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Body System Changes due to Alkalosis

CNS o are caused by overexcitement of

the nervous systems.
o Patients have dizziness, agitation,
confusion, and hyperreflexia, which
may progress to seizure activity.
o Tingling or numbness around the
mouth and in the toes may be
o Other indicators of alkalosis with
hypocalcemia are positive
Chvostek's and Trousseau's signs

Neuro o are related to the hypocalcemia and

hypokalemia that occur with
o Hypocalcemia increases nervous
system activity, causing muscle
cramps, twitches, and "charley
o Deep tendon reflexes are
o Tetany (continuous contractions) of
muscle groups also may be
present. Tetany is painful and
indicates a rapidly worsening
Cardio o occur because alkalosis increases
myocardial irritability, especially
when accompanied by
o Heart rate increases, and the pulse
is thready.
o When hypovolemia (decreased
blood volume) is also present, the

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