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● Paul Revere by Copley

○ Copley bio
■ Learned from peter pelham stepfather
■ Purchased john smiberts studio
■ Self taught
■ 1765 painted henry pelham titled it boy with a squirrel
■ Met benjamin west
■ Copley paints range of textures and surfaces
■ Painted portraits of members of boston and new york society
■ Lived on beacon hill near john hancock
■ His rather richard clarke was looyalist who lost his cargo in boston tea
○ Paul revere
■ Silversmith
■ Joined sonsof liberty
■ Sold practical items then intricate items
■ Henry wadsworth longfellow poem paul
■ revere ride published jan 1861 in atlantic monthly
■ April 18 1775 revere warned hancock adams at lexington
■ Accompanied by sam prescott
■ Made silver frames for copley
○ Silversmith
■ Wore work clothes distinguished american painting from europe
■ Dirty fingernails, reflection on teapot
■ Tools on his desk
■ Capable of physical labor and lofty thought
■ Not natural since his table is clean
■ Teapot protests townshend acts
○ Discovered in 1928 when it was lent to museum of fine arts
● Phillis Wheatley by Scipio moorhead published by archibald bell
○ Wheatley
■ Born in gambia in west africa around 1753
■ Arrived to boston on july 11 1761 aboard phillis
■ Sold by dealer named john avery to john wheatley and Susanna
■ Susanna and her daughter mary taught phillis greek latin and english
■ Published firs poem in Rhode Island New Port Mercury in 1767
■ 1770 elgiac poem after death of Reverend geeorge Whitefield
■ Whitefield was an anglican preacher founded methodism
■ Selena hastings became a patron for phillis
■ Philanthropist and countess of huntingdon
■ Involved in methodist movement
■ Published poems on various subjects religious and moral
■ Freed when wheatley died
■ Sent washington a poem
■ Commemorated end of war with liberty and peace a poem
■ Married john peters 1778
■ Could not fund ua second poetry book
■ Died after giving birth
○ Analysis
■ Depicted as intellectual not servant
■ Wearing apron kerchief and mobcap
■ Thinker pose
■ Similar to copley’s dorothy quincy
■ Most women aren’t shown writing
■ Active position not passive
■ Oval frame means she is confined
■ Moorhead was advertised in boston Newsletter
■ Wheatley links poets and painters
● First Second last scene of mortalit by Prudence Punderson
○ Needlework
○ Subject matter
○ Silk ground
○ Thirteen to 17
○ Three stages of womans life birth to middle age and death
○ Depicts hersel fas an artist
○ P.P on the coffin
○ Reminiscent of thomas smithw ith a skull
○ Died at 26
○ Born in Preston Connecticut in 1758
○ Father was a loyalist and lost goods in 1778
○ Fled to long islan
○ Kiki smith would use this as inspiration
● Patience Lovell Wright by Robert Edge Pine 1782
○ Patience wright
■ Wax sculptor
■ Quaker parents
■ Small portrait busts and cameos to life size figures
■ Stateus were fully dressed and realistic
■ Fire ruined her studio in 1771
■ Fire ruined her studio in 1771
■ Moved to london
■ Made bust of ben franklin and benhamin west
■ Pitt was known for defense of rights against stamp act
■ Expression conveys intelligence and compassion
■ Gaurdian angel of america
■ Passed notes and info during war
■ Planned to make monuments of revolutionary heroes
■ Died in 1786
○ Subject matter
■ Pine was british
■ Excluded from british royal academy of art
■ Painted franklin
■ Moved to philly in 1784
■ Molded the wa under her apron
○ Sculpting wax
■ Either carve out or add
■ Resembles human flesh
● Lansdowne of George Washington by Gilbert Stuat
○ Stuart bio
■ Left to study art under west in 1777 in england
■ Established reputation when he did the skater in 1782
■ Fled england to ireland to escape debtorsfor five years
■ Arrived in philly to paint washington in 1793
○ Presidentiual portraiture
■ Stuart painted more than a 100 portraits for washington to develop a new
image for the nation
■ Athenaeum portrait was famous appears on dollar bill
■ Kept it to use for other portraits instead of giving it to martha washington
■ Copied it 60 times and called it his 100 dollar bills
■ Lively disciplined
○ Visual analysis
■ Three copies
■ Gift to marquis of lansdowne
■ Washington the ruler not general
■ Analogous to roman senators
■ Quill penrefers to bills becoming laws
■ Constitution and federalist are on his table
■ Flag and medallion on the back of the chair
■ Bald eagles on the legs withi arrows show theyre ready for war
■ Symbol for iroquois confederacy
■ Table leg is fasces
■ Simple clothing
■ Dark clouds and a rainbow
● French royal academy forme din 1648
● History painting, portraits, genre, landscape, still life
● Royal academis in london by joshua reynolds
● American academy of fine arts in 1802 by john trumbull
● National academy of design in new york city in 1825
● Segesser II
○ Acquired by jesuit priest in san sacier del bac in primeria alta
○ 3 hides
○ One died
○ Clash between natives and europeans
○ 17 ft
○ Spanish v natives
○ Near loup and platte rivers
○ Ten pueblos and 36 spaniards died
○ Pubelos are hatless french have tricorne pawnee are nude
○ Reposteros are decorated hides
● Penn’s treaty with the indians by Benjamin West 1771
○ West bio
■ Learned color mixing from natives
■ Founded royal academy
■ Mentored a ton of artists
■ Death of general wolfe
■ West insisted subjects wear modern clothes not greek clothing
■ Lamentation of christ makes wolfe a martyr
■ Iroquois is connected to classical sculpture
○ Subject matter
■ Penn was a quker
■ Met with chief of lennie lenape under elm tree at shackamaxon
■ Idea that penn maintained peaceful relations
■ 1737 all peace was lost bc his son thomas stole land
■ Horizontality and balance shows equal exchang
■ Emphasis on cloth
■ Natives on darker wooded while quakers on lighter with buildings
■ Painting divided into thirds
■ Observes in foreground action in middle background establishes setting
■ Central portion whic shows meeting between settlers and natives
■ Left has workers
■ Right has natives
■ Triptychs in renaissance pieces
■ Merchants quakers natives
● Boston Massacre by Paul Revere 1770
○ Revere stole pelhams design
○ Attucks was african and native descent
○ A sign reads butchers hall even tho there was none
○ British are severe
○ Americans have soft expressions
○ Three bodies
○ Tricorne hats
○ Woman reminds mourning virgin mary
○ Controversy
■ Added butchers hall and caption with 18 lines
■ No copyright law for pelham
● Washington Crossing the Delaware 1851 by Emanul Leutze
○ Bio
■ Born near wurteemberg in 1816
■ Parents came to us in 1825
■ Studied art with whilhem schadow and lessing dusseldorf art academy
■ Dusseldorf style had attention to drafting dynamic compositions and
■ Believed in german uprising of 1848
■ 1862 completed westward the course of empire takes its way
○ Analysis
■ Solid and upright
■ Clock is reminiscent to flag
■ Not accurate but very patriotic
○ Influence
■ Lawrence painted with egg tempera on hardboard twelve by 16 inches
■ Focuses on army not washington
■ Part of struggle from the history of the american people
■ Robert colescott replaced washington with washington carver
■ Filled with caricatures
■ Shimomura crossing the delaware 6 ft by 12 ft with 3 panels
■ Painted himself as washington and soldiers are samurai
■ Edo period prints of hokusai
■ San francisco harbor not delaware river river
■ Angel island
● Pictorial quilt by harriet powers 1895-98
○ Piecework or applique
○ Calico cotton was used in quilts
○ Quilts were easy to transport
○ Presentation quilts with album quilts
○ Hannah Stockton stiles Trade and Commerce quilt has tree of lifeat its center
■ Eleven boats
■ Complex picture in one big city
■ Ringgold creates storoy quilts
○ Harriet Powers Bio
■ Had 9 children
■ Died jan 1910 pictorial quilt and bible quilt
■ 11 panels
○ Analysis
○ Given to charles cuthbert hall
■ 15 panels on pictorial and 11 o bible
■ Adam and eve jonah and the whale, job, moses, john batizing, crucifixion,
meteors, black friday, hog,
● Monticello Thomas Jefferson
○ Jefferson
■ Delegate to continental congress governor of virginia minister of france
secretary under washington
■ Turned away from georgian architecture and turned to roman
■ Influenced by charles louis clerisseau
○ Visual analysis
■ Jefferson had 5000 then 11000 acres
■ Mills bailey and textiles
■ Palladian style
■ Not on a river but on a hill
■ Heavy doric entablature
■ Made the house look like one story not 3
■ Octagons
■ More than 80 slaves
■ Under the manor
■ Dumbwaiters hid the slaves
○ Capitol by thornton bulfinch and latrobe
■ Pierre lenfant determined capitol would be on jenkins hill
■ 1793 thornton won contest to win building location
■ Low dome over temple with rectangular wings on north and south
■ Later latrobe came in added corinthian colonnade and staircase
■ Involved in national statuary hall old senate chamber and old supreme
court chamber
■ Later bulfinch in 1818
■ di d dome
■ Marker from sandstone
○ Destruction
■ Burned capitol by british
■ Corinthian columns had acanthus leaves replaced with corncobs and
■ Four panels show the preservation of smith bypocahontas penns treaty
with indians landing of hte pilgrims and daniel boone and indians
■ Thomas crawford statue called statue of freedom where female figure
wore a liberty cap
■ Replaced liberty cap with native american headdress
■ Statue was casty by carl mill.swith assistance of reid
■ Devised a pulley to disassemble the sculpture
● George Washington by Horation oGreenough
■ Made sculpture of william penn
■ Copied casts of greek sculpture at boston athenaeum
■ Learned from solomon willard and alpheus cary
■ Studied at phillips academy at 1821 met washington allston
■ Befriended james fennimore cooper and robert w weir
■ 1828 he made an art studio
■ Mentored by danish albert bertel thorvvalsden and lorenzo bartolini
■ Made a book travers observation and edxperiences of a yankee
■ Functionalism belief that buildings should be designed just off function
■ 1852 died of a fever
■ Analysis
● For the anniversary of presidents birthday
● 20000
● Neoclassicqal
● Based on statue of zeus at olympia by phidias
● Left food extends as if he might get up
● Jean august edominique ingres did the same for 1806 Napoleon
on his imperial throne
● Head was derived from jean antoine houdon’s portrait
● Asks viewers to pick mantle of defending country’s liberty
● Relief sculptures on the side show hercules and apollo
● Then theres natives and columbus
● Latin inscription horatio made this image as an example of
● Nobody liked it
● Didnt like semi nude
● Moved from rotunda to east lawn then smithsonian then national
american history museum
● Forever free by Emonia Lewis
○ Chippewa and africam american descent
○ Sold native american crafts
○ 1856 enrolled in a baptist abolitionist
○ Three years at oberlin college
○ First college in united states to allow africans natives and womens
○ 1862 accused of poisining the wine of classmates
○ Spanish fly
○ Lewis was attacked and beaten
○ Accused of theft later but could not graduate
○ 1864 went to boston helped by william lloyd garrison and lydia maria child
○ Studied with edward brackett.
○ Sold portrait medallions of john brown and colonel robert ould shaw
○ Harriet hosmer welcomed her into a community of women sculptors
○ Cult of true womanhood women had to find needlework or quilting not sculptors
○ Lewis chisled her sculptures herself
○ Visual analysis
■ Allude to emancipation proclamation
■ Manacle around her ancle
■ Contraposto pose
■ Freedom has not been fully attained with one broken and one intact
■ Man is rising up women is on her knees
■ 1872 created marble old arrow maker based on longfellow poem song of
● Totem poles carved by haida and tlingit in alaska
● John white watercolors focused on abundance of resources
● Thomas Cole popularized landscape painting
● Hudson river school
● Morans landscaped established yellowstone as a park
● Pueblo bonito 850-1150
○ Pit houses then great houses
○ Visual analysis
■ 9 great houses
■ Recorded during washington expedition of 1849
■ Learning rock gap
■ Three large kivas and 32 small kivas
■ Petroglyphs
■ Pueblo were interested in lunar and solar cycles winter summer solstices
and cardinal directions
■ Doorways aligned
■ T shaped doors
■ Scarlet macaws
■ Trades of caco were on pottery sherds
○ Context
■ People left to cliff settlements
■ Dryer climate split apart communities
■ Sacred land for puebloans zuni hopi
■ Antiquities act of 1906 made it a national monument
● Peale Exhumation of Mastodon
○ Born in queen anne’s county maryland 1741
○ Influenced by copley
○ Met ben west in 1767
○ Peale opened first natural history museum in america 1786
○ 90 mammals 700 birds and 4000 insects
○ Art and nationalism were deeply
○ Columbarium which closed later
○ Devoted whig and wanted washington president of academy
○ Angered jerrersonians who didnt want to follow britain
○ Mastodon was in new york hudson valley
○ Stuffed wild turkey art palette
○ Passion for art and science
○ Visual analysis
■ 1789 farmer in newburgh new york
■ 4 by 5 foot
■ Includes deceased wife third wife and children
■ Dark storm clouds with impending doom
■ Large water wheel
○ Context
■ Peale tasked his son to make subs from wood and paper mache
■ Solidified nationality
● View of Cincinnati Ohio from COnvington
○ Bio
○ Parents worked as painters and carpenters
○ First african to receive international acclaim
○ 1841 moved to cincinnati
○ Pro abolitionist
○ With worthington whittredge and sonntag they made ohio river style
○ Portraits of freeman cary
○ Toured europe in 1853
○ Returned with painterly landscapes and atmospheric effects
○ Worked with james presley ball a photographer
○ 1855 they amde mammoth pictorial tour of the united states comprising views of
african slave trade
○ Flew to montreal
○ Met lord alfred tennyson and made a poem the lotos eaters
○ Suffered dementia by lead poisoning
○ Died after a seizure
○ Nicholas longworth made him paint murals
○ Visual analysis
■ African farmers with industrialized skyline of cincinnati
■ Frames the scene and focuses attention
■ Rivers in his landscapes bc it was part of the underground railroad
■ Ohio river was also in harriet beecher store’s 1852 uncle tom cabin
■ Painted uncle tom and little eva where eliza flees with her daughter
■ Benjamin mconkey exhibited cole’s voyage of life series whittredge and
■ Large expanses of sky showed influence of claude lorrain
■ Worked with william notman and influenced otto jacobi vj way allan edson
■ Detroit institute of arts installed a gravestone
● Raven crest ple sitka national historic park
○ Red cedar trees
○ 9-59 ft
○ Tlingit haida tsimshian used formlines
○ Ovoid shapes
○ Block formlines red bleu blue green secondary forms
○ Interconnectedness between human andanimal
○ Context
■ Tlingit people
■ Russians arrived in 1798
■ Battle of sitka in 1804
■ Nearly defeated russians
■ Fur trade depleted so they sold to US
■ Gov john g brady sent totem poles to worlds fair in st louis
■ 13 out of 15 were returned to alaska in 1906
■ Two were sold bc they were in poor condition and to reduce shipping
■ Brady and elbridge w merill selected locations to put them in the park
■ Tlingit and haide do not repair poles but let them decompose
○ Visual analysis
■ Donated to gov brady in 1903 by chief gunyah
■ Installed under direction of e w merill
■ CCC was tasket with restoring them and collecting them
■ George benson was the master carver
■ Removed poles from original context
■ Raven refers to moiety
■ Tlingit are either raven or eagle
■ Whale near the center which refers to legend of raven and whale
■ Raven was inside the whalke and lit a fire in the whale
■ Then got food from villagers

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