Q2 Arts Handouts

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Arts "Prophet Habacuc", and "The Feast of

Topic: Arts of Renaissance and Baroque Period Herod".

Here are some of his famous artworks
Lesson 1: Arts of Renaissance Period (1400-1600) - David- At the time this was created, it was the first known free- standing
nude statue produced since ancient times. This sculpture shows David at a
- Italian Renaissance began in the late 14th century. triumphal moment within the biblical storyline of his battle with the
The word "renaissance" comes from the word, Philistine, Goliath. According to the account, after David struck Goliath
"renaitre", which means, "rebirth." with the stone from his slingshot, he cut off his head with Goliath's sword,
- This era is a period of many changes. It is also the time of "Rebirth" of the Here, we see the after math of this event as David stands in a contemplative
composers of modern era. pose with one foot atop his enemy's severed head.
- The greatest cathedral building of the age was the rebuilding of St. Peter's
Basilica in Rome. Lesson 1: Arts of Baroque Period (1600-1800)
- Many works of Renaissance art period depicted religious images, including
subjects such as the Virgin Mary, or Madonna, and were encountered by The term Baroque was derived from the Portuguese word "barocco" which
contemporary audiences of the period in the context of religious rituals. means "irregularly shaped pear” .
- Architecture is a type of artwork from the Renaissance period which was - Baroque developed in Europe around the 1600s.
characterized by its symmetry and balance. - Baroque Art aims to give an effect that wants to carry the viewer's away
with the force of its impact.
Famous Artist and Artworks -In the 16th century, the Baroque style was carried by the Spanish and
1. "Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni Portuguese to the Philippines,
(1475-1564) " It influenced the Intramuros (the pre colonial
• Michelangelo was an Italian sculptor, painter, architect, and poet. He was walled city of Manila.)
considered the greatest living artist in his lifetime, and ever. since then he Famous Artist and Artworks
was considered as one of the greatest artists of all time. 1. Michelangelo Merisi Caravaggio(1571- 1610)
Here are some of his famous artworks - He was better known as Caravaggio. He was an Italian artist who wanted
- "Bacchus", "Moses", "David", "Dying Slave", "Dawn and to deviate from the classical masters of the Renaissance.
Dusk", Caravaggio's models at this period were either himself or young persons
- He also created two of the most influential works in fresco in the history of who have an air of being promising but wicked.
Western art: the scenes from Genesis on the ceiling and the Last Judgment Among his famous paintings were: "Supper at Emmaus", "Conversion of
on the altar wall of the Sistine Chapel in Rome. St, Paul", and
- Fresco is a technique wherein the pigments are mixed • with water and "Entombment of Christ."
directly painted onto the wall.
- Pieta- One interpretation of this is that Mary is in robes and cradling a 2. Gian Lorenzo Bernini (1598-1680)
lifeless Jesus. His head is flopped back against her shoulder and his legs are Bernini was an Italian artist and the first Baroque artist. He practiced
supported by his mother's arms. Set after the time when Jesus had been architecture, and sculpture, painting, stage design, and was also a
crucified. playwright.
He was the greatest Baroque sculptor and architect as seen in his design of
2. "Leonardo di ser Piero Da Vinci (1452- 1519) " the Piazza San Pietro in front of the Basilica. It is one of his most innovative
- He was a painter, architect, scientist, and mathematician. He was and successful architectural designs.
popularized in present times through the novel and movie, "Da Vinci -The famous "Ecstasy of St. Teresa" was his greatest achievement and the
Code,". "Colonade of the Piazza of St.
- He is known as the ultimate "Renaissance man" because of his intellect, Peter's Rome."
interest, talent and his expression of humanist and classical values. -The Ecstasy of Saint' Teresa depicts a scene that' Teresa wrote about in her
- He is widely considered to be one of the greatest painters of all time and own autobiography. In it, she described an angel who pierced her heart
perhaps the most diversely talented person to have ever lived. multiple times with fire-tipped spear.
Here are some of his famous artworks Saint Teresa's love of God and her desire for spiritual union with him found
-Mona Lisa- The painting sidentity has not been expression in a vision in which an angel pierced her heart with a golden
definitively proven. Scholars and historians have posted numerous spear and sent her into a dream.
• interpretations, including that she is Lisa del Giocondo, the wife of the
Florentine. merchant Francesco di Bartolomeo del Ciocondo, hence the 3. Peter Paul Rubens (1577-1640)
alternative title to the work, La Gioconda. -Rubens was a Flemish Baroque painter. He was well known for his
• Another theory was that the model may have been Leonardo's mother, paintings of mythical and figurative subjects, landscapes, portraits, and
Caterina. Counter- Reformation altarpieces.
• A third suggestion was that the painting was, in fact, Leonardo's self- -His commissioned works were mostly religious subjects, history paintings
portrait, given the resemblance between the sitter's and the artist's facial of magical creatures, and hunt scenes.
features. Some scholars suggested that disguising himself as a woman was -His famous works were; "Samson and Delilah",
the artist's riddle. "Landscape with a Tower", and "The Three
-Last Supper- This is the most reproduced religious painting of all time. Graces."
• This shows Jesus having his last dinner with his 12 apostles.
4. Rembrandt Harmenszoon van Rijn
3.”Raffaello Sanzio da Urbino (Raphael) (1606-1669)
(1483-1520)" - Rembrandt was a brilliant Dutch realist, painter. and etcher. He is generally
- Raphael was an Italian painter and architect of the High Renaissance considered as one of the greatest painters and printmakers in European art.
period. - No artist has painted himself as often as did
Together with Michelangelo and Leonardo da Vinci, he formed the Rembrandt.
traditional trinity of great masters of that period. His main contributions to His well- known work was his "Self portrait in Old Age".
art were his unique draftsmanship and compositional skills. - Rembrandt had produced over 600 paintings, nearly 400 etchings, and
His famous works were: The Sistine Madonna, The School of Athens, and 2000 drawings.
The Transfiguration.
Here are some of his famous artworks 5. Diego Velasquez (1599- 1660)
-Transfiguration was Raphael's last painting on which he worked on up to - Velasquez of Spain developed out of the Baroque. He was one of the finest
his death. masters of composition and one of the most important painters of the
-The transfiguration shows the connection that Jesus provides between Spanish Golden Age. He worked out solutions to pictorial problems of
Heaven and Earth ind that people should follow the lêssons provided by the design that transcend the style of any period.
Son of God: To emphasize this, Jesus is looking upwards to the sky to - His famous works were: "The Surrender of Breda", "Las Meninas (The
remind us that,he provides the connection between the people on earth and maids of honour) Los Barachos (The Drinker)", and "Maria Theresa”.
God in Heaven. The three disciples on the mountain represent faith, hope, - Las Meninas- • Las Meninas is an oil painting by the Spanish painter
and love. The scene at the bottom half of the painting symbolizes the Diego Velázquez. It was painted in 1656.
inability of people to do miracles without the trust in God's abilities. • The word "Menina" means "lady-in waiting" or "Maid of Honour?" (a girl
who serves in a royal court).
4. Donato di Niccolo, di Betto Bardi (Donatello) • Las Meninas shows a large room in the Madrid palace of King Phillip IV
(1386-1466) of Spain. Several people are in the painting, and we know who they are.
• Donatello was one of the Italian great artists of the period. He was an early Some are looking at one another and others are looking out from the
Renaissance Italian sculptor from Florence. painting at the viewer (the person who is lealing at the painting).
His works included the following statues and reller; "David", "Statue of St.
"Equestrian Monument of Cattamelata",

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