Legend of The Blue Lake

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01.24 15.

Name: Diah Eka Safitri
Class: IX.3

Legend of the Blue Lake

In ancient times there was a small village in Maluku Province where the
people's lives were very poor and there was a lack of water. Even though the people
there live in poverty, they live in peace and harmony. In that village there was a
couple named Majojaru and Magohiduuru. They are a very suitable couple and very
loyal to their love.

Until one day, Magohiduuru felt that he had to go abroad so he could marry
Majojaru and change his miserable fate. Magohiduuru had made up his mind to leave
the village to change his fate, initially his father did not approve of it, but he
succeeded in persuading his father and his father finally agreed. However, there is
still Majojaru who is Magohiduuru's lover who does not want Magohiduuru to leave
him, which makes it difficult for him to leave his village. However, he still has
to go so he can change his fate and marry his lover.
With very gentle language Magohiduuru assured Majojaru that he would return and
marry Majojaru. And Magohiduuru's words "we will be partners for life and death"
made Majojaru believe more and let his lover go abroad even though his tears
continued to fall. After everyone allowed Magohiduuru to wander, they took him to a
port. There the feeling of emotion was so strong and Majojaru couldn't hold back
the tears that were always dripping as he watched his lover leave.

One year has passed after Magohiduuru left, Majojaru was worried that his
lover would never come home. Every day he goes to the port hoping that his lover
will come home. Until one day a large ship came to the port, he felt very happy if
it was the ship on which Magohiduuru was traveling. After all the ship's passengers
disembarked, he did not find his lover at all.
He felt anxious again, finally he dared to ask the crew and after asking it turned
out that the answer Majojaru got was very sad news. Magohiduuru apparently died one
month ago at his place of work.

Majojaru, who heard the news, cried non-stop as he walked towards his home.
However, his steps were very difficult to get home because he always remembered
Magohiduuru's words that he would always be faithful throughout life and death.
Until finally he went to a quiet place and continued to cry. The tears that came
out never stopped until they created a puddle of water, which grew longer and
became a very high puddle of water that drowned Majojaru until he died. From the
puddle of tears, a lake was formed whose water was blue.

Until one day a firewood hunter found the lake and he felt strange because he
had never seen a lake before in the place where he usually looked for firewood.
Because this was a very strange incident, he reported it to the village elders. The
village elders who saw this strange incident immediately ordered all their
residents to gather and hold a ritual to ask for guidance from this strange
incident. After the ritual was carried out, there was a whisper that said: Arising
from Sininga irogi de itepi Sidago kongo dalulu de i uhi imadadi ake majobubu
Which means: Arising from the consequences of a broken heart that is shattered,
tears shed, flows and flows into a spring.

Resolution :
From there the village elders also asked all the villagers who had incomplete
families here. Magohiduuru's father came forward and said that his son, who had
been abroad for a year, had not come home. Then Majojaru's father also came forward
and told him that after a few days ago his son had gone to the port but until now
he had not come home. From there, all the residents concluded that the strange
occurrence of the formation of the blue water lake was a form of faithful love
between Magohiduuru and Majojaru, whose love was truly as long as life and death.
And to this day the Blue Water Lake in Halmahera, Maluku Province, still exists.

From the short folklore about the origin of the blue lake, we can learn a
lesson about faithful love, we as humans are supposed to live faithful love and
affection towards our partners like Magohiduuru and Majojaru whose love is
eternally loyal.

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