The Mazda Case

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The Mazda case

Catalina Quintero Fernández, Rafael García Montoya, Juan Carlos Hernández Mariño, Jhonnatan
David Betancourt Rodríguez.

We are a company that is going to buy 500 Mazda’s CX-6 from Hiroshima with and

international sales of goods contract, with the purpose of selling them in Colombia. In order to

establish the terms of the contract, we will define it under the Incoterm FOB. At the same time,

the tribute, taxes, and duties cost will be defined. Other important factors that will be written in

contract are the time and place of delivery, the international transaction and finally the respective

documents that legalize the whole operation.

In order to keep the vehicles safe during the transport, we will make an insurance contract

in which Seguros Bolivar will assume the risk of loss in case any damage or loss happen during

the whole trip. It will be specified that our company will be the beneficiary of this contract. In

order to carry out the contract, a pecuniary evaluation must be made, which will determine the

price to pay for insuring the entire shipment of vehicles. This insurance will be valid only during

the transport of the cargo.

On the other hand, when the whole load of vehicles arrives at the port, we will have

already signed a deposit and storage contract with a company that is willing to stock all the

vehicles in order to keep them safe at the ZF. The contract will specify the total price that will be

pay for storing all the cars for 6 months, the start and end date of the provision of the service, the

responsibility in the case of any vehicle suffering any damage or loss. Last but not least, the

contract will establish that the company that is in charge of the storage will also be in charge of

cleaning and doing any type of maintenance to the vehicles during the 6 months.

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