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No. K/P : 010218-08-1077
Angka Giliran : 2020182340448
Program : PISMP
Ambilan : JUN 2020
Unit : TESL 1
Nama Pensyarah : UMAZAH BINTI OMAR
Tarikh Hantar : 26/4/2022


Saya mengaku bahawa tugasan kerja kursus ini adalah hasil kerja saya sendiri kecuali nukilan dan
ringkasan yang setiap satunya saya jelaskan sumbernya.

Tandatangan Pelajar:__________________________Tarikh : _____________________


Markah Markah

Tandatangan Tandatangan

Cop Cop

Tarikh Tarikh


Saya mengesahkan bahawa maklum balas yang diberikan oleh pensyarah telah saya rujuki dan fahami.

Tandatangan Pelajar:__________________________Tarikh : _____________________


From the compilation of prose fiction, prose non-fiction and poetry, I have read it all thus
found the usage of writing tools by all of the author according to the type of their writing. There
are figurative of speech, picture prompt, and writing prompt used well by the author. Therefore,
this reader response is to dissect and discussed in detail on how those author used the writing
tools in their respective work.

For poetry material that I have read which is Earth Day by Jane Yolen. This poem
basically about the celebration of Earth Day. The sonnet made the poem like it is from the Earth
itself. This is really interesting as nowadays climate change because of pollution and war made
our old Earth become more ill. The writing tools that had been used is figurative of speech which
is personification. The example of personification usage from the poem are “Each bit of mud,
And stick and stone, Is blood and muscle, Skin and bone.” Besides that, assonance also
used in this poem for example, “Each honey tree,”. Last but not least, the usage of simile also
found in the poem where the sonnet wrote “As long as life, As dear, as free,”.

Next, in the prose fiction that I have read which is flash fiction entitled Give it Up by
Frank Kafka. This flash fiction used writing prompt at the story to make the reader able to grasp
the glimpse of the story. From the flash fiction, it first sentence “It was very early in the morning,
the streets clean and deserted, I was walking to the station.” This portrays the setting of the
story and what is happening. From I get by only read this sentence is the persona is somehow
want to go to a station however he seems quite unfamiliar with the place.

Besides that, the prose non-fiction that I have read is an advertisement. In the
advertisement, I found it has picture prompt in it. The advertisement is basically about Burger
King. The purpose of this ads was very clear which is to promote and convince people to buy
their product. The audience targeted for this audience are to public. The subject was clearly
portrayed in the ads which is a burger and the type of this advertisement is a poster type. Thus
the size of the burger picture also big because as I see the poster, I already get the idea of the
poster content which is about burger. Besides that, the font used also readable and big in size
as half of the poster only for text.

In conclusion, all of the material that I have read were interesting and well wrote in my
point of view. The language level, vocabs and structure are comprehendible for wide range of
reader as they use simple and common English. Thus the authors also used the writing tools
well in their works which made it even better for the reader. It shows the skill and level of the
author to express their thoughts and feelings in their writing.

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