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25 Contoh Soal Analytical Exposition dan jawaban

Nama: Eka putry shanjhani

No absen: 07

Kelas: X-4

Analytical Text 1In Australia there are three levels ofgovernments, the
federal government, stategovernments and local governments. All
ofthese levels of government are necessary. Thisis so for number of
reasons. First, the federalgovernment is necessary for the big things.
Theykeep the economy in order and look after likedefensE. Similarly,
the state governments lookafter the middle sized things. For example
theylook after law and order, preventing things likevandalism in
school. Finally, local governmentlook after the small thins. They look
after thingslike collecting rubbish, otherwise everyonewould have
diseasE. Thus for the reason above,we can conclude that the three
levels of thegovernment are necessary. ArtiDi Australia ada tiga
tingkat pemerintahan,pemerintah federal, pemerintah negara
bagiandan pemerintah lokal. Semua tingkatpemerintahan ini
diperlukan. Ini karena sejumlahalasan. Pertama, pemerintah federal
diperlukanuntuk hal-hal besar. Mereka menjagaperekonomian dalam
rangka dan menjagaseperti defensE. Demikian pula,
pemerintahnegara bagian menjaga hal-hal berukuranmenengah.
Misalnya mereka menjaga hukumdan ketertiban, mencegah hal-hal
sepertivandalisme di sekolah. Akhirnya, pemerintahdaerah mengurus
mereka yang kurus. Merekamengurus hal-hal seperti
mengumpulkansampah, jika tidak semua orang akanmengalami
gangguan. Dengan demikian untukalasan di atas, kita dapat
menyimpulkan bahwatiga tingkat pemerintahan diperlukan.

1. What kind of text is this?

A. Analytical Exposition

B. Report

C. Hortatory Exposition

D. Explanation Text

E. Descriptive text

2. Who is responsible for defense?

A. Federal government

B. State Government

C. Federal and State Government

D. Federal and Local Government

E. Local Government

3. The litter management is the responsibility of….

A. all governments

B. Australia

C. Federal government

D. State governement
E. Local government

Analytical Text 2There is no best way to deal with pests inagriculturE.

Pesticides which are commonlyused no best way to deal with pests
inagriculturE. Pesticides which are commonlyused may cause many
problems. I thinkcombining different management operations isthe
most effective way to control pests Firstly, the chemicals in the
pesticides may buildup as residues in the environment and in the
soilwhich absorbs the chemicals. This reduces thequality of farm
product.Secondly, pests can gradually become resistantto pesticides.
This means that newer andstronger ones have to be developed.Lastly,
some pesticides affect non target plantsand animals such as fish and
bees. This affectsthe ecology and environment as well.So,
understanding of ecology of an area helps alot in pest control.
Pesticides should be chosenand applied carefully so that they don’t
affect theecological balance and environment.Therefore, integrated
pest management is asafe and more effective option to fight pest
inagriculture and livestock.

4. Which of the following is not directly affectedby pesticides used?

A. Plants

B. Ecology

C. Animals.

D. Environment.

E. Human Beings

5. What can you say about paragraph two andfour?

A. The fourth paragraph supports the idea statedin paragraph two.

B. Both paragraphs tell about thedisadvantages of using pesticides.

C. Both paragraphs tell about how pesticidesaffect the quality of farm


D. The statement in paragraph is contrary to thestatement in

paragraph four.

E. The second paragraph tells about the effects of using pesticides on

animals mentioned inparagraph four.

6. One of the disadvantages of using chemicalpesticides is …

A. killing fish and bees.

B. increasing crops productivity.

C. creating balanced ecosystem.

D. causing the pests to become inactive.

E. helping reduce pollutants in the environment.

7. Secondly, pests can gradually becomeresistant to pesticides.

(paragraph 3). The wordresistant in the sentence above means … A.

B. fragile.

C. damage.


E. unbalanced.
Analytical Text 3

As we all know, cars create pollution, and causea lot of road deaths
and other accidents.Firstly, cars, as we all know contribute the mostof
pollution in the world. Cars emit a deadly gascauses illnesses such as
bronchitis, lung cancer,and trigger of asthmA. Some of these illness
areso bad that people can die from them.Secondly, the city is very
busy. Pedestrianswander every where and cars commonly
hitpedestrians in the city, which causes them todiE. Cars today are our
roads biggest killers.Thirdly, cars are very noisy. If you live in the
city,you may find it hard to sleep at night, orconcentrate in your
homework, and especiallytalk to someonE.In conclusion, cars should
be banned from thecity for the reasons listed.

8. What type of the text above?

A. Narrative.

B. Report.

C. Analytical.

D. Explanation.

E. Description.

9. What one of the diseases caused bypollution?


B. Bronchitis.

C. Liver.

D. Fever.
E. Cholera

10. What tense is mostly used in the text?

A. Past tense.

B. Simple present tense.

C. Simple perfect tense.

D. Present continuous tense.

E. Past continuous tense.

11. What is the purpose of the text?

A. to persuade reader about the Cars ShouldBe Banned In The City.

B. to explain the characteristics the Cars ShouldBe Banned In The City.

C. to inform readers about Cars Should BeBanned In The City.

D. to describe Cars Should Be Banned In TheCity.

E. to entertain readers about Cars Should BeBanned In The City.

12. The following sentences are true, except …

A. the cars contribute the most of pollution in theworlD.

B. the cars are very noisy.

C. the cars can also cause many deaths andother road accidents.

D. the car cans accelerate the transport.

E. the cars today are our roads biggest killers.

13. What the title text above?

A. Cars should be banned in the city.

B. Cars cause pollution.

C. Car giant killer street.

D. Car facilitate transportation.

E. Cars cause noise of the city.

Analytical Text 4

I strongly believe that mobile phones arenecessary. My reasons for

this belief are thatthese phones are convenient for businesspeople
who travel a lot, and they are handy foremergencies.To begin with,
mobile phones are necessary inthe case of emergencies. For instance,
if you falldown a set of stairs in a building and are badlyinjured and
can’t reach a pay phone, it is handyto have one to use. Or, if your car
breaks downin the middle of the night in a strangeneighbourhood, it
would be dangerous to leave itin search of a public phone booth.My
other main reason is that mobile phones areconvenient for business
people. For example, ifyou are out of the state or even overseas
andyou have to contact a client to do someimportant work, it is useful
to have one to use.By using a mobile phone, important
informationcan be received. People can’t stay in an officeall day
waiting for their phone to ring. Somepeople have to go and do jobs or
they will go outof business. You can even send faxes ormessages and
use the internet with your mobile.In conclusion, I believe that mobile
phones havenow become a necessary part of every day life.Instant
communication will ensure thatinformation can be passed on with a
simplepress of a button. Whether this is to do withbusiness or
personal information oremergencies, it goes to show that they
arenecessary in the new millennium.

14. How many reasons are used to support thewriter’s opinion? A.

One reason.

B. Two reasons.

C. Three reasons.

D. Four reasons.

E. Five reasons

15. Why are mobile phones very convenient forbussines people? A.

They can contact clients.

B. They can do some important works.

C. They can receive some important information.

D. They can send some data and surf Internet.

E. They can run bussines by staying in andout office.

16. What is the main idea of the secondparragraph?

A. The advantages cellular phones duringthe emergencies.

B. The solution to do when your car breaksdown.

C. The danger to leave a mobile phone in thecar.

D. The differences of a mobile phone and a payphone.

E. The necessary equipments amongneighbours.

Analytical Text 5
Everybody should change their way of life toreduce global warming.
There are several thingsthat we can do. One of them is by buying
andconsuming fresh local groceries as much aspossiblE. It of course
includes local vegetables,fruits, bread, etC.Local groceries don’t need
much transportationto get it into the market. It of course means,
theamount of carbon dioxide produced is less thanthe groceries from
other region. Therefore, bybuying local groceries we are helping
reduce theamount of carbon dioxide produceD.Consuming fresh
groceries instead of frozenones are healthier for us. Furthermore,
freshfood or groceries means no requirements for itto be freeze up. It
means that no electricity isneeded and saving energy means
reducingcarbon dioxide and money.So, from now on we should
consume fresh localgroceries to reduce global warming. ArtiSetiap
orang harus mengubah cara hidupmereka untuk mengurangi
pemanasan global. Ada beberapa hal yang bisa kita lakukan.
Salahsatunya adalah dengan membeli danmengkonsumsi bahan
makanan lokal segarsebanyak mungkin. Ini tentu saja
termasuksayuran lokal, buah-buahan, roti, etc.Bahan makanan lokal
tidak membutuhkanbanyak transportasi untuk membawanya
kepasar. Ini tentu saja berarti, jumlah karbondioksida yang dihasilkan
kurang dari belanjaandari daerah lain. Oleh karena itu,
denganmembeli bahan makanan lokal kami membantumengurangi
jumlah produksi karbon dioksida.Mengkonsumsi bahan makanan
segar daripadayang beku lebih sehat bagi kita. Selain itu,makanan
segar atau bahan makanan berartitidak ada persyaratan untuk
dibekukan. Iniberarti bahwa tidak ada listrik yang diperlukandan
penghematan energi berarti mengurangikarbon dioksida dan
uang.Jadi, mulai sekarang kita harus mengkonsumsibahan makanan
lokal segar untuk mengurangipemanasan global.

17. The text gives us information about ….…

A. The ways to minimize global warning.

B. The ways to increase global warning.

C. The effects of global warning.

D. The importance of consuming local groceries.

E. The importance of knowing global warning

18. To reduce the global warming we should ….

A. Buy import product.

B. Buy expensive clothes.

C. Consume frozen foods.

D. Consume fresh foods.

E. Not use electricity efficiently.

19. We are helping reduce the amount of globalwarming” (Paragraph

2) Thereduce word canbe replaced by ….

A. Increase.

B. Decrease.

C. Improve.

D. Add.
E. Maximize.

Analytical Text 6

The use of formalin and other dangerouspreservatives in food has

been serious problemfor three reasons. Firstly, formalin is not
forhuman beings, but it is for biological specimensand experiments.
Formalin in Biology is a 10%solution of formaldehyde in water which
isusually used as a disinfectant or to preservebiological specimens.
Thus, it is not for foodpreservatives. Of course when it is used for
foodpreservative, it will be very dangerous tohuman’s body.The
second reason is that there is no tightcontrol from the government.
This conditionmakes the people’s health is really in a threat.When the
control is weak and the use formalinwas spread wide all over the
Indonesianregions, and these days it has really happened,the citizen’s
bodies will be badly contaminatedwith the poisons. Fish or food
traders still selltheir products which contain formalin anddangerous
preservatives. Can you imagine thatour digestive system absorbs the
substance thatshould be for the human and animal corpses?
Considering the reasons, we can make aconclusion that the use of
formalin and otherpreservatives is really a serious problem if it isnot
resolved immediately.

20. Why is formalin dangerous for human`sbody?

A. It is not food preservatives.

B. It is a disinfectant for human beings.

C. It is used to preserve biological specimens.

D. It is 10% solution of formaldehyde in water.

E. It is controlled flighty from the government.

21. The main idea of paragraph two is ….

A. The human`s bodies will be harmful afterconsuming the formalin.

B. The government has not controlled theuse of formalin firmly.

C. The weak control of using formalin is notthreatening the human.

D. The human`s bodies will be harmful afterconsuming the formalin.

E. The use of formalin is known all over theregions.

22. Based on the facts above, the writer suggestthat …

A. People have to avoid consuming formalinin their food.

B. The use of formal dehyde is necessary tocontrol the food.

C. People should add 100% solution offormaldehyde in water.

D. The food preservative is required to make thefood delicious.

E. Food seller is supposed to pour formalin forvegetables and food


23. What is the generic structure of the text?

A. Arguments-Recommendation-Thesis.

B. Thesis-Argument-Recommendation.

C. Thesis-Argument-Reiteration.

D. Thesis-Supporting Points-ContrastingPoints- Reiteration.

E. Reiteration-Arguments-Thesis.
Analytical Text 6

I personally think that reading is a very importantactivity in our life.

Why do I say so? Firstly, byreading we can get a lot of knowledge
aboutmany things in the world such as Science,technology. Sports,
arts, culture, etc written ineither books, magazine, newspaper,
etc.Secondly, by reading we can get a lot of newsand information
about something happening inany parts of the world which can we
see directly. Another reason, reading can give us pleasuretoo. When
we are tired, we read books,newspaper or magazine on the
entertainmentcoloumn such as comedy, short story, quiz, etC.To make
us relaxeD.The last, reading can also take us to other partsof the
worlD. By reading a book about Irian Jayawe may feel we’re really
sitting in the jungles notat home in our rooms.From the facts above,
it’s obvious that everyoneneeds to read to get knowledge,
information andalso entertainment. Or in summary we can
sayreading is truly important in our lifE.

24. Why is reading very important in our life?Because…..

A. By reading, we can get a lot of friends,relatives, experience, etc.

B. By reading, we can get little knowledge but alot of entertainment.

C. By reading, we are always relaxed.

D. By reading, we are always happy.

E. By reading we can get a lot of knowledge,news, information and


25. If we want to get knowledge, what should wedo?

A. buy a lot of books.

B. borrow a lot of books.

C. look for newspaper and magazine.

D. sell and buy many expensive books.

E. Read a lot of books and other printedmaterials.

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