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Second Assignment

Q1) Design an ac vity diagram for a document approval workflow. The document
approval process is described in the scenario below.
Scenario: Document Approval Workflow
An author submits a document to a publisher for approval. The submi ed document is ini ally directed by the publisher to both
Technical Review and Managerial Review simultaneously.

In the Technical Review stage, the document undergoes a detailed examina on by technical experts. If the document is found
lacking in technical aspects, it is rejected. If the document meets technical aspects, it undergoes quality check. If the document
passes the quality check, then it will be considered approved, but if it didn’t pass the quality check, it is rejected.

In the Managerial Review stage, the document is evaluated by managerial authori es. Approval from the managerial level is
necessary to move to the Final Approval stage. If the document meets the policies requirements, then it will be approved, else it will
be rejected.

The document reaches the Final Approval stage, where a final check is conducted by the publisher to ensure that it approved in both
stages (Technical Review and Managerial Review stages). Upon successful comple on of this stage, the document is officially
approved or rejected. Regardless of the outcome, the author is no fied of the final decision—whether the document has been
approved or rejected.
Q2) Write three true/false ques ons with their answers about the ac vity diagram
that you will create for the document approval workflow.

1- The document undergoes both Technical Review and Managerial Review simultaneously.
Answer: True
Reason: The scenario explicitly mentions that the submitted document is initially directed to both Technical
Review and Managerial Review simultaneously. Therefore, this statement is true.

2- The Managerial Review stage is op onal, and a document can be approved without going
through it.
Answer: False
Reason: The scenario explicitly states that approval from the managerial level is necessary to move to the Final
Approval stage. Therefore, the Managerial Review stage is not optional; it is a required step in the workflow.

3- If the document fails the quality check in the Technical Review stage, it is considered
Answer: True
Reason: According to the scenario, if the document is found lacking in technical aspects during the Technical
Review stage, it is rejected. This includes the case where it fails the quality check. Therefore, this statement is true.
Student: Tala Ismail – 202010022
Supervisor: Dr. Yazeed Sleet

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