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For Ukraine Patrick Howarth and Philip Wood Macnilan Education 4 Cinan sueet London NI SKW, UK ‘Acision of Spinger Nature Limited Companies and representatives throughout the word IsBN9789665-755148 “ext. design andilustation © Springer Nature ited 2018 eten by Patek Howarth nd Philp Wood Student Book Tet © Dail Mots and ona Maucline ‘The authors have asserted ther rights tobe dered othe authors of his workin accordance with the Copyright Designs and Patents At 1968, Fist published 2015 _Alvights sere No part ofthis pubcason maybe reproduce, tredin areal Sse or wansmtted nary form orb any means electron mechanical photocopy. rReording oratherwise without the por writen permision othe publisher Designed by mc design ited over design by Designers Callective over and page make-up by Procownia DTP Aneta Osipik Wypiée Back cover mages by Natur Publishing Group Studio TNS Students Bookeredits “Toe, desig ad station © Springer Nature Limited 2019 \Wten by Fena Mauchin and Darel Moms ‘Theaurhors hae aserted ther ight be dented asthe authors of hs work in 2ccrdance withthe Copyeight Designs and Patents et 1988 Fist published 2015, Alright reserved no par ofthis publeatlon may be reproduced, tren eel system transmitted any form, orbyany means lactone mechania photocopying, ‘Rearing rotere wthout the pir writen permission ofthe planers. 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While All Clear is designed to guide your students to develop their language competence, it also teaches invaluable life skills fo lifelong learning and prepares leatmers to successfully pass their exams. Linguistic content Vocabulary AllClear approaches vocabulary in a practical way, introducing new lexis with ample visual support and systematic contextualized exposure throughout the unit. Vocabulary sets are recorded on the Class Audio CDs and can be downloaded from the Digital Resource Centre so students can practise pronunciation. Both the Student's Book and the Workbook have a picture dictionary of the target vocabulary. Grammar Fully comprehensive grammar tables in the grammar section guide students through the exercises while additional schematic grammar tables are provided in the Language Reference. Authentic-style texts and dialogues provide the context essenti understanding the unit grammar. Skills All Clear provides achievable coverage ofall four skills which helps to improve students’ ability to communicate effectively in real-world contexts. Receptive skills are developed through authentic reading texts and engaging listening activities. The topical link continues with the production of model dialogues and texts with interaction between students being guided through carefully crafted speaking and writing tasks for Reading All Clear contains different genres of reading text to capture students’ interest and at the same time also present essential grammar and vocabulary from the unit. Writing All Clear takes a highly scaffolded approach to written interactions and production with Model Texts, All Clear Tips and a three-step Writing Task which shows students how to plan, write and check their own work. Listening Clear recordings and graded exercises provide students with the opportunity to hearin context the target grammar and vocabulary they have learned. Speaking All Clear repeats the well-structured formula used for Writing for spoken interaction and production. Model Dialogues with a three-step Speaking Task guide students through production and practice oftheir own dialogues. ife skills Students are encouraged to develop life skills with the Culture Reading pages in each Student's Book unit which present lifestyles in Britain and other countries, ‘2 Cultural Awareness quiz and video documentary in the Student's Book Revision Units, and with additional life skills analysed in the Macmillan Life Skills Collaborative Projects in the Workbook in which students are invited to reflect on how they put into practice their personal lfe skills in a team as well as the team life skills asa whole, Digital competence All Clear treats digital competence transversally with digital learning outcomes in skills work and the use of online tools for production and interaction in the Digital Competence pages in the Student's Book and the collaborative projects in the Workbook. The Digital Pack provides an opportunity to review ‘and learn new digital skills in an English language environment while the Teachers Book teaching notes indicate websites where students can learn more about the topics in the Student’s Book. Self-study The Workbook offers the perfect too for self-study and helps to foster learner autonomy by encouraging students to take an active role in their own learning The Workbook contains revision of grammar and vocabulary, and an extensive colour section including reference material, extra practice, wordlists and collaborative projects. Self-evaluation Students can check their progress in the Workbook through the My Progress charts at the end of each Workbook unit and the self- and group evaluation in the Macmillan Life Skills Collaborative Projects. Culture awareness ‘The Culture Reading pages in the Student’s Book feature a whole range of teenage-focused culturally relevant topics from public transport in the UK to ‘Australian wildlife while the Cultural Awareness pages in the term Revision sections can be supplemented with Culture videos and worksheets from the Teacher's Digital Pack Cross-curricular content All Clear provides ample transversal practice in the Student's Book of other school subjects including geography, biology, science, language and literature, arts and drama as well as physical education, with additional practice in the Content-based Learning section of the Teacher's Resource File. (class Audio CDs ‘Teachers Digital Pack Council of Europe and Key Competences All Clear follows the guidelines of the Foreign Languages Area of the Council of Europe which mark the way not only to learn a language but also how to ‘communicate through it in carefully graded steps. All Clear provides practice of the key competences set ‘out in the Common European Framework of Reference (CEFR) for Foreign Languages and uses these to create learning objectives to assess students’ competence in productive, receptive and interactive activities. and strategies. Key Competences CLC Competence in linguistic communication CMST Competence in mathematics, science and technology DC Digital competence L2L Learning to learn Social and civic competence tative and entrepreneurship Cultural awareness and expression Sense of Support and solutions for teachers AlClear includes a full ange of print and digital components which provide teachers with the support they need and solutions forall types of learning environments: «Teacher's Book 1 Class Audio CDs Teacher's Digital Pack ‘Student's Digital Pack Pace ‘Student's Digital Pack RTO i$ Overview of components Student's Book ‘The Student's Book includes: a Starter Unit (4 pages) nine units (10 pages each) three revision sections (4 pages each) # extra Culture pages @ anaccess code to All Clear Student's Digital Pack Vocabulary Reading i Al Clear uses print and digital genres, from magazine articles to social messaging and wikis, with teen focused topics presenting the Unit language in context. Vocabulary sets are presented using photographs and are recycled and practised in context throughout the unit. They are recorded on the Class Audio CD for pronunciation practice, To help understanding, the Dialogues give students the Word Check pre-teaches some ‘opportunity to talk about their own vocabulary items. The All Clear Facts provides interesting additional information, Reading texts are recorded on the Class Audio CD. world following a clear example. Grammar Fully comprehensive grammar tables lead students i through carefully staged practice exercises, = *%44— all Clear Grammar dialogue or text which contextualizes the new structures and recycles structures from previous units in realistic situations which are familiar to All Clear Rules guide students through the more difficult grammar points. Each two-page grammar section concludes with a cumulative students. Vocabulary and Speaking Listening = [7 Keen-centred Model Dialogues for This page provides a second lexical = students to follow everyday formal and informal conversations. j— The Speaking Task guides students through the preparation and production of their own dialogue. [— Useful Language highlights key | functional structures. Conversation strategies such set with ample visual support. Clear listening texts with simple straightforward tasks give students the confidence to extract the ‘main ideas and details of radio programmes, advertisements and conversations. as basic rules of courtesy are presented, 1) a Writing Model Texts use a variety of different print and digital text types AllClear Tips highlight and practise L specific language points from the Model Text. The Writing Task guides students through the preparation and production of their own texts Language Reference Apicture dictionary is provided for one of the vocabulary sets. Simple grammar tables provide — at-a-glance support Functional Language from the Speaking pages is provided for easy reference. Revision: Vocabulary Revision of vocabulary from the three previous units is provided as agame. Cultural Awareness This multimedia page appears in each revision unit. The fun quiz with thought provoking questions tests students knowledge ofan aspect of life in Britain. ‘There isa related Culture video — inthe Teacher's Presentation Kitin the Teacher's Digital Pack. Culture Reading ‘second reading text with information about diverse cultural topics provides further context for students to review the unit grammar and vocabulary. Pronunciation examples are taken from the context of the Culture Reading text. Progress Check he Progress Check provides a = manageable evaluation of al vocabulary sets and the main {grammar points from the unit. Students check their answers to see ifthey need further practice. References to material with extra support are given. Revision: Grammar Revision of grammar from the three previous units is provided. Digital Competence This Multimedia page appears in each revision unit and covers useful digital learning objectives. ‘A model digital project created with easy-to-use web tools s presented. Step-by-step instructions help students improve their digital competence and create their own digital project. Workbook The Workbook includes: a Starter Unit (4 pages) ‘* nine units (6 pages each) with grammar and vocabulary, including revision and extension ‘* full colour Culture: Reading & Listening (9 pages), Writing Guide (18 pages), Speaking (9 pages) ‘and Wordlist (9 pages) sections © three Macmillan Life Skills Collaborative Projects (6 pages) ‘© Audio files are available using the access code in the Student's Book. Vocabulary Contents link to the full-colour Reference and Skills sections. ‘Ample practice of all the vocabulary sets in the Student's Book is provided. Fun activities motivate self-study. The easy-to-follow exercises are graded with one, two or three stars to indicate level of difficulty Grammar Practice of all the grammar from the Student's Book is given in easy-to-follow exercises graded with Cone, two or three stars to indicate level of difficulty. Grammar practice is contextualized, Revision Extension Dictation reinforces speling, — ‘A Cumulative Grammar text gives more ambitious grammar practice. Al Clear Facts give fun and teresting additional information vocabulary and structures. ‘Common mistakes are presented in the Error Correction section More reinforcement of vocabulary about the topic. and structures is provided in the My Progress encourages Translation section, —————1 self-evaluation of progress made ‘The Unit Grammar Check provides with the grammar in the unit consolidation of grammar. Grammar Reference Grammar Practice Acomplete reference guide of all the grammar in the Student’s Book is provided, Tiss available in Ukrainian. ‘Grammar usage is explained in the student's own language. Clear examples of usage are provided, ‘Grammar exercises face the Grammar reference pages to provide further reinforcement. Vocabulary Reference [picture dictionary of the vocabulary sets is provided. Vocabulary activities give more revision. Writing Gi Culture: Reading & Listening A reading text increases cultural awareness. A listening exercise extends the cultural topicin the reading text. Thestep-by-step writing guide hS TEE — Questions and answers provide a Tasks with a variety of different ——> writing outcomes. ‘A Model Text provides an example of what students will write, Speaking Extra speaking practic is provided to prepare for oral presentations and exams. Stimulating photos help engage students A Tip gives practical suggestions forimproving speaking Macmillan Life Skills Collaborative Projects TheTaskhas clearly defined — leaming outcome. Clear steps help students work together on a project: J Plan for the students'text. [Students use the answers provided to complete a Draft Text followed by their own text. Students are given a reminder to check the text for grammar, vocabulary and spelling. A Speaking Guide with questions about photo 1 shows what students can describe in photo 2. Useful Phrases for describing photos and Useful Vocabulary from the unit are provided for easy reference Charts are provided for selfand group assessment of Life Skills used during the project. ‘More life skills stimulate social and civic awareness. Digital components The Digital components provides digital solutions in one place which suit the technology available in all teaching environments. ‘¢ Teachers can download the Teacher's Presentation Kit. ‘¢ Students can access the Student's Digital Material and download audio files for the Workbook. For teachers Teacher's Digital Pack The Digital Resource Centre gives access to the: # Teacher’ Presentation Kit. The Student's Book in the Teacher's Presentation Kit includes interactive activities with one-by-one or’show all’ answers. ‘The Workbook includes ‘show all’ answers, Both the ‘Student's Book and the Workbook have integrated audio links and a full range of WB tools. Teacher's Resources including worksheets and corresponding audio files. © Class Au ‘* Workbook audio. © Culture Watch material designed to enrich students’ linguistic and socio-cultural competence, including videos, worksheets, teaching notes at two levels and video transcripts, Students’ Digital Material and Gradebook. © Tests with audio, For students Student's Digital Pack Students who buy the Student's Book obtain an access code for: Student's Digital Material providing extra practice material and a Gradebook. ‘* downloadable audio files for the Workbook. Additional resources for students © Macmillan Dictionary Online ‘The Macmillan Dictionary Online is an online dictionary and thesaurus in one and offers free tools and resources. With just one click ofa button, Users can consult definitions, synonyms, grammar information, example sentences, common phrases, British and American pronunciations and much more. 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