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- Inclusive education means giving each and every child an opportunity to learn at their
local school with enough support for them to reach their full potential. (UNICEF,2014)
- Inclusive Education Programme (Program Pendidikan Inklusif – PPI) as provided by the
Ministry of Education (MOE) is a placement of students with disabilities in mainstream
classrooms fully or partially in certain subjects. Inclusive education has not been
adopted by the MOE as the mainstream educational practice, which has hindered
widespread inclusive practice in mainstream classrooms in Malaysia.
- Therefore, the roles of mainstream teachers and students and also overcoming the
challenges of implementing IEP are vital for its success.

Point 1

- Role/ responsibilities of mainstream teacher towards IEP

o Collaborate with special teacher in assessment.
o Prepare educational plan for children identified with special needs.
- Elaborate/example
o As a result of the synergy of these factors, the process of organizing inclusion will
be effective and provide the following social effects: 1) provision a deserved
position of primary school pupils in the society, as well as their adaptation in the
social medium; 2) establishing interpersonal relationships between pupils and
teachers; 3) positive attitude to the integration of pupils with special educational
needs in the society.
- Citation
- “The teachers experienced having a central role in providing continuous support to
pupils with different learning disabilities within the support system” (Eklund,
Sundqvist, Lindell & Toppinen, 2020)
- “The support from colleagues (i.e. special education teachers) was seen as very
important, although their experience of consultation time was limited” (Eklund et al.,

Point 2

- Role/ responsibilities of mainstream students / classmates towards IEP

o Render support within and outside the classroom
o Help students with Special Needs to achieve their IEP goals.
- Elaborate
- Citation
o As peers provide the initial support, they can access the peer support plans
generated prior to the orientation meeting to help them become acquainted to
their new roles.
o Peer support plans are especially helpful as students become comfortable with
providing academic and social supports to their peers with disabilities.
- Example
o Academic-related supports include examples such as making sure students with
disabilities have clear roles during group activities, helping students organize
assignments and class materials, and reminding students how to follow
classroom routines.
o Social-related examples include reminding a student to use their communication
system, walking with students in the hallway, and telling jokes with the student.

Point 3


- Elaboration
o The perceptions and attitudes of the community, school administrators, teachers,
parents, and the special needs students themselves play important roles in
building a positive and conducive learning environment for them.
- Citation
o The society tends to compare the differences of special needs children with
those in the mainstream classes and group them into another special group
which is far isolated from the majority.
- Example.
o lack of awareness among the public regarding the equal access to education for
persons with learning disabilities
o The people tend to stereotype them and some to the extent of bullying them.
- Overcome
o MoE promote/rise awareness through ads and exhibition of inclusive education.


- Restate the point briefly.

o To make inclusive education a reality, a number of components in the system
have to fall in place.
- Overall POV on current inclusive education scene in M’sia
- Hope/ suggestion.

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