Basic Mechanical Engineering Concept

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Basic mechanical engineering concept

Mechanical drawing: Machine drawing, welded joints, rivets and riveted joints, bolt, nut & screw
fasteners, keyways and keyed assembly, tolerance, limits and fits, Surface finish.

1) Rivets and riveted joints

a) Made wrought iron
b) snap head, ellipsoidal head, Round counter sunk head, Pan head, Flat counter
sunk head, Flat head, Mushroom head, High head are the types of rivet head
c) diameter: d=6√t
d) Large - 12 to 48 mm shank diameter.
e) Small – 3 to 10 mm shank diameter
f) Types of riveted joints according to arrangement of plates
i) Butt joint - two plates to be joined are butted edge to edge
(1) Single cover plate – one cover plate is used. Thickness of cover plate is kept
1.125 times that of the main plate.
(2) Double cover plate - thickness of double cover plate butt joint is 0.75 times
the thickness of the main plate
ii) Lap joint - two plates to be joined are overlapping to each other
g) Types of riveted joints according to arrangement of rivets
i) Zigzag joints - rivets are not placed in rows opposite to each other. The rivets in
the adjacent rows are staggered and are placed in between those of the
previous row.
ii) Chain riveting - rivets in the adjacent rows are placed directly opposite to
each other.
iii) Diamond riveting: number of rivets in each adjacent row goes on decreasing
h) Rivet used for Aircraft purpose is counter-sunk rivet

2) Screw

 Screw threads:

1) Flank: Surface between crest and root

2) Depth: is the distance between the crest and root, measured at right
angles to the axis
3) Types of thread
i) buttress thread the distance between the crest and root (d) is 0.75P times
the pitch, angle between two Flank is 45 degree
ii) square thread ‘d’ is 0.5 P times the pitch,
iii) Unified triangular external thread the‘d’ is 0.61P
iv) Whitworth external thread ‘d’ is 0.64P, angle is 55 degrees
v) acme thread, angle between two flank is 29 degre
vi) British association thread, the angle between the two flanks is 47.5 degree

4) Nut and washer:

a) Washer is a cylindrical piece of metal placed below the nut to provide a smooth
bearing surface. The thickness of the washer when the nominal diameter of the
bolt is D is 0.12D and outer diameter is 2D+3 mm and inner diameter is
b) The angle of chamfer for hexagonal and square nut is 30 -45 degrees as per
c) The angle through which the spanner will have to be turned to get next hold is
__60__ degrees in case of hexagonal shape.
d) Hexagonal nut: Width across the flats in case of hexagonal nut is 1.5D+3mm
and distance across diagonally opposite corners in case of hexagonal nut is 2D.
e) a) Ring nut: These nuts are generally used in pairs, one nut acting as a lock-nut
for the other.
f) b) Wing nut :operated by the thumb and a finger
g) c) Cap nut: hexagonal nut provided with a cylindrical cap at the top.
h) d) Flanged nut: hexagonal nut with a washer that is a flat circular disc attached
to it
i) Dome nut: a form of cap nut with spherical dome at top

5) Bolt
a) Square-headed bolt: used in bearing for shafts and this bolt head is chamfered
at its upper end.
b) The hook bolt: used when it is not possible to drill a hole in the piece adjoining
the bolt-head.

6) Views
a) Pictorial views – always more than one face which always shows only outside appearance
i) Perspective – edges appear to vanish at distant point and angle of inclination varies
ii) Axonometric – lines of sight are perpendicular to the plane of projection (face) but all
need not to be inclined to plane. Vanishing point are assumed to be at infinity since they
are parallel. Object is inclined at 300
(All three faces equally inclined to the picture plane is isometric view)
iii) Oblique – one of the face is parallel to the picture plane other face is inclined at some
angle. Object is inclined at 450
b) Orthographic view – line of sight are parallel to the picture plane. It gives only one face at
c) Two point or one point perspective is used to draw a car in perspective
drawing; three-point perspective is used in architectural drawing.
d) Sectional views- to view the internal details
e) Top view is termed as plan, side view as profile and front view as elevation.

7) Tolerance
a) Limit system – variation is accepted
b) Tolerance – allowable deviation
i) It is the difference between maximum and minimum limit size
c) Mechanical drawing
i) Machine drawing
(1) Uses orthographic method of representation.
(2) furnish dimension, tolerance, geometric tolerance, surface finish, heat
ii) Production drawing
iii) Assembly drawing
d) CAD is an abbreviation of Computer Aided Drafting

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