Lab 3 Experiment Report

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Lab 3: Kirchhoff’s Laws and Network Analysis

Experiment Report

Name: Caleb Swisher Experiment Date: 9/15/23

Part 1: Series Circuit

Figure 1: Series Circuit

⦁ Calculations to determine the voltages and power across the series resistors.

I = V/R = 5/(39+47+51) = .0365A

Vr1 = (.0365)(39) = 1.423V

Vr2 = (.0365)(37) = 1.715V
Vr3 = (.0365)(51) = 1.861V
Pr1 = (1.423)(.0365) = .0519W
Pr2 = (1.715)(.0365) = .0626W
Pr3 = (1.861)(.0365) = .0679W

⦁ Cut and paste the screenshot of the LTspice circuit in the space below.

Table 1: Series Circuit
Resistor Voltage by Voltage from Voltage from
Resistor Voltage Power
Value Calculation LTspice Measurement
R1 39 v1 1.423V 1.423V 1.32V .264W
R2 47 v2 1.715V 1.715V 1.57V .314W
R3 51 v3 1.816V 1.816V 1.67V .334W
Current i .0365A .0365A .2A --

⦁ Using the above experimental voltage measurements, validate the Kirchhoff

Voltage Law for this circuit. With numerical calculations prove whether the Law
is valid for this circuit or not, in the space below.

V = Vr1+Vr2+Vr3
= 1.32V + 1.57V + 1.67V = 4.56V which is about 5V, so, accounting for resistor and human
error, KVL is still valid

⦁ Can Kirchhoff’s current law be verified for this circuit? If yes, then identify the
nodes and the different current through those nodes. If no, provide a reason.

Since the current around the entire loop is consistent (same at the start and end), KCL can
be verified

There is only one node since the resistors are in series and can be combined into one,
leaving one node, where the current is:

I = V/R = 5/137 = .0364

Part 2: Parallel Circuit

Figure 2: Parallel Circuit

⦁ Calculations to determine the currents and power in the parallel circuit.

I1 = V/R1 = 5/560 = .00893A
I2 = V/R2 = 5/820 = .006098A
I3 = V/R3 = 5/910 = .005549A
PR1 = 5(.00893) = .0446W
PR2 = 5(.006098) = .0305W
PR3 = 5(.00549) = .0275W

Table 2: Parallel Circuit

Resistor Current from
Resistor Current Current by Calculation Power
Value Measurement
R1  i1 .00893A 5.3mA .0265W
R2 820 i2 .006098A 5.2mA .026W
R3 910 i3 .00549A 4.8mA .024W
Voltage v 5V 4.9V --

⦁ Using the above experimental current measurements, validate the Kirchhoff

Current Law for this circuit. With numerical calculations prove whether the Law
is valid for this circuit or not, in the space below.

Req = 560//820//910
= (560x820)/(560+820)//910
= 332.754//910
= (332.754x910)/(332.754+910)
= 243.657 Ohms

i = V/Req = 5/243.657 = .0205A

i = I1 + I2 + I3
= .00893+.006098+.00549
= .0205A

Since these values are the same, KCL is valid

⦁ Can Kirchhoff’s Voltage Law be verified for this circuit? If yes, then identify at
least one loop and prove whether the voltage law is valid or not. If no, provide a

*Looking at the loop made with the Voltage source and R1*

5V-R1*I1 = 0
5-(560)(.00893A) = 0

Part 3: Network Analysis

Figure 3: Circuit for Network Analysis

⦁ After constructing your circuit on the breadboard, please show it to your instructor or
TA and get it approved. Take a picture of breadboard circuit with your cell phone
camera or any other camera and paste it in the space below.

⦁ Design a data table (name it Table 3) to record the measurements from the
network/circuit on the breadboard. Measure the voltage across each resistor and
tabulate them in Table 3. Identify the nodes and label them. Identify and label the
currents that enter and leave the nodes. Measure the currents that enter and leave the

nodes. Record them in Table 3.

Table 3

(Design and put your data table here)

N is the only other node besides the one at the bottom we grounded

⦁ For various nodes in the circuit in Figure 3, verify that the Kirchhoff’s Current Law is
valid. Show the calculations in the space below.
KCL is valid only if all currents leaving Node N equal zero

-I1 + I3 +I2 = 0
-83.2 + 38.5 + 43.4 = 0
-1.32 is close enough to zero, accounting for resistor error, so KCL is valid

⦁ How many closed loops are there in the circuit in Figure 3? Identify the loops and for
each closed loop verify that the Krichhoff’s Voltage Law is true. Show the
calculations in the space below.

There are 3 total loops, those being the loop (I1) consisting of the voltage source, R1, and R3,
loop (I2) consisting of R3, R2, and R4, and the larger overall loop (I3) consisting of the coltage
source, R1, R2, and R4.

I1: 5-VR1 - VR3

5-1.51-1.86 = 1.63V
I2: R3-R2-R4
1.86 - 1.49 - .25 = .12V
I3: 5-R1-R2-R4
5 - 1.51 - 1.49 - .25 = 1.75V

Although none of these equal exactly 0, accounting for human and resistor error, they are close
enough to 0 that I believe KCL is still valid

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