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Raleigh Araujo
OGL 340: Artificial Intelligence: The Human Side
Bill Erwin

Total Word Count: 1508 words


Addressing the Economic/Political AI Issues

My Organization Plan

As an organization, to combat these potential negative side effects from AI implementation, I

think that we should begin by asking ourselves how we can work with Artificial Intelligence

instead of being completely erased by it in the marketplace. As we become more immersed in

this digital era, I think this also provides us an opportunity to analyze what really makes us

human. We need to shift our mindset from filling up our pockets full of cash to a mindset where

we focus more on the success of the individual in their everyday lives. We need to begin creating

a culture in our organization of helping one another reach our fullest potential as human beings

(Mackey). To help with this transition, I am offering the idea of setting up workshops and

learning sessions where we can collaborate and figure out ways we each can work alongside this

new technology and also live happier, healthier, and wealthier lives. This may even consist of

things like doing more work from home, having 4-day work weeks instead of 5, and changing

job roles where we are doing more of the human interactions and leaving all of the nitty gritty

work to our new technology.

My Personal Plan

My personal plan when it comes to this new AI era, is to first rethink my job. In the Human

Resources field many tasks can be accomplished by a computer, such as processing payroll. But

computers do not have the emotional/human touch that we do. Therefore, I would like to
transition into working more with other humans by focusing on conducting job trainings and

working more with customers and being a face and voice for them when addressing any

complaints or concerns. I plan to stay in this field because I believe that AI will not completely

take over my job and human interaction will still be necessary, even if it may be at a more

limited capacity. As for my family life, I think this will allow me to spend more time with my

family and focus more on my home life. If my pay is impacted, I will potentially need to find

another source of income by picking up a second job or do small gig jobs to supplement my

income. Although the Implementation of AI seems very intimidating and somewhat bleak, I am

remaining hopeful that more and more job/income options will open up over time.

Addressing the Sociological AI Issues

My Organization Plan

As an organization we need to come up with creative solutions to protect our employees during

the uncertain times of transitioning to more AI implementation and automation. We need to

begin holding meetings and brainstorming sessions to figure out which positions will be

impacted the most and how we can create new or different jobs for these employees. Another

option is coming up with alternative ways that our employees can make a bit of extra money by

doing other optional small jobs within the company. The last thing we want to do is lay off

massive amounts of people, so creating more options for people to make money is probably best,

even if that means it will be less money. Another thing we can do is offer our people more

benefits that will also not break the bank for us. This could be things like setting up financial

freedom workshops, exercise classes, having an on-site therapist and physician. There are so

many other ways we can support our people. Many of these things will assist in helping everyone

live a happier and more quality life. This is something worth investing in.
My Personal Plan

My personal plan will include researching what financial options I have as well outside of work.

I need to investigate what all the government and my state has to offer during this time and how

they can help individuals who are being negatively impacted by Artificial Intelligence in the

workplace. What kind of financial assistance will they begin to offer if any at all? Receiving this

financial assistance will be key at the beginning of this transition phase when everything is new

and we will feel the impacts the most. I will also need to reach out to institutions like health

insurance companies, banks, and even my local stores to see what they are doing to assist people.

Will there be special offers or support given by them to assist the average American during this

time as well? And if not much is being done, we will need to campaign and vote for officials

who are advocating for support for people and getting people the help they need by setting up the

appropriate programs to fight these negative effects. We need our government to act now!

Addressing the Psychological AI Issues

My Organization Plan

As an organization I think that we should begin launching health and wellness programs that can

assist our employees as we make this automation transition. The transition will most likely cause

much mental health distress and anxiety as people begin working a lot less and are struggling to

figure out exactly how they fit into the puzzle of this new workplace. It is predicted that there

will probably be an increase in alcohol and drug addiction, suicide, depression, low self-esteem,

and criminal activity (Erwin). This will not just happen in the workplace, but in the lives of

everyone all around us as well. We need to be able to get our people mentally prepared and ready

to take on these new challenges and let them know that they have our full support. We will do

the best we can to run our business while also taking care of our people. Their personal success
and well-being matters to us and this cannot be understated. We do not want to wait until it is too

late to start addressing this. We must do something now and be as proactive as possible.

My Personal Plan

My personal plan is to seek out mental health assistance, whether that be by talking to a therapist

or speaking with my primary care doctor about options as well. I am not entirely sure how much

automation anxiety I may experience, but it will be good to prepare for the worst. I will also need

to talk to my husband and the rest of my family about this to see what everyone else plans on

doing to protect their mental state. We will also need to rally together and see how best we can

support each other as a family to help each other if we begin to struggle a lot during this time.

Setting up a good support system in general is so important and if the financial and mental

burdens really begin weighing on us, we know we have each other to rely on. I will also need to

take advantage of anything my job is offering to assist with the incoming psychological impacts

and also be there to try to help my fellow coworkers as much as possible as an additional support

system for them.


In conclusion, there are many aspects of this incoming age of AI that we will need to be prepared

for. This includes being ready to possibly make a job or career change, potentially making less

money than before, being psychological/mentally ready, and being knowledgeable of all that

organizations, the government, and our local community has to offer as support. This most likely

will not be an easy time to work through, but knowing we have each other and being able to

come together as a community will be of the utmost importance. Although technology will begin

to takeover in a way, hopefully this gives us even more insight as to what it means to be human

and to love and be loved (Kai-Fu Lee).

I think this will truly give us the opportunity to be even more human and kind to one another

than ever before. This will be almost like a universal experience that we all can share in and go

through together. Hopefully we can find a place of peace and harmony with these new machines

and come to appreciate what they can offer us despite causing us hardships at first. I also hope

that we can come together globally and put aside our differences varying from country to country

and focus on how we can aid one another through times of crisis and uncertainty. We can use

each other’s new technology for good and to make our world a better, happier, and more

prosperous place. This will not be easy by any means, but if we all make it our goal to help each

other instead of each man for themselves, there will be a much better outcome for us all.

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