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Benodigdhede vir hierdie vraestei!RequirementS for this paper: Hulpmiddels/Resources

Antwoordskrifte/ X Multlkeuse-kaarte (A5)/
Answer scripts: Multi-choice cards (AS):

Presensiestrokies (lnvulvraestel)/ Multikeuse-kaarte (A4)/

Attendance slips (Fill"in paper): Multi-choice-cards (A4):

Rofwerkpapier/ Grafiekpapier/
Scrap paper: Graph paper-:

E!<samen/ Junie I June 2016 Kwalifikasie/

Examination: Teets 2/ Test-2- Qualification:
Modulekode/ Tydsduur/ uur/ure
IURI271 1%
Module code: Duration: hours
Module beskrywing/ Strafprosesreg I Maks/
Module-description: Law of CriminaL!?rocedure Max:
Eksaminator(e)/ Datum/
Mnr I Mr A Klaasen Date:

Interne moderator/ Tyd/

Internal moderator:
Me I Ms RHC Koraan Time:

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~Aiqemene lnstruksies:

.•.. Vul asb. die vraagnommer_van die vrae wat u beantwoord in op die voorblad van die eerste
antwoordskrif. ·
Hou in -gedagte dat korrekte taalgebruik, volsinne en keurige, akkurate, maar bondige
taalg~bruik 'n belangrike rol speel by die assessering van u. ant>Noorde.
Dit is oak in u eie belang dat u antwoordstel duidelik leesba-ar moet wees.
Gebruik, indien enigsins moontlik, 'n swartink-pen.
Geen literatuur, notas of aantekeninge van e!lige aard word in die eksamenlokaal toegelaat nie.

•!• Please fill in the numbers of the-questions you answer on the cover page of the first exam
•!• Bear in mind that correct language usage, full sentences and neat, accurate, but ·[.;oJncl'.se

formulation play an important role in the assessment of your answers.

Furthermore, it is in your own interest for your paper to be fully legible.
Use a black ink pen if possible.
No literature, notes or annotations in any form are allowed in the examination half.

IURI271 1/4
VRAAG 1: [13]

Beantwoord die volg.ende vrae in hoogstens twee sinne. Dui oak die statutere bepaling (artikel, subartikel en
wet) 6f regspraak aan. waarop u sal steun.

1. t U -is 'n aanklaer. Die beskuldigde is gearresteer vir 'n- skedule 7 -misdryf. Die ondersoe~beampte
opponeer nie borg nie. Kan u die beskuldigde op borg vrylaat? (2)

1.2 U is 'n aanklaer. X se prokureur ~il afskrifte van die verklarings in die polisiedossier bekom om vir X se
borgaansoek voor te berei. U wil nie in hierdie stadium die inligting verskaf nie, want u is besorg dat dit
sal lei tot die intimidasie van sekere getuies. Wat sal u doen? (2)

1.3 U is X se prokureur. U versoek die aanklaer om afskrifte van die verklarings in dte Jlolisiedossier aan u
te gee ter voorbereiding van die borgaansoek wat u ten behoewe van X bring. Die.aanklaer weier. Wat
sal u doen? (2)

1.4 u·ls 'n polisiebeampte. ·u wil'n bloedmonster van X, 'n verdagte in 'n dronkbestuursaak, bekom. Hoe
sal u. te werk gaan? · (2)

1.5 X doen aansoek om borgtog. Borgtog word geweier. Dit kom daarnaaan die lig dat een van die staat
-se sleutelgetuies gesterf het. Dit sal die saak teen X verswak. Kan X hierdie nuwe inligting_ aan die hof
van appel voorle, indien hy teen sy borgweiering appelleer? (2)

1.6 X is in aanhouding nadat hy sander 'n lasbrief tot arrestasie vir diefstal gearresteer-is. Die polisie versuim
om vir X binne 48 uur na arrestasie voor die hof te bring. ·X ontsnap uit aanhouding. Kan X skuldig
bevind word aan die misdaad "ontsnapping uit wettige bewaring"? (3)

QUESTION 1: [13]

Answer the following questions in no more than two sentences. Also indic,ate the statutory provision (section,
subsection and act) or case law upon which you will rely.

1.1 You are a prosecutor. The accused was arrested for a $Chedule1 offence. The investigation officer
does not oppose bail. Can you release the accused on bail? (2)

1.2 You are a prosecutor. The attorney of X wants to obtain copies of statements filed in the police docket
to prepare for X's bail application. You do not want to provide the information because you are
concerned that some of the witnesses will be intimidated. What will you do? (2)

1.3 · You are X's attorney. You request the prosecutor to provide you with copies of statements filed in the
police docket to enable you to prepare for the bail application of X The prosecutor refuses. What will
you do? (2)
IURI271 2/4
1. 4 You are a police officer. You want to obtain a blood sample of X, a suspect in a case of drunken driving.
How will you go about? (2)

1. 5 X applies for bail. Bail is refused. It thereafter comes to-light that one of the stata's key witnesses had
passed away. This will weaken the state's case against X May X put this new information before the
court of appeal if he appeals against the refusal of bail? (2)

1. 6 X is in custody after he was arrested without a warrant of arrest for theft. The police neglected to bring
X before a court within 48 hours after arrest. X escapes from custody. Can X be found -g-uilty of the
crime of 'escape from lawful custody'? (3)

-vRAAG2: [12]

X is 'n polisiebeampte besig met 'n ondersoek in 'n beweerde misdryf. X wil by Y, 'n potensiele getuie wat
moontlike in!Lgting oor die beweercte misdryf kan verskaf, 'n verklaring aangaande die beweerde misdaad
verkry. Y ls in hierdie stadium by sy werksplek teenwoordig. Beantwoord die volgende vrae kortliks. Verwys
telkens na die toepaslike statulere bepaling (artikel, subartikel en wet) 6f-regspraak waarop u sal steun.
2.1 · Moet X 'n lasbrief verkry om 'n verklaring by Y te neem? Bespreek kortliks. (4)
2.2 Het X enige bevoegdhede indien Y weier om vir X by sy werkperseel toe te laat? (3)
2.3 Sal dit enige verskil aan u antwoord maak indien Y in sy private waning is? (5)

QI:JE.STJON 2: [12]

X, a police officer, is investigating an alleged crime. X wants-to take a statement-from Y, a potential witness,
who may be able to give information about the alleged crime. Y is at 'his- place· of work. Answer the following
questions briefly. Constantly refer to the relevant statutory (section, subsection or act) or court ca~es on which
you will rely.
. 2.1 Must X obtain a warrant to take a statement from Y? Discuss briefly. (4)
2.2 Does X have any powers should Y refuse to allow him entry at his place of work? (3)
-2.3 Would it make any difference if Y was in his private home? (5)

VRAAG 3: [10]

Verduidelik op watter grande die geldigheid van die lasbrief ter sprake in Polofynis v Minister of Police 2012 1
SASV 57 (HHA) deur die appellant aangeval is, asook hoe die hof elkeen van daardie grande hanteer het.

U hoef nie die feitelike agtergrond te noem nie.

IURI271 3/4

Explain the grounds upon which the validity of the search warrant at issue in Polofynis v Minister of Police
2012 1 SACR 57 (SCA) was attacked by the appellant, as well as the manner in-which the court dealt with
each of those grounds.

You do not have to state the factual background.

VRAAG4: [15]

lnspekteur Tsotesti is 'n lid van die honde-eenheid van die polisie. Tydens 'n patrollie kom hy af op Thabo waar
hy dagga rook. Thabo is al dikwels in die verlede gearresteer weens die besit en gebruik van- klein
hoeveelhede dagga en is 'n ou bekende in die omgewing. Toe Thabo lnspekteur Tsotesi gewaar, hard loop hy
weg. lnspekteurlsotestsi trek sy vuurwapen en skiet op Thabo. Die skoot tref Thabo in sy rug en veroorsaak
sy onmlddellike dood. Skryf 'n regsopinie waarin u aantoon of:

Die graad van- g~weld wat toegepas is om Thabo te arresteer deur die reg veroorloof word. (In hierdie
verband moet u oak die leidende uitspraak vaFJ die Grondwetlike Hof en relevante statutere reg oorweeg)


Inspector- Tsotesti is a member of the dog unit of the police. During patrol he encounters Thabo smoking
dagga. Thabo is very well known in the area and has often been arrested in the past for the ~ssession and
use of small-~mounts of dagga. When Thabo sees lnspectorTsotesti he runs away. Inspector Tsotesti draws
his firearm and shoots at Thabo. The shot hits Thabo in his back·a·nd kills him immediately. Write a legal
opinion indicating whether:

The extent of the force applied to arrest Thabo is authorised by law. (In this regard, you must consider the
leading case of the Constitutional Court and relevant statutory law)

Verwysingsnommer:"8.1. 7.2.2

IURI271 4/4

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