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Science Study


Electricity is the flow of electrical power or charge,

Who made electricity?

There were 3 PEOPLE who created electricity
 William Greener
 Schuyler Wheeler
 Wilhelm Emil Fein

Why was electricity made?

Electricity was not discovered all at once. It was first made for LIGHT
because people wanted a safe and cheap way to light their homes
and scientists though electricity might be a way.

How was the word ELECTRICITY come out?

which means amber. The word volt pays tribute to Italian physicist
Alessandro Vola (1745-1823) inventor of the ELECTRIC BATTERY in
1800, amongst other things.

Who DISCOVERED electricity?

Benjamin Franklyn is credited for DISCOVERING ELECTRICITY in the
1700s with his kite experiment. Which was when he flew a kite with a
metal key tied to it during a thunderstorm.
Who is the FATHER of electricity?
Micheal Faraday is known as the Father of Electricity. He discovered
the laws of electromagnetism. He was also the one who built the first
electric generation and electric motor.

What would life be like now if there was not electricity?

In the absence of electricity, there would be no transportation, no
medical care, no logistics etc. Most urban areas would start to starve
and as days pass the world’s population will decrease.

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