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The evolutionary conundrum of

pathogen mimicry
Nels C. Elde and Harmit S. Malik
Abstract | Evolutionary conflicts involving mimicry are found throughout nature. Diverse
pathogens produce a range of ‘mimics’ that resemble host components in both form and
function. Such mimics subvert crucial cellular processes, including the cell cycle, apoptosis,
cytoskeletal dynamics and immunity. Here, we review the mounting evidence that mimicry
of host processes is a highly successful strategy for pathogens. Discriminating mimics can
be crucial for host survival, and host factors exist that effectively counteract mimics, using
strategies that combine rapid evolution and an unexpected degree of flexibility in
protein–protein interactions. Even in these instances, mimicry may alter the evolutionary
course of fundamental cellular processes in host organisms.

Divergent evolution
Pathogens often take on features of their hosts to gain evo- independently evolve features of host components5,6
The appearance of increasing lutionary advantages, and diverse strategies of molecular (FIG. 1). Such mimicry is generally harder to detect, as it is
differences in features between mimicry are increasingly being recognized. For example, made evident only by more detailed analyses that reveal
different lineages. over time the genomes of some RNA viruses can come to functions of pathogenic factors that are similar to those
Convergent evolution
resemble genomic features of host populations. As influ- of host factors, despite the different protein structures7.
Independent acquisition of enza viruses adapt to humans, the frequencies of CpG Regardless of whether mimics arise through diver-
similar features in different dinucleotides in their genomes are reduced to levels con- gent or convergent evolution, most mimics bear only
lineages. sistent with those of human genomes1. In this case, mim- a faint resemblance to the factors that they imitate (see
icry of host genome composition may confer an advantage, Supplementary information S1 (table)).
Perfect mimic
A pathogen factor that takes
because these viruses are less likely to activate the host When defining mimicry, it is useful to consider two
on the exact characteristics of immune responses that would be triggered by the recog- additional categories to describe these factors more pre-
a host factor and confers an nition of foreign nucleic acids. Conversely, some viruses cisely. Perfect mimics co-opt host functions to favour patho-
advantage to the pathogen take on characteristics of a host specifically to trigger host gen fitness. Imperfect mimics resemble host components but
from the resemblance.
responses. For instance, when poxvirus particles are pack- perform functions that are distinct from those of the host
Fitness aged they become covered in host phospholipids, thereby factors that they model and that are for the benefit of the
The replicative or reproductive taking on the appearance of apoptotic cellular fragments; pathogen. The same terminology is often used to describe
success of an entity. these fragments are engulfed by neighbouring cells, mimicry at the level of ecosystems8 (BOX 1). Extended to the
therefore this mimicry might facilitate viral spread2. molecular level, these definitions are roughly analogous
Imperfect mimic
A pathogen factor with some
Here, we consider the evolutionary dynamics between but include biochemical functions in addition to mim-
characteristics of a host factor pathogen-encoded protein ‘mimics’ and the host factors icry based strictly on physical appearances. Distinguishing
but also one or more distinct that they imitate. We define mimics as pathogen-encoded between types of mimicry is important, because the evo-
functions that confer additional factors that resemble host factors in order to co-opt or dis- lutionary potential of hosts to counteract mimicry can
advantages to the pathogen.
rupt host functions to the pathogen’s advantage. Pathogen hinge on the types of mimics that they face. Differing lev-
mimics can evolve by two mechanisms. Divergent evolution els of conservation among mimics is also an important
of the mimic after horizontal gene transfer from a host aspect of the evolutionary dynamics of mimicry. In some
Division of Basic Sciences,
Fred Hutchinson Cancer genome3,4 (FIG. 1) might be detected by sequence similarity cases it may seem that exactly mimicking a host factor
Research Center, Seattle, to the model, although many cases are obscured by the would be the most advantageous option for a pathogen.
Washington 98109, USA. rapid evolution of pathogens or their long co-evolutionary Virus-encoded proteins that mimic host proteins could
Correspondence to N.C.E. histories with hosts, which leave little or no trace of the potentially work to a pathogen’s advantage, even as car-
common origins of the genes in question. Alternatively, bon copies. However, the high degree of divergence of
Published online mimics can arise by convergent evolution, which occurs imperfect mimics reflects the fact that viruses often gain
6 October 2009 when non-homologous factors encoded by pathogens greater advantages when these factors diverge. At least a

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a Divergent evolution

Host gene eIF2α
(e.g. eIF2α) Horizontal gene transfer

Pathogen gene Mimic K3L

eIF2α 9('99091956,$(0*$<96//(<11,(*0,//6(/6555,56,1./,5,*51(&999,59'.(.*<,'/6.55963((
K3L $*'9,.*59<(.'<$/<,</)'<3+)($,/$(69.0+0'5<9(<5'./9*.79.9.9,59'<7.*<,'91<.50&5+4


b Convergent evolution
Host Arg85
Host gene
(e.g. RhoGAP)


Pathogen Arg146
Pathogen gene Mimic

Figure 1 | The evolutionary origins of mimics encoded by pathogens. The diagrams show simple phylogenetic
relationships between host factors and their mimics that are derived by either divergent or convergent evolution.
Nature Reviews Purple
| Microbiology
segments represent the accumulation of mutations as the genes diverge or converge. Green segments represent regions
with sequence or structural similarity between host and pathogen genes, as a result of convergent evolution. a | In the
case of divergent evolution, mimics often arise from horizontal gene transfer events. For example, K3L is a
poxvirus-encoded mimic of eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit-α (eIF2α; see main text for details). Ribbon
representations of K3L and eIF2α, based on crystal structures (Protein Data Bank entries 1LUZ and 2A1A)79,80 show similar
arrangements of β-strands (orange) in mimic and model. A sequence alignment shows that eIF2α and K3L also share
sequence homology, reflecting a common origin before their divergence; orange arrows indicate sequences that form
β-strands. Pathogens that are less constrained for genome size, such as bacteria and double-stranded DNA viruses, are
more likely to retain horizontally transferred genes and therefore have a higher likelihood of gaining mimics by this
evolutionary route. b | Mimics that arise by convergent evolution independently gain features or functions that resemble
those of hosts. Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) is mimicked by a range of pathogens107 and even parasites108.
These mimics seem to converge on host functions, because there is no trace of shared sequences or notable structural
features. Ribbon representations show the Pseudomonas aeruginosa-encoded factor ExoS, a mimic of RhoGAP (Protein
Data Bank entries 1TX4 and 1HE1)107,109. The structures show similarly positioned, functionally important arginine residues
that are shared between the mimic and the host factor, but there are no other signs of notable similarity.

partial explanation for such adaptations in mimics is that evolutionary perspective, host factor adaptations that dis-
host factors commonly fall under the regulation of cel- favour mimics or reinforce host functions will be highly
lular processes that control their activity, whereas avoid- advantageous and favoured by natural selection. However,
Adaptation ing cellular regulation can be key to effective mimicry for rapid evolution of pathogens can lead to the emergence of
A feature that becomes
pathogens. Imperfect mimicry is therefore generally more new variants of mimics that can re-establish an activity or
prevalent in a population
because of a selective advantageous to pathogens, because effective mimics do interaction that again favours the pathogen. In this man-
advantage that it conveys. not just mirror host functions but also subvert cellular ner, mimics and host factors can dynamically evolve in
processes to favour pathogen fitness. genetic conflicts resembling ‘arms races’ (BOX 2), with each
Natural selection Although imperfect mimicry can strongly favour a side gaining only temporary advantages. That said, many
The differential survival or
reproduction of classes of
pathogen, the differences between mimics and the factors highly conserved host factors that are targeted by mimics
entities that differ by one or that they model can also give hosts an immunological or have a restricted potential to adapt, because they carry out
more characteristics. evolutionary foothold for discriminating mimics. From an essential functions and are subject to tight evolutionary

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Box 1 | Mimicry: from ecosystems to molecules

There are some fundamental similarities between the strategies used in mimicry that has been long recognized in
ecological settings and pathogen mimicry that is operating in the context of infections. In the nineteenth century Henry
Bates first articulated the argument that mimicry constitutes a selective advantage, using the example of edible Brazilian
forest butterflies that adapt in appearance to imitate unpalatable butterflies. In this manner, butterfly mimics deceive
their predators, which avoid them as meals. Mimicry therefore serves an essential role in the survival of these edible
butterflies. But it also imposes a cost on the inedible ‘model’ species of butterflies: as the frequency of mimics increases,
the warning associated with their particular physical appearance fades and both they and the models are more likely to be
sampled as potential meals. Thus, the benefit to the mimic imposes costs on both the model and the predator and forms
the basis of an evolutionary conflict. Mimicry pervades predator–prey interactions, with numerous types of visual,
behavioural and even acoustic mimicry playing parts in these life-or-death encounters97,98.
Examining pathogen mimicry through this lens of antagonistic evolution is a perspective that is useful for gaining a
deeper understanding of the dynamics of these crucial host–pathogen interactions. Costs, benefits and trade-offs are
important considerations in all types of mimicry. Taking an even broader view, mimics across nature exemplify Voltaire’s
observation, “A good imitation is the most perfect originality.”

constraints. This poses an evolutionary conundrum Control of apoptosis and the cell cycle
for hosts, to maintain crucial activities while not being A common cellular response to pathogenic challenge is to
exploited by pathogenic mimics that are honed to divert undergo cell death to limit infection. The ability to block
host functions. apoptosis is a potentially crucial advantage for pathogens,
Pathogens also face an evolutionary conundrum due allowing them to promote robust and persistent replica-
to mimicry. In cases in which host factors are acquired by tion. Indeed, some viruses use mimicry to counteract
horizontal gene transfer, these genes are often exact copies apoptosis (FIG. 2). A common example is viral mimicry
of host-encoded factors before they then adapt to become of b-cell chronic lymphocytic leukaemia/lymphoma 2
mimics. Such genes can be a burden on the streamlined (bcl-2), a pro-survival host factor that prevents cell
genomes of pathogens and are therefore frequently lost, death14. DNA viruses, such as poxviruses and herpes-
except in rare cases when an adaptation arises that pro- viruses, acquired bcl-2 from host transcripts by horizontal
vides a useful function to the pathogen and so increases gene transfer 15. These virus-encoded, divergent vari-
its fitness. Thus, it is common for host factors that are ants of bcl-2, called v-bcl-2s, can directly interfere with
acquired by pathogens to adapt to look less like their mod- apoptotic signalling to promote cellular survival during
els rather than resembling them exactly. The dynamics infections16–18. Some v-bcl-2s sequester bcl-2 homology 3
of imperfect or inaccurate mimicry is a topic that is also (bH3) domain proteins, which would otherwise trigger
actively considered in ecology 8,9. the caspase-driven cascades that promote apoptosis19,20.
Hosts also pay a price for contending with pathogens, other pathogen-encoded bcl-2 mimics carry out distinct
because expressing immunity-related factors can impose functions, such as interfering with innate immune signal-
substantial fitness costs10–12. For hosts, the cost of dealing ling to promote infectivity 21,22. Therefore, it would seem
with mimicry or other types of pathogen challenges must that general characteristics of the bcl-2-like structure are
be evolutionarily weighed against the cost of mounting useful to a range of pathogens. Not all v-bcl-2s are easily
adaptive responses. Similar considerations may dictate recognizable as bcl-2 mimics from their sequence alone.
the retention and use of viral mimics. These types of Homology between bcl-2s and v-bcl-2s can be as high
trade-offs associated with pathogen mimicry are impor- as 30% identity, but some viruses encode anti-apoptotic
tant considerations for understanding the dynamics of factors that have limited or no detectable sequence homol-
host–pathogen interactions involving mimicry. ogy to bcl-2. In these cases, structural or functional analy-
The evolutionary study of host–mimic interactions ses were required to reveal that they also act like bcl-2
is not just historically informative but also provides an mimics23,24.
important perspective for understanding host–pathogen In contrast to v-bcl-2s, a viral mimic of the host Golgi
relationships more generally. For example, the ecologi- anti-apoptotic protein (GAAP; also known as trans-
cal concept of mimicry rings, in which unrelated species membrane bAX inhibitor motif-containing protein 4),
acquire common features that confer an advantage, is designated v-GAAP, which blocks apoptosis, is nearly
directly analogous to mimicry by unrelated pathogens that 70% identical to the host factor that it models. v-GAAP
target common cellular factors or functions13. The cellular counteracts apoptosis for a subset of poxviruses, including
factors that are modelled by multiple independent mim- camelpox virus and some strains of vaccinia virus25. little
ics therefore represent common cellular weak spots that is currently known about the functional mechanism of
are vulnerable to mimicry. under these circumstances, GAAP, and its potentially important role in cellular regu-
mimicry is not ‘the sincerest form of flattery’ but is rather lation was initially inferred from the fact that it is mim-
a strategy of evolutionary deception that impinges on icked by poxviruses. The high conservation of v-GAAP
the survival of host species. In this Review, we survey may reflect its recent introduction into poxviral genomes.
how pathogenic strategies of mimicry interfere with Alternatively, a limited distribution in viral strains may
all major cellular processes, including cell growth and reflect a cost that is associated with using this mimic, such
survival, cytoskeletal dynamics, membrane traffic that it might have been lost in other viral lineages despite
and immune-related functions. an older, common origin.

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Box 2 | Genetic conflicts lead to evolutionary arms races

Many conflicts in nature lead to evolutionary scenarios a b
resembling arms races. Ongoing antagonistic evolution Antiviral Virus protein
has been described by the ‘Red Queen hypothesis’ (REF. 99), protein
Host protein 2
a reference to the Red Queen’s statement in Lewis Carroll’s 1
Through the Looking Glass: “It takes all the running you can
do, to stay in the same place.” Evolutionary arms races are Host
common to a range of genetic conflicts, including protein 1
host–pathogen interactions (see the figure, part a). For 3 2
example, if a host immunity factor recognizes some
feature of a pathogenic protein (step 1), variants of the
pathogen factor can arise that are not recognized by
the host factor (step 2). Variants of the host factor that
re-establish the interaction with the pathogenic factor will
then be favoured (step 3), completing a single cycle of this
molecular arms race. When genetic conflicts involve
protein–protein interactions, arms races can occur in a form of rapid evolution called positiveNature Reviews
selection. | Microbiology
Signatures of
positive selection include elevated rates of non-synonymous changes (N) in gene codon sequences compared with rates
of synonymous (silent) changes (S), as measured by the dN/dS ratio; ratios exceeding 1 are often consistent with positive
selection. Mimicry of host factors by pathogens adds a substantial challenge for hosts in these arms races. Hosts must
avoid mimicry but still recognize mimicked factors in order to stay effective (see the figure, part b).

Another host–pathogen battleground is mimicry for ul97 acts as a functional mimic of CDK activity and can
control of the cell cycle (FIG. 2). Quiescent cells in the G0 even rescue yeast cell cycle progression in a CDK mutant.
phase of the cell cycle may be less conducive to virus pro- like v-cyclins, ul97 avoids regulation by CKIs. This type
duction than actively dividing cells. Therefore, mimicking of mimicry seems to be widespread, as variants of ul97
cyclin activity seems to be a viral strategy for promoting are encoded by a large range of herpesviruses35. mimicry
passage through the cell cycle26. Herpesviruses encode sev- of CDK1 activity by ul97 also promotes nuclear lamin
eral types of mimics to disrupt cellular processes and pro- disassembly, facilitating virus entry into the nucleus36.
mote infection27. Some of these viruses are oncogenic and Increasingly, other mimics of cell cycle factors are being
encode v-cyclins that mimic D-type cyclins, which are cel- recognized from a range of viruses. For example, the
lular factors that promote cell cycle progression. Examples poxvirus orf virus encodes a potential mimic of anaphase
of such viruses include Kaposi’s sarcoma-associated promoting complex subunit 11 (APC11; m. mo and
herpesvirus (KSHV; also known as human herpesvirus 8) A.A. mercer, personal communication). This mimic,
and murine gammaherpesvirus 68, which are associated called b5l, seems to interfere with the interaction
with lymphoma in mice28. like D-type cyclins, v-cyclins between APC11 and the rest of the anaphase promoting
bind and activate cell-cycle-promoting kinases, which complex, disrupting cell cycle regulation to somehow
phosphorylate retinoblastoma-associated protein (Rb) favour the virus.
and other factors to facilitate entry into the cell cycle. Although v-bcl-2s and v-cyclins can, in some cases,
v-Cyclins seem to recognize a larger set of substrates be recognized by their unambiguous homology to host
than do host cyclins, potentially giving viruses even more factors, similar mimics are less commonly observed in the
influence over the cell cycle29,30. Importantly, v-cyclins genomes of pathogenic bacteria, making the identification
also avoid inhibition by cyclin-dependent kinase inhibi- of mimics by sequence alone more challenging in bacteria
tors (CKIs) that would otherwise promote quiescence31. than in viruses. Such mimics from bacteria may be more
v-Cyclins provide yet another example of pathogen mim- diverged from their host models than mimics from con-
ics, including perfect mimics, that have evolved to avoid temporary viruses, owing to longer co-evolutionary his-
the cellular regulation that governs host components. tories between these bacterial pathogens and their hosts.
The context in which mimics act is also an important However, some bacteria, including Chlamydia trachomatis,
consideration. For example, in contrast to other v-cyclins do inhibit apoptosis by targeting bcl-2 family pro-
that promote cell cycle progression, KSHV-encoded v-cyclin teins37. Whether bacterial counteraction of apoptosis
can lead to activation of DNA damage checkpoints and involves mimicry, as viral counteraction often does,
senescence32. Therefore, pathogenic mimics may cause remains to be elucidated.
opposite outcomes depending on when and where they
are deployed. This may reflect the fact that different viruses Cytoskeleton and membrane trafficking
gain benefits by altering the cell cycle in opposite ways at one of the most spectacular examples of pathogen mim-
different stages or states in their life cycle. icry is the actin-filament-based propulsion of bacteria
other herpesviruses, which may be oncogenic33, have such as Listeria monocytogenes38 (FIG. 2). L. monocytogenes
additional factors that influence the cell cycle to their encodes actin-assembly-inducing protein (ActA),
advantage. Cytomegalovirus protein ul97 mimics the which contains motifs that mimic the functions of sev-
activity of cyclin-dependent kinases (CDKs) to directly eral regulatory host proteins, such as WASP (Wiskott-
phosphorylate Rb and promote cell cycle progression34. Aldrich syndrome protein). These host proteins recruit

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a Cytoskeletal dynamics c Cell cycle

S. Typhimurium


CDK v-Cyclin
GTPase p78/83
UL97 Rb

RickA d Apoptosis
R. conorii v-GAAP
L. monocytogenes

b Membrane traffic
L. pneumophila GAAP
C. trachomatis Golgi
GTPase ON stacks
DrrA and LepB
Inclusion IncA BH3 proteins



Host receptors

Figure 2 | Mimics commandeer the cell. Schematic of a cell showing mimics disrupting host processes. a | Pathogens
benefit from controlling the host cytoskeleton, making it a common target of mimicry. TheNature
assembly of actin
Reviews filaments
| Microbiology
to produce cellular features such as filopodia and lamellipodia is commonly hijacked by pathogens. Escherichia coli
and Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium use distinct strategies of mimicry to promote actin
nucleation. SptP and SopE regulate GTPase signalling by cell division control protein 42 (CDC42) and RAC1 to cause
membrane ‘ruffling’ that promotes cellular entry. Mimicry by EspFU (also known Tccp) recruits actin filaments to create
structures at the cell membrane called pedestals, which support extracellular E. coli. Unrelated pathogenic bacteria
and viruses such as Rickettsia conorii, Listeria monocytogenes and baculoviruses independently mimic the actin
nucleation promoting factor WASP (Wiskott-Aldrich syndrome protein) to facilitate their propulsion through the
cytoplasm by filamentous actin structures resembling comet tails. b | Mimics also disrupt membrane trafficking
pathways. Examples include pathogen-encoded factors resembling components that regulate membrane-bound
compartments. Inclusion membrane protein A (IncA), a mimic from Chlamydia trachomatis, has regions resembling
SNARE proteins that are involved in membrane fusion. This mimic is involved in the formation of the inclusion
compartment where C. trachomatis accumulates in cells. Legionella pneumophila encodes DrrA and LepB, mimics that
subvert the RAB1 GTPase cycle to promote the formation of an endoplasmic reticulum (ER)-derived compartment
that is conducive to L. pneumophila replication. Adenoviruses use mimicry of RAB7A by E3 RIDa to alter membrane
traffic to late endosomes in order to downregulate membrane proteins that are involved in immune signalling.
c | Virus-encoded mimics impinge on the cell cycle. D-type cyclins are mimicked by v-cyclins that promote cell cycle
progression but avoid regulation by other cell cycle regulators, such as cyclin-dependent kinase (CDK) inhibitors
(CKIs). UL97 mimics the activity of CDKs to promote the phosphorylation of retinoblastoma-associated protein (Rb)
and other substrates in order to promote cell cycle progression. UL97 also causes the breakdown of the nuclear
lamina to promote herpesvirus replication. d | v-Bcl-2s and viral Golgi anti-apoptotic proteins (v-GAAPs) are
viral proteins that mimic the functions of host Bcl-2 and GAAP, respectively, to inhibit apoptosis and promote viral
replication. Most, but not all, v-Bcl-2s mimic the function of Bcl-2 by counteracting pro-apoptotic, Bcl-2 homology 3
(BH3) domain proteins such as Bcl2 antagonist of cell death (BAD) and BAX. Although Bcl-2 is itself regulated by BH3
proteins, some v-Bcl-2s avoid this form of cellular regulation. The mimic v-GAAP shares the anti-apoptotic function of
its model, in a potential example of perfect mimicry.

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a Ecological mimicry ring was acquired independently from ActA and has a more
canonical, WASP-like WCA domain (which consists of
Model Mimics a central and an acidic region and a WASP homology 2
domain) (FIG. 3).
In contrast to these bacteria, enteropathogenic
Escherichia coli cultivates an extracellular lifestyle, but
it uses mimicry to hijack actin polymerization to its
Vespula vulgaris Syrphus ribesii Clytus arietis Sesia apiformis
(common wasp) (hoverfly) (wasp beetle) (hornet moth) advantage nonetheless41,42 (FIG. 2). In this case, the bac-
teria inject the protein EspFu (also known as TccP) into
b Molecular mimicry ring host cells through a type III secretion system. EspFu
consists of several repeated motifs that mimic an auto-
Model inhibitory interaction of WASP to promote its activation.
This mechanism evolved completely independently from
Eukaryotic host (WASP) WH1 B GBD PP W C A
those of ActA and RickA and may have arisen through
convergent evolution, given the complete lack of sequence
Mimics similarity with WASP. Actin polymerization promoted
by EspFu leads to the formation of structures on epi-
Rickettsia conorii (RickA) PP W C A
thelial cells called pedestals, which promote survival
of pathogenic E. coli in the intestine.
Pathogens can also mimic other host regula-
Baculoviruses (p78/83) PP W PP W C A tory functions to modulate cytoskeletal activity and
gain distinct evolutionary advantages (FIG. 2). These
include Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar
Listeria monocytogenes (ActA) SS A W C PP PP PP PP Typhimurium, which also uses a type III secre-
tion system to translocate pathogenic proteins into
Figure 3 | Mimicry rings in ecological and molecular settings. A comparison the host cytoplasm. one such factor, SptP, modulates the
of mimicry rings from an ecosystem and from host cytoplasm. Nature
a | Reviews | Microbiology
Assemblages of GTPases cell division control protein 42 (CDC42) and
species of varied relatedness but that share common features or patterns are often RAC1 by mimicking GTPase-activating protein activity.
observed in nature. The images show a ring of such mimics, each modelling the At the same time, SptP acts as a tyrosine phosphatase to
common wasp to various degrees. Here, mimicry is thought to deter predation. further mimic host signalling 43. The phosphatase func-
b | A mimicry ring of factors from unrelated pathogens that model Wiskott-Aldrich tion of SptP was acquired by horizontal gene transfer,
syndrome protein (WASP). The pathogenic factors show varied degrees of mimicry whereas its role in GTPase modulation arose conver-
according to the subset and arrangement of domains that they share with WASP. In
gently 7. Therefore, different functions of a single patho-
each instance, pathogens have independently mimicked the WASP protein,
highlighting both its central role in regulating the cytoskeleton and its susceptibility gen mimic can arise by different means. Interestingly,
to pathogen mimicry. A, acidic region; ActA, actin-assembly-inducing protein; SptP seems to counterbalance the guanine nucleotide
B, basic domain; C, central region; GBD, GTPase-binding domain; PP, polyproline exchange factor activity of other mimics encoded by
domain; SS, signal sequence; W, WASP homology 2 region; WH1, WASP homology 1 S. Typhimurium, including SopE44. Together, SptP and
region. Wasp and mimic images courtesy of P. Wilkins, Peregrine Productions, UK. SopE finely manipulate host signalling by complex
means in order to influence cytoskeletal dynamics and
promote bacterial internalization into the cell.
actin-nucleating factors, such as the actin-related pro- An additional family of bacterial effectors contain-
tein complex 2/3 (Arp2/3). ActA contains a domain with ing WXXXE motifs mimic GTPases or their regulators
limited homology to the WASP homology 2 domain in and can include targeting motifs that resemble those
WASP as well as seemingly scrambled central and acidic found in the host factors45,46. For example, SifA is a
regions (FIG. 3). The middle region of ActA contains pro- WXXXE-containing factor from S. enterica that may
line-rich motifs with sequence similarity to those of the use mimicry to influence the GTPase RHoA, a regula-
host cytoskeletal proteins zyxin, vinculin and palladin. tor of actin assembly. SifA contributes to the tubulation
unlike the v-bcl-2s described above, which are products of phagosomes containing bacteria47,48, which produces
of single gene acquisition events, ActA may be the prod- compartments (known as Salmonella-induced filaments)
uct of multiple gene transfers and acquired distinct func- that are important for pathogenesis.
tions that tailor its actin-nucleating activity by imperfect using mimicry to control the cytoskeleton is not
mimicry. In this sense, ActA might also be considered limited to bacteria49. Poxviruses encode F11l, a factor
a ‘chimeric mimic’, cobbling together segments from that interacts with RHoA through a region mimicking
different host proteins for optimal subversion of the the interface with Rho-associated kinase50. F11l is an
cytoskeleton. by targeting ActA to the bacterial surface essential factor for vaccinia viruses, promoting host cell
in a polarized manner, L. monocytogenes drives actin motility and possibly also facilitating viral motility by
polymerization to promote its movement through the affecting both actin and microtubule dynamics in the
cytoplasm, which facilitates bacterial spread. Rickettsia cell51,52. Herpesviruses also interfere with Rho-related
conorii, which is distantly related to L. monocytogenes, signalling to alter cytoskeletal dynamics at several
produces RickA, a factor that also mimics WASP to stages of the viral cycle53. In addition, baculoviruses
nucleate actin polymerization and propulsion39,40. RickA encode the factor p78/83, which mimics domains of

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IL own replication. In this case, subversion of RAb1 blocks

the maturation of phagosomes containing L. pneumophila
into degradative lysosomal compartments60. The remod-
D7L elling of this compartment also provides L. pneumophila
with endoplasmic-reticulum-associated host factors that
Toll-like receptors
facilitate its replication.
As with other cellular processes, viruses also use mim-
IFN receptor IL receptor icry to co-opt intracellular compartments. Adenovirus-
A46R TcpB encoded E3 RIDα alters the maturation of endosomes by
E3L mimicking the function of the GTPase RAb7A61. This
activity downregulates the expression of cell surface
dsRNA PKR elF2α
receptors that would otherwise contribute to immune
responses in infected cells. like mimicry rings target-
Poxvirus B. melitensis ing factors that nucleate actin assembly (FIG. 3), diverse
E. coli pathogens are known to use mimicry to target various
S. Typhimurium
GTPases regulating a range of cellular processes62.
Figure 4 | Mimics interfere with immunity factors. Vaccinia viruses
Nature and |other
Reviews Microbiology
poxviruses encode a range of mimics to disrupt immune functions. These include B18R Subversion of signalling and immunity
and D7L, factors that mimic interferon and interleukin receptors, respectively. By Pathogenic subversion of host functions also involves
secreting soluble mimics of receptors, poxviruses disrupt immune signalling. Poxviruses direct targeting of immunity factors and related cellu-
also encode E3L and K3L, which are mimics that interfere with important components of lar signalling processes (FIG. 4). Just as viruses encode
innate immunity, including the antiviral protein kinase R (PKR). Escherichia coli, v-bcl-2s and v-cyclins, they also encode viro-ceptors and
Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Typhimurium and Brucella melitensis produce viro-kines that mimic cellular receptors, chemokines
mimics of Toll-like receptor domains to subvert another component of innate immune and cytokines63,64. Examples of viro-ceptors and viro-
signalling. Poxviruses also target the same Toll-like receptor domain with mimics110, kines include mimics of proteins that are involved in
forming part of another mimicry ring.
innate immunity, such as interferon (IFN) and inter-
leukin (Il) signalling components. In many cases viruses
WASP to recruit Arp2/3, promoting actin assembly in encode soluble variants of host receptors to sequester
the insect host cells54. It is striking, from an evolutionary ligands that would otherwise promote pro-immune
perspective, that pathogens as diverse as Gram-negative responses. Poxviruses are especially adept at countering
and Gram-positive bacteria as well as viruses independ- a range of immunity functions with mimicry. Vaccinia
ently mimic WASP proteins to modulate actin assembly. virus strains encode soluble IFNa and IFNβ receptors
In this regard, mimics from unrelated pathogens resem- that dampen the antiviral effects of IFN65. Poxviruses
ble the mimicry rings that are observed in ecosystems, in also encode mimics that bind Il-18 (REF. 66) and imi-
particular in populations of butterflies and other insects tate CD47 to downregulate macrophage activation67.
(FIG. 3). Thus, diverse pathogens, exposed to the same host Additional mimics from poxviruses interfere with
cytoplasm, independently arrived at related strategies signalling by certain chemokines68 or masquerade as
of mimicry to favour their dissemination. other related immunity factors69. Interestingly, not all
Pathogens also mimic factors that are involved in reg- mimics function like the proteins that they may have
ulating the transport and identity of membrane-bound originally modelled. m135R is a poxviral mimic from
compartments (FIG. 2). Inclusion membrane protein A myxoma virus that has clear homology to an IFN recep-
(IncA) is a factor encoded by C. trachomatis that mim- tor, but it does not recognize IFN; instead, it acquired
ics motifs in SNARE proteins, which have crucial roles an important but currently unknown function for pro-
in membrane fusion events55. IncA recruits a subset of moting infections70. This striking example of imper-
host SNAREs, vesicle-associated membrane protein 3 fect mimicry illustrates an important consideration. In
(VAmP3), VAmP7 and VAmP8, to a membrane-bound the time between horizontal gene transfer events and
compartment called the inclusion, where C. trachomatis fully fledged mimicry, pathogenic factors can undergo
multiplies, although the biological advantage gained numerous adaptations and acquire new functions,
from this recruitment is currently unclear. Interestingly, sometimes even acquiring multiple functions. Not
a small fraction of clinical C. trachomatis isolates lack surprisingly, pathogenic bacteria also use mimicry to
fully functional IncA and form less fusogenic inclu- counteract immunity. E. coli, Brucella melitensis and
sions56. other bacteria also use mimicry to tailor the S. Typhimurium, for example, encode factors resembling
composition of pathogen-derived compartments. DrrA Toll-like receptors that interfere with innate immune
and lepb from Legionella pneumophila mimic the activity signalling 71,72.
of proteins that regulate the GTPase RAb1 (REFS 57,58). Pathogens also produce mimics to short-circuit innate
Rabs act as switches to regulate membranes and vesicu- immunity factors downstream of signalling. For exam-
lar transport, by recruiting effectors that promote mem- ple, the 2′-5′-oligoadenylyl synthetase (oAS)–RNase l
SNARE protein brane fusion and related activities59. The recruitment and and protein kinase R (PKR) antiviral pathways respond
Soluble NSF
misregulation of RAb1 by DrrA and lepb promotes the to double-stranded RNA (dsRNA) from pathogens to
factor) attachment protein formation of an endoplasmic-reticulum-related compart- trigger immune responses that shut down cells as poten-
(SNAP) receptor protein. ment that is produced by L. pneumophila to support its tial pathogen factories. PKR imposes a robust block on

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a Poxvirus protein translation in infected cells, by phosphorylat-

ing eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 subunit-α
(eIF2α) (FIGS 4,5a), whereas RNase l degrades cellular
dsRNA RNA on activation. The E3l protein encoded by pox-
viruses contains Z-DNA- and dsRNA-binding domains
PKR with some homology to those found in host factors like
dsRNA-specific adenosine deaminase (DRADA; also
known as ADAR1) (REFS 73–76). by sequestering dsRNA
eIF2α Ribosome and binding host factors, E3l dampens the activation
of oAS–RNase l and PKR pathways during infections.
P K3l, another poxviral mimic, specifically targets the
PKR pathway. K3l is a mimic of eIF2α that acts as a
competitive inhibitor of substrate binding to prevent
eIF2α phosphorylation by PKR77–80. Deploying mimics
of eIF2α seems to be a common evolutionary strategy
for DNA viruses, because a range of iridoviruses, which
primarily infect amphibians and fish, also encode K3l-
K3L like factors81. As a remarkable illustration of mimicry
αD P honing in on the same biological process, baculovi-
αG ruses encode PK2, which is a mimic of a PKR-related
αE kinase domain (instead of eIF2α) that seems to act as a
dominant-negative allele82.

PKR kinase domain Host evolution

eIF2α The preceding sections illustrate the many biologi-
c eIF2α kinase not cal processes that are subverted by pathogen mimicry.
targeted by mimicry Pathogens generally hold substantial advantages in
these genetic conflicts involving mimicry. Such advan-
Affinity for substrate tages include higher mutation rates and larger popula-
tion sizes than hosts, highlighting the importance of the
rapid and flexible responses that are afforded by proc-
esses such as adaptive immunity. mimicry places the
Maximal added challenge of self-discrimination onto hosts. Host
PKR against mimics components being mimicked (and the host factors that
interact with such components) might adapt to disfa-
vour effective mimicry (BOX 2). However, the spectrum of
Adaptive landscape
potentially useful adaptations that would facilitate host
Figure 5 | PKr versus K3l: evolution of a host
Nature Reviews factor to
| Microbiology
escape from mimicry is limited by the need to maintain
defeat a mimic. a | Schematic showing the antiviral host–host interactions and functions. Therefore, hosts
response of protein kinase R (PKR) that can be blocked by face a daunting conundrum when challenged by mim-
K3L. PKR is inactive until it dimerizes on binding icry. They must maintain functions that are being co-
double-stranded RNA from viruses. Once active, PKR opted and disrupted by pathogenic mimics that resemble
phosphorylates eukaryotic translation initiation factor 2 host factors themselves.
subunit-a (eIF2α), resulting in a strong block on protein What then are the evolutionary prospects for hosts
translation. K3L, a mimic of eIF2α, acts as a competitive
to counteract mimics? An example of the evolutionary
inhibitor of PKR to restore translation and virus
replication. b | An evolutionary and functional study of dynamics between host factors and mimics has been
potentially adaptive changes at multiple surfaces of the examined in detail. The poxvirus protein K3l mim-
kinase domain of PKR (including the helices αG, αE and ics eIF2α, the highly conserved substrate of the innate
possibly αD) reveals how PKR may effectively compete immunity kinase PKR (FIG. 5). This substrate is essentially
against rapidly evolving mimics like K3L83. Ribbon unchanged among primates, making it a vulnerable tar-
representations of K3L and eIF2α79,80 highlight β-strands in get for mimics like K3l. Although K3l may have been
the two proteins that share sequence and structural originally co-opted by an ancestral poxvirus as a result
homology (orange). Because changes on different surfaces of horizontal gene transfer of eIF2α, it no longer acts as
allow PKR to discriminate against K3L, variants of PKR a substrate for PKR. Instead, it has evolved to become
resisting mimicry are more likely to arise. c | The ‘adaptive
an imperfect mimic as a competitive inhibitor of PKR.
landscape’ of eIF2α kinases. Evolutionary analysis of those
eIF2α kinases that are not challenged by mimicry (in blue) In this context, an evolutionary conflict ensues, as host-
suggests that they are optimized for substrate encoded PKR must discriminate against mimics like K3l
recognition83. However, adaptive changes in PKR might while still recognizing eIF2α in order to remain effec-
Positive selection come at some cost to maximal substrate affinity. Variants of tive. An important clue about how PKR counteracts K3l
Selection for an allele that PKR (in red) may tolerate temporary reductions in substrate comes from the fact that it is under strong positive selection
increases fitness. affinity to gain discrimination against substrate mimics. in primates and many other mammalian lineages83,84,

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Box 3 | Reverse mimicry: when hosts imitate pathogens

Although not as common as mimicry by pathogens, hosts can turn the tables and mimic pathogen factors to their
advantage. For example, Friend virus susceptibility protein 1 (Fv1) and Fv4 are host-encoded virus restriction
factors in mice that confer resistance to retroviruses100. Fv4 is a mimic of a retroviral envelope gene that was
originally identified in Japanese wild mice. In infected mice, Fv4 is incorporated into virus particles and blocks
virus entry by interfering with cell surface receptor recognition. Fv1 also mimics a retroviral factor, in this case
the gag gene product. Fv1 targets virus capsids to impede virus replication by a currently unknown mechanism.
Interestingly, Fv1 is under positive selection, indicating that this mimic–pathogen interaction may be locked in a
molecular arms race101. In both cases, hosts have acquired virus factors and use mimicry to interfere with virus
production. Similarly, it is evident that the recent incorporation of sheep retroviruses into host genomes (also
known as ‘endogenization’) provides a protective benefit to the host against subsequent infections102. A similar
benefit to host genomes has been suggested to explain the selective retention of a retroviral envelope gene in
fruit flies103.
Hosts also use co-opted virus factors for functions other than reverse mimicry. For instance, syncytins are
retrovirus-derived envelope genes used by mammals for cellular fusion events that are required in placental
development104. Perhaps one of the most elaborate examples of hosts usurping viral factors is the case of polydnaviruses,
which challenge the definition of what it means to be a virus105. Polydnavirus particles are derived from parasitic wasps
that encode genes for the structural components of nudivirus-like insect viruses106. These particles are packaged with host
genes for replication instead of viral genes. When these wasps lay their eggs in lepidopteran hosts, such as caterpillars,
they also deposit polydnaviruses. These virus-like particles deliver host genes that suppress host immune responses
against the wasps’ eggs, which would otherwise impede the parasitic larvae. Although these are not strictly examples
of mimicry, syncytins and polydnaviruses show how usurping pathogen factors and using their functions can provide
substantial advantages to hosts. Host genomes seem to follow the same evolutionary adage as pathogens: why invent
when you can steal?

even at residues that are thought to be crucial for the may operate under more rigid evolutionary constraints
PKR–eIF2α interaction. These signals of adaptive evo- to carry out crucial cellular functions. Some widely
lution are consistent with an arms race scenario, similar mimicked host factors, like WASP, may be successfully
to those seen for other immunity factors that are locked targeted by pathogens owing in part to the strong evo-
in conflict with pathogenic mimics (BOX 2). However, lutionary constraints on such factors and their inability
positive selection on one surface alone does not explain to respond to mimicry. In addition, such factors may be
how PKR evades mimicry by K3l, which evolves rapidly more likely to be targeted by perfect mimicry. Taking
relative to PKR. on a host function increases the challenge of mimicry,
Repeated adaptation on multiple surfaces of the because these perfect mimics are less likely to be coun-
kinase domain of PKR allows it to compete more effec- tered by host adaptations, as there are few discrimina-
tively against mimics like K3l than it would with changes tory features to differentiate host proteins from perfect
on a single surface alone83 (FIG. 5b). Were PKR limited to mimics. Whether highly constrained factors adapt in
adaptations at only one interface, it would be unlikely the face of perfect mimicry is an interesting and largely
to escape mimicry. making changes at only a single surface unexplored question.
might also compromise binding to eIF2α. However, vari- Evolution to defeat pathogen mimicry may confer
ation in residues at an additional interface with K3l can additional costs on hosts. Factors that evolve against
compensate and provide resistance to mimics, allowing mimics may be compromised in overall function. For
PKR to explore mutations that may not have otherwise example, mildly deleterious alleles of WASP85,86 may
been viable. The ability to toggle resistance between sur- have arisen and been selected for because they confer
faces helps to improve the odds for PKR to defeat mim- some resistance to pathogens. Such alleles may actu-
icry. Adaptation on multiple surfaces also forces mimics ally be partially compromised for WASP function and
to evolve against more than one interface. In addition, therefore associated with pathogen-independent dis-
although certain substitutions in PKR may sacrifice ease. This may explain the prevalence of some disease-
some affinity for its substrate, such reductions might still causing alleles in human populations. A much better
be selectively advantageous, because they increase PKR’s established and somewhat analogous scenario, albeit one
ability to escape mimicry (FIG. 5c). Therefore, although with higher prevalence, is at play with sickle cell disease
PKR evolves at a slower rate than the pathogens chal- and the trade-offs that are associated with resistance
lenging it, variants of PKR that confer resistance against against malaria87.
Production of another copy of mimicry are more likely to arise given the extraordinary The evolutionary history of cellular factors that are
a gene (or other sequence), level of evolutionary flexibility of this antiviral kinase. mimicked by pathogens has not been elucidated for the
which is incorporated into the Do all host factors targeted by mimics rapidly evolve vast majority of cases described so far. Although many of
genome and inherited. in arms races against pathogens? The evolutionary flex- these factors are not under the strong positive selection
ibility of PKR reflects the fact that it can tolerate substan- seen for PKR, adaptive changes and other evolutionary
Divergence of duplicate genes
tial variation but still recognize its substrate. However, innovations such as duplication and neofunctionalization
such that one copy acquires a many of the essential cellular factors that are targeted are likely to provide avenues for counteracting mim-
new function. by mimicry, including many of those considered here, icry 88. In some cases, hosts use the strategy of mimicry

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themselves to counteract pathogens (BOX 3). At the same resistant in contemporary cellular conflicts93. As sur-
time, large-scale analyses of genomes for positive selec- veyed here, pathogens use the strategy of mimicry to
tion89–92 suggest that numerous genes — including some disrupt immunity and usurp a wide range of host proc-
that are known to be mimicked by pathogens — are sub- esses to their advantage. As evolutionary analyses are
ject to arms race-like conflicts with pathogen-encoded increasingly coupled with functional assays to investi-
factors. more tests to clarify the functional consequences gate these interactions83,94, it is becoming clear how the
of positive selection acting on these genes will provide evolution of such factors impinges on outcomes at cur-
an enormous degree of insight into the evolution and rent host–pathogen interfaces. Such analyses provide
counteraction of this prevalent form of deception by an emerging picture of how even closely related species
pathogens. have different fates in genetic conflicts with identical
pathogens. For example, some primate species resist HIV
Concluding remarks more strongly than humans, owing in part to extensive
Host–pathogen interactions that determine the results variation in restriction factors95,96. Evolutionary studies
of potentially deadly infections can play out in hours, provide a means for uncovering adaptations that are cru-
minutes or even seconds in an organism. However, the cial for aiding hosts with pathogen evasion. Similarly,
outcomes of such interactions are also interwoven with elucidating the evolutionary dynamics of host–mimic
the long evolutionary histories of these interacting fac- interactions will provide important insights into these
tors, because they influence the survival of species. These widespread genetic conflicts that can hold the fates of
histories leave hosts or pathogens either susceptible or entire species in the balance.

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left‑handed Z‑DNA: crystal structure of a Yatapoxvirus Za 163–176 (2009).

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