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‫تعريفات جميع الوحدات‬

No. Word ‫الكلمة‬ Definition ‫تعريفها‬ Meaning ‫معنى التعريف‬

1 surprised puzzled ‫في حيرة‬
2 pushing shaking ‫اهتزاز‬
3 without success to no avail ‫دون جدوى‬
4 faint lose consciousness ‫فقد الوعي‬
5 dropping (water, milk, etc) spilling ‫يسكب‬
6 the police, fire department, emergency services ‫خدمات الطوارئ‬
7 medical helpers (not doctors or paramedics ‫المسعفين‬
8 woke up regained consciousness ‫استعاد الوعي‬
9 laws rules that everybody in the country must follow ‫القواعد التي يجب على الجميع في البلد اتباعها‬
10 investigate get information about a crime ‫الحصول على معلومات حول جريمة‬
11 arrest put someone in prison ‫وضع شخص ما في السجن‬
12 witness a person who saw or heard something at the time of a ‫من رأى أو سمع شيئًا وقت ارتكاب جريمة‬
13 pickpocket a person who steals money from your pocket ‫شخص يسرق المال من جيبك‬
14 unattended without someone looking after it ‫دون أن يعتني بها أحد‬
15 baggage bags and suitcases that carry your possessions on a ‫الحقائب والحقائب التي تحمل ممتلكاتك في رحلة‬
16 empty there is nothing in it ‫ال يوجد شيء فيه‬
17 dispose of throw away / get rid of ‫ تخلص من‬/ ‫رمي بعيدا‬
18 declare say you are carrying something you need to pay duty on ‫تقول إنك تحمل شيئًا تحتاج إلى دفع رسوم عليه‬
19 branches parts ‫اجزاء‬
20 join become a member of ‫تصبح عضوا في‬
21 install Put in ‫ضعه في‬
22 maintain Make sure it keeps working ‫تأكد من استمرارها في العمل‬
23 officer Someone in a higher position ‫شخص ما في منصب أعلى‬
24 supervise Be in charge of ‫يكن مسؤوال عن‬
25 civilian Outside the military ‫خارج الجيش‬
26 occurred happened ‫حدث‬
27 injured hurt ‫يؤذي‬
28 alerted called ‫يبلغ \ ينبه‬
29 investigate find out ‫يحقق‬
‫صالح الريشي‬ .‫أ‬
30 property things ‫أشياء \ ممتلكات‬
32 architect designs buildings ‫يصمم مباني‬
33 cameraman operates the camera for films or TV programmes ‫يشغل الكاميرا لألفالم أو البرامج التلفزيونية‬
34 engineer designs and builds machines, engines or roads ‫يصمم ويبني اآلالت أو المحركات أو الطرق‬
35 flight attendant looks after passengers on a plane ‫يعتني بالركاب على متن طائرة‬
36 journalist writes articles for newspapers and magazines ‫يكتب مقاالت في الصحف والمجالت‬
37 lawyer gives advice to people about the law ‫يقدم المشورة للناس حول القانون‬
38 lifeguard is responsible for the safety of swimmers ‫مسؤول عن سالمة السباحين‬
39 pilot flies a plane ‫يطير طائرة‬
40 plumber fixes and installs pipes for water ‫تصليح وتركيب مواسير المياه‬
41 surgeon operates on people in hospital ‫تعمل على األشخاص في المستشفى‬
42 secretary does general office work ‫يقوم باألعمال المكتبية العامة‬
43 tour guide shows tourists around ‫يأخذ السياح في جولة‬
44 A nurse is someone who looks after sick people and helps doctors ‫هو الشخص الذي يعتني بالمرضى ويساعد األطباء‬
45 A fashion designer is someone who designs clothes. ‫هو من يصمم المالبس‬.
46 A hotel manager is someone who is responsible for running a hotel. ‫هو الشخص المسؤول عن إدارة الفندق‬.
47 A salesperson is someone who sells things in a shop. ‫هو شخص يبيع أشياء في محل‬.
48 A TV presenter is someone who introduces programmes on television. ‫هو الشخص الذي يقدم برامج على التلفزيون‬.
49 A marketing manager is someone who is responsible for advertising and selling ‫هو الشخص المسؤول عن اإلعالن عن المنتجات‬
products. ‫وبيعها‬.
50 A cartoonist is someone who draws amusing pictures. ‫هو شخص يرسم صورا ً مسلية‬.
51 very difficult extremely demanding ‫متطلب للغاية \ صعب جدا‬
52 work well as a team function (very) well as a unit ‫يعمل بشكل جيد كوحدة واحده‬
53 range of different people diversity ‫تنوع‬
54 the way to do something procedure ‫إجراءات‬
55 very small amount tiny bit ‫صغير \ قليل‬
56 to stop oneself from doing something avoid ‫يتجنب‬
57 very interested fascinated ‫منبهر‬
58 showing a lot of detail high resolution ‫دقة عالية‬
59 ferry a boat that transports people and goods ‫عبارة‬
60 luxurious extremely comfortable ‫فاخر \ مترف‬
‫صالح الريشي‬ .‫أ‬
61 spectacular something which is wonderful to look at ‫مذهل‬
62 speciality something special to a locality ‫خصوصية‬
63 hospitality a fine welcome ‫الضيافة‬
64 display a show/performance ‫عرض‬
65 ensure make certain ‫يتأكد‬
66 indefinitely forever ‫لالبد‬
67 deadline a time limit ‫موعد تسليم‬
68 around the corner about to happen ‫على وشك الحدوث‬
69 snatched taken quickly ‫خطف \ يلتقط‬
71 well-being health ‫صحة جيدة‬
72 vital very important ‫مهم جدا‬
73 cancel stop something working ‫الغاء‬
74 credit limit the amount of money you can borrow ‫الحد األدنى من المال‬
75 expired come to an end ‫منتهي الصالحية‬
76 valid can be used ‫يمكن استخدامه‬
77 traveler’s cheque a special cheque that can be used in any bank ‫صك سياحي‬
78 currency money or a system of money ‫عمله‬
79 pounds the currency used in the UK ‫الحنية اإلسترليني‬
80 exchange rate the amount of money you get when changing from one ‫سعر الصرف‬
currency to another
81 down payment Part of the total cost that is paid first ‫دفعة أولى‬
82 monthly instalments Part of the total cost that is paid every month. ‫أقساط شهرية‬
83 investment Something you buy that makes money. ‫استثمار‬
84 go up in value The amount you can sell something for increases. ‫يرتفع في القيمة‬
85 car insurance Money you pay to a company so you can get money if ‫تامين سيارة‬
your car is lost or damaged.
86 register a large meeting to discuss something ‫يسجل‬
87 conference a large meeting to discuss something ‫مؤتمر‬
88 workshop a practical lesson ‫ورشة عمل‬
89 application a written request ‫طلب كتابي‬
90 efficient working quickly and well ‫فعال\ كفء‬
91 enroll be on a list for a class ‫يلتحق‬
‫صالح الريشي‬ .‫أ‬
92 enhance make something better ‫يطور \ يحسن‬
93 admitted allowed into a place ‫يقبل‬
94 self-disciplined Able to make yourself do things even when you don’t ‫االنضباط الذاتي‬
want to do them:
95 spreadsheet A program that lets you arrange information in tables ‫جدول‬
96 job seeker A person who is looking for a job ‫باحث عن العمال‬
97 web design Creating a website ‫تقميم مواقع‬
98 graphic design Creating pictures for books, brochures, etc. )‫التصميم الجرافيكي (الصور‬
99 venue where something takes place ‫مكان‬
100 enhance improve them ‫يطور \ يحسن‬
101 A volunteer is someone who works without being paid ‫متطوع‬
102 astounded surprised ‫الذهول‬
103 body language how you sit and move ‫لغة الجسد‬
104 since because ‫بما ان‬
105 payoff bring the high result ‫يأتي بنتيجة‬

‫أتمنى التوفيق والنجاح للجميع‬

‫صالح الريشي‬ .‫أ‬

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