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Ain el-Baya Prep. School Teacher: Ms. Z.

School year: 2017-2018. End of Term II Test N˚ Duration: 1 hour.
Level: 9th basic form.

Name:……………………………...................... Level: 9th B.E…………….N˚ ……………

The text

During my last 3 month stay in the U.S.A, I lived 15 days with the Kendrick family in
Wyoming, Ohio. Jim their 13 year-old boy is very kind. He told me that he worked in
parallel with his school time. Before and after school, Jim does voluntary work.

His voluntary work consists in doing the shopping for an old neighbor, Mr. Johnson
or buying medicines for Mrs. Betsy Williams or making breakfast for old Mr.
Hamilton, sending e-mails for old Mrs. Robinson or reading an article or two from
The Washington Post for old Mr. Perkins who can’t read because of his weak

Jim is very pleased and satisfied for standing by these old people. He says :”I believe
that volunteering is a meaningful experience. I usually do it for the elderly who live
alone and feel lonely. So, telling me about their troubles comforts them. These people
need help with practical jobs like cleaning and gardening which they can’t do alone
anymore. They also need someone to talk to”. Jim’s story impressed me. As soon as I
came home, I took part in an organization which supports the disabled. What about
you? Many people are waiting for you.

Adapted from Internet

I- Reading Comprehension (........../6)

1/ Tick (√) the correct title for the text. (...../1)

a/ A voluntary club .... b/ A voluntary kid …. c/ An entertaining vacation ….

2/ These statements are false. Correct them with details from the text. (…../2)

a) Before and after school, Jim usually surfs the net (§1)


b) Jim buys medicines for Mrs. Robinson (§2)


3/ How did Jim’s story impress the writer? (…../1)

(§3) ……………………………………………………………………………………

4/ Circle the correct adjective. (…../1)

Jim feels satisfied, happy and (proud – tired – lonely) with doing voluntary work.

5/ What does the underlined word refer to? (…../1)

Them (§3) refers to ……………………..

II- language (...../8)

1/ Match the underlined utterances with the right functions. (…../2)

Dialogue Functions Answers

John: Good morning.

Librarian: Good morning. Can I help you?(1) a- Making suggestion 1+……

John: Yes, I’d like to find a book about the b- Offering help.

2 nd world war. c- Expressing satisfaction. 2+…..

Librarian: Yes, we’ve got that book. Here is. d- Expressing inability.

John: thank you; this is just what I looked for (2). Could e- Polite request. 3+…..
you lend it to me please?
f- Obligation
Librarian: I ‘m sorry, I can’t lend you that book but
what about reading it here? (3) 4+…..

John: No, I can’t (4). I’m so busy.

2/ Rewrite the appropriate option in the space provided. (…../2)

☺Sam: would you like to come to the cinema this evening?

☻Roberto: Oh! No. I (can’t, mustn’t, don’t care) --------------. I’m watching a film on

☺Sam: I enjoy watching TV. But I like to go out sometimes.

☻Roberto: Wait. I’ve a good idea. (Shall, let’s, what about) --------------going to the

☺Sam: Oh! No. I (mustn’t, am unable, could) --------------to dance, I had an operation
on my knee.

☻Roberto: Look, there is a new restaurant which opened yesterday.

(Let’s, what about, shall) -------------- go and taste their food.

☺Sam: that’s a perfect idea; this is exactly what I want.

3/ Fill in the gaps with 4 words from the list below. (…../2)

(cooperative – outdoor – by – hang – donations – blood)

Ann and Mary are sisters but they have different means of entertainment. Ann
prefers -------------- activities. She likes to dance in a nightclub, have a meal out

or --------------around with her friends. Whereas, Helen spends most of her free time
supporting all the people around her. She’s a -------------- girl at school and in the
house. Besides, she’s always ready to donate her -------------- to any patient. She is
always ready to stand by the disabled , the needy and the elderly, too.

4/ Put the bracketed words in the correct tense or form. (…../2)

Even in Europe many people are in trouble. Some of them are very (poverty) --------------
Others are (home) --------------. Last time, two black men (to walk) -------------- in the
street in Paris. All of sudden, a group of teenagers (to come out) -------------- and (to kill)
-------------- them with knives. It seems that racism is coming back to Europe.

III- Writing (......../6)

Your teacher asked you to write a biography about your favourite star in your
school magazine. You have chosen Michael Jackson. Use the table below to write
the biography.

Birth August 29th 1958 / Chicago

Family 9 brothers and sisters/ a working-class family
Career Singer, song writer, dancer, actor, and
1982: winning Grammy award for best album for
1984: receiving an award from President Ronald

Charity work * 1989: donating tickets to his shows to poor children.

*supporting AIDS Project Los Angles and American Cancer Society
Death June 25th 2009.












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