Chem Experiment 1

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peyiment - 1

Estimatitn of hogdness of weker by EDIn mehsd

Pevmanent ondd
A im:To estimate the am oet of botel
temb vo7y horelness present m he ven
of wlt7 USing EDTA melhrs

rnepe(Ca, H)* EBTP Jess Steble

(ta,Hg Ea7) (awine red)

£OTH 1-10 ( ta, Hy¬PTA)+ E B tlue)

Co,t E67)+
(5tobe ond Colurless)
Frem e alues of EDTA, Honelness Con be Colkalaked

Procichure 1) Stundarolisaklon' of £DTH Civen as 0-0)

Delevmnatton of plol, hovdlness.

pi pette ouk, Lomd of nod wakt, ad 3nl buffey

fallowol by aclelin ET nltott, bitvobin ogainst EDTA

g v e Wine d tolou. cborges to light be ,fom e

volume f EDTA Caltulate honeness of uhber

3) Debemitlobian of hovelness lpewmenetbs
woter Hu is hoiled nd
ipete ou 20m hard

odd 3ml buffer a phMch uf eBT indlicokor

T:boehe anst EDTA l wine qed Colpu elennes be
Nut van Jhe Velune of tin taleslottd evmmer horelres.

4) EStinmation of. Temprroryhordness.

Temtra y bionedness= Tetalhoelness -Pevoned


51 PPM
Totol henelnes of gven akey Sample=

7/5 PPm
laben sampt

Permanent hanplness giren

woal'ey kemge= 24 P
Jemaeny hordnes e gien
be nNation

)standarl'sakion of EDTA
Stardanel honzdueke x EPTA

s l o Volume of Stel BR Volof EDTA

hanl uake 1BRFBR v md)
20 m 16:6

20 ml

3 20 ml 166

werghe of Calls taken 0-19

molarity 0f laco3 0-01 M
60 x01

Velume of sStd hoveluebey 2ome

vaunme of EOTA = 186 m v)

V,M Va M
Moloriy ne EDTA Meolonky of_He soter x wl of lerdar
Vaume of EDTA(V
0 y20 .0.0l 0b
18 6

) Estimkion f kotal hondness

s1-10Va.of Std BR Vot-uf EPTA

Jauneluwaber TBA FOR
20 m 1-
20 ml

3 20 M
Dee nmineukion of obal honelness

Vsl-of harolvotey Sample 20m


plarly of toTn 1-4f
Melety g loelwaten Seutple
Vdume ofvonmluaber Som?le.

0.0l06 16: 9 543 x0

Tatl honelness pev Ltvn Molenly f hnd uakta sompl x

9.543No yl00 (000

959 PPM

Estimabon of Permeret herdness

Boiled enel Canded voelwake x EDTR vel.of d BR vol. 6f eDT

weluebr 1BR FBR Vl)
20 m O13.5
2 20 M 134 13 5

20 m 135

Vel.of Bolled ond tooled hotluet surtph 20m

vol of EDTA Consumeel 135ml ( )

Madavby Berled onel Coeled kod wabey Sarpe.

Vel.EDTA* Monty f t DTA 13:5 x00l06 - 7155XO0

Permerett Fonelness per t - malaity af oled ond tsslal
lel oanel
bkey moleculo E Cote
7-155 y1g0xt0o0
715 PÈM

Tenperony hndres Per ubre= Tolal hovrcdrtss -

Pemarant hehelress


24 PPm
VWa quest ions,

whet is h Ffereru bhw henel and sft
and tleumn l'ons.
i) haneluwott tontains mg

S0Pt waker Contins Na rons.

2. wha Ccuse hovelness of webed ?

Caseel by dsolved Calkiem

and Maynesi'un rors.
AyHenelness i's

Hvw haveness hos been elassifieed

A) Permornent huvdness ared uacness.

temparuoy hancrress.
4whor cre he chepticols {o (aust peymanent hondness f


Cole Coltiom Sulphott ond magnesium Suphle.

ame the chemiad whtch hondness f any chemial

iS exPre$sed ?)

Arn) ex pressecd in milligen, af altivm loa bonbt egui Volen

How (on yotNMOYE empeny

ter?pary hordness 4f veker.

Boilin. 1t tan emuYe

1 methes fon venewny Peamonent hadnes.

Suggest Suwlute
B y reabiry hh heden wih weshing

Ho will you éStmmate total hondness

hotlness= Mo.larihy ef hoiclusetey * rMadena7 Mess oftace

AM) eeal L060

1 How wilp ostimate pe rmearent henclnuss 7

Voel uabey A maleeulan mess f tnte

An) Molanty of wledornl toold
Ex Pond EBT and E DTA

An) EDT-Erichrc blacKT

EDTA ethylene cllamine tetro ocetic ocd

11 what s e Paneiple of ComPeromey kaHrotion ?

Pv) Pn indicolo7 Cofoble of Proeluiny an unanobig ens tolour

Charye is Useel to eletect e vel tivabion.

vn is tens fermed nto Connplea

o cemplea
RetHon which
in whieh aSimple

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