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Grade 9

Energy from volcanoe

Humans can actually harness the magma and heat within volcanoes and their underground magma
chambers to produce geothermal energy. Technically, a geothermal power plant can be built anywhere
the plant operators can drill down far enough to reach the desired temperatures.geothermal
generation. Water is pumped into the warm rock near the volcano, is turned to steam by the heat, and
the steam drives a turbine which powers a generator. Or the steam or hot water can be used directly to
heat homes and the like. Iceland meets a good proportion of its energy needs this way.The disadvantage
is that it’s a volcano, and hence unstable. Sooner or later, the ground is going to shift, and new
boreholes will have to be drilled. Not to mention that the whole powerplant might be in danger of
destruction if the volcano turns active.

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