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Evaluation Rubrics

Evaluation rubric: Reading 1–2
Evaluation rubric: Writing 3–4
Evaluation rubric: Listening 5–6
Evaluation rubric: Speaking 7
Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
With the help of visual aids, Is unable to Understands some Understands most of Understands
understands instructions understand much of the instructions the instructions but and follows the
about the way electronic or any of the but with difficulty. with some difficulty. instructions with
appliances or machines work, instructions. minimal difficulty
or for safety instructions (eg and is able to do the
Student’s name:

in a school, public place or task.

leisure centre).
Understands the gist and the Is unable to Understands the Understands the Understands the
main points from clear and understand the main gist and some of the gist and the main gist and the main
simple advertisements, from points and little or main points but with points but with points correctly and
magazines or the internet, none of the gist. significant difficulty. some difficulty. Can without significant
that are related to a familiar answer general difficulty. Can
topic (personal, academic or questions about the answer general
vocational). topic. and more specific
questions correctly.
Understands personal Is able to understand Understands Understands most of Understands the
correspondence (in any little or none of the some of the the correspondence correspondence
format) in which the student correspondence. correspondence but but with some with minimal
talks about himself/herself; with considerable difficulty. Can difficulty and
describes people, objects difficulty. answer general can respond
and places; or describes past, questions. to questions
present or future events, real appropriately.
Evaluation rubric: Reading

or fictional, and which express

feelings or opinions about
familiar topics.
Understands key points of Understands little Understands Understands many Understands the
formal correspondence. or none of the most some of the key key points of the most important
The correspondence should important points of points of the correspondence but points of the
include information about the correspondence. correspondence but with some difficulty. correspondence
topics of interest in either with considerable Understands some with minimal
a personal, academic or difficulty. formal conventions. difficulty, including
vocational context (eg about Can answer basic formal conventions.
a language course). comprehension Can answer detailed
questions. comprehension

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Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Understands the main ideas Understands little Understands some Understands the Understands the
of short journalistic texts or none of the main of the main ideas of main ideas of main ideas of
in any format. The student ideas of journalistic journalistic texts but journalistic texts but journalistic texts
is guided by numbers, texts. with difficulty. with some difficulty. without significant
names or illustrations to aid Can answer general difficulty. Can
understanding. comprehension answer general and
questions. specific questions.
Understands specific Understands very Understands some Understands most Understands specific
information from web pages little or none of the of the specific of the specific information from
or other reference material specific information information from information from web pages and
which is structured clearly from web pages web pages and web pages and other reference
and relates to academic or and other reference other reference other reference material with
vocational topics, or topics material. material, but with material. Is able minimal difficulty.
of personal interest (eg difficulty. to answer general Is able to answer
curricular subjects, music, questions. general and detailed
a city, sport). The students comprehension
can re-read difficult parts if questions correctly.
Understands key information Understands very Understands a Understands Understands the
from contemporary fiction little or none of the little of the key some of the key most relevant
that is short, well structured key information information from information from information from
and contains a plot and from contemporary contemporary contemporary contemporary
characters which can be easily fiction. fiction. fiction. Can identify fiction with minimal
followed. For example, fiction key characters difficulty. Can
for teenagers. and answer basic answer general
questions. and more detailed
questions about

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Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Completes a simple Is able to complete Is able to complete Is able to complete Is able to complete
questionnaire with personal very little or none of some of the most of the the questionnaire
details, academic information the questionnaire. questionnaire but questionnaire with appropriate and
or interests and hobbies (eg with significant but with some accurate information
to sign up as a volunteer, or inaccuracies inaccuracies (eg without significant
Student’s name:

join an after-school activity). (spelling and minor spelling grammatical or

grammatical errors). errors). spelling errors.
Writes notes or messages Has great difficulty Is able to write Is able to write notes Is able to write
(SMS, instant messages, chats) or is unable to write notes or messages. or messages. The messages using
that include short comments, messages. Language The language language is usually appropriate
instructions or suggestions is inappropriate and is sometimes appropriate and and accurate
related to everyday situations inaccurate. appropriate and accurate. language and with
or activities. accurate. minimal errors.
Can use everyday
expressions and
informal language.
Write notes or short Is unable to write Is able to write Is able to write Is able to write notes,
messages (eg on social effective notes or notes or short notes or short or short messages
networking sites) related short messages. messages but uses messages but using appropriate
to activities or everyday inappropriate and/or encounters some and accurate
situations, students own inaccurate language. difficulties with language. Respects
interests or topical issues, spelling, grammar conventions of
Evaluation rubric: Writing

and which respect the or conventions of courtesy and can

conventions of common courtesy. complete task
courtesy and etiquette. successfully.

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Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Writes short reports with Is unable to write a Is able to write a Is able to write a Is able to write
information that is simple and short report due to short report; many short report; some a short report
related to everyday situations, linguistic difficulty. errors of language errors of language using appropriate
in an academic or vocational and structure. and structure. language. The report
context. This could include follows a logical
descriptions of situations, order and contains
people, objects and places. minimal errors.
They should be set out in a Uses language
logical order. appropriate in an
Writes personal Is unable to Is able to Is able to write Is able to write
correspondence where write personal write personal effective personal effective personal
he/she establishes and correspondence correspondence. correspondence. The correspondence
maintains contact (eg with due to linguistic The language language is usually using appropriate,
friends from abroad). The difficulty. is sometimes appropriate and accurate language
correspondence contains appropriate and accurate but some with minimal error.
an exchange of information; accurate. errors are made. Can use informal
a simple description of a expressions and
series of events and personal correspondence is
experience (eg doing a well structured.
summer language course);
instructions; an offer or
acknowledgment of advice
and/or expressions of opinion.
Writes formal correspondence Has great difficulty Is able to Is able to Is able to
that is simple and brief, or is unable to write formal write formal write formal
addressed to public or write formal correspondence correspondence correspondence
private organizations. The correspondence. but has no with some errors. with minimal errors.
correspondence asks for Language is understanding of Demonstrates some Demonstrates
or gives information in a inappropriate and the norms of formal understanding of a good
simple way and observes the inaccurate. correspondence. the norms of formal understanding of
conventions and norms of correspondence. the norms of formal
courtesy required in formal correspondence.

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correspondence. Can complete task

Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Extracts main ideas and Understands little Understands some Understands the Understands the
relevant details from or none of the of the message main part of the message with
advertisements, messages message and has but has difficulty in message with only minimal difficulty.
and short announcements great difficulty with doing so. some difficulty. Can answer
that are delivered in a the task. Can answer basic comprehension
Student’s name:

slow, clear way (eg travel questions. questions

information or information confidently.
about a summer camp).
Understands the main points Understands little Understands some Understands the Understands
from everyday conversations or none of the of the conversation main part of the and follows the
(eg at school, in shops, conversation and but has difficulty in conversation with conversation
restaurants and places of has great difficulty doing so. minor difficulty. without significant
leisure and work). with the task. difficulty.
Identifies the gist and main Understands little of Understands some Understands the Understands the
ideas in a formal or informal none of the gist or of the gist and the gist and main ideas gist and main ideas
conversation between 2 or the main ideas of the main ideas of the of the conversation, of the conversation
more speakers about familiar conversation. conversation, with but with some with minimal
topics (clear, well articulated significant difficulty. difficulty. difficulty. Can
discourse in standard accent). answer general and
specific questions.
Understands an informal Understands little Understands some Understands Understands the
conversation in which people or none of the of the conversation, most of the conversation with
describe or narrate events, conversation. with significant conversation, but minimal difficulty.
Evaluation rubric: Listening

express opinions about difficulty. with some difficulty. Understands

familiar topics of everyday life Understands some informal expressions.
and interests. Delivered slowly informal expressions.
and clearly. The interlocutor
may be asked to repeat if

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Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Understands a formal Understands Understands some Understands most of Understands the
conversation or interview little or none of of the conversation the conversation and conversation and
(in school or place of work) the conversation but has difficulty in can participate, but participates without
in which he/she participates and is unable to participating. with minor difficulty. any difficulty.
and is asked about personal participate. Understands some Understands formal
information, academic formal expressions. expressions.
information or about
interests. He/She can ask for
clarification if needed.
With the support of visual Is unable to extract Is able to extract Is able to extract Is able to extract
aids, extracts the main ideas the main ideas and some of the main most of the main all of the main
and relevant information relevant information ideas and relevant ideas and relevant ideas and relevant
from a presentation or talk from the talk or information from the information from the information from the
about a familiar academic presentation. presentation, with presentation with presentation with
or vocational topic (eg a some difficulty. minor difficulty. little or no difficulty.
talk about academic topics
or a presentation about
organizing group work).
Identifies the key information Is unable to identify Is able to identify Is able to identify Is able to identify
from film or television clips the key information some of the key most of the key all of the key
about everyday topics which from the film or information from information from information from
are delivered slowly and television clip. film or television film or television film or television
clearly with visual aids to clips, but with clips (eg topic and clips with minimal
help understanding (eg, news difficulty. main message). difficulty.
reports or interviews).

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Learning outcome 1 2 3 4 Result
Delivers short presentations Is unable to deliver a Is able to deliver a Is able to deliver a Is able to deliver
on topics of personal interest clear presentation. presentation, but clear presentation a clear, coherent
or related to students’ studies with significant and is able to answer presentation and is
that have been previously difficulty. questions about the able to respond to
rehearsed. Presentations content, but with questions about the
Student’s name:

are well structured with some difficulty. content, without

supporting visuals (such as significant difficulty.
PowerPoint slides). Students
should be prepared to answer
short, simple questions
about the content of their
Communicates effectively Has difficulty Is able to Largely Communicates
in everyday formal and communicating and communicate but communicates confidently and
informal situations, following making himself/ has some difficulties clearly but clearly in everyday
norms of basic courtesy herself understood. (eg coherence, encounters some situations with
(eg, when travelling, asking courtesy or difficulties. minimal difficulty.
for and giving directions, vocabulary). Respects norms of
shopping or free time courtesy.
Participates effectively in Is unable to Participates Participates in the Participates
informal conversations, participate minimally in the conversation but effectively in the
either face to face or on the effectively or conversation but with some difficulty. conversation with
Evaluation rubric: Speaking

telephone. Dialogues could maintain the with considerable Can use some minimal errors. Is
include an exchange of conversation. difficulty. informal expressions. able to use informal
information, giving opinions, vocabulary and
invitations, asking for expressions.
directions, giving instructions
or expressing feelings.
Participates in formal Is unable to Is able to participate Is able to participate Is able to participate
conversations or interviews participate in the minimally in the in the conversation in the conversation
(of an academic or vocational conversation due conversation but and exchange and to exchange
nature) in which there is an to communication has problems information and information and
exchange of information or problems. communicating and opinions, but has opinions without

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opinions based on the topic. is unaware of formal difficulty with formal significant difficulty.
Student asks for and gives vocabulary and language. Uses vocabulary and
information, instructions or expressions. expressions that
solutions. are appropriate in
formal situations.

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