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-For every day of nofap/SR you get benefits of 100 days

2. -Heal all sexual insecurities caused by porn/masturbation
3. -eradicate all compulsive sexual thoughts
4. -Revision technique applied to instill an environment inside your brain and body as if
you have never watched porn and indulged in unhealthy masturbation habits
5. -Heal porn induced ED
6. -Heal masturbation induced ED
7. -Heal porn induced PE
8. -Heal masturbation induced PE
9. -restore natural penis size after over masturbation (flaccid and erect)
10. -Restore healthy test,sperm and semen levels
11. -Reverse negative effects of porn and masturbation from brain
12. -optimal amount of white matter in pre-frontal cortex
13. -Optimal levels of gray matter in cerebrum and cerebellum
14. -healthy rejuvenated, healed nucleus accumbens, basal ganglia and dorsal striatum
15. -Reverse all damage on endocrine, reproductive and nervous system caused by
16. -Reverse all damage caused to pelvic floor muscles from porn/masturbation [They will be
neither too tight nor too weak]
17. -Dick healing
18. -Reverse all the loss of sexual energy and masculinity caused by porn and masturbation
19. -Reverse all the effects porn and masturbation had on your
self-faith,self-worth,Aggression and dominance.
20. -Reverse all the effects of porn and masturbation has on your bones,cartilage,joints
21. -Enhanced selenium,b12,vit D,Zinc,Phosphorus,Calcium,Zinc and magnesium absorption
22. -Restore healthy levels of selenium,b12,vit D,Zinc,Phosphorus,Calcium,Zinc and
23. -Increased self control
24. -Flatline prevention
25. -Enjoy real sexual intercourse
26. -Avoid wet dreams
27. -Immunity from endocrine disruptors
28. -Removal of brain fog
29. -Enhanced pheromone production
30. -Immunity from blue balls
31. -Heal Dopamine receptors and sensitivity
32. -Optimally increased GABA
33. -Heal GABA receptors
34. -Low prolactin
35. -Low Cortisol
36. -Optimally low aldosterone
37. -Healthy testicles and semen production
38. -Optimally high spermatogenesis
39. -Producing the most mature semen
40. -Increased vitality
41. -Increased radiance
42. -Hypnotic Mesmerizing gaze filled with masculine energy
43. -Transmutation of lower basal energies
44. -Restore all the loss of sexual energy
45. -Constantly cultivate sexual energy
46. -Restore all the loss of jing,chi and shen
47. -Constant cultivation of jing,chi and shen
48. -Balanced jing,chi and shen
49. -Restore all the loss of ojas,tejas and prana
50. -Constant cultivation of ojas,tejas and prana
51. -Balanced ojas,tejas and prana
52. Automated Vajroli Mudra (optional)

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