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Howard (Hand)

Psychic 9
N, Medium, Human, Humanoid, Reflection
Ancestry: Human Reflection (Reflection)
Background: Emissary Skills
Alignment: Neutral Neutral
Speed: 30 ft. +11 * Acrobatics
U* Dex

Languages: Alghollthu, Common, Elven, English, Jotun, +9 * Arcana

U* Int

+9 * Athletics
U* Str

Hit Points Focus Points Hero Points +9 * Crafting

U* Int

80 3 3 +15 * Deception
T Cha

1 +19 * Diplomacy
M Cha

+15 * Intimidation
T Cha

Str Dex Con Int Wis Cha 10 Str

14 Dex
+13 * Medicine
U* Wis

+0 +2 +2 +0 +4 +4 14 Con
10 Int
+13 * Nature
U* Wis

18 Wis
19 Cha
+15 *Occultism
M* Int

+11 * Outer Lore

T* Int

PERCEPTION +15 * = +11

T Base +4 Wis +0 Misc +13 * Performance
U* Cha

FORTITUDE +15 * = +13

E* Base +2 Con +0 Misc +13 * Religion
U* Wis

REFLEX +15 * = +13

E* Base +2 Dex +0 Misc +11 * Society
T* Int

WILL +17 * = +13

E* Base +4 Wis +0 Misc +11 * Stealth
U* Dex

+13 * Survival
U* Wis
AC 23 * = +21
T* Base +2 Dex +0 Misc
+11 * Thievery
U* Dex

Perception (Psychic Rapport): +1 circumstance bonus to Sense Motive Skill Modifiers
until the start of your next turn after casting a mental spell Deception (Psychic Rapport): +1 circumstance bonus until the start of your next
turn after casting a mental spell
Unarmored defense (Trained) Diplomacy (Psychic Rapport): +1 circumstance bonus until the start of your next
turn after casting a mental spell
AC: +0, Max Dex: –, Armor Check: –, Speed: – Intimidation (Psychic Rapport): +1 circumstance bonus until the start of your
next turn after casting a mental spell
Activated Abilities & Adjustments
Focus Points
Stupefied Strain Mind (1/hour) [Class Feats Selection]
At 0 FP, lose HP = 4 × spell lvl to add an amp.
Special Abilities Infiltrate Dream [Free Archetype Feats]
Enter sleeping creature's dream to glean information, Occultism vs. target's
Daydream Trance (DC 27) Will DC.
For 1m, gain +1 to Will, increased vs mental, but take -1 to Perception and
initiative. Sleepwalker Dedication [Free Archetype Feats]
Gain the Daydream Trance action.
Fade into Daydreams
Become concealed until next turn start; can't be used to Hide. Vision of Foresight [Free Archetype Feats]
Before next turn end, roll twice and take better result on a save or skill check.
Unleash Psyche
For 2r, gain +2 × spell lvl status bon to instant psychic spell dmg and use psyche Bizarre Magic [General Feats Selection]
abilities, then stupefied 1 for 2r after. DCs to Recognize Spells you cast and Identify Magic you use increase by 5.
Fleet [General Feats Selection]
Feats Your Speed increases by 5 feet.

Clever Improviser [Ancestry Feats Selection] Psychic Rapport [Natural Ambition Feat]
After casting a mental spell, +1 circ to Deception, Diplomacy, Intimidation and
Attempt skill actions that normally require trained proficiency, even if untrained.
Perception to Sense Motive until next turn.
Natural Ambition [Ancestry Feats Selection] Aura Sight (1/hour) [Skill Feats Selection]
Gain a 1st-level class feat for your class.
Determine target's attitude, emotional state, and general health.
Sense Allies [Ancestry Feats Selection] Bon Mot [Skill Feats Selection]
The flat check for you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from
Roll Diplomacy vs. Will DC of foe in 30 ft to inflict penalty to Will saves and
you is 5 instead of 11
Perception unless foe responds with own check.
Homing Beacon [Class Feats Selection] Consult the Spirits (Occultism, 1/day) [Skill Feats
Amp: Target that is hit/fails save is one step easier to notice.
Roll Recall Knowledge over 10 min to question resident spirits about matters
Parallel Breakthrough [Class Feats Selection] related to their nature.
Gain a 1st-level psi cantrip with its unique amp from another conscious mind Multilingual [Skill Feats Selection]
Learn additional common or uncommon languages of your choice.
Psi Burst (5d4 B, 1/round, DC 27) [Class Feats Selection] Multilingual
Creature in 30' takes B dmg (basic Ref).
Learn additional common or uncommon languages of your choice.
Weapon Proficiencies
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
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Feats Experience & Wealth
Untrained Improvisation Career Experience Points: 0 (0/0 to 10th)
Proficiency bonus to untrained skill checks is equal to your level. Current Cash: You have no money!
Psychic spells known (DC 27, attack +17)
5th (1/day)—forceful handSoM, telekinetic haul, forceful
handSoM, telekinetic haul
4th (2/day)—dimensional anchor, fly, magic mailboxSoM,
dimensional anchor, fly, magic mailboxSoM
3rd (2/day)—agonizing despair APG, ghostly weapon, levitate,
agonizing despair APG, ghostly weapon, levitate
2nd (2/day)—blistering invective APG, hideous laughter,
telekinetic maneuver, blistering invective APG, hideous
laughter, telekinetic maneuver
1st (2/day)—kinetic ramDA, magic weapon, phantom pain,
kinetic ramDA, magic weapon, phantom pain
Cantrip (at will)—mage hand, message, prestidigitation,
shield, telekinetic projectile, telekinetic rendDA, vector
screenDA, warp step DA, mage hand, message,
prestidigitation, shield, telekinetic projectile, telekinetic
rendDA, vector screenDA, warp step DA

Tracked Resources
Aura Sight (1/hour) ☐
Consult the Spirits (Occultism, 1/day) ☐
Psi Burst (5d4 B, 1/round, DC 27) ☐
Strain Mind (1/hour) ☐

Gear (Encum: 5 bulk, Over: 10 bulk)

Total Bulk Carried: 0, Unencumbered
Money -

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Abilities & Gear

Aura Sight (1/hour) (Feat, Skill Feats Selection) Consult the Spirits (Occultism, 1/day) (Feat, Skill Feats Selection)
Traits: Concentrate, Exploration, General, Secret, Skill Traits: General, Secret, Skill
Rarity: Uncommon Prerequisites Master in Nature, Occultism, or Religion
Prerequisites expert in Occultism Frequency once per day
Frequency once per hour
You have learned rites or meditations that enable you to perceive
You’ve learned how to read the natural auras of other living minor, invisible spirits within a place. Choose Nature, Occultism, or
creatures. To do this, you must focus on a single living target Religion when you select this feat. Nature allows you to contact the
without blinking for 1 minute. You can do this while performing spirits of nature that form leshies, who are born of pure life essence
some other minor task—such as making conversation to distract rather than spiritual energy and can answer questions about natural
from your intentions—but you can’t blink or otherwise lose your features like the location of nearby water or plant life. Religion
concentration. You can then perceive any or all of the following reveals the presence of angelic, demonic, or other spirits in service
information. to divine beings, who provide information about sources of powerful
positive or negative energy, sacred or profane influences, or the
• The target’s current apparent attitude toward you (friendly, presence of undead. Occultism allows you to contact lingering
indifferent, and so on). spirits, psychic echoes of the departed dead, and spirits from
• The target’s current apparent emotional state. beyond reality, who tell you about things like strange auras, effects,
• A general assessment of the target’s physical health, such as or the presence of unnatural occult beings.
what conditions or afflictions it has. You might need to succeed at
an Occultism check against the affliction or condition’s DC to detect Spend 10 minutes and attempt a check to Recall Knowledge with
the presence of a specifically hidden or subtle condition or affliction. the chosen skill; the DC is determined by the GM (usually a very
high DC for the level of the highest-level creature you might
In addition, the GM rolls a secret Occultism check for you against encounter in the area). If you’re legendary in the chosen skill, you
the target’s Deception DC. If your result exceeds your target’s, you can use this feat once per hour, instead of only once per day, but
can identify if they’re being deceptive in some way (such as you can’t use it again on any area that overlaps a previous area.
expressing a false attitude toward you or faking an emotional state).
This doesn’t allow you to automatically identify the exact nature of Critical Success The spirits reveal themselves to you and have a
that deception, only to tell the outward appearance is false. helpful attitude toward you. Only you can perceive these spirits.
They answer three simple questions about the environment within
Appears In: Dark Archive 100 feet of you, depending on the skill you chose and thus the
type of spirits you contact. Their answers are almost always a
Bon Mot (Feat, Skill Feats Selection) single word, and their knowledge is limited to within their area of
Traits: Auditory, Concentrate, Emotion, General, Linguistic, Mental, interest.
Skill Success As with a critical success, but the spirits are indifferent to
[1 action] you and answer only one question.
Prerequisites Trained in Diplomacy Failure You are unable to contact the spirits of this place.
Critical Failure You contact one or more malevolent spirits. They
You launch an insightful quip at a foe, distracting them. Choose a are hostile toward you, though they may not immediately appear
foe within 30 feet and roll a Diplomacy check against the target’s so. They answer up to three questions but give you information that
Will DC. is harmful to you in some way, as determined by the GM.

Critical Success The target is distracted and takes a -3 status Appears In: Advanced Player's Guide
penalty to Perception and Will saves for 1 minute. The target can (Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
end the effect early with a retort to your Bon Mot. This can either Homing Beacon Psychic)
be a single action that has the concentrate trait or an appropriate Traits: Amp, Psychic
skill action to frame their retort. The GM determines which skill
actions qualify, though they must take at least 1 action. Typically, As your spell strikes a target, you plant a beacon in the target’s
the retort needs to use a linguistic Charisma-based skill action. mind that announces its presence to those nearby. Use this amp in
Success As critical success, but the penalty is -2. place of a psi cantrip’s normal amp entry. The amped cantrip must
Critical Failure Your quip is atrocious. You take the same penalty be one that has one or more targets and must either require a
an enemy would take had you succeeded. This ends after 1 minute spell attack roll or have a saving throw.
or if you issue another Bon Mot and succeed.
Amp Choose one creature hit by the spell (if the spell has a spell
Appears In: Advanced Player's Guide attack roll) or that fails its save against the spell (if the spell
requires a save). A psychic beacon emits from the creature’s
location, making it easier to notice the creature as the mind and
attention of onlookers is subtly drawn to it. For 1 minute, if the
target would be invisible, it’s instead merely concealed, and if it
would be concealed, it’s no longer concealed.

Appears In: Dark Archive

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Abilities & Gear
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Infiltrate Dream (Feat, Free Archetype Feats) Strain Mind (1/hour) Psychic)
Traits: Archetype, Enchantment, Mental, Occult Traits: Psychic
Prerequisites Sleepwalker Dedication [free]
Frequency once per hour
Entering a dream is as natural to you as stepping through a Trigger You cast a psi cantrip.
doorway. If you’re adjacent to a sleeping creature, you can enter a Requirements You have 0 Focus Points.
lucid dreamlike state, a process taking 10 minutes, to mentally walk
into their dreamscape. While in the target’s dream, you witness its You strain your body beyond its limits to use an amp even when
contents, plots, and emotional experiences as an observer, though your mental power is depleted. You add an amp that costs 1 Focus
nothing within the dream can perceive or interact with you. Your Point to the spell. Instead of paying the normal Focus Point cost,
target becomes temporarily immune to Infiltrate Dream for 1 week. you lose Hit Points equal to four times the spell level of the amped
You can’t enter the dreams of a creature that doesn’t have a psi cantrip as you bleed from your nose or suffer some other visible
conscious mind or doesn’t dream. sign of strain.

While within the dream, you can attempt an Occultism check against Appears In: Dark Archive
the target’s Will DC to interpret symbolism and learn information
about a single topic. If the target has no knowledge of the topic, Vision of Foresight (Feat, Free Archetype Feats)
you learn they don’t know about the topic unless your result is a Traits: Archetype, Divination, Fortune, Occult
critical failure. [1 action]
Prerequisites Sleepwalker Dedication
Critical Success You learn a piece of information directly relevant to Requirements You’re in a Daydream Trance
the topic unless the target would want to hide it. If so, you learn
something related to the topic but not a direct answer. You use your daydreams to predict the success of actions, rapidly
Success You receive a hint or clue about the topic. This clue will envisioning the possibilities. Once before the end of your next turn,
not be inaccurate, but it’s cryptic, vague, or may be understandable you can call upon these predictions before you roll a saving throw
only with additional information. or skill check. You can roll the saving throw or skill check twice
Critical Failure The dreams mislead you, and you learn an and take the better result.
erroneous piece of information.
Appears In: Dark Archive
Appears In: Dark Archive
(Class, Class Feats Selection, Feat,
Psi Burst (5d4 B, 1/round, DC 27) Psychic) Daydream Trance (DC 27) (Free Archetype Feats)
Traits: Concentrate, Evocation, Mindshift, Occult, Psyche, Psychic
Traits: Elemental, Mental, Occult
[1 action]
[1 action]
Frequency once per round
You fall into a half-sleeping trance. This lasts for 1 minute or until
With a passing thought, you direct violent psychic energies at a
you fall unconscious, whichever comes first. You can voluntarily end
nearby creature. Target one creature within 30 feet. It takes 1d4
your trance by taking a single action, which has a concentrate trait,
bludgeoning damage with a basic Reflex save. At 3rd level and
and succeeding at a Will save against your own class DC or spell
every 2 levels thereafter, the damage increases by 1d4.
DC, whichever is higher. Once your trance ends, you can’t enter a
Daydream Trance again for 1 minute. While you’re in your trance,
Appears In: Dark Archive
you gain the following effects:
Psychic Rapport (Feat, Natural Ambition Feat) • You gain a +1 status bonus to Will saves. This bonus increases
Traits: Psychic to +2 against mental effects. If you’re legendary in Occultism, the
bonus against mental effects increases to +3.
Your telepathic sensitivity intensifies when you’re affected by mental
magic, making it easier for you to link to other creatures. After you • You take a -1 penalty to Perception checks and initiative rolls.
Cast a Spell with the mental trait, until the start of your next turn,
you gain a +1 circumstance bonus to Deception, Diplomacy, and Appears In: Dark Archive
Intimidation checks, and to Perception checks to Sense Motive.
Fade into Daydreams (Subconscious Mind)
Appears In: Dark Archive
Traits: Illusion, Psyche, Psychic
[1 action]
Sense Allies (Ancestry Feats Selection, Feat)
Traits: Human Your flights of imagination spill into the real world, causing you to
become indistinct, hazy, or cloaked in figments. You become
Like many humans raised in a close-knit community, you have concealed until the start of your next turn. This concealment can’t
always been strongly attuned to the presence of others. Willing be used to Hide, as normal for concealing effects that leave your
allies that you are aware of within 60 feet that would otherwise be location obvious.
undetected by you are instead hidden from you. The flat check for
you to target willing allies within 60 feet that are hidden from you is Appears In: Dark Archive
5 instead of 11.

Appears In: Advanced Player's Guide

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Abilities & Gear

Unleash Psyche (Class, Psychic)

Traits: Psychic
Trigger Your turn begins.
Requirements You’re in an encounter, you Cast a Spell on your
previous turn, and you aren’t stupefied.

You call on the depths of your mind and let psychic power flood
through. Your Psyche remains Unleashed for 2 rounds or until your
fall unconscious, whichever comes first. You can’t voluntarily quell
your unleashed psyche. While your Psyche is Unleashed, the
following effects occur.

• You’re constantly surrounded by the visual manifestation of your

psychic magic.

• When you cast a damaging spell, you gain a status bonus to its
damage equal to double the spell’s level. This applies only to spells
that don’t have a duration and that you cast using psychic

• You can use actions that have the psyche trait.

After your unleashed psyche subsides, your mind must recover from
the strain of channeling its full power. You can’t use Unleash
Psyche again for 2 rounds, and you’re stupefied 1 for 2 rounds.

Appears In: Dark Archive

Weapon Traits
The multiple attack penalty you take with this weapon on the
second attack on your turn is –4 instead of –5, and –8 instead of
–10 on the third and subsequent attacks in the turn.

You can use your Dexterity modifier instead of your Strength
modifier on attack rolls using this melee weapon. You still use your
Strength modifier when calculating damage.

Attacks with this weapon are nonlethal, and are used to knock
creatures unconscious instead of kill them. You can use a nonlethal
weapon to make a lethal attack with a –2 circumstance penalty.

An unarmed attack uses your body rather than a manufactured
weapon. An unarmed attack isn’t a weapon, though it’s categorized
with weapons for weapon groups, and it might have weapon traits.
Since it’s part of your body, an unarmed attack can’t be Disarmed. It
also doesn’t take up a hand, though a fist or other grasping
appendage generally works like a free-hand weapon.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Mage Hand Cantrip 1 Message Cantrip 1

Cantrip, Concentrate, Evocation, Occult Auditory, Cantrip, Concentrate, Illusion, Linguistic, Mental, Occult
Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [1 action] imagination
Range 30 feet Range 120 feet
Targets 1 unattended object of light Bulk or less Targets 1 creature
Duration sustained Duration see below

In-Play Information In-Play Information

Heightened to 5th Level Heightened to 5th Level

Cast [1 action] imagination
Psi Cantrip Range 120 feet
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Targets 1 creature
Range 30 feet Duration see below
Targets 1 unattended object of light Bulk or less
Duration sustained Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
Calculation Breakdown: •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
Proficiency Level (Expert) •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
You mouth words quietly, but instead of coming out of your
mouth, they’re transferred directly to the ears of the target. While
You create a single magical hand, either invisible or ghostlike, others can’t hear your words any better than if you normally mouthed
that grasps the target object and moves it slowly up to 20 feet. them, the target can hear your words as if they were standing next to
Because you’re levitating the object, you can move it in any direction. you. The target can give a brief response as a reaction, or as a free
When you Sustain the Spell, you can move the object an additional 20 action on their next turn if they wish, but they must be able to see
feet. If the object is in the air when the spell ends, the object falls. you and be within range to do so. If they respond, their response is
delivered directly to your ear, just like the original message.
Heightened (3rd) You can target an unattended object with a
Bulk of 1 or less. Heightened (3rd) The spell’s range increases to 500 feet.
Heightened (5th) The range increases to 60 feet, and you can
target an unattended object with a Bulk of 1 or less.
Heightened (7th) The range increases to 60 feet, and you can
target an unattended object with a Bulk of 2 or less.

Your mage hand can carry up to 1 Bulk instead of only light Bulk.
If the spell is heightened to 3rd level or higher, its maximum Bulk is 2.
If the spell is heightened to 7th level or higher, its maximum Bulk is 3.
It also gains the following amp.

Amp You create a multitude of telekinetic hands that grip onto a

creature and move it about. Target a creature of Medium size or
smaller with the amped spell instead of an object. You attempt to
Shove the target in a direction of your choice, rolling a spell attack roll
against its Fortitude DC instead of an Athletics check. The creature
takes a -10-foot circumstance penalty to its Speeds until the spell
ends. Starting the round after you Cast the Spell, the first time each
round you Sustain the Spell, you can attempt to Shove the creature

Amp Heightened (4th) You can attempt to Disarm the creature

instead of attempting to Shove it. If you knock an item out of the
creature’s grasp in this way, the mage hand immediately grabs it. Any
effect of the mage hand on the creature ends, and the spell now
carries the item, just like you had picked it up with an unamped mage

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Prestidigitation Cantrip 1 Shield Cantrip 1

Cantrip, Concentrate, Evocation, Occult Abjuration, Cantrip, Concentrate, Force, Occult

Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [1 action] imagination
Range 10 feet Duration until the start of your next turn
Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only)
Duration sustained In-Play Information

In-Play Information Heightened to 5th Level

Cast [1 action] imagination
Heightened to 5th Level Duration until the start of your next turn
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 10 feet Calculation Breakdown:
Targets 1 object (cook, lift, or tidy only) Proficiency Level (Expert)
Duration sustained •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
Calculation Breakdown: (+4)
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier You raise a magical shield of force. This counts as using the
(+4) Raise a Shield action, giving you a +1 circumstance bonus to AC until
the start of your next turn, but it doesn’t require a hand to use.

The simplest magic does your bidding. You can perform simple While the spell is in effect, you can use the Shield Block reaction
magical effects for as long as you Sustain the Spell. Each time you with your magic shield (see below). The shield has Hardness 5. After
Sustain the Spell, you can choose one of four options. you use Shield Block, the spell ends and you can’t cast it again for 10
minutes. Unlike a normal Shield Block, you can use the spell’s
• Cook Cool, warm, or flavor 1 pound of nonliving material. reaction against the magic missile spell.
• Lift Slowly lift an unattended object of light Bulk or less 1 foot
off the ground. Heightening the spell increases the shield’s Hardness.
• Make Create a temporary object of negligible Bulk, made of
congealed magical substance. The object looks crude and artificial and Heightened (3rd) The shield has Hardness 10.
is extremely fragile—it can’t be used as a tool, weapon, or spell Heightened (5th) The shield has Hardness 15.
component. Heightened (7th) The shield has Hardness 20.
• Tidy Color, clean, or soil an object of light Bulk or less. You can Heightened (9th) The shield has Hardness 25.
affect an object of 1 Bulk with 10 rounds of concentration, and a
larger object a 1 minute per Bulk. Shield Actions
The shield spell works like a raised shield, and it also gives you
Prestidigitation can’t deal damage or cause adverse conditions. the ability to use the Shield Block reaction.
Any actual change to an object (beyond what is noted above) persists
only as long as you Sustain the Spell. Shield Block [reaction]
Trigger While you have your shield raised, you take damage from
a physical attack.
You place your shield to ward off a blow. Your shield prevents
you from taking an amount of damage up to the shield’s Hardness.
You and the shield each take any remaining damage, possibly
breaking or destroying the shield.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Telekinetic Projectile Cantrip 1 Telekinetic Rend Cantrip 1

Attack, Cantrip, Concentrate, Evocation, Occult Uncommon, Cantrip, Concentrate, Evocation, Occult, Psychic
Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 60 feet Range 60 feet
Targets 1 creature Area 2 non-overlapping 5-foot bursts
Saving Throw basic Fortitude
In-Play Information
In-Play Information
Heightened to 5th Level
Heightened to 5th Level
Psi Cantrip
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Psi Cantrip
Range 60 feet Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Targets 1 creature Range 60 feet
Ranged Strikes +17 / +12 / +7 Area 2 non-overlapping 5-foot bursts
Ranged Damage 5d6+4 B Damage 3d6 B
Ranged Crit Damage ×2 Saving Throw DC 27 basic Fortitude

Critical Success You deal double damage. Critical Success The creature takes no damage.
Success You deal full damage. Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Calculation Breakdown: Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) Calculation Breakdown:
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier Proficiency Level (Expert)
(+4) •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
Ranged Attack (+4)
•Proficiency Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert (+4)
•Ability Bonus (4): Charisma 19 (+4)
Your mind creates a violent axis of motion in a nearby space.
Ranged Damage You deal your choice of 1d6 bludgeoning or 1d6 slashing damage to
•Untyped Bonuses and Penalties (+4): Key Ability Score (+4) all creatures in the area, with a basic Fortitude save. A creature large
enough to be in more than one of the bursts takes damage only once.

You hurl a loose, unattended object that is within range and that Heightened (+2) The damage increases by 1d6.
has 1 Bulk or less at the target. Make a spell attack roll against the
target. If you hit, you deal bludgeoning, piercing, or slashing Amp Your thoughts expand in scope and power. The bursts deal
damage—as appropriate for the object you hurled—equal to 1d6 plus 1d6 bludgeoning damage and 1d6 slashing damage, instead of the
your spellcasting ability modifier. No specific traits or magic properties usual damage. A creature that critically fails its save is also stunned 1.
of the hurled item affect the attack or the damage.
Amp Heightened (+2) Both types of damage increase by 1d6
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 1d6. instead of just one. Add a third non-overlapping 5-foot burst to the
Your telekinetic projectiles can fly much further away. Increase
the range of telekinetic projectile to 60 feet. It also gains the following Critical Success The creature takes no damage.
amp. Success The creature takes half damage.
Failure The creature takes full damage.
Amp You fling objects with even more force, driving your Critical Failure The creature takes double damage.
opponents backwards in a hail of objects. On a success, you push the
target 5 feet away from you, and on a critical success, you push the Appears in Dark Archive
target 10 feet away from you in addition to dealing double damage.

Amp Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d6 instead of

by 1d6.

Amp (Homing Beacon) Choose one creature hit by the spell (if
the spell has a spell attack roll) or that fails its save against the spell
(if the spell requires a save). A psychic beacon emits from the
creature’s location, making it easier to notice the creature as the mind
and attention of onlookers is subtly drawn to it. For 1 minute, if the
target would be invisible, it’s instead merely concealed, and if it would
be concealed, it’s no longer concealed.

Amp (Homing Beacon) Choose one creature hit by the spell (if
the spell has a spell attack roll) or that fails its save against the spell
(if the spell requires a save). A psychic beacon emits from the
creature’s location, making it easier to notice the creature as the mind
and attention of onlookers is subtly drawn to it. For 1 minute, if the
target would be invisible, it’s instead merely concealed, and if it would
be concealed, it’s no longer concealed.

Amp (Homing Beacon) Choose one creature hit by the spell (if
the spell has a spell attack roll)
Hero Lab andorthe
that fails
Hero Labits save
logo against the
are Registered spell of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
(if the spell requires a save). A psychic beacon
Pathfinder emits from
and associated theand logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
creature’s location, making it easier to notice the creature as the mind
and attention of onlookers is subtly drawn to it. For 1 minute, if the
target would be invisible, it’s instead merely concealed, and if it would
be concealed, it’s no longer concealed.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Vector Screen Cantrip 3 Warp Step Cantrip 1

Uncommon, Abjuration, Cantrip, Concentrate, Occult, Psychic Cantrip, Concentrate, Conjuration, Occult
Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 60 feet
Area one 5-foot square In-Play Information
Duration until the start of your next turn
Heightened to 5th Level
In-Play Information
Psi Cantrip
Heightened to 5th Level Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic

Psi Cantrip Calculation Breakdown:

Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Proficiency Level (Expert)
Range 60 feet •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
Area one 5-foot square •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
Duration until the start of your next turn (+4)

Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert) When you walk, the earth warps beneath your feet-your steps
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) extend, distance contracts, and everything is just a little bit closer. You
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier gain a +5-foot status bonus to your Speed until the end of your turn.
(+4) You then Stride twice. You can use warp step to Burrow, Climb, Fly, or
Swim instead of Stride if you have the corresponding movement type.

You set up a transparent, rippling screen of telekinetic energy that You warp space more compactly, granting you a +10-foot status
seizes small, fast-moving projectiles. Creatures can pass through the to your Speed instead of a +5-foot status bonus when you warp step.
screen, but ammunition from physical ranged attacks-such as arrows, The spell also gains the following amp.
bolts, sling bullets, and other objects of similar size-is automatically
trapped in the screen, clattering to the ground once the spell ends. Amp Space contracts with hardly a thought, letting you Cast the
Attacks with bigger ranged weapons, such as javelins, take a -2 Spell as a single action.
circumstance penalty to their attack rolls if their paths pass through the
screen. Massive ranged weapons and spell effects that don’t create Amp Heightened (4th) You twist space so completely you don’t
physical objects pass through the screen with no penalty. need to travel the interposing distance. You can choose to instead
teleport to a space within your line of sight and line of effect with a
Heightened (5th) The screen is 10 feet wide. range equal to your double your Speed (after applying the status
bonus from warp step). This grants the spell the teleportation trait.
Heightened (6th) The screen is 10 feet wide and can interfere
even with massless attacks, like magical blasts or gouts of flame. The Appears in Dark Archive
screen imposes a -2 circumstance penalty to the attack rolls of spell
effects even if they don’t create physical objects. It also protects
against area effects that pass through the screen, granting standard
cover to creatures on the opposite side of the screen from the center
or origin point of an area.

Amp Your screen persists for longer, and you can detonate it in
an explosive counterattack. The duration of the spell increases to 1
minute. You can Dismiss the spell. If there are any projectiles trapped
in the screen, you can cast telekinetic projectile to fire them at one
creature as part of Dismissing the spell. Measure the range for the
telekinetic projectile from where the vector screen was, instead of from

Appears in Dark Archive

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Kinetic Ram Spell 1 Phantom Pain Spell 1

Concentrate, Evocation, Force, Occult Concentrate, Illusion, Mental, Nonlethal, Occult

Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [1 action] to [3 actions] imagination Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range varies Range 30 feet
Targets 1 or more creatures Targets 1 creature
Saving Throw Fortitude Duration 1 minute

In-Play Information In-Play Information

Cast [1 action] to [3 actions] imagination This is a signature spell. It may be cast using any spell slot from its
Range varies minimum to your maxium spellcasting level.
Targets 1 or more creatures Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Saving Throw DC 27 Fortitude Range 30 feet
Targets 1 creature
Calculation Breakdown: Duration 1 minute
Proficiency Level (Expert) Damage 2d4 Ment
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) Saving Throw DC 27
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
(+4) Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent damage,
and the spell ends immediately.
Gathering kinetic energy, you either focus it in a straight line or Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and the
disperse it as an encircling ripple. Any creature targeted by this spell target is sickened 1. If the target recovers from being sickened, the
must succeed at a Fortitude saving throw or be pushed 10 feet away persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
from you (or 20 feet on a critical failure). The spell’s area or range Critical Failure As failure, but the target is sickened 2.
and how many creatures it affects is based on how many actions you
spend when Casting the Spell. Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
[1 action] The spell targets one creature within 15 feet. •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
[2 actions] The spell targets one creature within 30 feet. The •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
distance the target is pushed if it fails is doubled, and on a critical (+4)
failure, the target is also knocked prone and takes 1d6 bludgeoning
[3 actions] The spell targets all creatures in a 5-foot emanation. Illusory pain wracks the target, dealing 2d4 mental damage and
1d4 persistent mental damage. The target must attempt a Will save.
Appears in Dark Archive
Heightened (+1) The damage increases by 2d4 and the persistent
Magic Weapon Spell 1 damage by 1d4.

Concentrate, Occult, Transmutation Critical Success The target is unaffected.

Traditions Occult Success The target takes full initial damage but no persistent
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic damage, and the spell ends immediately.
Range touch Failure The target takes full initial and persistent damage, and
Targets 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by you or a willing the target is sickened 1. If the target recovers from being sickened,
ally the persistent damage ends and the spell ends.
Duration 1 minute Critical Failure As failure, but the target is sickened 2.

In-Play Information

Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic

Range touch
Targets 1 weapon that is unattended or wielded by you or a willing
Duration 1 minute

Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier

The weapon glimmers with magic and energy. The target

becomes a +1 striking weapon, gaining a +1 item bonus to attack rolls
and increasing the number of weapon damage dice to two.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Blistering Invective Spell 2 Hideous Laughter Spell 2

Auditory, Concentrate, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental, Occult Concentrate, Emotion, Enchantment, Mental, Occult
Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 30 feet Range 30 feet
Targets 1 creature Targets 1 living creature
Saving Throw Will Duration sustained
Saving Throw Will
In-Play Information
In-Play Information
This is a signature spell. It may be cast using any spell slot from its
minimum to your maxium spellcasting level. Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Range 30 feet
Range 30 feet Targets 1 living creature
Targets 1 creature Duration sustained
Damage 2d6 F Saving Throw DC 27 Will
Saving Throw DC 27 Will
Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Success The target is plagued with uncontrollable laugher. It can’t use
Success The target takes half the persistent fire damage. reactions.
Failure The target becomes frightened 1 and takes the full persistent Failure The target is slowed 1 and can’t use reactions.
fire damage. Critical Failure The target falls prone and can’t use actions or
Critical Failure The target becomes frightened 2 and takes double the reactions for 1 round. It then suffers the failure effects.
persistent fire damage.
Calculation Breakdown:
Calculation Breakdown: Proficiency Level (Expert)
Proficiency Level (Expert) •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier (+4)

The target is overtaken with uncontrollable laughter. It must

A heap of insults and invectives spew from your mouth— words attempt a Will save.
so devastating your foes burn from the intensity of your diatribe. Your
words deal 2d6 persistent fire damage, and the target must attempt a Critical Success The target is unaffected.
Will save. If the target doesn’t understand the language or you’re not Success The target is plagued with uncontrollable laugher. It can’t
speaking a language, it gains a +4 circumstance bonus to its save. use reactions.
Failure The target is slowed 1 and can’t use reactions.
Heightened (+2) You can target two additional creatures, and the Critical Failure The target falls prone and can’t use actions or
persistent damage increases by 2d6. reactions for 1 round. It then suffers the failure effects.

Critical Success The target is unaffected. Telekinetic Maneuver Spell 2

Success The target takes half the persistent fire damage.
Failure The target becomes frightened 1 and takes the full Attack, Concentrate, Evocation, Force, Occult
persistent fire damage. Traditions Occult
Critical Failure The target becomes frightened 2 and takes Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
double the persistent fire damage. Range 60 feet
Targets 1 creature
Appears in Advanced Player's Guide
In-Play Information

Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic

Range 60 feet
Targets 1 creature
Ranged Strikes +17 / +12 / +7
Ranged Damage
Ranged Crit Damage

Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier

Ranged Attack
•Proficiency Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert (+4)
•Ability Bonus (4): Charisma 19 (+4)

With a rush of telekinetic power, you move a foe or something

they carry. You can attempt to Disarm, Shove, or Trip the target using
a spell attack roll instead of an Athletics check.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Agonizing Despair Spell 3 Ghostly Weapon Spell 3

Concentrate, Emotion, Enchantment, Fear, Mental, Occult Concentrate, Occult, Transmutation

Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 60 feet Range touch
Targets 1 creature Targets 1 weapon that is either unattended or wielded by you or a
Saving Throw Will willing ally
Duration 5 minutes
In-Play Information
In-Play Information
This is a signature spell. It may be cast using any spell slot from its
minimum to your maxium spellcasting level. Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Range touch
Range 60 feet Targets 1 weapon that is either unattended or wielded by you or a
Targets 1 creature willing ally
Damage 4d6 Ment Duration 5 minutes
Saving Throw DC 27 Will
Calculation Breakdown:
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Proficiency Level (Expert)
Success The target takes half damage and becomes frightened 1. •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
Failure The target takes full damage and becomes frightened 2. •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and becomes (+4)
frightened 3.

Calculation Breakdown: The target weapon becomes translucent and ghostly, and it can
Proficiency Level (Expert) affect material and incorporeal creatures and objects. It can be wielded
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) by a corporeal or incorporeal creature and gains the effects of the
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier ghost touch property rune. If the weapon is magical and already has
(+4) the maximum number of property runes, the wielder can choose one
to suppress to gain ghost touch.

Your target’s mind tumbles down a deep well of dread, dwelling Levitate Spell 3
so intently on deep-seated fears that it’s painful. The target takes 4d6
mental damage with a Will saving throw. Concentrate, Evocation, Occult
Traditions Occult
Heightened (+1) Increase the damage by 2d6. Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range touch
Critical Success The target is unaffected. Targets 1 unattended object or willing creature
Success The target takes half damage and becomes frightened Duration 5 minutes
Failure The target takes full damage and becomes frightened 2. In-Play Information
Critical Failure The target takes double damage and becomes
frightened 3. Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range touch
Appears in Advanced Player's Guide Targets 1 unattended object or willing creature
Duration 5 minutes

Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier

You defy gravity and levitate the target 5 feet off the ground. For
the duration of the spell, you can move the target up or down 10 feet
with a single action, which has the concentrate trait. A creature floating
in the air from levitate takes a –2 circumstance penalty to attack rolls.
A floating creature can spend an Interact action to stabilize itself and
negate this penalty for the remainder of its turn. If the target is
adjacent to a fixed object or terrain of suitable stability, it can move
across the surface by climbing (if the surface is vertical, like a wall) or
crawling (if the surface is horizontal, such as a ceiling). The GM
determines which surfaces can be climbed or crawled across.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Dimensional Anchor Spell 4 Magic Mailbox Spell 4

Abjuration, Concentrate, Occult Uncommon, Concentrate, Conjuration, Occult, Teleportation

Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast 1 hour (imagination, somatic)
Range 30 feet Range touch
Targets 1 creature Targets 2 containers, each no larger than 5 feet in any dimension
Duration varies Duration until your next daily preparations
Saving Throw Will
In-Play Information
In-Play Information
Cast 1 hour (imagination, somatic)
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Range touch
Range 30 feet Targets 2 containers, each no larger than 5 feet in any dimension
Targets 1 creature Duration until your next daily preparations
Duration varies
Saving Throw DC 27 Will Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
Critical Success The target is unaffected. •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
Success The effect’s duration is 1 minute. •Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
Failure The effect’s duration is 10 minutes. (+4)
Critical Failure The effect’s duration is 1 hour.

Calculation Breakdown: You create an interdimensional link between two containers, both
Proficiency Level (Expert) of which must be capable of being closed in such a way that their
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) contents aren’t visible. If both containers are left closed for 10
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier consecutive minutes, the contents of each one, totaling no more than
(+4) 3 Bulk of nonliving, non-magical material per container, transport to the
other’s location. If a container’s contents total more than 3 Bulk, the
transport fails.
You interfere with the target’s ability to teleport and travel
between dimensions. Dimensional anchor attempts to counteract any If either container is opened before the full 10 minutes have
teleportation effect, or any effect that would move the target to a elapsed, the contents appear as they did when the containers were
different plane. The duration is determined by the target’s Will save. closed, and the process starts anew as soon as both containers have
been closed. After the contents of the containers successfully swap,
Critical Success The target is unaffected. they can’t swap again until after both containers have been opened at
Success The effect’s duration is 1 minute. least once. Both containers must be located on the same plane for the
Failure The effect’s duration is 10 minutes. process to function; if this ceases to be the case or if something else
Critical Failure The effect’s duration is 1 hour. disrupts the effect during an active transposition, the process halts as
if one of the containers had been opened.
Fly Spell 4
Appears in Secrets of Magic
Concentrate, Occult, Transmutation
Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range touch
Targets 1 creature
Duration 5 minutes

In-Play Information

This is a signature spell. It may be cast using any spell slot from its
minimum to your maxium spellcasting level.
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range touch
Targets 1 creature
Duration 5 minutes

Calculation Breakdown:
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier

The target can soar through the air, gaining a fly Speed equal to
its Speed or 20 feet, whichever is greater.

Heightened (7th) The duration increases to 1 hour.

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
Howard (Hand) – Spells

Forceful Hand Spell 5 Telekinetic Haul Spell 5

Concentrate, Evocation, Force, Occult Concentrate, Evocation, Occult

Traditions Occult Traditions Occult
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 60 feet Range 120 feet
Duration sustained up to 1 minute Targets 1 unattended object of up to 80 Bulk with no dimension longer
than 20 feet
In-Play Information Duration sustained up to 1 minute

This is a signature spell. It may be cast using any spell slot from its In-Play Information
minimum to your maxium spellcasting level.
Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic Cast [2 actions] imagination, somatic
Range 60 feet Range 120 feet
Duration sustained up to 1 minute Targets 1 unattended object of up to 80 Bulk with no dimension longer
than 20 feet
Calculation Breakdown: Duration sustained up to 1 minute
Proficiency Level (Expert)
•Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4) Calculation Breakdown:
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier Proficiency Level (Expert)
(+4) •Ability Bonus (+4): Charisma 19 (+4)
•Base Bonus (+13): Character Level (+9), Expert Proficiency Modifier
A Medium floating, disembodied hand made of magical force
appears in an unoccupied space adjacent to you, following you across
the battlefield to shield you against your foes’ attacks. Each time you You move the target up to 20 feet, potentially suspending it in
Sustain the Spell, the hand moves to an unoccupied space of your midair. When you Sustain the Spell, you can do so again, or you can
choice adjacent to you. When you Sustain the Spell, you can have the choose a different eligible target to move.
hand Fly to an unoccupied space of your choice adjacent to an ally to
protect that ally instead. The hand’s movement does not trigger
reactions based on creature movement.

Successful attacks against the hand damage it, and damaging

effects that can target a creature can target the hand. The hand has
an AC of 25, 50 Hit Points, and can’t recover HP by any means. A hit
by a disintegrate spell or similar effect destroys the hand.

The hand’s actions and the cover it provides depend on what

actions you take during your turn. At the end of your turn, what the
hand does is determined by the first entry on this list that matches a
trait from any of the actions you used on your turn. For instance, if
you Step, Stride, and Sustain the Spell, you use the entry for move
actions, so the hand provides standard cover.
• Manipulate or Attack The hand interposes between you and
your foes. It provides lesser cover (+1 circumstance bonus to AC)
against all attacks that pass through the hand’s square.
• Move The hand provides standard cover (+2 circumstance
bonus to AC, Reflex, and Stealth checks) against all attacks that pass
through the hand’s square.
• Concentrate The hand provides greater cover (+4 circumstance
bonus to AC, Reflex, and Stealth checks) against all attacks that pass
through the hand’s square.

Heightened (6th) The hand has AC 27 and 60 Hit Points. When

you Cast this Spell, you can choose to replace the hand’s Manipulate
or Attack option with Swat.
• Swat The hand Flies to an enemy of your choice within range
and attempts to Push that enemy, using your spell attack roll instead
of an Athletics check to determine the results of the Push.

Heightened (7th) The hand has AC 30 and 70 Hit Points, and it

is Large. When you Cast this Spell, you can choose to replace the
hand’s Manipulate or Attack option with Grasp or Swat.
• Grasp The hand Flies to an enemy of your choice within range
and attempts to Grapple that enemy, using your spell attack roll
instead of an Athletics check to determine the results of the Grapple.

Heightened (8th) The hand has AC 32 and 80 Hit Points, and it

is Large. When you Cast this Spell, you can choose to replace the
hand’s Manipulate or Attack option with Grasp, Punch, or Swat.
• Punch The hand Flies to an enemy of your choice within range
and attempts to Strike that enemy with crushing force. The hand’s
Strikes use your melee spell attack modifiers and deal 7d8 force
damage. The hand’s Strikes don’t use or contribute to your multiple
attack penalty.
Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Heightened (9th) The hand Pathfinder
has AC 35andand 90 Hit marks
associated Points,
andand it are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.
is Large. When you Cast this Spell, you can choose to replace the
hand’s Manipulate or Attack option with Crush, Grasp, Punch, or
• Crush If the hand doesn’t have a target grabbed, it Flies to an
enemy of your choice within range and attempts to Strike that enemy
Nothing to print!

Hero Lab and the Hero Lab logo are Registered Trademarks of LWD Technology, Inc. Free demo available at
Pathfinder and associated marks and logos are trademarks of Paizo Inc., and are used under license.

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