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Ms. Martha Regatto O. Language Arts BGU DATE

Domenica Garcia Second C January 10 2024

Interdisciplinary Project

(Individual activity)

1. Write the message the author wants to teach you through his/her writing. (100 words)

Emily Brontë's Cumbres Borrascosas is a complex and dark novel that explores themes of love, revenge,
and the destructive power of obsession. Through her writing, Brontë wants to teach readers about the
dangers of allowing emotions to consume us and drive us to make irrational decisions. She also highlights
the importance of empathy and understanding, as many of the characters in the novel suffer due to the lack
of these qualities in others. Ultimately, Brontë's message is that love can be beautiful and destructive, and it
is up to us to navigate its complexities with care and compassion.

2. Answer the following questions. Explain your answer.

a. In your opinion, which is the most interesting part of the book? Why?

In my opinion, one of the most interesting parts of "Cumbres Borrascosas" is the complex relationship
between Heathcliff and Catherine. Their passionate and destructive love for each other drives much of the
narrative, and their interactions are filled with intense emotions, manipulation, and tragedy

b. Why did you choose this book?

The reason my group and I chose the book is because the name of the book seemed interesting and the
cover, which implied that the book had a dark aura, convinced us to choose it.

c. What did you learn working in groups? Did you enjoy it?

I learned that some people have a gift in art and others in writing and I did enjoy the time in which we did
the work.

d. Which was your favorite character? Why?

Heathcliff is my favourite character because of his complex and enigmatic nature, as well as his significant
impact on the chaotic relationships and dramatic events of the novel.

1. Esta actividad corresponde a su tercera nota de Idukay para todas las materias (individual)
Deberá ser cargada en Idukay como tarea HOY, hasta las 15H00.
2. Las preguntas (a, b, c, d) podrán ser efectuadas al finalizar la exposición (a cualquier estudiante)
3. Todas las estudiantes deben tener su rúbrica impresa, la que adjunto a esta tarea (no es la
misma que yo les di, ésta se encuentra firmada)
4. En la exposición, si bien es cierto que cada estudiante desarrolla un tema, debe saberse y poder
explicar toda la novela sin leer (trama, personajes, mensaje, escenario) Recuerden que la
exposición será su nota de APORTE y es INDIVIDUAL.
5. La exposición será trasladada para el día Martes 16, la hora está por confirmar. Ese día no seré
yo quien califique su desempeño oral.

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