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Appearance The Party Sketch

Scene 1

Tom Hey, I’ve got a message from Gemma. Hey, party tomorrow night!
Oh, it’s fancy dress though. She’s inviting nearly everyone. Would you
like to go?
Ben OK, sounds good.
Tom I’m not sure about fancy dress though. Do you remember last time?
Pirates of the Caribbean – you had a parrot on your shoulder!
Ben Oh yeah! That was a good laugh! And you had an eye patch!
Tom Oh, and wooden leg! That was a stupid idea – I couldn’t move!
Ben Yeah. We all know how you like to show off your dance moves. OK,
OK, what’s the theme for this fancy dress party?
Tom Doesn’t say. Oh yes, it does – 1920s Chicago gangsters. Where can we
get a costume for that? Oh, I wonder if Kate’s been invited, maybe she
can help. She’s excellent at putting costumes together.
Ben Good idea. But no parrots!
Tom Or eye patches! This time we want a “WOW” factor, not a comedy,
Ben Right!

Tom Hi – it’s me, Tom.

Can you hear me?
Is that better?
Yeah, not bad. I’m just at Ben’s, playing a bit of Pro.
Yeah! Hey, listen, are you going to Gemma’s tomorrow night?
Yeah, Ben and I are coming but we need some help with the costumes.
What do you think? Could you help us?
Ah great!
Ben We can all get ready together here.
Tom Ben’s just saying we could all get ready at his house.
Can Silvia come?
Ben Yeah, course.
Tom Yeah, that’s fine. See you then.
OK. Sounds like a good idea. We’re gonna look great! Cool.
Right, she suggests we meet at the second-hand shop and see what we
can find there.
Ben Good idea.

Ben Right, mate, I’ve got football practice at 5 so let’s stop.

Tom Yeah, OK, I’ve got to help my Dad at home so, what time shall we meet
Ben Why don’t you come here in the afternoon?
Tom Or we could meet at the shop first?
Ben OK, let’s meet at the shop at 4 pm and then come back here.

Tom Good idea. And then we can get changed here.

Ben What time does the party start?
Tom 9 pm, I think.


Text © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015

Appearance The Party Sketch

Ben Sounds like a plan.

Tom Cool, see you then!
Scene 2

Kate Can anyone see anything we can use?

Ben Look at this – straight out of the 30s. Brilliant!
Tom I’m going to try this on.
Silvia I’m don’t know what to wear.
OK, alright, how about this for a gangster girl?
Tom Brilliant, definitely!
Kate I think you need some shoes. All you need now are some high heels,
maybe in red.
Silvia Oh yeah, what about these?
Kate What size are they?
Silvia I’m not sure.
No, they’re far too big.
Kate They are beautiful though. Probably difficult to walk in!

Tom Ta da! Look at this!

Ben Oh, now you just need a hat.
What about this one?
Tom Cheers!
Ben Mate, that looks great!
Kate You look fantastic! You know what? I’m going to go as Al Capone
too. I want to wear one of those hats.
Silvia But Kate, you could wear this?
Look, and this!
Tom Your choice! There’s another trilby here.
OK, are we nearly ready to go?
Scene 3

Tom How much is this suit please?

Assistant Does it have a price tag? Let’s see.
Yes, it’s £12.50. It looks very big for you though.
Tom Oh yes, it’s not my size. I need to have big shoulders. It’s a gangster
fancy dress party, you see.
Assistant Oh, that’s fine then. What about these?
Tom Yeah, perfect!
Kate How much is this trilby, please? You definitely need this, Tom.
Assistant It’s £2.95.
Kate What a bargain! Could I have all these, please?
Assistant Certainly. Are you paying together?
Tom Oh, yes please, my sister’s paying!
Assistant Lucky you!
Would you like a bag?
Kate Yes please but first, do you think you could take a picture of us?
Assisstant Of course! Say Al Capone, you glamorous gangsters!
All Al Capooooooooone!

Ben Right, come on, time to get ready for the party!


Text © Macmillan Publishers Limited 2015


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