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IPER PGDM Trim-III Human Resource Management Course Code: T3: HR-01 Faculty: Prof.

Amit Kumar Tiwari

Course Objective:
The objective of this course is to provide fundamental understanding of Human Resource Management value chain. It aims at helping students understand, appreciate and analyze workforce at managerial and non- managerial levels. The course also intends to ensure that they develop sound knowledge and critical awareness of issues of theoretical and practical relevance. Course Requirements and Pedagogy: The course is aimed at third term students of management who have undergone a basic course in organizational behavior I and organizational behavior - II. This course requires an analytical ability to understand the concepts and a keen eye for observing how Human Resource Management policies and practices affect organizational working. The duration of the course will be 40 hours. The sessions would comprise of Lectures, Practical examples, Case Discussions, Experiential Exercises, Videos, and Project Work. Students are strictly advised to read the assigned material before coming to class. The students have to submit the assignment on or before the deadline declared in the class to Evaluation: Evaluation would be based on case analysis and discussion, presentations, assignments, and project study apart from end-term examinations. Evaluation scheme is as follows: 20% 50% 20%


End Term Presentation

Case Discussion & Class Participation Text Book T-1 Human Resource Management by Gary Dessler, Pearson (Tenth Edition) T-2 Human Resource Management by Ivancevich.John.M Tata McGraw-Hill 2008 Reference Book R-1: Fisher.2008.Human resource Management.wiley India Pvt.Ltd.New Delhi. R-2: Decenzo & Robbins.2008. Fundamentals of Human Resource management wiley India Pvt Ltd.8Ed Module I Topic Contents Linking strategy and HRM in an organizational context 1.Changing business environment & strategic role of HRM,HR Strategic Challenges 2.Changing profile of HRM :global HRM practices 3.Strategic implications of a dynamic HR Environment Text Book Reference Readings T1:Ch 3 T2: Ch2 R1:Ch2:R2:Ch1 Cathy Sheehan 2005 A model for HRM strategic integration personnel Review.vol.34 No.2,2005 Bob Kane and Ian Palmer 1995.Strategic HRM or managing the employment relationship? International Journal of Manpower.Vol. 16 no. 5/6, 1995. Aradhna Khandekar and Anuradha Sharma .2005.Organisational learning in Indian organization :a Strategic HRM perspective Journal of small business and Enterprise Development Vol.12 No.2,2005 Mohan Thite:2004: strategic positioning of HRM in knowledge based organizations.The learning Organizations vol.11 No.1,2004 Web References With Six students in a group your assignment is to develop the outline of a strategic plan for the PGDM programme of IPER.This should include such thing as mission and vision statement strategic goals: and corporate ,competitive ,and functional strategies. In preparing your plan, make sure to show the main strengths, weakness, and opportunities and threat the 10%

Assignment/Su bmission/Prese ntation

college faces, and which prompted you to develop your particular strategic plans. Selected three groups have to present the report in the class. No. of contact 8 hours Module II Topic Contents Human Resources in the context of organizations intrinsic systems 1. Human resource planning and job analysis. 2. Recruitment: Employee Testing & Selection, Placement, Induction, Internal mobility & separation. 3.Establishing HR information system (HRMIS/HRIS) Text Books Reference Readings T1: Ch 4,5,6 T2:Ch 5,6,7 R1: Ch 3,4 R2:Ch 5,6,7 Abdul Rehman bin idris and Derek Eldrige .1998.Reconcepyualising human resource planning in response to institutional change. International Journal of Manpower, Vol.19 No.5, 1998. John Dingle 1995.Analysing the competence requirements of managers .Management Development Review. Volume 8-number2-1995. Erik Beulen .2009. The contribution of a global service providers Human Resources Information system (HRIS) to staff retention in emerging markets. Comparing issues and implications in six developing countries. Information Technology & People.Vol.22 No.3,2009 EWT Ngaiand F.K.T. Wat. 2006. Human Resource Information system: a review and empirical analysis.Peronnel review Vol.35.No.3, 2006. Web Resources Working in a group of Six, interview a manager between the ages of 25 and 35 at a local business who manages employees age 40 or older. Ask the manager to describe three of his or her most challenging experiences managing older employees prepare a report on the same and submit three reports were discussed in the class. 9

Assignment/Su bmission/Discu ssion No. of Session

Module III Topic Contents Organizational Performance and HRM 1.Establishing Performance Management & Performance Appraisal System, managing Careers 2. Compensation & Reward management. 3. Human Resource Accounting and Audits. Text books Reference Readings T1: Ch 9,11,12,13 T2: Ch 10 R1:Ch10 R2: 10,11,12 Richard Thorpe and Tony Beasley.2004.The characteristics of performance management research Implication and challenges. International Journal of Productivity and performance management Vol.53 No.4,2004 Bjorn Andersen, Bjornar Henriksen and Wenche Aarseth. 2006- Holistic performance management: an integrated framework. International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management. Vol, 55 No, 1, 2006 Danielle S- Wiese and M. Ronald Buckley. 1998. The evolution of the performance appraisal process. Journal of Management History" VoL 4 No. 3, l998 James A- Kuhns and Lawrence B. sawyer. L994. Developing Executive Compensation programmes: A Fresh Approach. Managerial Auditing Journal,Vol. 9 No. 6 1994, pp. 26-30 Janet Druker and Geoff White. 1997. Constructing a new reward strategy: Reward management in the British construction industry. Employee Relations, Vol.19 No. 2, 1997. Web Resources

Assignment/ Presentation /Discussion No. of Session

Students in a group of six are advised to submit the documentary on human resource management. The topic needs to be approved in prior. The documentary is of 7 min max. the best three documentaries were displayed and discussed in the class. 7

Module IV Topic Contents Enhancing HR effectiveness through Training and Development 1. Training & Development-concepts and Need, socializing, orienting, and developing Employees. 2 Methods of Effective Training. Participative management employee empowerment 3 Work life balance & building emotional bondage T1:Ch 8 T2: Ch 13 R2-Ch-8,9 Zane Berge, Marie de verneil, Nancy Berge, Linda Davis, Donna smith. 2002.The Increasing scope of training and development competency Benchmarking and international journal Vol 9. No 1 2002 Len Holden. 1999. The perception gap in employee empowerment: a comparative study of banks in Sweden and Britain. Personnel Review, Vo1. 28 No- 3 1999. Doris Ruth Eikhof Chris Warhurst and Axel Haunschild 2007.Introduction: What work? What life? 'What balance? Critical reflections on the work-life balance debate- Department of Management, Employee Relations. Vol.29 No. 4, 2007 Fiona Moore- 2007. Work-life balance: contrasting managers and workers is an MNC. Employee Relations Vol.29 No. 4,2007 Web Resources

Text Books Reference Readings

Assignment/Sub mission No. of Session

Analyze the case Translating Strategy in to HR Policies and practices Case The new training programme THE HOTEL PARIS (T1 pp-331).This is an individual assignment to the student. 7

Module V Topic Contents Relating Industrial relations With HR Understanding Industrial and Employees relation, Industrial Relation & its changing paradigms Stake holders of employee relation, industrial Relation their changing roles, understanding collective Bargaining. Conflict/Dispute resolution, negotiations, settlement & Award, Positive employee relations. Future issues & trends in industrial & employee relation Text Books Refrence Books Readings T1:Ch 14,15 T2: Ch 15,16 R1:15,17 R2:14 Martyn Wright - 2000. Management industrial relations policy in high unionized companies in Britain. Personnel Review Vol.29 No.5, 2000 Erik Innes and Jonathan Morris- 1995- Multinational at corporations and employee relations: Continuity and change in a mature industrial region. Employee Relations, Vol. 17 No. 6 1995 Richard Gahr, Joseph B. Mosca and Saliba Sarsar. 1995. Conflict resolution and rnediation. leadership & organization Development Journal, vol. 16 No. 8,1995, Prepare a role Play of max 7 min in a group of six students on the basis of assessment of the module. Script is to be approved in advance before presenting it in the class. Groups are advised to select a topic from the contents of the module "Ek Ruka Hua Faisla" 9

Web sources

Assignment/ Presentation Movie Review No.of Session

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