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Introduction........................5 Obsolete Cyberware...................21 Hacking Cyberware....................... 30

Handsome 4.0.......................6 Chrome Kings ........................... 23 Puppet Cyberware........................ 30

Protein Queens......................... 25 Damaging and

Augmentations, Repairing Cyberware..................... 31
Essence, and the The Belle of the Ball.......................25
The Real Cybercombat...............31
Meaning of Life................10 All Eyes On Me...............................25
The Duchesses...............................25 Cyberware Martial

Aura Reading.............................11 Arts Techniques.............................32

The Contessas................................26
What Is Essence?........................11 Cosmetic and Covert Ops...............33
Unknown Metatypes...................... 13 THE CHROME LIFE..............27
How Gaps in New and Revised Eyeware........................................ 36
Essence Happen.............................14 Implant Grades......................... 28
Fixing the Shell.............................. 15 Omega Grade.................................28
Bodyware...................................... 39
Matching the Shell to the Exoware.........................................28
Essence: Gene Therapy.................. 17 Cyberlimbs.................................... 43
Revitalization................................. 17 Cyber-Implant Weapons................ 48
Paying for Cyberware................ 28
Auric Therapy................................18 BUILDING YOUR BODY........51
Controlling the Chrome............. 29
Auravores....................................... 19 Blue Biotech.................................. 54
Removing Cybernetic
Minor Prosthetics......................... 20 Restraints...................................... 30 Brown Biotech............................... 54


Grey Biotech................................. 54 Sensory Enhancements.................97 Venom Fangs................................ 139
Green Biotech............................... 54 Complementary Venom Reservoir.........................140
Genetic Mods................................ 98
Red Biotech....................................55
Transgenic Infusions.................98
Venom Sprayer............................140
White Biotech.................................55 Bioware Augmentation............141


Treatment................................... 100
Biosculpting............................. 55 Normal Function.......................... 141
Game Information: Modified Function........................ 141
Cosmetic Bioware..................... 56
Atavism and Transgenics..........101
Standard Bioware..................... 57 Adrenaline Pump......................... 141
Transgenics As Bioware............... 101
Bone Density

Surge Dermal Alterations ......... 62 New Transgenic Mods..................102 Augmentation.............................. 141
Cultured Bioware...................... 65 New Positive and Mnemonic Enhancer.................... 141
Negative Qualities........................104
Biosenses................................. 67 Tailored Pheromones................... 141
QUICK HITTERS...................106 New Bioware for Critters......... 142

Addiction............................... 107 Hound’s Nose............................... 142
Symbionts................................ 72
Drug Cocktails Dog’s Ears.................................... 142
and Overdosing....................... 107 Echolocation Receptors............... 142
Geneware and Nanoware
Better-Than-Life..................... 107 Natural Weapon........................... 142
vs. Traditional Implants............ 76
Nanotech........................................77 Resonant Drugs...................... 108 Critter Exoframes................... 142
Nanohive Rules..............................79 Making Your Own.................... 109 Exoframe Modules....................... 142
Using Nanite Colonies................... 80 Game Information.................. 109 Nano-Critter
Types Of Nanite Colonies...............81
Therapeutic Nanites......................81
Disease, Drug, Radiation,
and Toxin Resistance Tests............82 e Addiction......................................109
Overcoming Addiction................. 110
Drug Interactions..........................111
Augmentations....................... 147
Bio-Drone Harness....................... 147
Sensor Array................................ 147
Bioamplifier Nanites......................83 Grades of Drugs............................112
Nano-Critter Matrix Relay............ 147
Utility Nanites................................85 Drugs and Toxins..........................112
Transient-Only Applications..........87 Awakened Drugs and Toxin Injector............................... 147
Nanotech Tools............................. 88 Magical Compounds..................... 119
Nanotech Kits................................ 88 Resonant Drugs........................... 123 Venom Enhancement...................148
Geneware.................................88 BTL and Ripjack........................... 125 Genetic Augmentations........... 149

History of Genetech...................... 89 Ripjacks........................................ 125 Embryonic Genetic

BTL............................................... 126 Engineering..................................149
Heritability.................................... 90
Manufacturing Your Fix............... 129 Gene Therapy Treatment.............150
Designer Babies And
Homo Sapiens Superior................ 90 TAMING THE WILD.............133 Physical Attribute
Magic, Resonance,
and Genetics................................. 90 Mental Attribute
Cybernetic Augmentation.........135 Enhancement................................151
Rules for Geneware...................90

AI Host Device.............................. 135 Instinctive Skills

Therapeutics............................ 91 Enhancement................................151
Critterjack.................................... 135
Corrective Applications..................91 Mundane Critter Power
Critter Comm............................... 135
Age Rejuvenation...........................91 Augmentations........................ 151
Heuristic Processor......................136
Revitalization.................................92 Additional Critter Power...............151
Bio-Drone Harness.......................136
Augmented Healing.......................92 Eligible Critter Powers..................151
Kill Switch.................................... 137
Resistance and Adaptation............92 Fearless........................................ 152
Prosthetic Cyberlimbs................. 138
Augmentics..............................94 Flame Resistant........................... 152
Augmented Cyberlimbs............... 138
Phenotype Alteration................... 94 Insulated...................................... 152
Corrosive Spit Glands................... 139
DNA Masking................................. 94 Iron Stomach............................... 152
Genetic Optimization.....................95 Nonconductive............................. 152
Natural Weapon
Genotype Enhancement.................95 Sheathing.....................................139 Natural Bioware........................... 152


Unnatural Instinct........................ 153 Ares Triceratops...........................164
Unnatural Immunity.................... 153 Ares Deinonychus........................ 165

4 Magical Genetic Ares Deinonychus

Augmentations........................153 Bio-Drone Prototype.................... 165

Critter Awakening........................ 153

EDGE OF ESSENCE........... 166
Awakened Critter Power.............. 153
The Cost of Low Essence...........167
Awakened Critter
Power Enhancement.................... 153 New Qualities......................... 168

Selective Dampening................... 153 Positive Qualities.........................168
Negative Qualities.................. 169
DIY Genetic Engineering.......... 154
Hiring a Laboratory..................... 155

Cybermancy............................ 171
Unintended Consequences.......... 155
Cybermancy Rules....................... 172
Baseline Mundane
Critter Stat Blocks........................ 156 Critical Components..................... 174
Other Animals.............................. 158 Auto-Injectors.............................. 174
Critters for Sale............................ 158 Perks of Being Dead..................... 174
Ares Macrotechnology................. 159
Cyborgs........................................ 176
Aztechnology............................... 159

Horizon........................................ 161
MCT.............................................. 161
Renraku........................................ 161
Saeder-Krupp............................... 161
INTO THE FUTURE.............180

Biotechnology........................ 184
Genetic Tailoring.....................185
Shiawase...................................... 162
Nanotechnology...................... 186
Spinrad Global............................. 162
Wuxing......................................... 163 Forward into the Possible........187

Dino-technology......................163 AUGMENTATIONS
Ares T-Rex....................................164 INDEX.........................................188

Writing: Aaron Dystra, Jim Greene, Clifton Lambert, Trevor Laughlin, Michael Art Direction: Ian King
Messmer, Hjal Nelson, Louis Ray, Grant Robinson, Malik Toms, Robert Volbrecht,
Thomas Willoughby Playtesters and Proofers: Thomas Augstein, Aidan Carlson, John Carlson,
Bruce Ford, Michael Gammell, Zail Gammell, Lex Greene, Mason Hart, J. Keith
Cover Art: David Hovey Henry, David Light, Louis Ray, Aaron Roush, Will Schottler, Jeffrey Drury-
Stewart, Matthew Thomas, Derrick Volbrecht
Illustrations: Paola Andreatta, Bruno Balixa, Wagner Chrissante, Brent Chumley,
Tyler Clark, Jack Hoyle, Lukasz Matuszek, Victor Manuel Leza Moreno, Steve Shadowrun Line Developer: Jason M. Hardy

Palenica, Marco Pennacchietti, Júlio Rocha, Andreas “AAS” Schroth

Senior Art Director: Brent Evans
Design & Production: Matt “Lyrical” Heerdt

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Introduction 5
Since the Sixth World regularly pushes shadowrunners to their limits, it’s only natural for them to


attempt to extend those limits. They want to be fast, stronger, sneakier, more perceptive, or whatever
it takes to do the job they want it done.
Augmentations, including cyberware, bioware, geneware, nanoware, and an assortment of phar-
maceuticals, exist to extend these limits. A continual debate rages about metahumanity’s relationship
to these augmentations. Do they take away from your humanity—or add to it? Is the “real” version

of you the limited version you were born as or the improved version you can become? Which aug-
mentations should be considered mere appendages, and which are an extension of yourself?
There are no easy answers to these questions, but one thing is clear: Shadowrunners can reap all
sorts of benefits from augmentations. Body Shop exists to help them realize those benefits.
The opening chapter, Augmentations, Essence, and the Meaning of Life dives headlong into the

debate over augmentations, showing how sometimes, augmentations help people be who they truly
are rather than reducing their humanity. It also has a look at some of the major players in cyberware
and bioware.
Following that, we get into the listings of the various types of augmentations. The Chrome Life
covers cyberware, Building Your Body covers bioware, and Changing the Code looks at geneware
and transgenic infusions.
Quick Hitters looks at the world of drugs in all of its variety, with the benefits and drawbacks
of using them as temporary augmentations. Taking the Wild looks at the cutting-edge and ethically
dubious practice of augmenting animals, usually for use in security or military applications.
While some forms of augmentations may enhance your humanity, it remains the case that taking

on too many of them can drain it. The Edge of Essence looks at the consequences of over-augmenta-
tion and what happens to people who attempt to do too much to their bodies.
Augmentations seem to perpetually exist at a time that gives the final chapter its name: Five Min-
utes into the Future. There is always something lurking beyond the current slate of augmentation
offerings, and this chapter digs into what could be waiting ahead.

Handsome 4.0 an ork in Kansas. Here, they called it urban camou-
Arvada Village clung to the edge of the PCC sector
by Malik Toms of Denver. Hilly and wealthy, the suburb was deeply
corporate, yet it made every effort to not appear so.

Denver stank of magic, and that made Charlie ner- On both sides of the road sat rows of nearly identical
vous. Hell, working this far out of Seattle always made multi-story homes with matching front porches and
Charlie nervous. He didn’t know the shortcuts, the es- balconies. Be it style of shutters or color of the railings,
cape paths, the underground networks to get him what each home had its own flair to indicate that the person
he needed and where he needed to be. It wasn’t the living there had put their own spin on the base design.
same for Ladybug. Despite her twenty-eight years, she He wondered if they had to do that to remember which
was still a kid. It didn’t matter to him that she’d been house was actually theirs.
running since she was twelve. He’d started not long af- Ladybug sighed and said, “Just this once, can we
ter his sixteenth birthday himself, faked paperwork to

not make the run about your personal issues?”

get into the Sioux Army, used his adept talents to work “Well then, let’s talk about how Kai-lin left us out
his way up the ladder until things unraveled. That un- here with no magical overwatch.”
raveling stuck with him. It made Charlie want to know She rolled her eyes. “I know the script, omae. Two-
all the angles, all the players. More than anything, it man team with magical overwatch has to be the stan-
made him want to stay out of the PCC. dard in places like this. Squad size helps the opera-
“Denver isn’t the PCC.” Ladybug looked over at tives blend in. Magical overwatch provides protection
him from the passenger seat. Her black hair was down against the things field ops can’t see coming.”
and wavy in the style most socialites were wearing this He fought off the urge to grimace. Everything with
month. She finished the disguise with red lipstick and Charlie was military, right down to his boots. Ladybug
nanotattoos coded to make her eyelids darker and her didn’t have that sort of discipline. She was like most hack-
eyebrows stand out. ers—this was just another game to her. Even in the heat
“Might as well be,” he said. Their candy-blue of battle, she didn’t act like these were matters of life and
Westwind slid up to the top of the hillside street and death, or that the established protocols even mattered.
eased itself into park with a mechanical click. Back She set a hand on his forearm. “Trust the process.
where Charlie grew up, a car like this stuck out like He needs to bring the kid along slowly.”


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