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Environmental Geochemistry and Health (2006) 28:409–420  Springer 2006

DOI 10.1007/s10653-005-9039-4

Arsenic contamination in the Kanker district of central-east India: geology

and health effects

P.K. Pandey1,3, R. Sharma1, M. Roy1, S. Roy2 & M. Pandey1

Department of Engineering Chemistry, Centre for Environmental Science and Engineering, Bhilai Institute of
Technology, Durg, India
Department of Clinical Veterinary Medicine, Veterinary College, Anjora, Durg, India
Author for correspondence (tel.: +91-94252-45309; +91-788-2334424; fax: +91-788-2210163; e-mail:

Received 28 June 2005; Accepted 6 December 2005

Key words: arsenic, arsenopyrite and manganese, arsenical diarrhoea, bio-indicator, ground and surface
water contamination

This paper identifies newer areas of arsenic contamination in the District Kanker, which adjoins the District
Rajnandgaon where high contamination has been reported earlier. A correlation with the mobile phase
episodes of arsenic contamination has been identified, which further hinges on the complex geology of the
area. Arsenic concentrations in both surface and groundwater, aquatic organisms (snail and water weeds)
soil and vegetation of Kanker district and its adjoining area have been reported here. The region has been
found to contain an elevated level of arsenic. All segments of the ecoysystem are contaminated with arsenic
at varying degrees. The levels of arsenic vary constantly depending on the season and location. An analysis
of groundwater from 89 locations in the Kanker district has shown high values of arsenic, iron and
manganese (mean: 144, 914 and 371 lg L)1, respectively). The surface water of the region shows elevated
levels of arsenic, which is influenced by the geological mineralised zonation. The most prevalent species in
the groundwater is As(III), whereas the surface water of the rivers shows a significant contamination with
the As(V) species. The analysis shows a bio-concentration of the toxic metals arsenic, nickel, copper and
chromium. Higher arsenic concentrations (groundwater concentrations greater than 50 lg L)1) are asso-
ciated with sedimentary deposits derived from volcanic rocks, hence mineral leaching appears to be the
source of arsenic contamination. Higher levels of arsenic and manganese in the Kanker district have been
found to cause impacts on the flora and fauna. A case study of episodic arsenical diarrhoea is presented.

Introduction and the International Association for Research on

Cancer (IARC 1987), respectively. In 1997, the
All drinking water contains some inorganic con- World Health Organization (WHO) acknowledged
taminants, but the presence of inorganic arsenic that arsenic in drinking water is a ‘‘Major Public
and fluoride in the drinking water is now recog- Health Issue’’ which should be dealt with on an
nized in many parts of the world as having the ‘‘Emergency Basis’’ as it has become an interna-
potential to be a very serious environmental haz- tional problem. The world’s most affected region is
ard and to cause significant health problems. the Bengal Delta Plain (BDP) comprising
Arsenic has been classified as a Group A and Bangladesh and West Bengal (WHO 1999). Pan-
Category 1 human carcinogen by the U.S. Envi- dey et al. (1999, 2000, 2001) first reported arsenic
ronmental and Protection Agency (USEPA 1997) contamination in the ground and drinking water
410 p.k. pandey et al.

and human afflictions arising from the arsenic group covers 95% of the area in the district;
contamination at places located a long distance granite and gneiss rocks are its major components
from the BDP – in erstwhile Madhya Pradesh and these are spread over almost the entire district.
state. These authors also showed that the arsenic The Dharwar hill group comprises weathered hills
contamination of the ground water in the village in the Sambalpur and Bhanupratappur blocks of
Kourikasa of the District Rajnandgaon, now in the district.
newly formed state of Chhattisgarh, was spreading The area under study is a part of the central
and that many new arsenic contaminated hot- Indian region which lies between 17 and 24N,
spots had been identified (Pandey et al. 2002). 78 and 88E. A simplified geology map (GSI
That the area between Dongargaon to Mohla 2000; Sarkar 2001) of this area with the main
(about 500 km2) is affected by the presence of ar- tectonic elements is shown in Figure 1. Tectoni-
senic at varying concentrations has also been re- cally the Bastar craton (BB) is separated from the
ported. These levels of arsenic were highly Dharwar (DB) and Singhbhum cratons (SB) by
fluctuating, thereby indicating the involvement of the Godavari (GG) and Mahanadi (MG)
a complex geo-chemical system in its genesis. Gondwana grabens, respectively, with the Eastern
This paper reports recently identified areas of Ghat Mobile belts (EGMB) lying to the southeast.
arsenic contamination in the District Kanker, Detailed geological, petrological and structural
which adjoins the District Rajnandgaon, and it studies have identified the Central Indian shear
reveals a clear correlation with the mobile phase (Yedekar et al. 1990), which separates the Bastar
episodes of arsenic contamination, which further block from the northern (Bundelkhand) block.
hinges on the complex geology of the area. We The western side of this shear is buried under
report here on arsenic concentrations in surface alluvium and traps, while to the east it forks into
and ground water, aquatic organisms (snail and two parts with the northern part coming close to
water weeds), soil and vegetation of Kanker dis- the Tan shear.
trict and its adjoining areas. All segments of the
environment in the studied region are contami- Sampling
nated – at varying degrees – with arsenic. The
levels of arsenic change depending on the season Sampling of the contaminated area was carried out
and location. The genesis of arsenic is geological, in 2003 during the pre-monsoon (February–May),
and the involvement of a complex geochemistry is monsoon (June–September) and post-monsoon
envisaged for high fluctuations. (October–January) periods. The sampling bottles
were cleaned with detergent, chromic acid, tap
water and finally with double-distilled water.
Material and methods Duplicate samples were collected from each sam-
pling site. Arsenic preservation was done with
Geography of the study area EDTA (Pandey et al. 2004) and HNO3 (up to
pH 2.0). The aim of using two preservatives was to
District Kanker is an important district of Bastar further ascertain the efficacy of preservation. Soil,
Commissionaire in the state of Chatisgarh. The rocks, and the vegetation samples were kept in
Kanker District is situated in the southern region clean, uncontaminated polythene bags. Water
of the state, within the longitudes 20.6–20.24 and samples were refrigerated at 4 C immediately
latitudes 80.48–81.48. The total area of the district after collection and kept at this temperature until
is 5285.01 km2. The district is monsoon-fed, and analysis.
the average rainfall is 1492 mm, mainly during the
months of June to October. Analytical procedure
Geographically the district is divided in five
groups, namely the Vindhyan hill group, Archean All moist solid samples were dried at 40 C in
hill group, Dharwar hill group, Mahanadi plains uncontaminated petri dishes until dry. Snails were
and Kotri plains. The Vindhyan hill group is sit- washed first with copious amounts of tap water
uated in the south-eastern part of the district; and then with doubled-distilled water, dried at
quartzite sand is its main feature. The Archean hill 40 C in a hot air oven and left overnight. All solid
arsenic contamination in kanker district 411

Fig. 1. Simplified regional geology and tectonic map of the region redrawn from Sarkar (2001) and GSI (2000). DB Dharwar block,
BB Bastar block, SB Singhbhum block, CITZ Central Indian Tectonic Zone, EGMB Eastern Ghat Mobile Belt, GG Godavari
Graben, MG Mahanadi Graben, I Indravati Basin, C Chhattisgarh Basin, 1 Tapti Fault, 2 Gavilgarh Fault, 3 Tan Shear, 4 Cen-
tral Indian Shear, 5 Bamni-Chilpa Fault, 6 Tatapani Fault, 7 Barabhum Shear, 8 Singhbhum Shear, 9 Sukinda Thrust, 10 Sileru
Shear, 11 North Narmada Fault, 12 South Narmada Fault, Hy Hyderabad, Bn Bhubhaneswar, Dn Dhanbad, Jb Jabalpur, Np
Nagpur, Rp Raipur.

samples were finally crushed and weighed accu- require any preconcentration due to presence of a
rately using a digital balance (Denver, Colo.). measurable concentration of arsenic.
Samples of the appropriate weight (0.5–1 g) were
taken for digestion in clean uncontaminated Tef-
lon beakers with few glass beads. Digestion was by Results and discussion
a standard procedure (APHA 1992). In brief, the
tertiary acid mixes HNO3–HClO4–HF and Ground water and surface water contamination
HNO3–H2SO4–HClO4 were used for the digestion
of soil or similiar matrices and vegetation, Analyses of groundwater sources from 89 loca-
respectively. Standard analytical methods were tions in the Kanker district revealed high values of
used for all types of sample analysis: pH and Eh arsenic, iron and manganese (mean: 144, 914 and
were measured using a single electrode pH and mV 371 lg L)1, respectively; Table 1). Sample vari-
meter, respectively (Orion, USA); conductivity ance and standard deviations are high, possibly
using a conductivity meter; chloride by the silver due to wide variations in the levels of contamina-
nitrate method; sulphate with a turbidity meter; tions in groundwater and the complex geo-chem-
iron, magnesium, manganese, zinc, nickel, copper, ical involvements in the process. The tests run on
cadmium and chromium using an atomic absorp- the other water quality parameters of the samples
tion spectrophotometer. Arsenic was most com- revealed that the water is hard with a consistent
monly analysed using an atomic absorption presence of sulphate and chloride at moderate to
spectrophotometer with hydride generation and a low values and that the alkalinity of the water is
background correction facility (Chemito 201), and mostly bicarbonate and carbonate in nature.
occasionally by the SDDC method (APHA 1992; Most of the contaminated sites are located in the
NEERI 1977). The samples generally did not Kotri plains. Water samples from ten identified
412 p.k. pandey et al.

Table 1. Status of groundwater parameters in the sampled area of District Kanker in 2003 (Concentrations in ppm, unless shown

pH Conductivity (mS) Total hardness Ca Mg SO4 F Cl Alkalinity Fe (lg L–1) Mn (lg L–1) As (lg L–1)

Mean 6.7 0.6 203.3 48.9 18.1 10.0 0.6 51.2 106.4 914.3 371.1 143.8
Standard error 0.1 0.2 28.4 7.2 2.9 1.0 0.0 7.8 10.6 174.8 93.9 27.0
Median 6.9 0.3 170.0 40.0 14.0 7.5 0.6 35.0 102.0 500.0 300.0 100.0
Standard deviation 0.5 0.9 120.3 30.8 12.2 6.0 0.2 37.6 46.1 1034.1 409.4 176.9
Kurtosis 4.8 13.7 2.1 2.7 0.4 1.3 )0.6 0.6 0.9 3.3 3.2 8.8
Skewness )1.8 3.7 1.6 1.7 1.0 1.2 0.4 1.1 1.1 1.8 1.8 2.6
Range 2.2 3.8 420.0 112.0 43.2 25.0 0.7 130.1 170.0 4500.0 1500.0 900.0
Minimum 5.1 0.1 80.0 16.0 4.8 2.0 0.3 12.9 51.0 0.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 7.3 3.9 500.0 128.0 48.0 27.0 1.0 143.0 221.0 4500.0 1500.0 900.0

locations situated in the Durgukondal block were relation of arsenic with pH, hardness and chloride
sampled throughout one hydrological year to ob- (Table 2). It is worth noting that arsenic has a
tain data on the variability of arsenic, iron and positive correlation – but at a lower degree of
manganese in the groundwater. The results of this significance – with iron and manganese. Based on
sampling (Figure 2) show the levels of the three the results it appears that arsenic mobility is
contaminants in three different seasons. A com- closely related to the pH and the hardness of
prehensive picture of the contamination in the water: i.e. the calcium and magnesium ions act as a
Durgukondal block is presented in Figure 3. The check on arsenic concentration. Similarly, the iron
contaminants are probably of geologic origin. and manganese levels appear to be co-generated
They are present at high levels in the post mon- with arsenic; however, as their dissolved concen-
soon and summer season and at low levels during tration is affected by pH, a lower mathematical
the monsoon season, indicating the probability of value is obtained in correlation analysis.
dilution effects during the monsoon season in view In view of the elevated concentrations in the
of heavy rainfall (approx. 100 cm in 4 months of groundwater we also analysed the river water. The
monsoon) and the probable dissolution and surface water of the region (sampled during pre-
mobilisation effects corroborated by high post- monsoon) shows elevated levels of arsenic, which
monsoon periods (particularly in the month of is influenced by the geological mineralised zona-
February-March). Some of the bore wells go dry in tion. Accordingly, the surface water of the
the summer month, which indicates that they may mineralised zone comprising the area of Amba-
not really be tapping any deep aquifer, hence there garh-Chowki shows a higher degree of contami-
exists a probability of local mobilisation. nation, which is a result of the rivers draining the
Correlation analysis provides useful information Kotri plains. As(III) is the most prevalent species
with respect to the genesis of any contaminant. in the groundwater, whereas the surface water of
This analysis was carried out on the drinking water the rivers shows a significant contamination of the
of the area, and the result showed a negative cor- As(V) species. The mean level of dissolved arsenic
in the surface water of the Kotri plains was 74.4 lg
L)1, with maxima of 200 lg L)1 (Table 3); the
correlation study revealed that it has a positive
correlation (0.7) with manganese. This is again
indicative of geological genesis of the contami-
nants (Table 4).
We further sampled a large number of river
snails in the rivers of the region. The predominant
species noted was Pluroceraidae. The analysis
shows a bio-concentration of the common toxic
Fig. 2. Seasonal variation in the levels of selected elements in metals – arsenic, nickel, copper and chromium
groundwater of the Durgukondal block of Kanker district. (Table 5). The manganese and iron concentration
arsenic contamination in kanker district 413

Fig. 3. Levels of arsenic in the Durgukundal block of Kanker district that was maximally affected by arsenic.

Table 2. Correlation analysis of groundwater.

pH Conductivity Total hardness Ca Mg SO4 F Cl Alkalinity Fe Mn As

pH 1.00
Cond )0.20 1.00
Hard )0.10 0.74 1.00
Ca )0.04 0.70 0.94 1.00
Mg )0.19 0.70 0.67 0.41 1.00
SO4 0.29 )0.29 )0.06 0.08 )0.50 1.00
F )0.39 0.31 0.16 0.11 0.24 0.06 1.00
Cl 0.17 0.64 0.71 0.73 0.31 0.29 )0.27 1.00
Alkaline )0.07 0.40 0.39 0.21 0.75 )0.36 0.27 0.04 1.00
Fe )0.57 )0.10 )0.16 )0.12 )0.18 0.08 0.12 )0.09 0.00 1.00
Mn )0.03 0.13 0.28 0.12 0.66 )0.40 0.17 0.02 0.72 )0.20 1.00
As )0.14 )0.28 )0.22 )0.17 )0.32 0.00 )0.14 )0.09 )0.26 0.04 0.24 1.00
414 p.k. pandey et al.

Table 3. Statistical analysis of the surface water of the Kanker district (concentrations in ppm, unless shown otherwise).

pH Conductivity Total hardness Ca Mg SO4 F Cl Alkalinity Fe (lg L)1) Mn (lg L)1) As (lg L)1)

Mean 6.9 0.3 157.5 42.0 13.8 9.1 0.2 30.5 77.0 294.4 89.3 74.4
Standard error 0.1 0.0 24.8 6.9 3.1 1.4 0.1 8.8 7.1 30.6 54.5 21.2
Median 7.0 0.3 140.0 38.0 10.8 9.0 0.3 20.0 77.5 300.0 0.0 80.0
Standard deviation 0.3 0.1 70.1 19.6 8.8 4.0 0.2 24.8 20.1 91.9 144.2 63.7
Kurtosis )1.3 )0.1 )0.8 1.3 )0.5 )1.5 )2.0 )0.2 )1.3 1.0 )0.9 0.6
Skewness )0.5 0.2 0.8 1.0 0.8 0.1 )0.4 1.3 )0.1 )0.8 1.2 0.7
Minimum 6.5 0.1 80.0 16.0 4.8 4.0 0.0 13.0 51.0 110.0 0.0 0.0
Maximum 7.3 0.4 270.0 80.0 28.8 15.0 0.4 70.0 102.0 410.0 300.0 200.0

are not very high. Snails sampled from this arsenic level may be highly episodic and, conse-
area were found to have a mean arsenic value of quently, the intermittent sampling protocol is not
11 mg kg)1, which is higher than the value able to cover all such events. The arsenic found in
of arsenic found in naturally occurring snails, the snail body does not correlate well with other
0.8–2.8 mg kg)1 (Francesconi & Edmonds 1997). elements (Table 6), and it shows a negative
The bio-concentration factors of the snail (though not high) correlation with iron and nickel.
(Huernia campanulata) exposed to As(III) (at Thus, it can be inferred that the uptake of these
1000 lg L)1) and As(V) (at 100 lg L)1) were 83 elements follows a distinct pattern. Further, there
and 99, respectively. The snail (Stagnicola ema- exists a very low aquatic biodiversity in the Kotri
rginata) accumulated similar arsenic residues when River, which is indicative of chronic to acute
exposed to high concentrations of As(III), As(V) episodes of metal contamination of the overlaying
and disodium methanoarsonate (DSMA), result- water column. A sediment analysis was also
ing in bio-concentration factors ranging from 16 to carried out, but it did not provide much informa-
17 (Irwin 1997). Residue concentrations were tion as the sandy sediments, which predominated
significantly less in animals exposed to DSMA. the studied area, do not provide a good record.
Residue accumulation was also the highest in
S. emarginata exposed to the low concentration of Soil contamination by arsenic
As(III), resulting in a bio-concentration factor of
92 (Irwin 1997). Compared to these values The soil analysis of the area presented another
reported previously, the bio-concentration factor remarkable picture. Soil arsenic levels are high,
obtained in this investigation is approximately156. and there is a sizable presence of nickel, chro-
The high bio-concentration factor thus points to mium, manganese and iron in the soil. In a few
the episodes of high arsenic concentration in the samples cadmium was detected at sizable concen-
aquatic environment. It is also possible that the trations. This soil analysis revealed a situation of

Table 4. Correlation analysis of surface water .

pH Conductivity (mS) Total hardness Ca Mg SO4 F Cl Alkalinity Fe Mn As

pH 1.0
Cond 0.2 1.0
Hard )0.3 0.2 1.0
Ca )0.3 0.3 0.9 1.0
Mg 0.1 0.0 0.7 0.4 1.0
SO4 0.0 0.2 )0.7 )0.7 )0.6 1.0
F )0.5 )0.2 )0.4 )0.2 )0.6 0.2 1.0
Cl )0.4 0.3 0.1 0.4 )0.4 0.1 )0.1 1.0
Alk 0.3 0.5 )0.4 )0.4 )0.2 0.4 0.1 0.0 1.0
Fe 0.4 0.1 )0.2 )0.4 0.1 0.6 )0.5 )0.2 0.0 1.0
Mn 0.4 0.7 )0.3 )0.2 )0.3 0.3 0.2 )0.3 0.5 0.3 1.0
As )0.2 0.6 0.1 0.1 )0.1 0.5 )0.2 0.3 )0.1 0.4 0.7 1.0
arsenic contamination in kanker district 415

Table 5. Statistical analysis of various metals in snails of Kanker district depicting bio-accumulation (concentrations in ppm).

As Ni Cu Cr Zn Fe (%)

Mean 11.6 14.4 12.2 17.8 11.4 0.6

Standard error 1.1 0.7 1.0 1.3 0.8 0.1
Median 11.5 14.4 11.5 17.0 11.0 0.6
Standard deviation 3.0 1.9 2.8 3.6 2.3 0.2
Sample variance 8.8 3.7 7.8 13.1 5.4 0.0
Kurtosis )1.2 1.2 )1.2 1.3 )0.7 )1.5
Skewness 0.2 0.6 0.0 1.2 0.3 0.1
Range 8.0 6.0 8.0 11.0 7.0 0.5
Minimum 8.0 12.0 8.0 14.0 8.0 0.4
Maximum 16.0 18.0 16.0 25.0 15.0 0.8

Table 6. Correlation matrix of levels of trace elements in the snail.

As Ni Cu Cr Zn Fe

As 1.00
Ni )0.35 1.00
Cu 0.12 )0.41 1.00
Cr 0.30 0.30 )0.57 1.00
Zn 0.25 0.33 0.12 )0.43 1.00
Fe )0.14 0.13 )0.24 )0.15 0.04 1.00

metal enrichment in the soil with a mean arsenic species (Hydrocotyle verticilliata). This species is
concentration of 34±13 ppm arsenic, 30±20 ppm currently being investigated for its hyper-accu-
nickel and 7.1 ppm cadmium (Table 7). The cor- mulator status. Similarly, the river weeds in the
relation analysis in the soil shows a significant Kotri river showed the presence of arsenic at a
positive correlation of arsenic with all of the other concentration of 50±10 ppm. This value attests to
major elements (Table 8). This correlation is a consistent presence of arsenic in the river water
chemically plausible and points to genetic simi- and its possible bio-accumulation. There are very
larities between the groups of metals. few reports of the wildlife poisoning by arsenic.
In view of the soil enrichment by arsenic, the The arsenic concentration in the water was as high
various vegetation forms commonly found in the as 2500 mg L)1, and Eisler (1988) reported that
area were analysed to determine their arsenic lev- catfish in the water of the reservoir contained 5
els. Results of 40 samples analysed (Table 9) and 12 mg As kg)1 in skeletal muscle after 5-h and
showed a mean level of arsenic of 32.41 ppm and a 7-week exposures, respectively (weight basis not
maximum value of 125 ppm in one particular specified).

Table 7. Soil statistical analysis [concentrations in lg/g, except for Fe (%)].

As Ni Cu Cr Zn Cd Mn Mg Fe

Mean 34.1 30.2 15.5 25.8 34.2 1.3 394.3 1161.3 1.3
Standard error 5.6 12.1 4.9 9.1 7.8 1.3 90.9 45.2 0.3
Median 37.0 20.0 14.9 30.0 32.5 0.0 403.0 1181.5 1.2
Standard deviation 13.7 20.6 12.1 22.2 19.1 3.1 222.6 110.8 0.9
Sample variance 186.6 876.2 145.8 494.2 364.2 9.4 49568.7 12284.7 0.7
Kurtosis 3.1 5.6 0.4 )1.5 )1.5 6.0 )1.3 0.6 3.8
Skewness )1.5 2.3 0.5 )0.2 0.2 2.4 0.1 )0.7 1.8
Minimum 8.8 10.0 0.0 0.0 10.0 0.0 120.0 980.0 0.5
Maximum 49.0 90.0 34.8 55.0 60.0 7.5 700.0 1300.0 2.9
Confidence level 14.3 31.1 12.7 23.3 20.0 3.2 233.6 116.3 0.9
416 p.k. pandey et al.

Table 8. Soil correlation matrix.

As Ni Cu Cr Zn Mn Mg Fe

As 1.00
Ni 0.88 1.00
Cu 0.80 0.48 1.00
Cd 0.52 0.48 0.67 1.00
Zn 0.71 0.65 0.60 0.28 1.00
Mn 0.70 0.63 0.73 0.62 0.91 1.00
Mg 0.87 0.90 0.45 0.13 0.74 0.56 1.00
Fe 0.52 0.32 0.30 -0.35 0.21 -0.07 0.62 1.00

Arsenic is also relatively persistent in the aquatic certain species. The vegetation studied in detail for
environment. Tanner and Clayton (1990) reported arsenic levels were B. monospermum (Palash),
elevated concentrations of arsenic in macrophytes J. curcas (Ratanjot), F. religiousa (Pipal), S. sph-
[193–1200 mg kg)1 dry weight (DW)] and surficial aerandra (Teek), A. indika (Neem), P. marsupium
sediments (540–780 mg kg)1 DW) in Lake Roto- (Bija), D. melanoxylon (Tendu), S. cumini (Jamun),
roa, New Zealand, 24 years after an application of and the aquatic plants were T. bispinosa (Singh-
sodium arsenite herbicide; arsenic levels in a ada), H. verticilliata (Hydrilla), I. Aquatica
nearby reference lake (Lake Rotokauri) were (Amaari) and a number of others.
<20 mg/kg DW in macrophytes and 16.5–
40 mg kg)1 DW in sediments. In a tropical climate Geology of the studied area and its relationship with
the slow-moving river water normally supports a arsenic contamination
rich aquatic flora and fauna, but the same has not
been observed in the Kotri River. Instead, we have After we had established that there was indeed
noted a marked lack of aquatic biodiversity in the arsenic contamination, it was important to estab-
Kotri River, and whatever species are available lish the reasons for its appearance in the ground-
appear to be tolerant to the arsenic and other trace water. Geologically the area is a part of the highly
elements. A greatly reduced taxon diversity and heterogeneous central Indian shield, which com-
abundance of aquatic plants was noted. Both land- prises three Archean cratons, two Gondwana
based and aquatic plants were analysed and found basins, Proterozoic mobile belts and basins inter-
to contain arsenic, with hyper-accumulation in spersed with Phanerozoic cover. The development
of the regional geology is given in Table 10.
The study area is a part of the central Indian
Table 9. Arsenic statistical analysis of the vegetationa. shield, which lies between 17 and 24N, and 78
Parameter Values
to 88E; see Figure 1 for a simplified geology map
of this region (GSI 2000; Sarkar 2001). Based on
Mean 34.46 detailed geological, petrological and structural
Standard error 8.23 studies the Central Indian Shear (Yedekar et al.
Median 36.00
Mode 38.00
1990) has been identified, which separates the
Standard deviation 30.78 Bastar block from the northern (Bundelkhand)
Sample variance 947.33 block. The western side of this shear is buried
Kurtosis 5.72 under alluvium and traps, while to the east it forks
Skewness 1.99 into two parts with the northern part coming close
Range 122.50
Minimum 2.50
to the Tan shear. The orogenic events which took
Maximum 125.00 place in the region are mainly responsible for the
Sum 482.50 formation of mineralised zones in the area.
Sample counts 40.00 The rocks of the Bailadila group consist of
Vegetation studied: B. monospermum, J. curcas, F. religiousa, feldspathic quartzite, phyllitic shales and iron ore
S. sphaerandra, A. indika, P. marsupium, D. melanoxylon, (Crookshank 1963), whereas the Kotri Group
S. cumini, T. bispinosa, H. verticilliata, I. Aquatica comprises volcanics of different compositions. In
arsenic contamination in kanker district 417

Table 10. Regional geological set-up of the studied region.

Chhattisgarh supergroup Raipur limestone; Chandarpur sandstone

Intrusive Quartz veins

Diorite, Gabbros, Pyroxenes
Khairagarh organic phase (0.00 Ma)
Khairagarh group Mangikhuta formation (basic volcanics)
Karutola formation (coarse clastics)
Sitagota formation (basic volcanics and intra-trappeans)
Bortalao formation (coarse elastics)
Chilphi group Chattuala formation (Shale/interbeded/sandstone)
Jharia formation (conglomerates and coarse elastics)
Dongargarh granite 2270±90 to 2465±22 Ma)
Nandgaon group Pitepani formation (basic volcanics)
Bijli formation (rhyolite/tuff) (2180–2500 la)
Amgaon orogeny, metamorphism and
granatization (2500 la)
Aamgaon group (Aamgaon Augen gneiss, banded and streaky gneisses
granitic complex) and megmatites with amphibolites and other super crustal rocks

fact the rocks of the Kotri Group converge were found to contain considerable amounts of
northward into the Dongargarh supergroup of pyrite, leading to the suggestion that pyrite is in-
rocks and are considered to have been formed in volved in the accumulation of high amounts of
one tectonic regime (Bandyopadhyay et al. 1995). arsenic in this area.
The earliest orogenic activity is described as In the location under study the volcanic rocks
Amgaon Orogeny, and it is characterised by a have not shown very high levels of arsenic
NNE-SSW to NNW-SSE trend. The subsequent (Table 11), yet the sedimentary deposits (though
Orogenic cycles corresponding with younger very small in geographical distribution) have
groups – namely the Nandgaon cycle and the shown enrichment in arsenic levels. In their eval-
Khairagarh cycle – almost follow the same trend uation of the regional distribution of arsenic in
and have caused low metamorphism of associated groundwater in the western United States, Welch
rocks. (Sarkar et al. 1981; Sarkar 1957, 1958, 1994) et al. (1988) evaluated the association between
The Kotri volcanic belt or Kotri lineament is aquifer geology and arsenic concentrations in the
identified as the southern extension of Dongargarh groundwater and found that higher arsenic con-
Supergroup. The N–S trending Kotri linear belt is centrations (groundwater concentrations greater
250 km long and 50 km wide and comprises the than 50 lg L)1) were associated with sedimentary
acid and basic volcanics along with conglomerate deposits derived from volcanic rocks. Similar rea-
and arkose, intruded by granite. sonings could be made to explain the arsenic in
We have identified a distinct presence of arse- Kanker district: the arsenic in the groundwater
nopyrite in the surface outcrops of rhyolite and in appears to be caused by mineral leaching.
deep borehole logs dug by a government agency in Weathering of the volcanic rocks may result in the
the Guruwandih area. The level of arsenic in cer- concentration of arsenic leching onto ferric oxy-
tain borehole chips has been found to be as high as hydroxide and being deposited with the sediments.
15,000 ppm. Abundant arsenic was contained in Models do exist that explain and predict con-
the conglomerate layer, andesitic and dacitic tuff ditions controlling the uptake or release of dis-
layer, and altered basalt & rhyolite and appears to solved arsenic in ground waters, however they
concentrate on layer boundaries. These layer remain incomplete partly due to a lack of knowl-
boundaries are the area where the aquifers exist. edge on arsenic speciation in subsurface sediments.
Most of the abundant arsenic was contained in In the shallow subsurface under changing redox
altered basalt layer. Certain samples of the area conditions, the ratio of reactive iron to sulphur in
418 p.k. pandey et al.

Table 11. Comparison of arsenic measured values of contaminated area in rock sample.

Rocks Arsenic Average Values of arsenic

concentration measured in the
(mg/kg) range area studied
usually reported
(NAS, 1977)

Ultrabasic 0.3–16 3.0 2.0

Gabbros 0.06–113 2.0 2.5
Andesites 0.5–5.8 2.0 3.8
Granites 0.2–13.8 1.5 2.9
Silicic volcanic 0.2–12.2 3.0 8.2
Shales and clays 0.3–490 14.5 12
Altered or rhyolite (deep) – – 15,000
Conglomerate (deep) – – 10,000
Iron ores (sedimentary) 1–2900 400 100
Manganese ores (sedimentary) (Up to 1.5%) – 150

the system controls the distribution of solid phases an episode of mass diarrhoea occurred at a village
capable of removing arsenic from solution when named Jatadah in the Durg District, which adjoins
conditions change from the oxidised to the the Kanker district. In September–October 2003
reduced state, the rate of which is influenced by mass diarrhoea was reported, and a large number
microbial processes. Because of the difference in of people had to be admitted to the hospital. The
the solubility of iron versus arsenic sulphides, whole village was dependent on boreholes. In the
precipitation of iron sulphide may remove sul- beginning it was presumed that the cause of the
phide from solution but not arsenic if precipitation outbreak was a bacterial infection spread by con-
rates are fast. The lack of the incorporation of taminated food or water.
arsenic into iron sulphides may result in the We carried out an epidemiological investigation
accumulation of dissolved As(III) if adsorption is in which any case of gastroenteritis was defined as
weak or inhibited. Aquifers particularly at risk for diarrhoea characterised by three or more loose
such geochemical conditions are those in which stools in a 24-h period or vomiting. A standardised
oxidised and reduced waters mix and where the questionnaire was filled in collecting the details of
amount of sulphate available for microbial the foods the villagers ate before the onset of the
reduction is limited (O’Day et al. 2004). The epidemic. The questionnaire was also used to
location of Kanker district that we have studied characterise the demographics, timing of illness,
here has been found to have changing redox con- attack rates, symptomatology and risk factors for
ditions. The pH-Eh study of the aquifers of the illness. Twenty-five patients were studied in detail,
region has shown that there are instances of and the manifestations included abdominal
changing redox conditions, thereby providing the cramps [25 (100%)], diarrhoea [20 (80%)], bloody
reasons why soluble As(III) and the iron and stools [6 (24%)] and vomiting [10 (40%)]. The
manganese in variable oxidation states coexist in median age was 28 years (range: 5–54 years), and
this region and why the amount of sulphate 15 (60%) patients were female. The signs and
available in the system is low. symptoms of the patients included the following:
• gastrointestinal: abdominal pain, nausea and
A case study on the adverse health effects of arsenic vomiting, and rice-water diarrhoea;
exposure in the location under study • haematological: anaemia, leucopoenia, throm-
bocytopoenia, and disseminated intravascular
The leaching and mineral dissolution process tak- coagulation (studied after 15 days of the diar-
ing place in the region appears to be sporadic and rhoeal epidemic);
that some kind of intermittent injection process is • other: difficulty in swallowing, abdominal
going on. We have collected evidence of this when pain.
arsenic contamination in kanker district 419

Stool cultures were prepared for Salmonella,

Shigella, Campylobacter and Escherichia coli and
none of the samples were positive. We then anal-
ysed the drinking water and urine samples for the
presence of arsenic. Both the drinking water and
the urine samples collected about 4 days following
the outbreak showed the presence of arsenic. The
mean arsenic level in the groundwater was 112 lg
L)1 with a standard deviation of 83.9 and a max-
imum level of 330 lg L)1 compared to the
National Drinking Standard of 50 lg L)1 of
Fig. 4. Changes in the water quality parameters in the
arsenic. To confirm the diagnosis, urinary arsenic
groundwater of the village affected by a diarrhoeal epidemic.
levels were measured, and the analysis of 14
patients showed a mean arsenic level of 177.9 lg
L)1, a standard deviation of 101.4 and a maximum 14 days after the initial outbreak the arsenic was
of 390 lg L)1. These results confirm the diagnosis totally absent from the drinking water. None of
as sub-acute arsenic poisoning. The Agency for the samples of water tested during this same period
Toxic Substance and Disease Registry (ASTDR showed any indication of microbial contamination
2003) proclaims that in sub-acute poisoning the as characterised by maximum probable number
onset of milder gastrointestinal symptoms may be (MPN) tests.
so insidious that the possibility of arsenic intoxi- Similarly the laboratory tests to obtain the
cation is overlooked. As a result of inorganic baseline urinary values showed a negligible con-
arsenic’s direct toxicity to the epithelial cells of the centration of arsenic. This follows the fact that the
gastrointestinal tract and its systemic enzyme urinary levels of arsenic drop rapidly in the first
inhibition, profound gastroenteritis, sometimes 24–48 h after acute exposure.
with haemorrhage, can occur within minutes to Hence it is clear that a regional arsenic con-
hours after acute ingestion. Symptoms may last for tamination is taking place in the central-eastern
several days. Difficulty in swallowing, abdominal part of India. The arsenic is geological in origin
pain, vomiting, diarrhoea and dehydration may and is related to the volcanic orogeny that took
result. The clinical diagnosis of arsenic intoxica- place during the Middle Proterozoic age. The
tion is often difficult because both acute and presence of arsenopyrite in certain geological for-
chronic poisoning present a wide spectrum of signs mations has also been noted. This has also caused
and symptoms, which are largely dependent upon an elevated soil arsenic level. Yet these levels are
the route of exposure, chemical form, dose and not as high as had been noted in some of the
time elapsed since exposure. In many cases, the adjoining blocks of Rajnandgaon district.
patient or person providing the history might not Arsenopyrite-oxidation could to be a cause of
have all of the information, or the source of arsenic mobilisation in the Kanker district of
exposure might not be apparent. By integrating Chhattisgarh state. Arsenic levels are high and
laboratory results with history and clinical find-
ings, it is often possible to confirm a diagnosis.
It is further interesting to note that there was a
continuous decrease in the major water quality
parameters (Figures 4 and 5). The quality analysis
of the water of the affected village collected about
4 days following the onset of the epidemic showed
elevated levels of arsenic, iron and manganese
(188, 456, 556 lg L)1). During the following week
the levels of dissolved constituents showed a
marked decrease (147.4, 394, 504 lg L)1 of Fig. 5. Changes in the water quality parameters in the surface
arsenic, iron and manganese, respectively), and by water of the village affected by a diarrhoeal epidemic.
420 p.k. pandey et al.

show a seasonal variation, which indicates the Park Service Water Resources Divisions, Water Operations
involvement of the leaching/mineral dissolution Branch Fort Collins.
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impacts on the flora and fauna. Surface water influence of sulphur and iron on dissolved arsenic concen-
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