Principles of Management 2018 Nov (2015 Ad)

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vII- t I .18-18s6 Reg. No.

'ch. Degree VII Semester Examination |Yovember 2018

{201 5 Scheme)

Time:3 Hours Maximum Marks: 60

(Answer ALL questions)
I. (a) Define the term management.
(b) What are the various levels of management?
(o) D ifferenti ate between form al and informal organ izations.
(d) What is productivity index?
(e) Differentiate between ABC and FSN inventory analysis.
(0 Define the terms recruitment and selection.
(e) What is breakeven point? Show in diagram.
(h) Define the term utility.
(i) What are the objectives of IPR?
0) What is marginal costing?

(4" l0:40)
II. (a) What are the important contributions of Gilbreth and Gantt torvards (s)
scientific managcment?
(b) Briefly discuss the important functions of management. (s)
III. (a) \Yhat are the various principles of organization? Discuss. (s)
(b) Briefly discuss the features of various business ownerships. (s)

ry. (a) Explain the process involved in productivity improvement procedures. (s)
(b) What are the functions of inventory control? List out the costs involved in (s)
inventory control calculations.
V. Explain in detail about the functions of project management and the (l 0)
feasibility sfudies involved in project appraisal with some examples.

vl. (a) What are the important functions of personnel management? Discuss, (s)
(b) Write notes on: (s)
(i) Market segmentation (ii) Advertising and sales promotion
VII. (a) Explain the structure of personnel management with the help of an (s)
organizational chart.
(b) What are the various pricing methods adopted in marketing? Discuss each. (5J

VIII. What are the various principles of economics? Explain each with suitable (1 0)
examples of your choice.
x. (a) Explain the procedure involved in filing a patent application. (s)
(b) Write short notes on: (5)
(i) Consumer demand'curve (ii) Rights of patent owner and its duration

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