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República Bolivariana de Venezuela.

Ministerio para el Poder Popular para la Educación.

Unidad Educativa Colegio Eduardo Blanco.

Cátedra: Ingles.

My Idea for the world,

ODS 4: Equality education.

Lechería, 29 de junio de 2020.

Profesor: Mavi Brusco.

1er año: U.
Alumno. Fabrizio Díaz.

Profesor: Mavi Brusco.

Alumno. Fabrizio Díaz.

Profesor: Mavi Brusco.

Alumno. Fabrizio Díaz.

Education is the basis for improving our lives, therefore, access to quality
education must be universal. In recent years there have been important
advances in relation to improving their access at all levels with an increase
in school enrollment rates, especially in the case of women and girls. The
minimum level of literacy has also been greatly improved. However, it is
necessary to redouble efforts to achieve further progress. The Organization
for Education, Science and Culture is entrusted with coordinating the
achievement of this Objective. Learn about her proposal on what should
be the education of the XXI century.

Since 2000, tremendous progress has been made towards the goal of
universal primary education. The total enrollment rate reached 91% in
developing regions in 2015, and the number of out-of-school children fell
almost half globally. There have also been significant increases in literacy
rates and more girls than ever before attend school today. Without a
doubt, these are remarkable achievements.

However, progress has also been difficult in developing regions due to high
levels of poverty, armed conflict and other emergencies. In West Asia and
North Africa, ongoing armed conflicts have increased the proportion of
children not attending school, constituting a worrying trend.

The objective of achieving inclusive and quality education for all is based
on the firm conviction that education is one of the most powerful and
proven engines to guarantee sustainable development. To this end, the
goal seeks to ensure that all girls and boys complete their free primary and
secondary education by 2030. It also aims to provide equal access to
affordable technical training and eliminate gender and income disparities,
in addition to achieving universal access to quality higher education. On
Monday March 16, 2020 the educational facilities, public and private.

On Monday, March 16, 2020, the educational facilities, public and private,
were closed as a preventive measure after the appearance of COVID-19 in
Venezuela. The closure affects approximately 7.9 million students.
Communication services such as the internet, use of social networks do not
escape the quality of the rest of the basic services in the country, apart
from signifying an additional expense to the already committed family
economy; it is the only possibility of continuity in the study from the closing
of the schools.
The MPPE through VTV implemented a large amount of educational
content, but this may not be reaching its objective and its impact cannot
be evaluated since there is no feedback. It is the direct loss of the right to
education, it is circumstantial, but it is a fact. The panorama is an
exponential increase in school dropout due to the difficulties of returning to
school itself, but, above all, due to the economic impact that the ongoing
epidemic has had and will continue to have. In the same context,
educators need to have obtained alternatives to sustain themselves and
observe that many of their new activities allow them to maintain themselves
without the responsibilities and expenses that teaching entails. After the
pandemic is over, many children will need leveling learning over all those
who did not have access through quality education technology networks.

Goal: it is about an educational project located in the Boulevard

Shopping Center (LA PANERA) and in this place about 10 large awnings
will be located where children will study and the name of this will be
"CUANTICKIDS" or children of the future. In research carried out before
the pandemic, I have observed that there are some street children near
Lido beach, who do not know how to count correctly or make
calculations, scarcely write the following objectives from there.

1. The first is that they develop their logical mathematical thinking and
2. An alliance will be made with the DA VINCCI FOUNDATION, this
foundation will locate the children and survey the parents about their
socioeconomic aspect, which will allow a correct diagnosis to be
3. Finally, or an action plan will be carried out that covers the project,
which in general terms will total about 100 children: 10 per awning
and 10 teachers who are in charge of 10 children. The educational
part will be reinforced with actions such as beach soccer, then the
activity will be determined for 45 minutes to clear the mind and have

Goals: Although similar programs already exist, the best known is Teach for
All; which is to convince the most academically talented young people to
dedicate at least a couple of years to teaching after leaving university. For
young graduates, it means having paid work as soon as they finish their
studies and
possibility to explore imparting knowledge. For students it means having the
best performing students as teachers. In our particular case, they could be
the best 5th year students to serve as tutors to the first years. Additionally,
we are in the midst of a pandemic, therefore more educational
reinforcement is needed.

1. Realizar un diagnóstico previo de los niños con deficiencias

2. Recibir preparación previa de los profesores.

3. Establecer una plataforma tecnológica que permita a los estudiantes

aventajados ser tutores a distancia.

Goals: promote the teaching of non-traditional, specialized subjects that

allow students to graduate with an improved level of preparation that
allows them to improve economically, making dropout less attractive. In the
same way, subjects such as finance, business, emotional intelligence,
research, among others.

1. Prepare a study curriculum with subjects that promote divergent

thinking and the development of non-traditional skills.
2. Select trained personal.
3. Create a scholarship fund for the most advantaged students.

Conclusion: This work helped me to understand many things in them, we

can mention that after researching for example, I realized that in some
countries they have more advantages than others when talking about
equitable education, we can say that in Western Asia they have more
percentage of children who do not study than in North Africa, also that the
Ministry of Popular Power for Education wanted to carry out a portion of
educational content but there was no feedback among others, apart from
that I had to have an idea planned in my head before doing the work since
I had to do a draft before and in this I had a lot of fun because

First I had to have an idea of everything in general, then I had to have the
ideas clear in my head, Next write them correctly, after that I had to do a
lot of research on foundations, and finally order the ideas to put them in the
work that if I was going to send (not the draft).
I really liked investigating about this ODS in general but even so I have a
doubt that due to internet failures when searching for the question on the
internet the wifi was going was too crazy, it was

Which was the country with the most portion of children without studying?
Right now I will look for that answer. And this was my experience doing my

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