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This text is for question

Ridho : Hello?
Indra : Hi Ridho. It’s me, Indra.
Ridho : Oh hi Indra. Where ( 1) … you? ( be)
Indra : I’m in town
Ridho : And what (2) … (do) now?
Indra : Shopping. I (3) … ( look) for a new pair trainers. But I can’t find
any good ones
Ridho : Try that shop in princes street. They (4) … (sell) really cool
trainers there.
Indra : Which shop? Oh, yes. ( 5) I … (know) it. It’s called Best Food Forward,
Isn’t it?

1. What is the correct to be to complete the dialogue above ?

A. is
B. are
C. am
D. do
E. does

2. What is the correct sentence to complete the dialogue above ?

A. are you do
B. are do you
C. are you doing
D. You are doing
E. You are do

3. What is the correct sentence to complete the dialogue above ?

A. am looking
B. am look
C. looking
D. do look
E. am looks

4. What is the correct sentence to complete the dialogue above ?

A. selling
B. sold
C. sell
D. selling in
E. sells

5. What is the correct sentence to complete the text above ?

A. known
B. knew
C. know
D. knows
E. knowing

This text is for question!

Amanda ang Elvira met five years ago. Amanda was working in London. One day Amanda saw Elvira.
Elvira was a university student, but was doing a summer job. She had come to the place where Amanda
was working.
As Elvira was leaving. She left a little message next to Amanda’s computer. Amanda phoned her and they
meet the same evening. Elvira and Amanda like each other. One day a terrible thing happened. Amanda was run
over by a car. She was badly hurt. Six months later Amanda was OK again. Elvira had helped her a lot.

6. What was Amanda working as?

A. A programmer.
B. A gardener.
C. Sportman.
D. Player of Tennis.
E. Antique shopper.

8. What happened to Amanda six months after meeting Elvira?

A. She got a new job.
B. She was run over by a car.
C. She graduated from university.
D. She moved to a different city.
E. None of the above.

9. How did Elvira help Amanda after the accident?

A. She found a new job for Amanda.
B. She called the ambulance.
C. She left a message next to Amanda's computer.
D. She provided support during Amanda's recovery.
E. None of the above.
This text is for question 10 to 13 !

September, 12th 2023

Dear Diary,
I told my parents. I Want to go on a March next weekend to support environmental protection
and they didn’t say what I hoped. 'Good for you, Beth 'Brilliant - we’re really proud of you'? No
the mum said: 'A march? But marches are really dangerous, are't they?' And Dad said: 'You
are still young, aren't you?'
1 reply 'Dad,' 1 said, '1 am 15 now I am not a child. 1 can look after myself? Dad said: 'I
know you 're 15. That makes you a teenager, doesn’t i? Not an adult!'
And he and Mun started laughing. I don’t why? Don't ask me.
So I stood up and said: 'Look. You’ve heard about global warming, haven't you? Well, it's
happening now . Now I would like to behave a Responsible adults try to do something about
problems, right? And this is a problem! I am a young adult now and 1 trying to do something.
OK? So I'll be on the march on Saturday.' Then I stood up and walked out of the room!
Now 1 sitting here in my bedroom. 1 can hear voices downstairs. perhaps it's the TV, but
actually 1 think it's my parents arguing. That's strange they don't
usually argue. Well, not with each other - only with not with each other.

10. What is the march next weekend about?

A. It is a best to support environmental protection.
B. It is a young adult to support environmental protection.
C. It is a march to support environmental protection.
D. It is a good to support environmental protection.
E. It is a good or behave to support environmental protection.

11. What did Beth want her parent to say?

A. Good for you Beth,’Brilliant’-we are really proud to you.
B. Only good for you Beth,’Brilliant’-we are really proud as your parents.
C. Good and best for you Beth,’Brilliant’-we aren’t really care to you.
D. Good and luck for you Beth,’Brilliant’-we are really so proud to you.
E. Good for you Beth,’Brilliant’-we are really make confuse allow or not to you join.

12. “What reason does Beth give for wanting to go on the march?
A. She is like a young adult, and responsible adults don’t do something about global warming.
B. She is a young adult, and responsible adults do something about global warming.
C. She is an adult, and behave and responsible adults do something about global warming.
D. She isn’t a young but adult, and responsible adults to do something about global warming.
E. She is a young adult, try behave and responsible adults do best something about global warming.

13.Why does Beth think it is strange that her parents are arguing?
A. because they have don’t normally argue, except with her.
B. because they do and talk don’t normally argue, except with her.
C. because they don’t give support normally argue, except with her.
D. because they don’t normally argue, except with her.
E. Because they don’t support like best parent normally argue, except with her.
This dialogue is for question 14!

Roni : What will you do next Saturday afternoon ?

Dina : ….
Which is the best response ?

14. A. That’s very kind of you, thanks D. I’m sorry to hear that
B. I don’t know where she is E. I will stay at home, I do my homework
C. I may stay at home. I feel tired

15. Which of the following are NOT methods of communication someone talking ?
A. Body language D. Silent way
B. telephaty E. Braille
C. morse code

This dialogue is for questions 16 – 17 !

Man : Hello, how are you doing?

Woman : Not too bad. Wow you look nice. Where are you planning to go?
Man : It’s a secret.
Woman : A secret? Well, actually I want to tell you something important.
Man : Something important? Okay, go ahead!
Woman : No. I think it’s not the right time. Maybe I’ll tell you when you get back.
Man : Let’s talk about it tomorrow evening, shall we?
Woman : Oh, sure. Well, drive carefully!

16. It is about….
A. a nice day.
B. something important.
C. a secret thing.
D. the right time.
E. a plan for tomorrow.

17. According to the dialogue, when will they meet again?

A. When the woman gets back.
B. When the man gets back.
C. The next evening.
D. At the right time.
E. in the evening.

18. Choose the best ( to be + verb – ing / will + verb) to complete sentence below!
…. a party next Saturday-Do you want to come?
A. We will have
B. We are having
C. We will having
D. We will had
E. We are had
19. It’s possible that’s in 50 years there … any tigers in the world.
A. will not be
B. aren’t going to be
C. aren’t went to going
D. will not be going
E. will not been

This dialogue is for questions 20 !

Man : Excuse me. Are you a student here?

Woman : Yes, my name is Madeline.
Man : Very glad to meet you, Madeline. My name is Ucok.
Woman : What’s your last name, Ucok?
Man : My last name is Harahap. My name is Ucok Harahap.
Woman : I’m very glad to meet you, Ucok.
Man : I’m very glad to meet you, too, Madeline.

20. What is the topic of the dialogue?

A. Madeline’s friend.
B. An introduction.
C. Ucok’s friend.
D. A new student.
E. A meeting

This text is for questions 26 – 29 !

Talking without speaking

Parents of twins often say their children are a little unusual or a bit special. But according to 16-
year-old twin Gerald Scott, there are ways in which some sets of twins are quite amazing.
'My twin, Owen, and I have had a very special bond since we were
born. When we were very small, we had our own language. Our mum says we used to talk to each other
using our own special language.
We knew what we were saying but nobody else understood. Even our mother didn't understand us! As
we've got older, we've started using telepathy to communicate. Sometimes we don't need to speak at all;
we just use our minds. We can somehow send messages to each other
even when we aren't in the same place. I know it sounds weird, but Ive always known if Owen was in
trouble. Once he had a bad fall in rugby - he broke his leg and when it happened, I got this terrible pain in
my leg.'
Although it sounds strange, telepathy between twins isn't so unusual. There has been a lot of
research that has proved that some twins have this ability. One experiment involved eight-year-old Richard
Powles and his twin, Damien. First, they were put inseparate, sound-proof rooms, and Damien was wired
up to a machine that measured his responses.
Richard was then asked to put his arm into freezing cold water. At the exact moment he put his arm
into the water, Damien's responses went wild. And it was the same whenever anything scary or surprising
happened to Richard - his brother in the other room reacted too.
There have been cases between celebrity twins too. Actor Ashley Olsen tells us that, even when they
are far apart, she knows when her twin sister, Mary-Kate, is going through a difficult time or when she
isn't happy. So, maybe it's true maybe some twins don't need words at all to speak to each other.
21. The statements are true based on the text above, EXCEPT….
A. Gerald and Owen can communicate even if they are in different place
B. Damien wasn’t able to see Richard or hear anything he said during the experiment
C. Ashley Olsen has experienced telepathic communication with her twin
D. Only their mother could understand Geralds and owen’s special language when they were small
E. Nobody else understood Geralds and owen’s special language when they were small

22. “What methods of communication between twins are mentioned in the text?
A. Infrasonic
B. Body language
C. Barking
D. Special language
E. Telepathy

23. What happens to some twins when their brother or sister has bad experience?
A. They don’t have a reaction and know that something has happened to their twin
B. They can’t communicate have a reaction and know that something has happened to their twin
C. They make sound louder have a reaction and know that something has happened to their twin
D. They never talk and no reaction and know that something has happened to their twin
E. They have a reaction and know that something has happened to their twin

24. What is the singer's attitude towards staying inside?

A. Excited
B. Fearful
C. Indifferent
D. Reluctant
E. Enthusiastic
This text is for questions 32 – 34!


Only humans speak using words but all species in the animal kingdom can communicate in one way or another
maybe you have heard about the way bees dance around to send message to each other and the way dogs bark in
different ways to give each other warning to be friendly or to be playful.
But did you know about infrasonic communicate used by elephants? This is how it works;
Humans hear low sound like the bass notes in music
of thunder rumbling in the sky but we don’t hear
the sound lower than these however, animals such as elephants
and hippos can hear much lower sounds than human can,
and what more. They can make sounds in that range as well.
And they use them to communicate with each other.
This is known as infrasonic.
Another amazing thing about infrasound is that it travels over several kilometres. Sounds which have a
higher pitch, like the one people can hear, don’t travel well through walls, leaves, trees and so on. Which is why we
can’t hear sound from more than 100 metres away. But infrasound is much longer.
And things like grass and trees have no effect on it. Therefore, it can travel much further. Elephants can
hear infrasonic calls from four kilometres away!

There have been reports of people watching herds of elephants feeding and resting, and then the elephants
suddenly all charged off for no reason at all. They obviously heard a warning call from a long away way. But the
people didn’t hear a sound in places like a zoo or wildlife park where you can het nearer to animals. It is a bit easier
to sense when infrasonic sounds are made. When you stand near mother elephants with their babies in a zoo you
may notice a slight rumbling in the air every a few minutes not loud or strong but clearly noticeable.
This is infrasonic communication – the mother elephants ‘talking’ to their babies.

25. The writer mentions bees and dogs….

A. because they want to learn how they communicate.
B. because they use infrasonic communication.
C. as example of animals communication.
D. because they don’t want to learn how they communicate.
E. because the animal create place to learn how they communicate.

26. Humans can hear….

A. lower sounds than elephants can.
B. sounds that travel long distance.
C. sound with attractive higher pitch.
D. sound with higher pitch.
E. lower and higher sounds than elephants can do.

27. Things like trees….

A. cause problem for low sounds.
B. don’t affect sounds at all.
C. cause problems for high sounds.
D. cause problem the same sound high.
E. don’t affect to one another area.
28. In places like zoo….
A. Humans can sense when infrasonic sounds are being made.
B. Elephant don’t need to make infrasonic sound.
C. It is easier than in wildlife parks to sense when elephants use infrasonic sound.
D. It is harder than in wildlife parks to sense when elephants use infrasonic sound.
E. Humans can’t sense when infrasonic sounds are being made.

29. Animal kingdom ….

A. all the living creatures make group in the world.
B. all living creatures that can communicate.
C. all the living creatures can feel air in the world.
D. all the living creatures walk and stand on the earth of the world.
E. all the living creatures in the world.

30. Warning is….

A. a friendly greeting.
B. a close very friendship.
C. a meesage about all the things.
D. a message about danger.
E. a message about closely.


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