10 ≤ |A  B| ≤ 15 and 0 ≤ |A  B| ≤ 5
2. Let Dn denote the set of natural numbers that divide n exactly. Write down the sets D60; D84
and D60  D84. Find the number m such that Dm = D60  D84. Is it true that for any natural
numbers r and s there is a natural number m such that Dm = Dr  Ds.
Ans: m = 12; Yes – gcd(r, s)
3. Let R be a binary relation on the set of all strings of 0s and 1s such that R = {(a, b)/ a and b
are strings that have the same number of 0s}. Is R reflexive? Symmetric? Antisymmetric?
Transitive? A partial ordering relation?
Ans: Yes, Yes, No, Yes, No
4. Let R be a binary relation on set of books such that (a, b) is in R, if a costs more and contains
fewer pages than book b. In general, is R is reflexive? Symmetric? Antisymmetric?
Transitive? Ans: No, No, Yes, Yes
5. Give an example of relation that is
a) both symmetric and antisymmetric
b) Neither symmetric nor antisymmetric
c) Reflexive and symmetric but not transitive
d) Reflexive and transitive but not symmetric
e) Symmetric and transitive but not reflexive
f) Partial ordering relation

6. Let A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 12}. Consider the partial order of divisibility on A. That is for a and
b  A, a ≤ b if and only if a|b. Draw the Hasse diagram of the poset (A, ≤). 12

4 3


7. Let S = {a, b, c} and A = P(S). Draw the Hasse diagram of the poset A with the partial order
⊆. {a, b, c}

{a, b} {a, c} {b, c}


{a} {b} {c}

MA2101 Assignment 1 Unit-I

8. Write the ordered pairs in the relation determined by the Hasse diagram on the set
A = {1, 2, 3, 4} 4

1 2
Ans: {(1,1), (2, 2), (3, 3), (4, 4), (1, 3), (1, 4), (2, 3), (2, 4), (3, 4)}

9. Determine the Hasse diagram of the relation on A = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} whose matrix is shown:
1 1 1 1 1 5
0 1 1 1 1
 
0 0 1 1 1 4
 
0 0 0 1 1
0 0 0 0 1 3

10. Determine the matrix of the partial order whose Hasse diagram is given
2 3 4 5

1 1 1 1 1
0 1 0 0 0 

Ans: 0 0 1 0 0
 
0 0 0 1 0
0 0 0 0 1 

11. Answer the following questions for the poset ({3,5,9,15, 24, 45}, ) where the
relation  is defined by a  b iff a | b :
(a) Find the maximal elements.
(b) Find the minimal elements.
(c) Is there any greatest element?
(d) Is there any least element?

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MA2101 Assignment 1 Unit-I

(e) Find all the upper bounds of {3,5} .

(f) Find the least upper bound (supremum) of {3,5} , if it exists.
(g) Find all the lower bounds of {15, 45} .
(h) Find the greatest lower bound (infimum) of {15, 45} if it exists.

12. Answer the following questions for the poset represented by the given
Hasse diagram:
(a) Find the maximal elements.
(b) Find the minimal elements.
(c) Is there any greatest element?
(d) Is there any least element?
(e) Find all the upper bounds of {a, b, c} .
(f) Find the least upper bound (supremum) of
{a, b, c} , if it exists.
(g) Find all the lower bounds of {f , g, h} .
(h) Find the greatest lower bound (infimum)
of {f , g, h} if it exists.

13. Determine whether the posets represented by the following Hasse diagrams
are lattices:

14. If ℤ+ is the set of positive integers and D denotes the relation of division in ℤ+ such that for
any a, b  ℤ+, aDb  a divides b, show that (ℤ+, D) is a lattice.

15. Show that in a lattice with universal lower bound 0 and universal upper bound 1, 0 is the
unique complement of 1 and 1 is the unique complement of 0.

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MA2101 Assignment 1 Unit-I

16. Show that the idempotent laws follows from the absorption laws.

17. Show that for a, b  ℤ+

(i) max{a, min(a, b)} = a min{a, max(a, b)} = a
(ii) lcm{a, gcd(a, b)} = a; gcd{a, lcm(a, b)} = a.
18. Determine whether the posets represented by the following Hasse diagrams are lattices:

19. Consider the Lattice 𝐿 = {1, 2, 3, 6, 9, 18} under divisibility relation.

a. Which element is zero element of L and which element is 1? (Ans: 1, 18)
b. Find complements (if exists) for the elements 2, 3, 6. (Ans: 9, 6, Not exist)
c. Is L a complemented lattice? (Ans: No)
20. Verify whether the lattice given by the Hasse diagram in Fig. 1 is distributive
(i) Find the complements of the elements 𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐 in the lattices represented by (a) Fig. 1 and (b) Fig.
(ii) Show that the lattice represented by the Hasse diagram in Fig. 3 is complemented but not

21. Find all the partition of 𝑋 = {𝑎, 𝑏, 𝑐, 𝑑}.

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MA2101 Assignment 1 Unit-I

22. Determine the number of integers between 1 and 250 that are divisible by any of the integers 2,
3, 5 and 7. Ans:193
23. Out of 450 students in a school, 193 students read Science and 200 students read Commerce, 80
students read neither. Find out how many read both. Ans. 23
24. Let 𝐴 = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6}. Determine whether or not each of the following is a partition of A.
(i) P1={1, 2, 3}, {1, 4, 5, 6}
(ii) P2 ={1, 2}, {3, 5, 6}
(iii) P3 ={1, 3, 5}, {2, 4}, {6}
(iv) P4 ={1, 3, 5}, {2, 4, 6} Ans: (i) No, (ii) No, (iii) Yes (iv) Yes
25. In a pollution study of 1500 Indian reivers, the following data were reported: 520 were
polluted by sulphur compounds, 335 were polluted by phosphates, 425 were polluted by
crude oil, 100 were polluted by both crude oil and sulphur compounds, 180 were polluted
by sulphur compounds and phosphates, 150 were polluted by both phosphates and crude oil
and 28 were polluted by sulphur compounds, phosphates and crude oil. How many of the
rivers were polluted by at least one of the three impurities? How many reivers were not
polluted by exactly one of the three impurities? How many of the rivers were not polluted?
Ans. 878, 504, 622

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