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Hello, my name is Juan Cruz Amor.

I’m an industrial engineer and I work as risk engineer in Zurich Insurance. This
company is one of the best insurance companies in the world. My work team is
composed of five engineers and the Head, Nicolas Cura.

What is Risk Engineering? This is dedicated to analyzing some risk factors that
can cause a fire or accident. Therefore, Risk Engerineering looks to minimize
risks to make companies safer.

I´m an inspector, so I visit companies to analyze their fire protections, the risks
of their processes, their risk management, and so on. After the visit, I will
suggest specific actions the company can take to improve.

Then I visit one factory, I must do a report where I describe a risk, processes,
fire protections and risk management. Moreover, it is very important for me to
analyze natural hazards as these have caused several disasters in recent

I write a report in Spanish, unless the visit is from an international company and
the report must be written in English.

I love my job because I visit any kind of industries, for example, from
pharmaceutical, textile industry, food-processing industry to petroleum industry,

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