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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

1. You must either (1)/ be regular with your

studies (2)/ and study for longer period
before the examination. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

2. No sooner (1)/ I had spoken (2)/

then he left. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

3. You must either tell me (1)/ the

whole story or, at least (2)/ the first
half of it. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

4. Your success in the IAS examinations

depends not only on (1)/ what papers you
have selected (2)/ but on how you have
written them. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

5. Scarcely had (1)/ I arrived than

(2)/ the train left. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

6. The reason why (1)/ he was rejected

(2)/ was because he was too young.
(3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

7. Scarcely did I reach the airport, (1)/

nervous and tense, than the plane took off,
(2)/ leaving me stranded in an alien place.
(3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

8. No sooner had the hockey match

started (1)/ when it began (2)/ to rain.
(3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

9. All doubts are cleared (1)/

between (2)/ you and I. (3)/ No
error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

10. Unless you do not give (1)/ the keys

of the safe (2)/ you will be shot. (3)/
No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

11. The period (1)/ between 1980 to

1990 (2)/ was very significant in my
life. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

12. If I had lots of money (1)/ I’d give

some to anybody (2)/ who asked for it.
(3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

13. Until the world lasts, (1)/ the

earth will go (2)/ round the sun.
(3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

14. None of the diplomats at the

conference (1)/ was able either to
comprehend (2)/ or solve the problem. (3)/
No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

15. No sooner did he see (1)/ the

traffic policeman (2)/ he wore seat
belt. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

16. The period (1)/ between 1991 to

1995 (2)/ was very significant in my
life. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

17. No sooner (1)/ they had received

the guests (2)/ than they began
entertaining them. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

18. No sooner did the teacher (1)/

enter the class room (2)/ the students
got up. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

19. It is (1)/ nothing else (2)/ than

pride. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

20. My elder brother (1)/ asked me (2)/

that what I was doing. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

21. Our vacation is (1)/ between 12th

May (2)/ to 12th June. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

22. He studied (1)/ so hardly (2)/ he

was sure of passing. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

23. No sooner did I finish (1)/ my speech, I

was subjected (2)/ to a barrage of
questions. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

24. No sooner did the peon (1)/ ring

the bell (2)/ the boys left the class. (3)/
No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

25. We had scarcely (1)/ reached the

place (2)/ than it started to rain
heavily. (3)/ No error (4)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

26. As an artist (a)/ Raju is as good (b)/

if not better than, Ramesh (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

27. He is anxious not only (a)/ to

acquire knowledge (b)/ but also eager
to display it (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

28. Scarcely had (a)/ the function

started (b)/ than it began to rain
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

29. Hasan plays (a)/ both cricket and

billiards (b)/ at the national level (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

30. The college library is (a)/ not only

equipped with (b)/ very good books but
also with the latest journals (c)/ No error


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

31. Men are wanted (a)/ for the army

(b)/ and the navy, and the air force (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

32. No sooner did the rabbit (a)/ come

out of the bush (b)/ when the hunter
killed it (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

33. Neither he or his wife has arrived.

a) has arrived.
b) Neither he
c) No error
d) or his wife

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

34. The process was too simple and easy to understand

that it hardly took five minutes for us to grasp it.
a) No Error
b) and easy to understand that it hardly
c) took five minutes for us to grasp it
d) the process was too simple


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

35. We had (a)/ hardly reached the (b)/

platform than the train came in (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

36. He neither talks too much (a)/ nor

he causes any trouble (b)/ during the
lesson (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

37. Professor Lal teaches both history as well as

literature each semester.
a) Professor Lal teaches
b) No error
c) Each semester
d) Both history as well as literature


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

38. I will have (a)/ both the blue (b)/

or the black pen (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

39. The solution (a)/ to the problem

was (b)/ not only complicated but
accurate (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

40. Make what you write (a)/ and

say more (b)/ absorbed and
engrossing (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

41. It is not easy for an actor (a)/ to

earn respect from both, the fans (b)/
as well as critic (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

42. Although he studied (a)/ very

hard, (b)/ could not pass the exam
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

43. I am certain that (a)/ the officer

is not only (b)/ greedy but corrupt
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

44. Priya got good grades (a)/ not

in Hindi essay (b)/ but also in
arithmetic (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

45. I will try to be on time (a)/ but

don’t worry when (b)/ I am late, (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

46. Hardly had I stepped (a)/ out of my

house when (b)/ I saw them coming
towards my house (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

47. Go up the beach and watch for tourists

(a)/ so you could warn anyone (b)/ before
they get to the water (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

48. Sorry to have (a)/ troubled you;

since (b)/ it couldn’t be helped (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

49. Nothing fantastic there (a)/ nor

anything Riya would find (b)/ either
threatening nor interesting (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

50. You might as well (a)/ read a

novel instead of (b)/ staring at the
ceiling (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

51. Not only we seen (a)/ the Tali

temple but (b)/ also the Thirunelli
temple. (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

52. There was a fine line (a)/

between being frugal (b)/ and
being a miser (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

53. The plane was too (a)/ far away

that it was (b)/ just a dot in the sky
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

54. Soon as he (a)/ saw the

policeman, (b)/ he ran away (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

55. Sooner had he come (a)/ his

colleagues (b)/ organized a get
together (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

56. He’d no sooner (a)/ seen one

continent (b)/ when he saw another
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

57. The reason Janet came dressed (a)/ as

Lady Gaga was because she’d been told
(b)/ it was a costume party (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

58. The reason for (a)/ my absence

is (b)/ due to ill health (c)/ No error


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

59. Ashoka the Great was (a)/ regarded

one of the greatest emperors (b)/ the world
has ever produced (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

60. Since my mother was angry so I did not utter

a word.
a) was angry so
b) utter a word.
c) Since my mother
d) No error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

61. The economic depression is looming large not only

over the first – world countries but also over the third –
world countries.
a) The economic depression is
b) looming large not only over
c) but also over the third – world countries
d) no error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

62. By the time the corn was harvested, the

grass seed covered the ground almost entirely.
a) By the time
b) the corn was harvested
c) the grass seed covered the ground
d) no error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

63. Neither the chips, which were cheaper, nor

the pizza interested the kid.
a) No error
b) were cheaper
c) nor the pizza
d) the chips which

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

64. She exercised discretion in investigating whether

her husband eloped with his ex-girlfriend.
a) discretion in
b) investigating whether
c) eloped with
d) no error


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-
65. The evergreen trees have a characteristic of
remaining green throughout the year, nonetheless of
the prevailing season.
a) prevailing season
b) nonetheless of
c) throughout the year
d) no error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-
66. Though the political party won by majority in the
preceding elections, it failed to form a successful
government at the centre.
a) Though the
b) at the centre
c) the preceding elections
d) no error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-
67. Despite the limited budget, the chief minister
managed to improve the infrastructure of the state,
much beyond the expectations of the general public.
a) improve the infrastructure
b) despite the limited
c) managed to improve
d) no error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

68. I did not like his (a)/ comments on my

paper (b)/ but I had no alternative as I had
agreed to keep quiet (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

69. We will pack not only (a)/ the

material properly (b)/ but will also
deliver it to your value customers. (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

70. The old man (a)/ told his sons (b)

that there was no such thing like luck
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

71. We have done everything (a)/ that could

be done (b)/to avert the storm which is now
coming on (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

72. This laboratory of physicists is (a)/ not

only equipped with (b)/ all state–of-the-arts
instruments but also with outstanding
physicists (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

73. We might supply so (a)/ much

evidence in try to explain (b)/ it in so
many ways (c)/ no error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

74. We know it is an extra early start to (a)/

your day, but we are certain (b)/ you too
would like to contribute towards this (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

75. Either Ankit (a)/ or Jyoti (b)/

have done this (c)/ no error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

76. You have too save the day by (a)/

cracking the code and (b)/ determining the
code word (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

77. No sooner had she arrive that her (a)/

friends arranged a reception in her (b)/
honour in the best resort in the town (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

78. I don’t think, Neha is a wiser as (a)/

Sonali, so she is not (b)/ competent for
this job (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

79. In the Mathematics class, I sit next to (a)/ Raj,

who is the captain of the basketball (b)/ team
and undoubtedly the best basketball player in
Delhi (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

80. Not only we saw (a)/ the President

but also (b)/ the Chief Minister of Delhi
(c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

81. Not only her husband (a)/ but even

her father (b)/ finds her selfish. (c)/
No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

82. Hardly had he come out of the (a)/

cinema hall then the bomb exploded (b)/
and shattered the hall completely (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

83. Prabhat is impressed by his (a)/

younger brother because he is cleverer (b)/
and amusing than he is. (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

84. Our company not only manufactures

(a)/ plastic containers but (b)/ also steel
containers (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

85. Suresh have never (a)/ encouraged

nor (b)/ condoned violence (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

86. The place were (a)/ Buddha was

cremated (b)/ has recently been
discovered (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

87. The consequence of (a)/ his

carelessness was (b)/ that the game
was lost (c)/ No error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

88. Wherever you live, (a)/ there is surely

some countryside or coastline (b)/ not too
far away that you are proud of. (c)/ No
error (d)


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

89. Despite of working hard he failed the test.

a) the test
b) he failed
c) Despite of
d) working hard


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

90. Whenever I went to the cinema I bought

myself popcorn and coke for a special treat.
a) Whenever
b) bought
c) went
d) for

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

91. Both my father or my mother can cook.

a) Both
b) Can cook
c) Or my mother
d) My father

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

92. He gave jobs to several unemployed men in a remote

village who is battling poverty.
a) He gave job
b) in a remote village
c) to several unemployed
d) who is battling poverty


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

93. The teacher had hardly left the room than the pupils
started enjoying.
a) than
b) started enjoying
c) The teacher
d) had hardly left


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

94. In this novel I came across some words which

meaning I do not know.
a) came across
b) which meaning
c) In this novel
d) do not know


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

95. Unless you do not run fast, you cannot match the
a) you do not
b) catch the bus.
c) You cannot
d) Run fast


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

96. He is the same man which I saw yesterday at the

a) He is
b) the same man
c) at the gate
d) which I saw


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

97. He is not such a clever boy that you are.

a) cleaver boy
b) such a
c) that you are
d) he is not

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

98. This is the boy which took away the books.

a) This is
b) which took away
c) the boy
d) the books


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

99. Until I do not get the loan, I cannot set up my

a) I cannot
b) get the loan
c) do not
d) set up

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Find the Error from the following sentence:-

100. Smartphone cameras can now take pictures of

near- professional quality, so they also have limitations.
a) pictures of
b) so they also have limitations
c) can now take
d) near – professional quality


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Enquiry No.
Open Study



Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
1. (3) Replace ‘and’ with ‘or’
2. (2) Replace ‘I had’ with ‘had I’
3. (1) ‘Either’ should come after ‘tell me’
4. (3) After ‘but’ ‘also’ should come
5. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’
6. (3) Replace ‘because’ with ‘that’
7. (2) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’
8. (2) Replace ‘when’ with ‘than’
9. (3) Replace ‘I’ with ‘me’
10.(1) Remove ‘not’ from first part of the sentence.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
11. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’
12. (4) No error.
13. (4) No error.
14. (2) Remove ‘either’ or put ‘either’ after ‘to’.
15. (3) Add ‘than’ before ‘he’
16. (2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’
17. (2) Replace ‘they had’ with ‘had they’
18. (2) Add ‘than’ before ‘the’
19. (3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘but’
20. (3) Remove ‘that’.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
21.(2) Replace ‘to’ with ‘and’
22.(2) Add ‘that’ before ‘he’
23.(2) Add ‘than’ before ‘I’
24.(3) Add ‘than’ before ‘the boys’
25.(3) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’
26.(b) Hence add ‘as’ before after ‘good’.
27.(a) First part of the sentence should read as ‘he is not only
28.(c) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’
29.(d) No error
30.(b) Replace ‘not only equipped’ with ‘equipped not only’


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
31. (c) Remove ‘and’ before ‘the navy’
32. (c) Replace ‘when’ with ‘than’
33. (d) Replace ‘or’ with ‘nor’
34. (d) Replace ‘too’ with ‘so’
35. (c) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’
36. (b) Here use of ‘he’ in 2nd part is superfluous.
37. (d) Replace ‘as well as’ with ‘and’.
38. (c) Replace ‘or’ with ‘and’
39. (c) Remove ‘not only’
40. (c) Replace ‘absorbed’ with ‘absorbing’

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
41.(c) Replace ‘as well as’ with ‘and’
42.(d) No error
43.(c) Add ‘also’ after ‘but’
44.(b) Add ‘only’ after ‘not’
45.(b) Change ‘when’ into ‘if’
46.(d) No error
47.(a) Remove ‘for’.
48.(b) Replace ‘since’ with ‘but’.
49.(c) Correct pair of conjunction is Either…….. or
50.(d) No error

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
51. (a) Replace ‘Not only we seen’ with ‘Not only did we see’.
52. (c) Change ‘a miser’ into ‘miserly’.
53. (a) Replace ‘too’ with ‘so’.
54. (a) Replace ‘soon as’ with ‘as soon as’.
55. (a) Replace ‘sooner had he come’ with ‘as soon as he came’.
56. (c) The correct pair of conjunction is No sooner…….than.
57. (b) Replace ‘because’ with ‘that’
58. (c) Remove ‘due to’ from part (3).
59. (b) Use ‘as’ after ‘regarded’.
60. (a) Remove ‘so’

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
62.(c) Replace ‘covered’ with’ had covered’.
65.(b) Replace ‘nonetheless’ with ‘regardless’
69.(a) Put ‘not only’ before ‘pack’.
70.(c) Replace ‘like’ with ‘as’

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study Explanation: -
71. (d)
72. (c) Use ‘not only’ after ‘equipped’.
73. (b) Replace ‘in try’ with ‘and try’.
74. (d) No error
75. (c) Change ‘have’ into ‘has’
76. (a) Change ‘too’ into ‘to’
77. (a) Change ‘arrive that’ into ‘arrived than’.
78. (a) Use ‘as wise as’. As ……. As takes positive
79. (d) No error
80. (a) Either use ‘not only’ after saw or use structure
Anil_Jadon_English ‘not only did we see’.
Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon
Open Study
Explanation: -
81.(b) ‘not only’ always followed by ‘but also’.
82.(b) ‘Hardly…. When’ is the correct pair.
83.(c) Use ‘more amusing’ in place of ‘amusing’.
84.(a) Either use ‘not only’ after saw or use structure ‘not only did
we see’.
85.(a) Change ‘have never’ into ‘has neither’.
86.(a) Replace ‘were’ with ‘where’.
89.(c) Remove ‘of’ or use ‘inspite’ in place of ‘Despite’.
90.(d) Replace ‘for’ with ‘as’.


Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

Open Study
Explanation: -
91. ( (c) Replace ‘or’ with ‘and’.
92. (d) Replace ‘is’ with ‘are’.
93. (a) Replace ‘than’ with ‘when’.
94. (b) Replace ‘which’ with ‘whose’.
95. (a) Remove ‘do not’.
96. (d) Replace ‘which’ with ‘that’.
97. (c) Replace ‘that’ with ‘as’.
98. (b) Replace ‘which’ with ‘who’.
99. (c) Remove ‘do not’
100. (b) Replace ‘so’ with ‘but’.

Co. No. 7351706883, 8859247921 English By :- Anil Jadon

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