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2020 5th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems

A Flexible High and Low Level Multi Task Behavior Framework for Multi-agent
Systems in Complex Environments

Sebastian Hoose Daniel Sendzik

Department Automation and Embedded Systems Department Automation and Embedded Systems
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics
Dortmund, Germany Dortmund, Germany

Jana Jost Thomas Kirks

Department Automation and Embedded Systems Department Automation and Embedded Systems
Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics Fraunhofer Institute for Material Flow and Logistics
Dortmund, Germany Dortmund, Germany

Abstract—This paper introduces a framework for behavior and processes offer already information regarding their status
modeling of software agents using the Robot Operating System. and can be represented in the virtual world e.g. as a digital
We developed a framework to simplify behavior design and twin. While each device and process fulfills various purposes
model conventional software agent design principles as known
for example from belief desire intention BDI agents or adaptive and acts according to different standards a common and ven-
agents. We provide a toolbox that is capable of supporting the dor independent understanding for building them is required.
developer with easy to implement methods written in python. Therefore, the reference architecture model for Industry 4.0
Finally we present two brief example applications and evaluations (RAMI4.0) was introduced.
in both simulation and using a social automated transport vehicle
for intralogistical processes.
Keywords-distributed artificial intelligence; social robots;
intelligent agents; multi-agent systems

This paper presents an agent behavior modeling framework
by defining i ts r equirements a nd a rchitecture a nd presenting
the need of a new behavior modeling approach. Additionally
the implementation of the architecture as two independent
Robotic Operating System 2 (ROS2) [1] nodes will be de-
scribed and an evaluation of the implementation is presented.
Finally a short outlook on further applications and further
developments is shown.

A. Industry 4.0 Architecture
Nowadays, throughout all business areas the physical and Fig. 1. Reference architecture model for Industry 4.0 (RAMI4.0) [3]
virtual world melt together (known as Industry 4.0). In such
a socio-technical system humans and cyber-physical systems RAMI4.0 divides the Industry 4.0 space into the three
are collaborating and are connected on a vertical as well as dimensions: layers, life cycle and value stream and hierarchy
horizontal level over company boundaries. [2] Most devices levels (see. Fig. 1). The first dimension, the layer, displays
the different perspectives of a component as well as its
*This research is supported by the Center of Excellence for Logistics and IT
and has been partially funded by the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research functionality and the interference with other components. The
and innovation program under grant agreement No. 688117 (SafeLog). life cycle and value stream dimension deals with the value

978-1-7281-9818-7/20/$31.00 ©2020 IEEE 68

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chain as well as relationships and links throughout the life III. B EHAVIOR M ODELING F RAMEWORK
cycle of a component. It is based on the draft of the IEC To facilitate the programmability of decentralized multi-
62890 standard but takes the whole life cycle – also outside agent systems a robotic behavior framework called beehave
the plant – into account. The last dimension, the hierarchy has been developed.
levels, depicts the functional association of a component
including also responsibilities with the factories and plants A. Requirements
of the Industry 4.0. It follows the IEC 62264 and IEC 61512 To enable the creation of socio-technical systems as a whole,
standards. [3] it is necessary to give users the capability to flexible switch
RAMI4.0 as a reference architecture model can only give between different behaviors of robots and other technical
guidelines for the Industry 4.0. Further thoughts, e.g. of how systems. To meet requirements and design templates of RAMI
to integrate the human being except as a part of the Asset 4.0, model layers like assets has been intended, integration
Layer into the Industry 4.0 processes and for setting up the (digital twin), communication and information (given by ROS)
structure of an Industry 4.0 component and integrating them as well as the functional layer (the proposed system). The
into an overall system, are needed. proposed system has to be applicable to the different hierarchy
levels of RAMI 4.0 as well. Another major requirement is
B. Decentralized Control Systems to increase re-usability of code to ensure vendor independent
distribution and accessibility.
In industrial production and logistics scenarios robots, ma- Additionally, all robotic behaviors should always result in
chines in general and also humans work together in teams and a defined behavior to avoid the robots to act unexpectedly.
are represented by software agents. For example in warehouse This safety feature should be hidden for users of beehave who
logistics, decentralized control systems help implementing implement new robotic behaviors. A separation and indepen-
technical entities such as mobile robots or sorting systems dent implementation of low level robotic behaviors such as
to realize flexible control of material flow [4]. As Jost et al. deductive behaviors that are always a direct result of high level
have demonstrated [5] also humans can be part of a multi- robotic behavior decisions should take place. Based on the
agent system (MAS) in warehouse logistics. Humans and decisions made in the high level robotic behavior, e.g. driving
robots communicate with each other and share information [6]. to a certain position, the low level robotic behavior e.g. should
Behaviors for humans (respectively, the representing software deal with the state representation of the robot using LEDs.
agents) and machine agents have to be modeled alike and made To facilitate the implementation of new robotic high level
available for re-usability. Known systems for modeling behav- behaviors, predefined decision making structures such as state
iors in robotics are behavior trees in general or SMACH as a machines and support for execution of neural networks should
package for ROS [7] and JADE as MAS itself [8]. Behavior be given as well. As a result, the proposed system is flexibly
trees were came up with the artificial intelligence in games, extensible in a way that also service-oriented architecture
where non play units had to interact with the human player in modeling may also be considered as complimentary building
an adequate manner [9]. In tree theory they are directed trees, brick, see Iñigo-Blasco et al. [11] which was not given before.
where the root element has one child element - the control flow In the context of multi-agent systems, beehave would im-
element. From here multiple children can point to an arbitrary plement the whole behavior of an agent, e.g. a mobile social
amount of children. The set of all children form a kind of robot [12].
hierarchy, referring to different behaviors and subbehaviors.
SMACH uses a syntax in Python to create state machines B. Architecture
for behavior control of e.g. robots. These state machines can To achieve the above mentioned requirement of the separa-
become quite complex and can also be debugged. A graphical tion of low and high level robotic behaviors two independent
user interface called smach viewer provides control over the software parts were developed as displayed in Fig. 2. In this
state machine in concerns of state transitions and data flow model the high level robotic behavior receives information
[10]. JADE is an advanced MAS for JAVA developers. It about the situation of the robot and the demands of the
supports numerous possibilities to create different kinds of robot, e.g. a map of the environment, the current position,
software agents and model their behavior. Behaviors can be via network requested tasks and communicates its decision
modeled as OneShotBehaviors (being executed only once) to the low level robotic behavior. The low level robotic
and CyclicBahaviors (being executed in a repeated manner, behavior again communicates with the hardware abstraction
triggered by events e.g. a timer). A SimpleBehavior class layer (HAL) to actually execute the decision. The structure
allows to implement custom behaviors as well. of the high level behavior as shown in Fig. 3 contains three
The development of a new behavior managing framework main layers. The lowest layer of the high level behavior
is desirable since most currently available frameworks, as consists of actions. Actions are modeling all basic features
described above, do only support inidrect switching of behav- of a robot, e.g. driving to a certain position or playing sounds.
iors and mostly focus on a single decision making method. All actions have to extend the abstract class Action, which
Additionally many frameworks struggle to make code, written implements maintenance code such as communication and
by framework users, reusable. safety features or error outputs. The only method that has to

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Map Position action types if needed.
Actions are started and organized by behaviors as shown
in the middle layer of Fig. 3. A behavior may run a single,
multiple or no actions at the same time. It is also possible
Network Interfaces
High Level Behavior to start other behaviors as sub behaviors. For example, this
→ MQTT is useful if one wants to use a decision making routine for
→ Webservice multiple behaviors. Further, it is possible to run multiple
→ DDS sub behaviors at the same time. Analogously to actions,
each new behavior has to extend an abstract class called
Low Level Behavior Behavior. This abstract class manages the life cycle of the
behavior and controls the running actions and sub behaviors
of the behavior. Actions may be aborted by the controlling
behavior. For this, each action has an interrupt flag which
HAL allows the action to stop gracefully and leave the part of
the robot the action was in control of, in a predictable and
Fig. 2. Beehave architecture
safe state for the following actions. The behavior life cycle
is managed by the provided behavior base class. Analogous
to the implementation of actions, the only method that has
to be overwritten to implement a new behavior, is the run
HighLevelBehaviorManager method which normally implements the decision making and
organizes the behavior. The decision making process may
be implemented by hand or can make use of one or several
available * 1 active decision engines like state machines, behavior trees or neural
* networks. Online retraining of neural networks is supported as
DecisionEngine Behavior well.
An example of an behavior could be a use case in which a
behavior decides where the robot should move to using a state
machine as decision making engine and inputs, e.g. given by
Yaml Commanded Random
another agent. After making a decision the behavior can use
an action to handle the driving procedure. At the same time a
second action, which is in charge to handle a sound playing
procedure, is started parallely as well.
* Behaviors may be changed at runtime dynamically. For this,
Action behaviors can be registered in the HighLevelBehaviorManager
as top level behaviors. When a top level behavior should be
replaced by a different top level behavior, the running top level
behavior will be canceled gracefully. Once all behaviors and
actions have been shut down, the new top level behavior will
Navigation Lift LaneFollowing be started. This feature allows to satisfy the main requirement
to safely and dynamically switch between high level robotic
behaviors at runtime. This feature can be used e.g. by a swarm
Fig. 3. High Level Behavior manager of a multi agent system to switch to a different swarm
strategy. Another use case may be to switch the robot into a
maintenance mode.
be implemented by an action is the run method, which should The structure of the low level behavior as shown in Fig.
contain the code that is needed to execute the intended task 4 consists of three main blocks. Similar to behaviors in the
e.g. driving to a given position and dealing with the outputs of HighLevelBehaviorManager in the high level behavior the
the navigation system of the robot. Multiple actions are able to LowLevelBehaviorManager is capable to control logics. A
run simultaneously, as long as they are not of the same action logic again, has to be implemented by extending the abstract
type. Locks ensure automatically, that there is not more than Logic class, which provides methods to manage the life cycle
one action actively running, that manages tasks of the same of logics. Similar to behaviors in the high level behavior, it
domain, e.g. lane following and free navigation based on laser is also possible to start sub logics from a logic, which are
sensors can not take place at the same time since both are of executed asynchronously. The purpose of a logic is to manage
the type driving. The locking of actions from execution who the low level decisions and the executions of them, e.g. which
have the same type is managed by the abstract base class of color a LED should have based on decisions made by the high
the action, Action (see Fig. 3). The user may add additional level behavior.

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The low level behavior manager makes heavy use of the
Blackboard Lowgic Python asyncio library. All logics and HALs are implemented
as asynchronous tasks so that they can be executed by an
asyncio event loop in a single thread. This makes the imple-
available * 1 active mentation of HALs and logics a lot easier. The user may use a
* logic to publish the blackboard periodically via a ROS2 topic
HALManager Logic such that the higher level behaviors and other ROS2 nodes are
able to fetch the current device state. HALs shall update the
blackboard by subscribing to relevant ROS2 topics and may
* implement their actions by calling ROS2 services.

HAL Default Debug D. Evaluation

An agent that has been implemented using beehave has been
tested in simulations using the ROS simulation environment
Gazebo [14] and on a social automated transport vehicle for
intralogistical processes called EMILI [12].
LED Navigation
EMILI consists of a differential drive, multiple human ma-
chine interaction interfaces such as displays, LEDs, speakers
and bluetooth low energy [15] interfaces for e.g. smartphone
Fig. 4. Low Level Behavior app connectivity. Additionally, EMILI consists of a scissor
lifting system, multiple laser scanners for a free navigation
and a ground camera for line following navigation.
Logics are obliged to access the hardware of the robot via In detail, two top level behaviors and multiple sub behaviors
the HALManager. The HALManager manages the execution have been implemented to test the HighLevelBehavior. First
of hardware abstraction layers (HALs) of all kinds. Logics of all, a test behavior which systematically tests most features
are then able to request these hardware abstraction layers to of the HighLevelBehavior has been implemented by letting
be loaded. The HALs will provide the current state of the EMILI drive to several positions. The deductive behavior of
hardware they are implementing via blackboard variables. The the decision processed by the HighLevelBehavior regarding
blackboard can be accessed by all running logics and the LEDs and a display of EMILI was handled and implemented in
logics are able to subscribe to changes of variables they are the LowLevelBehavior by defining a logic for the LED control
interested in. Logics may also call methods of HALs to control and a second logic for the display control.
the hardware. In detail, the LED logic was implemented to show specific
To achieve the requirement to dynamically switch between illuminations of EMILIs LEDs for its current movement state
low level behaviors independently from high level behaviors, e.g. when a free navigation based on LiDAR sensors is active,
the LowLevelBehaviorManager organizes, similar to the High- EMILIs LEDs are illuminated in a light blue but when the
LevelBehaviorManager, the switching of the top level logic. battery power is low some LEDs of EMILI light up red. Sim-
The top level logic that should be used, will be usually selected ilar the display logic communicates to the display controller
by the running top level behavior. that it should display e.g. a symbol for a low battery power
when the the battery power is low. This behavior resulted in
C. Implementation no failures and all functions of beehave as described above
could be used without errors.
For the implementation of the framework, the Robotic The second implemented behavior communicates with an-
Operating System 2 (ROS2) [1] is used. Beehave has been other agent represented by an laptop and receives orders from
implemented as two independent ROS2 nodes, which have it to change its position and syncing coordinate systems.
been written in Python 3: The high level behavior manager is The connectivity between these two agents was established
implemented in one node and the low level behavior manager using DDS as used by ROS2. This second behavior was
in the other node. Both nodes use the ROS2 communica- tested successfully as well as a switching between both above
tion infrastructure which uses the Data Distribution Service mentioned behaviors.
(DDS) [13] protocol for communication between nodes. Additionally to both above mentioned larger tests which
Behaviors and Actions are able to set up their own ROS2 mainly focus on testing beehave as a whole system, many
subscribers to fetch the data they need to execute their tasks. small tests of each feature of both the HighLevelBehavior and
Actions are also able to set up publishers. These subscribers LowLevelBehavior took place by e.g. specifically testing the
and publishers are cleaned up automatically by the framework functionality of the state machine implementation and testing
once the Action or Behavior respectively, has been finished. if e.g. race conditions are able to corrupt the safety features
Behaviors and Actions are being executed in their own threads of the HighLevelBehavior. All those smaller tests had been
to make them fully independent of each other. successfull as well.

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IV. C ONCLUSION [3] ZVEI and VDI, “Reference architecture modul industrie 4.0 (rami4.0),”
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pp. 40–45.
components as well as the successful evaluation of some of [5] J. Jost, T. Kirks, P. Gupta, D. Luensch, and J. Stenzel, “A new approach
these use cases. The framework allows a straight forward towards safe human-robot-interaction in highly flexible warehouses,” in
approach of agent design and helps to achieve quick results and IEEE International Conference on Intelligence and Safety for Robotics.
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