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Bio Syndrome

RPG: Modern edition


A survival horror rpg game

COPYRIGHT © 2015 Paul murphy
“During those days people will seek death but will not find it; they will long to die, but death will
elude them.” Revelation 9:6
Kickstarter Backers:
CREDITS Jordan Cunningham, Matt Luckett, Adam Rosenblum, Tyrone ''r3d tiger'' Tigger Queensborough, Daniel Huck-
abone, Mach_5, Scott Butler, Rick "Doppelbock" Westbrock, Matthew Cautrell, Wayne Gilbert, Matthew Tracy,
Matt "Payback" Wilkinson, Rodney J Kelly, Michael O., Richard Grabow, CPT Jake, Shannon Keith McPaul ( Raptor
Authors Baptist ), Francis A. Thibert Jr, Johnathan L Bingham, Armiesarmy, Zach Puckett, John C. Hanlon, Jeff Becker, Byte,
Mike Emrick, Arman Baughman, Christian Torrent, Lord Siwoc, Pier & Sca, Dave Violago, Neo117, Dana "madroot"
Paul Murphy
Fox, Jose Torres aka. Atomico, Burt Silva, Kenny Turman, Mark Stewart, Kian Alden, Angelo D., Mike Chappell,
Joel Logan Kevin J.R. Holland, Philip Hagan, Phil Brown, Craig "feast 4 crows" Johnson, James W. Keller, Richard M., Chris
Steel, Giorgio G. / PEDRAZZI / Rhannon, Timothy Wolford, Erika E.G., Joshua Weiss, Rick Black, Darren Moroney,
Andrew "Barloq" Cowie, Matt Keller, Scott Maynard, Matthew Berard, David Blood, Mike Jones, Richi Paskell, Em-
CS Barnhart manuel Tng, Lindemann, Simon Hunter, Bob Nolan, aka Varagon, Chris Rose, Lars-Inge Lindbom, Sannop2, Lon A.
Porter, Jr., Leonardo Poni, Mohammad Nur Adli, Victor Bugg, Adam Tierney,David Wright, Dawfydd Kelly, Tay Rain-
Editing bow, Robert Brown, Kristin Leigh Johansen, Jeremy Smith, Cody Ruth, Samuel Munilla, Daniel Hallifield,
Joel Logan, Colm O'Hara, Florian Luckyfer Stumpf,, Ray Wingrove, Raffaele Passarelli, Kyngic Vaults Team, Paul F,
Paul Murphy Marcelo Ferrari, Karl Jepson, Stephen G. Roy, Hyacinth Games, Galen Teschendorf, Jason Ellis, Jon Morin, Christo-
Joel Logan pher Schroeder, Anthony S, Warlord Olaf, Jason Martin, Gareth Jenkins, Paul M. M. D. Jacobus, Devin Night, C.S.
Christopher Barnhart Barnhart, Matthew Ledgerwood, Moylerj, Dave Polhill, Chris Snyder, Mary Murphy, and Cori Thompson.

Bart Turpin

Game Design

Paul Murphy Funded With

Joel Logan
Garth Anderson
Jay F. Kemberling
Bart Turpin
Paul Egbert
Play Testers
Introduction . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2
Bart Turpin
Colton Turpin Character Creation Basics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4
Alex Logan
Andrew Cox Chapter One: Classes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5
Paul Egbert
Chapter Two: Statistics & Traits . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10
Commissioned Artwork by Chapter Three: Skillsets .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11
Jericho Chapter Four: Equipment & Gear . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13
Spot Illustrations by both
Jericho and Frances Byrd Chapter Five: Combat . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 29
Chapter Six: Adventuring . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32
Other Major Supporters
Francis Thibert Chapter Seven: Other Rules . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 42
Project Zeke Miniatures
Steven Eserin
Revell Models Used Under
Permission of Revell US,
Countless Unnamed
Contributors You know
who you are!
Welcome to the world of Bio Syndrome RPG: Modern
Edition. Bio Syndrome is a fan funded modular game
system which is the creation of Paul Murphy and many
countless contributors through both the web and kick-
starter. Bio Syndrome is both a war game and a role
playing game (RPG) system. This particular book is de-
signed for playing the role playing game version of Bio
Syndrome set in modern times. Though the intended
setting for this book is the zombie apocalypse you can
use it for any modern or postmodern setting you wish.
Bio Syndrome is a fun easy to learn role playing game.
The action and combat sequences are very fast.

Even though Bio Syndrome has it’s own detailed world

(see chapter six), you can use this rule book to create
your own unique world or even recreate your favorite
movies or television shows set in the zombie apoca-


A common question asked in the introduction of Role

Playing Games is what is a Role Playing Game? Simply
put, a Role Playing game is an exercise in the imagina-
tion. A player takes on the role of a character within a
game and interacts with other players and plays out
their role in the story that is unfolding. This story is told
by another player, generally called a Game Master, but
in this game referred to as the Zombie Master. This ex-
tra player sets up stories, encounters, non-player char-
acters for players to interact with and hosts the story
for the rest of the group. The group participates in a
series of questions and answers that move along the
story that the zombie master is telling.

Now here is the tricky part, the story isn’t set. Certain
events may be predetermined but the interaction within
the story that the players take can alter the course of zombie master friend has prepared.
events dramatically. While watching a movie or reading a RPGs are an extended version of cowboys and Indians,
book you may say to yourself or a friend that you would do playing house or playing with combat action figures but
this or that action instead of the action the character takes with some rules that guide your actions and events so you
in the story you are engrossed with. In a Role Playing game can really determine who shot who first or just how good
you get to make those exact decisions and these decisions, that imaginary tea is. As a player the zombie master will
along with the abilities of your describe to you the situation and events and locations
character and the actions of your
2 surrounding your character and he will be prepared for a
fellow players and the rolls of the myriad of possible actions or reactions you decide to have
dice will dictate and determine your character make, but he will never be ready for every-
the outcome of the story your thing. When you run into a challenge that cannot simply
be decided by saying “I do this” or “I do that” dice rolling Creation Basics section will act as a master guide for cre-
will determine for you and the actions of the NPCs run by ating your first character and point you to the various
the zombie master and the characters used by other players chapters containing the information you will need. Sec-
will interact with your character’s actions, speech and sto- ondly, you will need a designated “Zombie Master” (Or
ries. game master if your game does not involve zombies) who
will lead you through your adventure that has been pre-
A role playing game is one part acting, one part writing, one
pared beforehand. You will require some additional items
part improve, one part game, and all parts fun. So sit back,
in order to play which include but are not limited to:
chase a zombie, club your friend with a hockey stick (but
only in the game) and let the zombie master ruin your char-  A few friends
acter’s plans while you ruin his zombies!
 A few D4, D6, D8, and D10 for Percentile
Surviving the Apocalypse
 Scratch paper and a good pencil or two with an eraser
The world has changed, and not for the better. The world is
 Miniatures
now a rough place. You will need food and water to survive
period! Zombies are not the only thing that can mean  Lots of snacks - Free time
death even for an experienced party of player characters.
Many commodities we enjoy today are extremely scarce
and are not being produced on a mass level anymore. Most
of the basic things we take for granted do not exist any-
more. Where many fantasy games focus on the player char-
acters acquiring gold and treasure, in Bio Syndrome the
acquisition of food, water, and basic needed items to sur-
vive are the treasure.

In the Bio Syndrome RPG: Modern Edition you will encoun-

ter many opportunities to “scavenge” the many structures
and vehicles left abandoned throughout the Bio Syndrome
universe. In Chapter Four Equipment & Gear you will find
many tables that will help you randomly determine what
you will find in your quest to
survive. Will you find food and
nourishment, ammunition for
your weapons, a sub machine
gun, a structure full of zom-
bies, or nothing at all?

What Do I Need To Play?

The first thing you will need is

a character who will represent
you in the Bio Syndrome uni-
verse. Each player will have a
character sheet that represents
their character. The Character

A Wargames Factory Miniature

statistics until you have your final numbers at the end of
Character Creation character creation to record on your character sheet.

Basics You will now want to spend points on your Accuracy Bal-
listics (AB) which is how well you shoot, Accuracy Weap-
ons (AW) which is how well you fight with melee weap-
***Players begin with 30 experience points to purchase ons, and Health Resistance (HR) which is your ability to
their class, skillsets and starting equipment. Follow the be- resist the virus. Review chapter two to better understand
low steps and you will be well on your way to fighting off what each statistic represents. Think about what you want
the zombie hordes! to be good at in Bio Syndrome. Do you want to be a good
0. Check with your Zombie Master. Players will design their shot with a firearm, a master of melee weapons, good at
character using the experience point buy system prior to fixing things, etc..? Bio Syndrome uses primarily a d8 sys-
playing in a campaign. All characters will be reviewed by the tem to determine the outcome of ranged (AB), hand to
zombie master before playing. Additionally, zombie masters hand combat (AW), health resistance checks (HR) and nu-
have the final discretion if certain classes, skillsets and merous other actions and events. The range for your
equipment are available at the start of a game or if allowed starting statistics is from 8+ to 5+. 2+ is the best a statistic
in the game at all. can ever be in Bio Syndrome but during this step you can-
not purchase more than a 5+ statistic which is three ranks.
1. Choose your Class. The first thing you will spend your 30
However, skillsets may be purchased that will increase
experience points on is your chosen class. You may choose
your statistic better than a 5+ at character creation. Re-
from Civilian(8), Doctor(13), Mechanic(15), Pilot(13), Police
view Table 2-1 to calculate how many points rank pur-
Officer(17), Scientist(11), Soldier
chases will cost.
(20), or Technician(13) as your
1 2
class. Please review Chapter 4. Assign Fate Points: All characters
One: Classes to see more detail begin with three fate points. Fate
about each class. Subtract the points represent your heroic destiny
cost for each class from 30 so 3 in this new apocalyptic nightmare
you know how many points you and set you apart from other NPCs
have left to spend on character and antagonists. Fate points are
creation. 5 used to cancel out the first three
times you take damage of any kind
2. Choose your Trait. Traits are 3 during a game session or at the zom-
dependent upon which class
bie master’s discretion may be used
you chose. You can only have
to complete a critical life saving or
one trait and it must be chosen
important story advancing action .
at character creation. Please
Players regain their fate points at
review chapter two to see more 4 the beginning of each game session.
details about each trait.
The purpose of the fate system in
3. Assign and Adjust your Sta-
the Bio Syndrome RPG is to give
tistics. Your starting class will
your character a greater chance of
determine the Armor Save (AS),
survival while also making your char-
Health Points (HP), Hand to
acter a more important part of the
Hand (HH), and Movement (MV) 6
story your zombie master is telling
through the adventure and you. If you wade into or
tics of your character. Go ahead
through a horde of zombies this system will not make
4 and record these four statistics.
you indestructible but it does keep you from becoming
Until you finish your character
infected by the first interaction you ever have with a
creation you may want to use a
scratch piece of paper for your
es to statistics. For innovative ideas the discretion of
5. Assign and Adjust your Skillsets: Each class grants at points earned is up to the zombie master. Generally if the
least one free skillset. Review your chosen class page in idea has a small impact 1 point will be earned, if the idea
chapter one to see which skillsets you get for free. Record has a much greater impact the zombie master must de-
your ranks for the skillset under the skillsets section of cide a fitting bonus. Please note that zombie masters do
your character sheet or scratch sheet. If you have enough not always have to give experience for rewards. Food,
points you should purchase additional skillsets but they ammo, equipment and other items are usually a much
must fit your background and be approved by the zombie better and more needed option. Characters will not sur-
master. NOTE: Some skillsets are class specific and can only vive without them!
be taken at character creation.
Zombie masters are encouraged to also reward players
6. Select and Record Your Equipment & Gear: Review with immediate additional temporary fate points in each
chapter one to see what starting equipment your class game session for heroic or selfless acts in Bio Syndrome.
grants you. Record this equipment on your character
sheet. OPTIONALLY your zombie master may have you roll
on the scavenging tables to determine your starting weap-
ons and equipment depending on the adventure or cam-
Chapter One: Classes
Take the time to fill out all the weapon information on Players will use their starting experience to purchase a
your character sheet columns so you don’t have to con- base class for their respective characters. Base classes
stantly look up all the details of your weapon. If you have define some of the player character’s base statistics, a
remaining points left you can trade them in for additional starting skillset, basic starting equipment, and a creation
equipment with the zombie master. Because there is no point for their background story. Remaining points may be
longer a monetary system in the Bio Syndrome universe spent on additional equipment, additional starting skill-
this will be a negotiation process with your zombie master sets, and ranks in statistics. Starting class skillset bonuses
depending on the usefulness and rarity of the item. have NOT been applied to the statistic scores; so make
sure to add any bonus the starting skill set provides to
NOTE: Bio Syndrome also comes with an optional card your statistic line scores AFTER buying your base statistic
system you can use to track your weapons, items, and ar- scores. (for example, first you purchase your AB, AW, and
mor. Look for it as a separate file you can download. HR scores, then if you choose soldier apply your +1 bonus
***A Note on the Bio Syndrome Experience Point System to your AB and AW stats). If you bought a 6+ AB and a 6+
AW, both scores than become a 5+ due to your military
Players begin with 30 experience points to purchase their
class, skillsets and starting equipment. All left over points
will be discarded (use all your points)! There are no tradi-
tional levels for characters in this game. Instead earned
experience points can be used to purchase character up-
grades during a campaign’s gameplay. This gives players a
feel that their characters are learning and growing as they
travel, not increasing in ability all at once unexplained.

Characters will earn experience as they travel throughout

the post apocalypse. At the end of a gaming session, surviv-
ing characters will each earn 2 experience points for group
participation and regain all of their fate points.

Additional experience is earned while playing immediately

after killing antagonists, executing a genuinely innovative
idea, and successfully using a skillset. Only certain skillsets
can earn experience, while other skillsets give other bonus-
Civilian Class
Many players from real life would translate into the civilian
class in the Bio Syndrome RPG: Modern. Civilians typically
have no notable job skills, and adapt well to all situations.

All Civilians start with the following equipment or choice

there of:

 Semi-Automatic Pistol w/ 1 magazine

 Knife

 A zippo lighter

 Backpack

 Crowbar

 2 bottles of water, 1 day worth

 2 days worth of food

“But the one who endures to the end will be saved” Matt. 24:13

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

x x 8+ x d4 6’ 1 Survivor Level 1 Lucky, Scavenger 8

Doctor Class
Doctors are trained physicians skilled in the arts of healing. In the Bio Syndrome universe there are few medical doctors still
living who survived the global pandemic.

All Doctors start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Semi-Automatic Pistol w/ 1 magazine, Knife

 Doctors medical kit

 2 first aid kits

 2 bottles of water, 1 day worth

 2 days worth of food

 OPTIONAL Hazmat Suit (Up to Zombie Master)

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

x x 8+ x d4 6’ 1 Medic Level 4 (Advanced) Medical Guru, CBRN 13

6 “The human body experiences a powerful gravitational pull in the direction of hope. That is
why the patient's hopes are the physician's secret weapon. They are the hidden ingredients
in any prescription.” Norman Cousins
Mechanic Class
If you plan on driving in your campaign a mechanic is an important class to have in your group. Mechanics can repair automo-
tive and machinery that involves internal combustion engines and basic computer systems. A mechanic would not have the
same abilities and knowledge as the technician class when it comes to repair of something such as a computer network or a
municipal water system plant. Mechanics also have a slight advantage in hand to hand combat.
AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points
x x 8+ X D6 6’ 2 Motorhead 4, Techy 1, Trucker 1, Mr. Fixit, Scrapper, Shotty! 15
Road Warrior 1

All Mechanics start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Shotgun w/ 6 shells

 Backpack “You have to look for teachers. If you want to be a mechanic, go

hang out with mechanics.” Robert Kiyosaki
 Knife

 Mechanical repair kit

 2 bottles of water, 1 day worth

 2 days worth of food

Pilot Class
A player who chooses the pilot class should consult the zombie master before choosing the pilot class. In the Bio Syndrome
universe it is not only difficult to find a chopper or plane that is operational, but it is even more rare to find the specialized fuel
they require.

All Pilots start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 High Caliber Pistol w/2 magazines

“Fighter pilots have ice in their veins. They don't have emotions.
 Backpack They think, anticipate. They know that fear and other concerns
cloud your mind from what's going on and what you should be
 Combat Knife
involved in.” Buzz Aldrin
 2 bottles of water, 1 day worth

 1 day worth of food

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

x x 8+ x d4 6’ 1 Flyboy 4 Mr.Fixit, Shotty! 13

Police Officer Class
The police officer class represents an officer of the law who has some tactical training. Though
not a fully trained soldier, the police officer has training and resources a civilian would not.

All Police Officers start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Semi-Automatic Pistol /w 2 Police Magazines

 Knife

 Backpack

 Police baton

 Tactical body armor

 Handheld radio
“We have an incredible warrior class in this country - people
in law enforcement, intelligence - and I thank God every  Handcuffs
night we have them standing fast to protect us from the tre-  2 bottles of water, 1 day worth
mendous amount of evil that exists in the world.” Brad Thor
 1 day worth of food
AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points
x x 6+ x D6 6’ 2 Diplomacy, Road Officer, Tactical Training 17
Warrior 2, Eagle Eye 2

Scientist Class
If you are playing a campaign where you are looking for or trying to develop a cure for the B10 virus then this class is crucial for
your party. Scientist characters are smart… very smart indeed. They are probably the only people who can find a cure. Consult
your zombie master before playing this class.

All Scientists start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Semi-Automatic Pistol w/1 magazine

 Backpack

 Knife

 2 bottles of water, 1 days worth

 1 day worth of food

 OPTIONAL Hazmat Suit (Up to Zombie Master)

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

x x 8+ x d4 6’ 1 Savant, Techy 1 CBRN, Electronic Expert, 11
Medical Guru

“Most people say that it is the intellect which makes a great scien-
tist. They are wrong: it is character.” Albert Einstein
Soldier Class
Of all the classes the player can choose from, the soldier has the best chance of survival.
Soldiers adhere to a profession of arms, they are great in combat and are in general
trustworthy individuals. Though the governments of the world have collapsed there are
still many soldiers who still follow their remaining chain of command and serve in rag
tag units. Being a soldier gives their lives meaning in this horrible new world.

All Soldiers start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Impenetrable body armor

 Backpack

 Assault Rifle w/ 1 full magazine

 Combat Knife

 Handheld radio “Soldiers, when committed to a task, can't compromise. It's unrelenting
devotion to the standards of duty and courage, absolute loyalty to oth-
 Canteen, 1 days worth of water
ers, not letting the task go until it's been done.” John Keegan
 2 days worth of food

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

x x 5+ x D6 6’ 2 Military Training, CBRN, Demolition Man, Officer, 20
Eagle Eye 2 Scrapper, Tactical Training

Technician Class
Technicians are skilled operators of technology and engineering related equipment. When trying to repair failing equipment or
rebuild the remains of civilization technicians are important to any group or camp.

All Technicians start with the following equipment or choice there of:

 Semi Automatic Pistol w/ 1 magazine, Knife

 Backpack

 Electronic repair kit

 Small Portable Computer/Tablet

 Handheld radio

 2 bottles of water, 1 day worth and 1 days worth of food

AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Starting Skillset Traits Available Points

X X 8+ X D4 6’ 1 Techy Level 4 Demolition Man, Electronic Expert 13

“Technology is a gift of God. After the gift of life it is perhaps the greatest of God's
gifts. It is the mother of civilizations, of arts and of sciences.” Freeman Dyson
Chapter TWO: AB, AW, HR / (point cost)
7+ (2pt)
Cost From Zero


5+ (4pt)

Table 2.1—Attribute Costs

start of a new character. They cannot be purchased later
Statistics are a player character’s defining attributes that on, and only one trait is allowed per character. Traits are
determine health points, health resistance, rolls needed for something that the character possesses enough
combat resolution, number of hand to hand attacks, move- knowledge of that the entire group can benefit from. If
ment and completing certain actions or tasks. Many statis- multiple characters have the same trait the bonus does
tics are the same from the wargame versions of Bio Syn- not stack. Therefore it is important that the group discuss-
drome with some additions. No statistic can be better than es trait selection together during character creation to get
a 2+ regardless of purchased skillsets, active bonuses from the best advantage possible.
group traits or situation. There is always a chance of failure.
CBRN (Soldier/Scientist/Doctor) - You have been trained in
Accuracy ballistics (AB) - Proficiency with ranged weapons chemical warfare operations and how to avoid becoming
and their operation. contaminated or infected. You provide the entire group
Accuracy Weapons (AW)- Proficiency during Hand to Hand and yourself with a +1 HR.
combat. Demolition man (Soldier/Technician) - You know how to
Armor Save (AS)- Measure of protection offered by various blow stuff up! You provide the entire group with a +1 bo-
body armors. nus when anyone is attempting to use explosives.

Health Resistance (HR)- Immunity level vs infection. A suc- Electronic Expert (Technician/Scientist) - You are an ex-
cessful roll will negate possible infection. tremely proficient tech able to install, operate and main-
tain a variety of electronic equipment. You provide the
Health Points (HP)- A character’s measure of vitality. If HP
entire group with a +1 bonus when anyone is attempting
hits 0 the character is dead.
to use or fix electronics.
Hand to Hand (HH)- Number of attacks per game turn in
Lucky (Civilian) - Whether through the divine hand of God
Hand to Hand Combat.
or just blind luck, you are alive and you have survived
Movement (MV)- A character’s base movement in inches. when others have not. You grant the group a +1 to all
combat initiative rolls. You alone also gain one extra fate
During character creation, new players will use points to
point per game session.
buy their character’s starting base statistic scores. Move-
ment range, hand to hand attacks, armor save (modified by Medical Guru (Doctor/Scientist) - You have taught classes
starting equipment), and starting health points are class on medical procedures. You provide the group with a +1
specific. Use your remaining points to purchase your AB, bonus to all healing attempts.
AW, and HR stats on the chart below. Your AB, AW, and HR
Mr. Fixit (Mechanic/Pilot) - You can instruct people on
all start at 8+(no cost); 7+ costs 2 points, 6+ costs 3 points,
how to fix things.. really well! You provide the entire
and a 5+ costs 4 points. Only three ranks may be purchased
group with a +1 bonus while attempting to repair ma-
for each statistic. You can further advance your statistic
chines and vehicles.
scores by your class, skillsets purchased, or added later with
experience points. Officer (Soldier/Police Officer) - You are a commissioned
officer, a natural leader. You provide the entire group a +1
10 TRAITS bonus to any negotiations, trading, and getting people to
do what you want.
Available traits for characters are
dependent on the class chosen. Scavenger (Civilian) - You have mastered the art of search-
Traits can ONLY be taken at the ing and scrounging for the necessities of life in the zombie
apocalypse. You grant the entire group the ability to add or Ability Skills Cost Enhancement Skills Cost
subtract 10 percentile points to any roll on a scavenging Rank 1 2 Rank 1 8
table once per game session per player. Rank 2 4 Rank 2 12

Scrapper (Mechanic / Soldier) - You have seen your share of Rank 3 8

hand to hand combat and brawling. You are granted a +1 to Rank 4 12
your Accuracy Weapon (AW) statistic. Whenever another Rank 5 16
character is within 2 inches of you they gain an additional
be taken twice) – You are proficient at fighting with
+1 AW when in base combat with a hostile unit.
edged weapons, and how to maintain and repair them.
Shotty! (Mechanic/Pilot) - You’re great at giving driving di- Provides a +1 per rank bonus to AW for your chosen
rections while riding shotty! You provide the entire group weapon only for each level of bladesman taken up to level
with a +1 bonus while operating any vehicle class. 3. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4 xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp.
Tactical Training (Soldier/Police Officer) - You know basic Bladesman may be taken multiple times for different
combat tactics and how to properly clear buildings. You weapon groups.
provide the entire group with a +1 to their Armor Save (AS) Cardio (E) (MV)- You keep yourself fit and can move fast
statistic. Your character can also fire through friendly units when you want to. Adds +1 to MV for each level taken up
without fear of hitting them. to level 2. Lvl 1 costs 8xp. Lvl 2 costs 12xp.

Chapter THREE: Covert Ops (A)—You have learned and mastered the art
of moving quietly and being undetected . You have also

SKILLSETS learned the art of opening any object or device that is

locked by mechanical means. You receive a +1 per rank
Skillsets define a player character’s skills they acquired bonus to your covert ops roll up to level 5. Lvl 1 costs 2xp.
throughout their life and come in a large variety. There are Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs
two kinds of skillsets; ability skills (A) and enhancement (E) 16xp. Animals with covert ops do not get to open locks
skills. Ability skills increase your rolls for various abilities in Demolitions (A) (AB) - Explosives interest you greatly. You
the game, for example firing a gun or sneaking quietly. En- receive a +1 per rank bonus when using explosive devices
hancement skills enhance something dramatically about and weapons for each level of demolitions up to level 3.
your character such as adding another hit or movement Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4 xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp.
point. Classes provide different starting skillset(s); since
most people have had multiple jobs or are specialized in Diplomacy (A) - You can handle yourself in a large variety
more than one skill. Additional skillsets may be purchased of situations when dealing with other people (the living).
when starting a new character if you have the points. Diplomacy provides a +1 per rank bonus to all interactions
Please note ability and enhancement skills have different while talking to people, whether it’s negotiating or talking
costs for purchasing and advancing. your way out of a situation. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp.
Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.
Skillsets can be upgraded and purchased during gameplay
using earned experience points throughout a player charac- Eagle Eye (A) - Your senses of sight, hearing, and smell are
ter’s adventure. Since experience (XP) is earned through- acute and heightened. You are aware of your surround-
out an adventure you may spend your experience at any ings at all time. Perhaps this is why you are still alive? Ea-
time as long as you are not in the middle of combat. gle Eye provides a +1 per rank bonus for all rolls when it
comes to being aware of your surroundings or noticing,
Batter Up! (A) (AW) You are proficient at fighting with blunt hearing, or smelling something. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs
weapons. Whether it is swinging a bat, hockey stick, or fry- 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.
ing pan you know how and where to strike your enemies..
Provides a +1 per rank bonus to AW for blunt weapons only Flyboy (A) - You know how to fly
for each level of Batter Up! taken up to level 3. Lvl 1 costs helicopters and planes profi- 11
2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4 xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. ciently. You receive a +1 per
rank bonus for all maneuver rolls
Bladesman (A) (AW) (Choose swords, knives, or axes) May and checks involving helicopters
and planes. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. - You are obsessed with cars and fixin’ em! You may roll
Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp. Flyboy cannot be taken at 1d8 per rank and keep your best roll any time you roll on
character creation unless you are the pilot class. With the the vehicle repair table and keep the best roll. If you have
zombie master’s permission it may be taught by a pilot later the advanced skillset you also get a 2+ to any vehicle re-
in the game. pair roll as well as the extra dice. With the advanced skill-
set you are also granted the ability to modify machinery
Jack of All Trades (A)- Level of awareness on how various
and repair or build much more complex machinery than
things work in the world. Provides a +1 per rank bonus for
vehicles. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl
each level taken up to level 5 for generic tasks and actions
4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.. You may not advance past
not covered by other skillsets that you would roll on Table
two ranks in Motorhead if you are not trained by a Me-
3.1. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4
chanic player character or NPC.
costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.
Resilient (A) (HR) - You’ve either been given every immun-
Marksmanship (A) (AB) (choose bows, pistols, rifles, shot-
ization shot known to mankind or Road Warrior
guns, or machine guns May be taken twice) - You are a per-
are starting to develop a natural
son who is skilled in precision shooting with your chosen
resistance to infection. Regard-
firearm type. You are proficient with your chosen firearm
less of the cause you receive a +1
class, their operation, and maintenance. Provides a +1 per
per rank bonus to HR for each
rank bonus to AB for your chosen firearm class for each
level of Resilient up to level 3. Lvl
level of marksmanship taken up to level 3. Lvl 1 costs 2xp.
1 costs 8xp. Lvl 2 costs 12xp. Lvl 3
Lvl 2 costs 4 xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Marksmanship may be tak-
costs 16xp.
en multiple times for different weapon groups.
Road Warrior (A) - You are an
Medic! (A) - (Choose Basic or Advanced: Only the Doctor
experienced driver. Receive a +1
class gets the advanced version.) You possess the
per rank bonus while operating
knowledge required to heal various wounds with the right
civilian class motor vehicles for each level of Road Warrior
supplies . Each level of Medic! provides +1 to any attempt
up to level 5. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs
to heal a character up to level 5. On a successful roll The
8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.
Medic! Skillset allows you to heal a character one health
point per level of Medic! skillset taken. Only the doctor Salesmen (A) - You could sell a rock to someone for 20
class may attempt advanced surgeries. (For example a char- bucks. Since you know how to wheel and deal, you receive
acter with one rank of Medic! could only heal another play- a +1 per rank bonus for each level of salesmen taken up to
er one health point versus a player character who is a doc- level 4 when bartering or trading with other people. Lvl 1
tor who has the Medic! Skillset at a rank four who could costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp.
heal another player up to four health points. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp.
Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs
Savant - The only level of intelligence that has the possi-
bility of finding a cure for the virus. You know how to use
Melee Combat Training (E): Doesn’t necessarily mean mar- research equipment, given access to the right facilities you
tial arts but you know how to sneak in a good sucker punch could save the human race! This skillset cannot be taught
when you can. Increases your HH attacks by 1. Lvl 1 costs traditionally anymore and is entirely campaign dependent.
8xp. Lvl 2 costs 12xp. NOTE this skillset is not on the standard character sheet!

Military Training (A) (AB) (AW) - You have been profes- Survivor (E) - You know how to scavenge and survive and
sionally trained in basic combat tactics and operations. You you can prove it! While searching for food items and sup-
receive +1 AB, and +1 AW. Cannot be purchased. Military plies you may roll one extra time per level on the scaveng-
Training is only available to the ing tables for each level up to level 2 for each structure or
12 soldier class at character creation. vehicle searched. Lvl 1 costs 8. Lvl 2 costs 12xp.

Motorhead (A) (Choose Basic or Tanker (A) —Before the outbreak you were trained in the
Advanced: Only the Mechanic use of military class vehicles. These vehicles can be found
class gets the advanced version.) abandoned throughout the game, or found in specific
places (military bases, defensive zones, etc.). Military class Lastly, all characters are considered to have basic
vehicles are the most complex and secure vehicles in the knowledge of various non specialized skillsets even with-
game and only those trained to use them can actually oper- out actually having them. If a character is trying to
ate them. Skillset must be taken at character creation and is attempt to accomplish a task using a skillset that they are
only available to the soldier class. At the zombie master’s not trained in, they will have to make a roll of 7+. Some
discretion a soldier may train another character on basic skillsets that are very specialized such as flyboy or trucker/
use. Receive a +1 per rank bonus while operating military tanker can only be used to accomplish simple tasks. For
class vehicles for each level of Tanker up to level 5. Lvl 1 example if you are trying to figure what is wrong with a
costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. civilian class car and you are not trained in Motorhead you
Lvl 5 costs 16xp. could roll to determine a basic diagnoses on the vehicle
Techy (A) - A skillset for fixing and operating electronic such as the battery is dead or there is a hole in oil pan and
equipment. This includes but not limited to computers, ra- there is no oil in the engine. You would not have the ability
dios, electronic doors, alarm systems or anything else that to make an advanced roll to rebuild the engine or trans-
runs off electricity. Each level provides a +1 per rank bonus mission in a vehicle.
to operating electronics up to level 5. Lvl 1 costs 2xp. Lvl 2
costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. Lvl 5 costs 16xp. Chapter FOUR:
Toughness (E) (HP) - A measure of how much damage you
can take or withstand. Raises your health point total by 1
for each level taken up to level 2. Lvl 1 costs 8 xp. Lvl 2 costs The Bio Syndrome RPG uses a generic classification system
12xp. Cannot be taken with starting characters. for weapons and equipment. With innumerable types of
Trucker (A)—Before the world ended you were trained to firearms and ammunition existing in the world today,
operate professional class vehicles—Vehicles such as bull- providing gameplay statistics for every firearm there is
dozers, semi-trucks (air brakes, etc.), tractors, backhoes, would be difficult if not impossible. To see the different
etc. Characters without this skillset can not operate these weapons available in the game consult Table 4.1 later in
types of vehicles. This skillset must be taken at character this chapter.
creation or trained by a character with the trucker skill. Re-
Weapon limits
ceive a +1 per rank bonus while operating professional class
motor vehicles for each level of Trucker up to level 5. Lvl 1 A character may have up to 3 weapons equipped; one
costs 2xp. Lvl 2 costs 4xp. Lvl 3 costs 8xp. Lvl 4 costs 12xp. primary, one secondary, and one melee. Primary, second-
Lvl 5 costs 16xp. ary, and melee weapons are noted in Table 4.1 below and
GENERAL TASKS & DIFFICULTY ROLLS are marked with a “P”, “S”, and “M” respectively. Primary
and secondary weapons are typically ranged and have
Not everything you may want Table 3.1 attributes and effects noted in Table 4.1. Melee weapons
to do in the world is going to Difficulty Required Roll
add attributes and effects to Hand to Hand attacks. Char-
be covered by a statistic or Very Easy 2+
acters may only have ONE primary weapon in their inven-
skillset. There is a lot more in Easy 3+ tory at any time unless they have a rifle sling weapon up-
this world than just the skill- Moderate 4+ grade.
sets listed above. When it Hard 5+
comes to tasks not covered Very Hard (Also Un- Weapon Ranges
by your statistics or skillsets trained Skills) 7+
Weapons have four types of ranges; base contact (hand to
Almost Impossible 8+
your zombie master should hand), short range(8 inches), medium range(16 inches),
use Table 3.1 to determine if you are successful:. and long range(24 inches).
Remember the definition of a general task is something Food & Water
simple such as cooking a good meal or putting up a tent you
found. It is not going to cover something very complex such
Food and water is very im- 13
portant in Bio Syndrome for the
as deciphering the DNA sequence of blood samples. When
survival of the characters. Just
in doubt the use of this table will be resolved by your zom-
like weapons there is no possible
bie master.
way to list every possible type of drink and food there is in vehicles and extremely small structures only ONE PLAYER
existence today. Food has been broken out into general CHARACTER will get to roll. If a character has the survivor
classifications. The most important stat to note is how skillset you may want to consider letting them search vehi-
many days of rations the food or drink provides. (See Chap- cles or small structures.
ter Seven for rules on thirst and starvation)
Overall Scavenging Rules
The Purpose of Scavenging Tables If the zombie master determines the occupation of a
structure or object ahead of time then if you roll occupa-
The outbreak left the world in a chaotic state. Some areas tion on any of the scavenging tables it simply means you
were wiped out of gear and supplies by survivors where did not find anything.
other areas have never been touched or explored. The pur-
pose of the tables is to put a sense of excitement and ran- Secondly, if you are searching a structure or small contain-
domness into the game. Do you remember the sense of er it may make no sense at all for it to be occupied. For
excitement getting a wrapped present for your birthday or example: if you are searching a small safe a zombie would
Christmas? We want Bio Syndrome to make you feel that not jump out from within the safe and get you!
same way as you play. You may love what you get or be ALSO, occupancy can only be rolled once! For example if
extremely disappointed when you get something you didn’t four characters roll for a structure and two characters roll
want or worse, nothing at all! Occupied! only use the roll of the player who rolled it first.
When and When Not to Roll on Tables The second roll would mean nothing was found.

Zombie masters will either have predetermined equipment

and gear you will find in structures and vehicles OR they will
let you roll on the scavenging tables that are appropriate,
starting with either the master scavenging table or specific

For example if you are

searching a house the zom-
bie master may let you roll
on the master scavenging
table or if you are searching
a military or civilian vehicle
you will roll on those specific
tables .

Sometimes the zombie mas-

ter may give you certain
items AND let you roll on
the scavenging tables.

As a general rule every play-

er character should get to
roll once for most structures
in the game. However, for


Occupied! Walkers are very lonely and enjoy it very much when new dinner guests come by!
Chapter FOUR: Equipment & gear
Table 4.1 Master Weapon CHART
Weapon Range Rate of Fire Pen. Hit Modifier Type Ammo Capacity Rarity
Semi -Automatic Pistol Short 2 8+ S 10 C
High Caliber Pistol Short 2 4+ Deadly Weapon S 7 C

Machine Guns
Sub Machine Gun Medium 3 8+ -1 AB P 30 R
Light Machine Gun Medium 4 6+ Suppressive Fire P 100 R
Minigun 14 8 6+ +1 AB P 500to5000 VR

Shotgun Short 2 8+ +1AB, Knockback P 5 C
Sawed Off Shotgun Short 2 4+ +1AB, Knockback S 2 UC
Combat Shotgun Short 2 8+ +1AB, Knockback P 8 R
Automatic Shotgun Short 3 8+ +1AB, Knockback P 30 R

Hunting Rifle Medium 2 8+ P 10 C
Sniper Rifle Long 1 3+ Deadly Weapon P 10 R
Assault Rifle Medium 3 6+ p 30 UC

Molotov Short 1 7+ On Fire, Blast Radius 2x2 S N/A UC
Grenade Short 1 3+ Deadly Weapon, Blast Radius 3x3 S N/A R
Grenade Launcher Medium 1 3+ Blast Radius 3x3 S 1 R
Rocket Launcher Long 1 2+ Blast Radius 3x3, Deadly Weapon, Knockback P VR

Land Mine N/A 1 N/A Deadly Weapon. Sneak Attack S N/A R

Flame Thrower Short 1 3+ On Fire! Up to 2x8 Blast P Variable VR

"I have a very strict gun control policy: if there's a gun around, I want
to be in control of it." - Clint Eastwood

Table 4.1
Master Weapon CHART (CONT.)
Weapon Range Rate of Fire Pen. Hit Modifier Type Ammo Capacity Rarity
Knife Base Contact Unit's HH 7+ M C

Combat Knife Base Contact Unit's HH 5+ M UC

Axe Base Contact Unit's HH 4+ M C

Sword Base Contact Unit's HH 3+ +1 HH # M UC

Baton or Baseball Bat Base Contact Unit's HH 7+ M C

Blunt(player's choice) Base Contact Unit's HH 8+ M C

Chainsaw Base Contact Unit's HH 2+ Deadly Weapon M Variable 2 Cycle Gas UC

Animal Claws & Teeth Base Contact Unit's HH 7+ M

Zombie Claws Base Contact Unit's HH 7+ Infectious M

Bow Medium 2 8+ No Action To Reload P 20 C
Crossbow Short 1 6+ +1 AB Requires, 1 Action To Reload P 10 UC

Semi -Automatic Pistol: Semi-Automatic Pistols are one of the most com-
mon firearms you will find in the zombie apocalypse. They are typically
light weight and easy to use even for someone unfamiliar with firearms.

High Caliber Pistol: High caliber pis-

tols usually trade more power for the
capability to fire less ammo. Seasoned veterans prefer these pistols be-
cause of the added ‘punch’
they provide.

Sub Machine Gun: Sub ma-

chine guns provide a higher
rate of fire but the trade off is
accuracy. They also tend to go through ammunition quickly which
is a scare thing in the end days.
Light Machine Gun: Properly trained a light machine gun operator can
lay down devastating damage at a rapid pace on the battlefield. One
disadvantage is that it is bulky and difficult to carry around. Standard
ammo packs come in 100 round clips. Ammo will be difficult to find for
this gun.

Minigun: Miniguns are six barreled ma-

chine guns that rotate in a gatling gun style rotation powered by an external
power source. They are extremely rare to find. They have ammo clips that come
in 500 to 5000 round clips. They are known to be used in several branches of the
armed forces and sometimes on military vehicles.

Shotgun: Shotguns are smoothbore weapons designed for firing small

shot at short range. They were commonly used for hunting and self
Sawed Off Shotgun: A sawed off shotgun is a modified shotgun for
use at extremely short range and to be easily concealed and carried.
Combat Shotgun: A favorite among many of the armed forces and
police officers these style shotguns feature a more rugged versatile
stock and the capacity to carry
more shells.
Automatic Shotgun: Automatic shotguns have the capacity to deal out
huge amounts of damage in a short time period. Many are built on the
framework of well known assault rifles. They can use standard banana
style clips or drums.

Hunting Rifle: Hunting Rifles are very common and found in many
households throughout the world. They are easy to shoot and handle.
Ammunition is much more common for a hunting rifle than many of
the rarer military style weapons listed above.

Sniper Rifle: Sniper rifles are long range rifles designed for taking out
the enemy from afar. They usually fire high caliber high grain ammunition and have a
slow rate of fire. They are not very effective at close range though usable.
Assault Rifle: An assault rifle is a rapid fire, magazine fed automatic rifle
designed for infantry use. They typically use an intermediate cartridge
and have a detachable magazine. Though used heavily by coalition forc-
es many civilians stockpiled these weapons before the outbreak.

Molotov Cocktail: A Molotov ‘cocktail’ is a crude

bomb made of a breakable bottle filled with a flammable liquid (usually gasoline) and usu-
ally fitted with a wick (a saturated rag) that is ignited before the bottle is hurled. If the
characters find the necessary components, zombie masters may allow the characters to
create them.

Grenade: A grenade is a small explosive device thrown or launched mechanically to yield

devastating damage upon the enemy. Besides explosive grenades, you will often see stun,
chemical, and smoke grenades.
Grenade Launcher: Grenade launchers offer a more precise
method of firing and delivering grenades. Many modern coalition
forces have them attached to their assault style rifles versus
standalone launchers.

Rocket Launcher: Rocket launchers are standalone devices used to launch rocket pro-
pelled projectiles. They are larger and more devastating than grenades and have a much
longer range.
Land Mine: Land mines are explosive devices used by
many of the coalition forces to setup perimeters of safety
around military bases of operations and camps. When
exploring ruins of military operations left over from the start of the outbreak
watch out!
Flame Thrower: A flamethrower is a mechanical incendiary device designed to
project a long, controllable stream of fire. They can be carried by an individual
or mounted on a military class vehicle.

Knife: The general knife classification represents general knives one would use
for daily utility use or found in common residential or com-
mercial settings.
Combat Knife: A combat knife is designed for military use
and useful for hand to hand and close combat fighting. They are much more durable and
damaging than a standard knife.
Axe: For thousand of years man kind has used axes as tools and weapons. They are
commonly found in households and commercial settings. Their design and versatil-
ity make them perfect for splitting into
zombie skulls.

Sword: Due to popularity from many television

shows, movies, and comics over the years many civilians bought swords for dis-
play in their homes. Though construction and quality differ from their ancient coun-
terparts swords are uncommonly found while scavenging. Though shorter and more
utilitarian, machetes also fall under this classification.
Baton or Baseball Bat: Police Batons are common issue for many police officers throughout the
world. Because of similar design baseball bats are included in this classifica-
tion. A simple but yet effective blunt instrument of destruction. Baseball bats
can be commonly found in many homes, especially America where baseball
was a national pastime.
Blunt (player's choice): There are so many possible blunt weapons a character
many choose to bash in zombie skulls we made no attempt to include or list
them all. This weapon classification allows the players to be creative and also
possibly draw from a huge selection of miniatures that matches their
weapon’s style. Examples of blunt weapons include but are not limited to: a golf club, hockey stick, crowbar/
tire iron, frying pan, rolling pin, hammers, a tennis racket, crude
clubs, etc.
Chainsaw: Most people have probably seen horror movies where a
chainsaw tears into countless hordes of the undead or helpless
teenagers trapped at a remote cabin in the woods. Chainsaws deal
massive amounts of damage. The main disadvantage of a chainsaw
is a limited fuel tank containing 2 cycle gasoline and that they will
attract every zombie for miles with its very
loud sound.
Bow: Bows have found a very common use in
the times after the outbreak. They are commonly found in many households where they
were used for hunting or simply recreation. Most times
the ammunition (arrows) are reusable if they can be
recovered. Because they are quiet they do not attract
other zombies.
Crossbow: Crossbows are uncommonly found in some
households where they were used primarily for
hunting. They are easier to aim than a bow and usually
fire with more force than many bows. The main disad-
vantage of a crossbow is they are slow and may be difficult to load. Cross-
bow bolts may also be harder to find than arrows.
In Bio Syndrome RPG: Modern Edition it is possible to upgrade your weapons in several ways. Because of all
the complexities and the different types of firearms and ammunitions that exist in the world please remember
these are generalized for the mechanics of the game.
Ammunition Upgrades
(Load To Use)
Table 4.1A
Weapon Classification Type Pen. Hit Damage
Pistol, Rifle, and Sub Machine Gun Standard N/A 1
Full Jacket +1 1
Hollow Point N/A 2

Shotgun Ammunition Standard N/A 1

Self Defense +1 1
Slug +1 2
Ammo Clips
Firearms that use ammunition clips can easily fire more rounds by finding a non standard sized clip that simply
holds more rounds. In the times before the outbreak civilian weapons were regulated by law so they would
not have high capacity clips. The idea was that law enforcement would have more shots if it came down to a
firefight. However, there was a strong black market of illegal ammunition clips and they can uncommonly be
found while scavenging. Simply load the larger clip to use it.
Table 4.1B
Weapon Classification Type Size
Semi-Automatic & High Caliber (Non Revolver)
Pistols Standard 10
Police 15
Black Market 20

Assault Rifle Standard 30

After & Black Market 60

Weapon Accessories
To find a weapon accessory listed below or one that actually fits a weapon you have is very rare and indeed
will make your weapon much more useful while fighting in the world of Bio Syndrome. A successful AB roll
will allow a player to identify and equip the accessory. Table 4.1C
Weapon Accessory Modification
Rifle Scope (Rifles) Increases Range to Long
Laser Sight (Pistols & Rifles) +1 AB
Grenade Launcher (Assault Rifle Only) Adds the grenade launcher weapon to
your assault rifle.
20 Silencer (Pistols & Rifles) Quiet!

Rifle & Shotgun Sling Allows Character to Have 2 Primary Weap-

ons In Inventory at a time
Impenetrable Body Armor - Interceptor Body Armor system confers a 5+ Armor Save (AS) and includes two
Small Arms Protective Insert ballistic plates rated to stop various small arms fire and fragmentations attacks.
Additional accessories can be added on to offer a higher level of protection, like the collar piece, side plate
carriers, and groin protection. Depending on the accessories equipped, an IBA can weigh upwards of 33
Tactical Body Armor – Tactical Body Armor confers a 6+ Armor Save (AS). As a suit of
lightweight tactical body armor, it offers protection from lower caliber rounds. This
armor can also be fitted with a modular carrier to support magazines and grenade
Riot Shield: Riot shields are typically light weight devices used to protect police and many military organ-
izations around the world. Riot shields are designed to protect the user from low veloc-
ity ammunition as well as shrapnel and splash damage from thrown projectiles. The
Riot Shield confers a +1 bonus armor save to any character equipped with it. This
counts as the character’s primary weapon. Secondary and melee weapons may still be
used as long as they would not be considered a weapon requiring two hands at all times. If in doubt ask your
zombie master.
HAZMAT SUIT: A Hazmat suit grants a 6+ armor save (AS) verses the AW attacks from undead creatures with
the living death! ability. The first three times the player takes damage from an infected antagonist the char-
acter automatically passes their health resistance (HR) roll. After the player takes 3 damage from any thing
the suit is considered compromised and beyond repair. NOTE: the hazmat suit provides only a 8+ armor save
verses accuracy ballistic (AB) weapons and other accuracy weapons (AW) attacks.

Misc. ITEMS & Gear

Doctors’ Medical Kit - An advanced and comprehensive medical kit containing supplies need-
ed for rendering first aid and advanced treatment to wounded allies in need of medical atten-
tion. This kit contains bandages, alcohol, tourniquets, aspirin, antibiotics, ointments, super
glue, gauze, plastic gloves, operating tools, and a supply of IV bags. These type of kits are very
rare and would typically only be found at a medical treatment facility. Provides a +2 bonus to
the Medic! Skill. Without these needed supplies many Medic!(Advanced) procedures will not
be possible.
First Aid Kit—A first aid kit contains significantly less supplies and tools than a doctor’s medi-
cal kit. Basic first aid kits typically have an assortment if bandages/gauze and usually some
simple types of medicine. Because many workplaces required them and worried mothers
coveted them they are often found in small businesses and homes. Provides a +1 bonus to
the Medic! Skill.
Electronic Repair Kit - A basic electronic repair kit contains all you need for working on
complex and various small electronics. A typical kit may contain various bits and drivers,
plastic opening tools, precision tweezers set, anti static wrist strap, small soldering and
desoldering tools, and a multi meter. This kit will provide a +1 to any roll diagnosing or
repairing electronics.
Mechanical Repair Kit - A basic mechanical repair kit will contain an assortment on both
standard and metric sockets, wrenches, and ratchets. Screwdriver and various drivers will
typically be found in a kit as well as duct tape and various adhesives and solvents. This kit
will provide a +1 to any roll diagnosing or repairing mechanical devices or vehicles.
Night Vision - A set of military grade generation III night optical device. Used to illuminate and amplify
light to see effectively in complete darkness. Can be hazardous to your sight if you look into any bright
lights while wearing them.
Table 4.1 D
Zippo Lighter Useful for setting thing on fire Duct Tape Useful for repairs of everything including hu-
Matches Useful for setting thing on fire Electrical Tape Useful for repairs
Candles Essential for light when not having batter- Fuel Siphon Kit A simple kit to siphon fuel from vehicles
Flashlight Essential for light in dark places Slim Jim A special tool used to unlock civilian class

Can Opener Easily opens canned food Backpack The single best way to store your gear and
Water Bottle Essential for storage of water
Toilet Paper No explanation necessary
Road Flare Useful for a quick distraction Crowbar/Tire Iron 2+ to Breaking Through Barriers Roll for
Locked Doors. Also Quite!
Small Computer / Essential for the Technician Class Axe 2+ to Breaking Through Barriers Roll for
Tablet Locked Doors

Small Pocket Bible A man cannot live on bread alone…. Alcohol or Cigarettes One of the most valuable items for bartering
there is
Road Atlas Map Useful for Finding Your Way

Bartering and trading

Money has no value in the Bio Syndrome universe! People want items, food, ammo, and equip-
ment. During the aftermath there is no production (for the most part)! The trading system rules
are mostly up to the zombie master and very dependent on the situation. Depending on who the
characters are attempting to trade with means everything. There is NO set structure for trading.
Supply and demand is the law! Certain skillsets can give a bonus to characters while trading even
in a tough situation. Characters can roll a salesman skillset check to see if they can coerce the
other party for more favorable trading agreements. A character without any skill in trading needs
to roll a 7+ to change someone’s mind. Again, if the characters are trying to make a ridiculous
agreement, the zombie master can disallow a roll.

Example situation: The characters encounter a group of farmers. The farmers will probably have
quite a bit of food and a few weapons. Trying to trade food to them for the weapons will be ex-
tremely costly, whereas trading weapons to them for food will be much more reasonable. Wor-
thy items to note: food; ammo; weapons; armor; fuel; tools; vehicles; communication equip-
ment; batteries; medical supplies; clean water; cigarettes; and alcohol.


The remains of the modern world are wide open for charac-
ters willing to risk their lives for the pursuit of equipment,
gear, and nourishment. The following tables will help you
determine what you find when scavenging. Please note that
not every item available in the game is in these tables. Some
of the more powerful weapons will be up to the zombie mas-
ter to distribute and give out during the game.

Table 4.2 - Master Scavenging Table

Roll % Name
01-45 Nothing! Everything Is Gone
***46-49 Occupied! Roll on - TABLE 4.3
50-65 Misc. Supplies/Tools - Roll on
Table 4.4 - Misc. Supplies/Tools Table
66-90 Food/Water - Roll on TABLE 4.5 Roll % Name
91-100 Weapons/Ammo - Roll on TA-
01-05 Box of Matches
BLE 4.6
***If the zombie master has predetermined the occupancy of a 06-10 Lighter
structure beforehand or it makes no sense for a structure or 11-15 Candles
object to be occupied then a roll of 46 to 49 simply means you 16-19 Flashlight
did not find anything. ALSO, occupancy can only be rolled once!
20-24 Can Opener
For example if four characters roll for a structure and two charac-
ters roll Occupied! only use the roll of the player who rolled it 25-29 Duct Tape
first. The second roll would mean nothing was found. 30-34 Basic Tool Set
35-39 Shovel
41-44 Seeds
Table 4.3 Occupation Table 45-49 Batteries
*01-60 Roll 1d4 Walkers For Each Player
50-59 Toilet Paper
61-65 Roll 1d4 Walkers For Each Player,
1 Brute 60-64 Bleach
66-75 Friendly Survivors who offer Food 65-69 Hammer (Also Weapon)
and Shelter
70-74 Gasoline
76-98 Roll 1d4 Unfriendly Survivors For
Each Player 75-80 Binoculars
99-100 Roll 1d4 Company Mercenaries
81-84 Crowbar (Also Weapon)
For Each Player
85-89 Axe (Also Weapon)
*ZM TIP: Change the Occupation Table to fit your adventure or
campaign. Maybe Some should be animals or whatever is com- 90-98 Medicine! Roll on TABLE 4.4A
mon in your setting? 99-100 Chainsaw w 2 cycle gas

Table 4.4A - Medicine/First Aid Table

Roll % Name Effect
01-20 Aspirin/Ibuprofen Can Be Used to Heal HP Outside of Combat
21-30 Anti Depressants No Game Effect
31-40 Cigarettes No Game Effect. VERY valuable for bartering!
41-59 Bandages Can Be Used to Heal HP in or out of combat
60-69 Beta Blockers Can Be Used to Heal HP Outside of Combat 23
70-75 Sleeping Pills Helps Player to Sleep
76-80 Vitamins No Game Effect
81-99 Narcotics Heals d4 HP
90-100 Fist Aid Kit Can Be Used to Heal HP in or out of combat
Table 4.5 - Food/Water Table
Roll % Name Effect
01-05 Ramen Noodles 1/2 Day Ration
06-10 Soda 1 Days Worth Drink
11-20 Chips/Crackers 1/2 Day Ration
25-30 Cereal 1 Day Ration
31-35 Peanut Butter 1 Day Ration
36-45 Bottled Water 1/2 Days Worth Drink
46-55 Food Ingredients - Roll on TABLE 4.5B N/A
56-60 Box of Rice 2 Days Ration
61-65 Sack/Bag of Beans 2 Days Ration
66-70 Candy 1/4 Days Ration
71-75 Sports Drink 1 Days Worth Drink
76-89 Canned Food - Roll on TABLE 4.5A N/A
90-95 Alcohol 1 Days Worth Drink
96-100 Snack Cakes 1/2 Day Ration - Heals 1 HP Per Game Ses-

Table 4.5A - Canned Food Table

Roll % Name Effect
01-10 Can of Soup 1 Day Ration
11-15 Can of Dog or Cat food 1/2 Day Ration
16-20 Jar of Pickles 1/2 Day Ration
21-29 Can of Vegetables 1 Day Ration
30-35 Small Can of Potted Meat 1/2 Day Ration
36-39 Small Can of Sausages 1/2 Day Ration
40-45 Small Can of Tuna 1/2 Day Ration
46-50 Small Can of Chicken
Breast 1/2 Day Ration
51-65 Can of Fruit 1 Day Ration AND 1/2 Day Worth of Drink
90-95 Large Canned Ham 2 Days Ration
95-100 Large Can of Chocolate
Pudding 2 Days Ration AND +1 Temporary HP in next combat

Table 4.5B - Food Ingredients & Condiments Table

Roll % Name Effect
01-10 Salt & Pepper Adds Taste to Food
11-20 Ketchup Adds Taste to Food
21-29 Mayonnaise Adds Taste to Food
30-39 Mustard Adds Taste to Food
40-55 Adds 1/2 Day Worth of Drink to Water and +1
Initiative on next combat
56-65 Sugar Adds 1/2 Day Ration to Any Food Item
66-75 Tea Bags Adds 1/2 Day Worth of Drink to Water
76-90 Flour Important For Making Bread
24 91-100 Yeast Important For Making Bread

“Enjoy the little things in life because one day you`ll look back and realize they were the big
things.” ― Kurt Vonnegut
Table 4.6 - Weapons & Ammo Master Table
Roll % Name
01-25 Ammunition
26-75 Melee Weapons
76-100+ Firearms

Table 4.6A - Ammunition Table

Roll % Name
01-10 20 Arrows or Bolts (player's choice)
11-50 A Box of Standard Ammo for any
pistol, rifle, or sub machine gun of
players choice. A box is 3 Full Loads of
the Weapon.
51-84 A Box of Standard Shogun Shells for
any shotgun the player owns. A box is
25 shells.
85-89 A Box of FULL METAL JACKET Ammo
for any pistol, rifle, or sub machine gun Table 4.6D - Military Weapons & Gear Table
of players choice. A box is 3 Full Loads Roll % Name
of the Weapon.
01-20 Combat Knife
90-94 A Box of HOLLOW POINT Ammo for
any pistol, rifle, or sub machine gun of 21-30 Semi-Automatic Pistol
players choice. A box is 3 Full Loads of 31-35 High Caliber Pistol
the Weapon.
95-99 36-50 Assault Rifle
A Box of SLUG Shotgun Ammo. A box is
3 Full Loads of the Weapon. 51-59 Impenetrable Body Armor
100+ Grenades! You find 3 grenades. 60-64 Combat Shotgun

Table 4.6B - Melee Weapons Table 65-69 Sub Machine Gun

Roll % 70-73 Automatic Shotgun
01-20 Knife 74-79 Sniper Rifle
21-30 Combat Knife 80-81 d4 MREs
31-40 Baton or Baseball Bat 82-84 Light Machine Gun
41-50 Rolling Pin (Blunt) 85-86 Night Vision Goggles
51-55 Golf Club (Blunt) 87-92 Grenade
56-70 Frying Pan (Blunt) 93-95 Grenade Launcher
71-80 Bow 96-97 Rocket Launcher
81-95 Crossbow 98-99 Flame Thrower
96-100 Katana/Sword 100+ Mini Gun

Table 4.6C - Civilian Firearms Table

Roll % Name
01-50 Semi-Automatic Pistol
51-75 Hunting Rifle
76-80 Shotgun
Sawed Off Shotgun
86-90 Combat Shotgun
91-95 Sub Machine Gun
96-100 Assault Rifle 25
Table 4.7A - Civilian Vehicle Table Table 4.7B - Law Enf. / Police Vehicle Table
01-58 Nothing! 01-45 Nothing!
59-60 Occupied with 1d4 Walkers. 46-49 Occupied with 1d4 Walkers.
61-65 Road Flare 50-52 Handcuffs
66-70 Tire Iron(Blunt Weapon) 53-54 Portable Radio
71-75 Flashlight 55 Pack of Cigarettes
76-80 Medicine! Roll on Table 4.5A 56-58 Road Flares Roll 1d4
81-85 Semi-Automatic Pistol w 1 Full 59-61 Tire Iron (Blunt Weapon)
62-65 Medical Kit
86-90 High Caliber Pistol w 1 Full Clip
66-67 Snack Cakes (Donuts)
91-94 Case of Bottled Water(12 bottles)
68-74 Ammo! Roll on Table 4.6A
95 Pack of Cigarettes
75-79 Semi-Automatic Pistol w 1 Full
96-100 Stash of Food - Roll 4 Times on
Table 4.5
80-84 High Caliber Pistol w 1 Full Clip
85-93 Shotgun w 1 full load
94-96 Sniper Rifle w 1 Full Clip
Table 4.7C - Ambulance / EMS Vehicle Table
01-58 Nothing! 97 Assault Rifle w 1 Full Clip

59-60 Occupied with 1d4 Walkers + 2 98 Riot Shield

61-65 Box of Bandages 99-100 Tactical Armor

66-70 Axe (weapon)

71-75 Medical Kit
76-80 Lots of Medicine! Roll 5 Times on Table 4.7D - Tractor Trailer / Delivery Truck
Table 4.4A
01-58 Nothing! Already Scavenged
81-85 Bottled Water(2d4 bottles)
59-60 Case of Toilet Paper(100 rolls)
86-90 High Caliber Pistol w 1 Full Clip
61-65 Case of Flashlights(20 flashlights)
95-98 Hazmat Suit
66-70 Case of Ketchup(20 containers of
99 Deceased Solider. Roll on Table ketchup)
71-75 Case of Sports Drinks(15 bottles)
100 Doctor's Medical Kit
76-80 Case of Soda(12 bottles)
81-85 Case of Bottled Water(15 bottles
of water)
86-90 Case of Candy(20 containers of
Table 4.7E - Military Vehicle Table candy)
01-58 Nothing! Already Scavenged 95-99 Case of Canned Food. Roll 10
59-60 Occupied! Roll 1d4 Armored times Table 4.5A.
Dead. 100 Case of Cigarettes(40 boxes of
61-85 cigarettes)
Roll 1d4 times on Table 4.6D
86-99 Ammo! Roll on Table 4.6A
100 Box of MREs (5 MREs) Table 4.7F - Vehicle Gas Table
01-75 Nothing! Not a drop.
76-85 2 Gallons
86-95 1/2 Tank - 6 Gallons
96-99 3/4 Tank 10 Gallons
100 Full Tank (13 to 20 Gallons de-
26 pending on vehicle)
Table 4.8A - Office/Government Building Table Table 4.8B - Church Table
01-47 Nothing Left. 01-68 Nothing! Ransacked. Lots of bible and
hymn books for players to take.
48-49 Roll on Occupation Table
69-70 Occupied! Roll on Occupation Table 4.3
50-55 First Aid Kit
71-75 Box of Candles (Roll 1d10)
56-69 Cache of food in a desk. Roll on twice on
Table 4.3 76-89 Box of communion crackers. Same stats
70-79 Medicine! Roll Once on Table 4.4A as chips/crackers.
90-99 Small Church Kitchen. Roll 1d4 times on
80-89 Food in break room. Roll 3 times on Table
food table.
4.3 .
90-99 Random Weapon/Ammo Found. Roll on 100 Small Community Food Pantry! Roll 3d10
Table 4.6 . times on Canned Food Table.
100 Water Cooler. Every player can drink
what they wish and fill their water bottles
or canteens as much as they wish.

Table 4.8C - Gas Station / Convenience Table Table 4.8D - Grocery Store Table
01-68 Nothing! Ransacked. 01-68 Nothing! Ransacked.
69-70 Occupied! Roll1d4 walker per 69-70 Occupied! 7 walkers per play and 1 brute
71-74 Condiments! Roll 1d4 times on Table
71-75 Zippo Lighters (Roll 1d4)
76-79 Box of Cigarettes 75 1 package of Batteries
80 Sports Drink (Roll 1d4 bottles) 76-77 Zippo Lighters (Roll 1d4)
81-84 Candy (Roll 1d6 packages) 78-80 2d4 rolls of Toilet Paper
85-89 Chips/Crackers (Roll 1d4 packag- 81 Box of Cigarettes
82-86 Some Random Food Roll on Table 4.5 one
89-92 Some Canned Food (Roll 1d4
times on Table 4.5A)
87-88 Lots of Candy(Roll 2d6 packages)
93-94 Soda (Roll 1d4 bottles)
89-90 Lots of Chips/Crackers(Roll 2d6 packages)
95-97 Alcohol (Roll 1d6 bottles/cans)
91-92 Some Canned Food(Roll 1d4 times on
98-99 Mechanical Repair Kit
Table 4.5A)
100 Gasoline! Enough gas to fill up 93-94 Soda(Roll 1d4 bottles)
small vehicle.
95-96 Alcohol (Roll 1d6 bottles/cans)
97-98 Medicine! Roll on Table 4.4A
99 2d6 Bottles of Water
100 Lots of Canned Food Left! Roll 3d8 times
on Table 4.5A Canned Food Table

Table 4.8E - Hardware / Sporting Goods Store Table 4.8F - Antique Store
01-47 Nothing Left. 01-47 Nothing Left. Useless Junk!
48-49 Occupied! Roll on occupation table. 48-49 Occupied! Roll on occupation table.
50-51 1d4 Packages of small candy at register 50-55 Food in Desk. Roll on Table 4.5 Food/
52-55 Duct Tape Water
56-60 Autographed Baseball Bat or Hockey Stick
56-60 Electrical Tape
(Player's Choice)
61-65 Hammer and Nails 61-97 Candles
66-70 Matches 98-99 Antique Combat Knife
70-73 Candles 100 Antique Sword
74-75 Axe
76-78 Crowbar
79 Machete
80-81 Backpack for Hiking
82-83 Batteries
84-85 Pocket Knife (Treat as Knife)
86-88 Combat Quality Knife
Table 4.8H - Gun/Pawn Shop
01-78 Nothing! Completely Ransacked.
89-92 Ammunition! Roll on Ammo Table 4.6A
79-80 Occupied! Roll 1d8 walkers per
93-94 Bow w 20 Arrows player, d2 Brutes
95 Chainsaw w 2 Cycle Oil(No Gas) 81-83 Hunting Rifle w full load

95-96 Hunting Rifle w full load 84-85 Shotgun w full load

97 Scope for Hunting Rifle 86-87 Semi-Automatic Pistol w full load

98-99 Crossbow w 10 Bolts 88-89 High Caliber pistol w full load

100 1d4 MREs 90-91 Ammunition! Roll on Ammo Table

92-93 Combat Quality Knife

Table 4.8G - Restaurant 94 Sub Machine Gun w full load

01-68 Nothing! Ransacked. 95-96 Sniper Rifle
69-70 Occupied! Roll 1d4 Walkers per player 97 Night Vision
71-75 1d4 Knives in kitchen 98 Black Market Clip for Auto. Pistol
(No Ammo)
76-80 1d4 packages of candy at register
99 Black Market Clip for Assault Rifle
81-84 Condiments! Roll 1d4 times on Table (No Ammo)
4.5B 100 Silencer for Automatic Pistol
85-89 Supply closet full of d8 rolls of toilet pa-
89-92 Box of D8 small bag of chips
93-94 1d8 Bottles of water
95-97 1d4 Cans of fruit
98-99 Large can of chocolate pudding
100 D6 Cans of Large Commercial Sized
Canned Food (3 Days Ration per Can)

 Breaking through barriers - A unit may attempt to
Chapter FIVE: Combat break through a wall, fence, door or barrier (provided
STEP ONE ROLL FOR INITIATIVE that all players agree on said terrain before the game
begins). A unit needs to roll a 8+ on the first turn try-
Each player rolls a single d8 for initiative. The zombie mas- ing to break down a barrier and receives a +1 bonus
ter will roll a single d8 for the antagonists. TIED ROLLS AL- on each consecutive turn, 7+ on the second turn, 6+
WAYS GO TO THE ANTAGONISTS. The highest roll is consid- on the third turn ect. Another adjacent unit may as-
ered to have won initiative and goes first. sist a unit breaking through a barrier giving the unit a
STEP TWO EACH CHARACTER OR ANTAGONIST GOES +1 bonus maximum (even if three units are assisting
you still only receive a +1 bonus). The adjacent unit
The player or antagonist with
must not have performed a standard action during
the highest initiative goes in the
the current turn.
order of the highest initiative.
You may perform the first  Jump/climb - a unit can jump
three actions (A thru C) in ANY or climb over an obstacle if it is
ORDER YOU CHOOSE. When shorter than the model is tall.
all characters and antagonists  Medic! - A character with
have completed their turn the Medic! Skillset ability may
refer to Step D. Respawning attempt to heal another charac-
repeat this step until combat ter or npc. The player may move
is over. to get to the character or npc
who needs healing but gives up
A. Movement their Contact! phase.
A unit may move up to it's full  Noise— You attempt to
movement distance once per make noise to draw the undead
movement phase if it has not fired a toward you. 1d4 you make no difference 5to 8 you
(AB) weapon. If the character plans to fire a weapon it may do.
only move half movement (rounded up) .Characters do not
have to move in a straight line, also they may not move into  Open doors - open a door!
impassable terrain. A character may use regular movement  Prone - Any unit may go into the prone position giving
to pass over any terrain that is below half of the units entire that unit a +1 to AB for as long as that unit is in the
height. Any terrain higher requires an action to be used to prone position. While in the Prone position, the unit
pass through (door /barricade), or over the terrain (jump/ can only move 1 inch during its movement phase.
climb). Characters and antagonists may move through their Another standard action must be spent to stand up.
own forces. Special rules cover disengaging, see them be- During the round the unit stands up, the unit can still
low. only move 1 inch and will regain its full movement
range during its next full turn.
B. Standard Actions
 Run - move additional 2 inches in any direction, a unit
Every character or antagonist may perform up to one action cannot run and shoot in the same game turn.
in each game turn. Some actions are limited to certain con-
ditions, distance in inches, or units having a special ability.  Special Abilities - Some special abilities can be used
Specific rules for each action are listed below. as standard actions.

 Barricading: A unit may attempt to barricade an open  Sports - action used to fix or reload a weapon. Slap!,
window, door, or other entrance. A unit attempting to pull, observe, release, tap, shoot!
barricade an entrance needs to roll a 8+ on the first C. CONTACT!
turn and receives a 1+ bonus each consecutive turn. 29
RANGED COMBAT Characters or
Another adjacent unit may assist providing a 1+ bonus
enemy units engaged in ranged
(even if three units are assisting you still only receive a
combat roll 1d8 to hit using their
+1 bonus total).
accuracy ballistics (AB) . If the attack is successful the target er unit they are considered to be in “hand to hand” com-
rolls 1d8 against their armor save. If the target fails its ar- bat and will more than likely not want to use Accuracy
mor save, subtract one HP per hit. Once a non character’s Ballistic (AB) / ranged combat weapons. If the player
Health Points (HP) reach zero, the model is removed from chooses not to engage in hand to hand combat and stay in
gameplay. A model with living death may return at the end ranged combat mode their (AB) rolls will be 2+ for primary
of the combat round on a successful roll of 7+ or 8+.(See and 1+ for secondary firearms harder for each antagonist
special abilities pages in Chapter Six) . When a player char- that is engaging them to a max roll of 8+.
acter reaches zero health points see the Death and Dying
All players and antagonists are considered to have hand to
Section Below. If the target passes its armor save see the
hand combat weapons (Consult your character sheet or
Penetrating Hits section below.
the populating your adventures section for (HH) # of
attacks and (AW) for the to hit roll). When a unit moves
TARGETING AND LINE OF SIGHT: Most weapons have multi-
into base contact with an enemy unit and still has their
ple shots that can be fired during a shooting phase. You are
contact phase remaining, the unit may attack the enemy
not limited to targeting only one enemy unit if you have
unit with the number of Hand to Hand attacks using their
more than 1 shot, though all enemies must be in line of
accuracy weapons( AW) statistics .
sight and within lethal firing range to be a legal target. Only
units with Tactical Training may fire through friendly units
DISENGAGING: A unit does not have to remain in hand to
to hit enemy targets without endangering the friendly unit
hand combat and may instead choose to disengage if they
in between. If a unit decides to fire through a friendly unit
have not had their movement phase yet. If the unit has
without having Tactical Training roll a d8. On a roll of 1+ to
already used their CONTACT! phase or wishes to use it
4+ the friendly unit is hit instead of the intended target.
after disengaging then they can only move up to half of
Resolve armor saves, armor penetration and health point
their total movement statistic, rounded up. If they choose
damage as normal. In the role playing game version of Bio
to skip their CONTACT! phase they may make their full
Syndrome characters may fire at antagonists who are
movement to get away. If they choose to skip their CON-
blocked by another enemy unit but become available once
TACT! and have not used their standard action phase then
another model
they may use the Run action to move an additional 2 inch-
drops that
es to get away.

For example: A zombie walker engaged in hand to hand

combat in the previous round with a Fire Team Member,
and is still in base to base contact. During the Coalition
players turn, the Fire Team Member may engage in hand
to hand contact making 2 attacks (HH) needing a 3+ (AW)
to hit during the contact phase. If the Zombie Walker was
not removed from gameplay as a casualty or temporarily
downed, the Fire Team Member may choose to disengage
from hand to hand combat and move up to Half of his nor-
mal movement (MV) away. If the Zombie Walker was re-
moved from gameplay, the Fire Team Member may move
up to his full movement (MV) as normal.
Targeting Example ABOVE: An assault rifle can fire 3 rounds in a
game turn. If walkers are within range and within line of sight, COUP DE GRACE: At the end of the round antagonists with
1 shot can be placed on each of the zombies. Alternatively all the Living Death ability may respawn and continue to fight
three shots could be placed on one zombie. the player characters. If a character wishes to use their
Hand to Hand or Ranged Combat attack before the end of
them to be targeted. the round, they may attack an ADJACENT downed unit
30 with zero health points and the Living Death ability to get
a free HEADSHOT! that cannot be saved against. NO ROLL
unit is in base contact with anoth-
HEADSHOT! Any roll of an 8+ during ranged combat or hand counts as their movement phase for the next turn but
to hand combat, followed by another successful hit on a d8 they will be able to attack on their next turn. Keep their
roll (units AB or AW statistic) counts as a headshot. The hit original initiative order/roll.
unit rolls their normal armor save. If the unit fails all re-
maining health points are lost. If the armor save is success-
ful, roll armor penetration normally. Again if the unit is hit, Every player has three points per game session. The player
all remaining health points are lost. Units with Living Death may choose to use a fate point any time they take damage
get no chance to respawn once HEADSHOT! from the antagonists or anything else in the game that
causes damage to cancel the damage and attack entirely.
LIVING DEATH: Units with the living death trait are consid-
Alternatively, the player may choose to take the damage
ered to be downed when they reach zero health points. If
and use their fate point to automatically pass their health
using miniatures place them on their side until the respaw-
resistance (HR) roll if they fail their roll. Lastly, at the zom-
ing phase. If another character or antagonist moves on top
bie master’s discretion, fate points may also be used to
of the miniature simply slide it as little as possible.
auto- matically pass important roles that would save
the lives of their fellow party members
PENETRATING HITS: Any time an enemy unit
and/or successfully progress the
successfully makes an armor save versus
game. For example: breaking
one of your unit’s ranged or hand to hand
through a barrier that would save
attacks, refer to your weapons Pene-
the lives of the entire party al-
trating Hit base statistic and roll a d8. If
lowing them to escape certain
your unit is unarmed for hand to hand
combat, you do not get to make a pen-
etrating hit. If you successfully roll your DEATH & DYING
penetrating hit, ignore the enemy unit’s BECOMING INFECTED BY A
armor save and inflict health point dam- SCRATCH OR BITE
age as normal. If you fail your d8 pene-
trating hit roll, the enemy unit success- Every time a player or NPC is
fully saves the health point damage. bitten or scratched by a unit
with the infectious trait you will
RADIUS WEAPONS If a unit is equipped need to roll a d8. You will need
with a blast radius weapon, let the player to roll your character’s HR val-
choose a point within legal range. Place the ue or higher to pass the roll.
center of the blast radius over the selected
location. Roll a d8. If you roll below your units If at any point your character
accuracy ballistics (AB) statistic subtract your fails an HR roll they are in-
roll from your (AB) stat. That is how many inch- fected. If the character
es off the radius template is. Use arrow dice or reaches 0 hit points at any
a d8 to see which direction to place the radius point while infected they
template. If you roll above the units accuracy will turn into a walker with-
ballistics (AB) then it is a direct hit. Any units (enemy or ally) in d6 combat rounds.
under the area of effect immediately takes two health dam- If the character becomes infected while having 1 or more
age and makes two armor saves. Any unsaved health point hit points the character will lose 2 hit points a day until
damage is resolved as normal with armor penetration. Units reaching zero. At this point the character will turn into a
removed by radius weapons may not use “Living Death” walker. REMEMBER THERE IS NO CURE!
special ability to return to play.
As an optional rule if a player is bitten on an arm or leg a
character with Medic! skillset
D. Respawning may attempt to amputate the
After all characters and antagonist have gone resolve any bitten or scratched limb. (See
ongoing effects and abilities such as Living Death. If antago- Chapter Seven)
nists respawn then immediately place them back up. This
There have also been reports of humanoid creatures on
Chapter SIX: two legs that resemble a werewolf from an old horror
movie and even reports of apes carrying rifles.
Adventuring Surviving Centers of Hope
The World of Bio Syndrome  The remains of the American government have creat-
ed a small base of operations on an oil rig in the Gulf
The core setting for Bio Syndrome RPG: Modern is our
of Mexico. They have also managed to keep one air-
modern world after a global pandemic of the B10 virus and craft carrier and several destroyers in operation to
a breakdown of all modern government and services. use for recovery and rescue missions. They also have
a small base of operations at an old Cold War facility
“The virus first started as both an airborne and touch expo-
at Cheyenne Mountain.
sure global pandemic of flu like symptoms spreading like
wild fire throughout the globe. For the first few weeks those  The remains of the European government have stra-
tegically fortified much of northern Scotland as a base
who died from the virus simply died. So many people died
of operations. After destroying all of the major bridg-
local governments and hospitals were overwhelmed. After a es, the many lochs and lakes make it only accessible
few weeks the virus evolved (or was remaining dormant) by boat.
and those who died immediately rose again and became  The remains of the Russian government have a forti-
what we now refer to as zombies, zeds, walkers, or biters. fied base in Siberia and several underground bunkers
To make matters worse the bodies of those who died in the scattered throughout the motherland.
first few weeks that had not been disposed of rose as well.”  The Israeli government has survived through a series
Dr Bartholomew Grimsley, CDC Field Researcher of underground bunkers and bases. Though they did
not plan for zombies specifically, they were well pre-
Source of the Virus pared for the coming apocalypse.
Ideas for Adventure
The source of the virus is intentionally unknown. Discover-
ing the source of the virus could be a potential source of  One idea for a continuing campaign and adventure is
adventure. As far as rumors go some say the virus crossed the players are remnants of the American military
over from eating bush meat in Africa, some say it was a based out of the oil rig, Cheyenne Mountain, or the
aircraft carrier. The player characters could be sent on
weaponized virus created by the government or sinister
adventures to look for critical supplies, survivors, or
corporations, some say it is nature's way of saving the plan- even patient zero.
et, and some say it is the rapture of the end days described
 A simple campaign to run is where the player charac-
in the Bible.
ters are civilian survivors struggling to live in the hor-
The Nuclear Holocaust AND the Zombie Holocaust rors of a zombie ravaged world. Base your location
possibly on where you and your local players live or a
Early into the global pandemic the world's government small rural setting in the American south such as
thought they could contain it by bombing many of the ma- Georgia, Mississippi, or Alabama.
jor population centers of the earth. See Map 6.1 This strat-  An urban explorer campaign could also lead to ex-
egy did little to stop the spread of the virus but did cause citing adventures for player characters. The player
much more disastrous things. characters could have a safe base of operations in a
major urban city or are seeking to claim one. Perhaps
The Mutation a classic run through a traditional shopping mall or
high rise buildings would be a fun adventure.
What sets the world of Bio Syndrome apart from other
zombie apocalypse settings is the nuclear strikes on top of Populating Your Adventures
the virus. The massive amounts of radiation in the world
have led to many stronger zom- The following pages will help you populate your adven-
bies and zombies with strange tures in the Bio Syndrome universe. Different NPC types
32 abilities. The radiation has also will reference the following special abilities taken from the
affected many of the animals of Bio Syndrome war game. Please note that not all special
the world. Super strong and large abilities have been transferred over from the war game to
animals have been reported . the RPG and many statistics of enemies have been altered.
SPECIAL ABILITIES cond round of damage, the fire is considered extin-
Special abilities either come with a unit when purchased for
your army or can be purchased for specific units with up- Poisonous: Some animals (such as snakes) have the ability
grades. Specific rules for each special ability available are to inject you with venom. If a player character is bitten by
found below. an animal with the poisonous trait they must immediately
make a HR save to not be paralyzed. If they become para-
Atomic! - This unit has a aura of noxious radiation. All ene-
lyzed the character will loose their turn until treated by a
my units within 4 inches must make a health resistance
character with the Medic! Trait.
save or forfeit their next turns action phase.
Reach - Any model with the Reach special ability may
Deadly Weapon—Each Hit inflicts 2 damage instead of 1.
make hand to hand attacks from up to 2 inches.
Dread.. - Unit causes any enemy model within 2 inches to
Sneak Attack—Gets one free round before players get to
make a 4+ save vs dread. Any enemy model that fails it's
save loses its next movement phase.
Splash! - Some zombies and animals have become radiat-
Heavy Weapons - Any model with a Heavy Weapon has to
ed and or poisoned and their bodies have been filled with
use an action to deploy the weapon system to fire it. A de-
toxic radiation. If attacked with a hand to hand weapon all
ployed weapon system may not be moved until the unit
characters within 2 inches will take 1 point of damage
uses another action to disassemble it in order to move. The
unless they have on a haz mat suit.
weapon may not be fired in the same turn it moved.
Sentience: Some species of animals have gained human
Immune Some animals are immune to the virus.
like intelligence. They are aware of their mortality and
Infectious: After a successful hand to hand hit that causes seek more in life than mere survival.
health point damage, the enemy model takes a (HR) save.
Suppressive Fire - Some weapons can lay down enough
For more information and rules see Chapter Five BECOM-
fire to deter or limit enemy unit’s ability to operate effec-
tively. A unit equipped with a weapon that has Suppres-
Knockback- Some weapons and ammo pack quite a punch. sive Fire that is not out of ammo can choose to use this
An enemy unit that is dealt health point damage from a ability instead of firing the weapon normally. While using
weapon with this ability must move back one inch in the this ability, select one enemy unit per 2 of the rate of fire.
direct opposite direction that the shot came from. If the Each enemy unit selected in this manner makes a health
Enemy unit is up against impassable terrain or a barrier resistance save, failing units forfeit their next movement
ignore this effect. and contact phase.
Living Death - As long as the unit was not killed with a head Tactics - A unit with this special ability may fire through
shot or a radius weapon, this unit returns to play with 1 friendly units line of sight without endangering friendly
health point on a roll of a 7 or 8, else it is removed from units.
gameplay as normal.
Tanks Matter - Only headshots work with ranged weapons
Medic! - Any model with the Medic! special ability and a here. Only successful headshot rolls will damage these
first aid Kit may heal once per turn 1 ally unit 1 health point models for any ranged attacks. Hand to Hand damage is
per their Medic! skillset. See the Medic! skillset for more resolved as normal.
rules on use.
Zombie Intellect: Though driven mad by the virus, units
Night Vision - Poor lighting conditions do not hinder perfor- with this trait are smart enough to open doors, lay traps
mance. No negative light modifiers are applied to models for players, and whatever else it takes to make the living
with night vision (typically units can only get this with Night their dinner. Zombie masters can add this trait to any
vision goggles). zombie for some added intrigue.
On Fire! - Any model successfully
34 hit with a weapon with this ability
takes the same damage the fol-
lowing turn. After taking the se-
The Zombie Hordes
Zombie Horde AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Equipment Special Abilities
Walkers 8+ 6+ 8+ 6+ 1 6 1 Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2
Runners 8+ 6+ 8+ 6+ 1 8 1 Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2
Brutes 8+ 4+ 6+ 7+ 4 6 2 Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Tanks Matter, Eagle Eye 2
Torsos 8+ 6+ 7+ 6+ 1 4 1 Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Sneak Attack, Eagle Eye 2
Infected Dogs 8+ 5+ 7+ 6+ 1 10 1 Animal Claws & Teeth Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 4
Armored Dead 8+ 4+ 5+ 7+ 3 6 2 IBA, Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2
Zombie Master 4+ 3+ 6+ 8+ 3 6 3 Tactical Vest, Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Atomic! Zombie Intellect,
Eagle Eye 2

The most numerous adversaries you will face in Bio Syndrome are the relentless hordes
of the undead.

Walkers: The most basic class of the undead is the walker. In different regions they
may be referred to as z’s, zombies, biters, geeks, ect. Individually they are not too hard
to dispatch but in hordes they are deadly.

Runners: Similar to a walker, a runner gets its name from how fast it moves. Some
say that runners were more physically fit and athletic in life. Whether true or not
runners will come upon you fast and if you are not prepared you will soon be it’s

Brutes: Brutes have been known to soak up entire clips of ammo without
flinching. They are large and tough, strengthened from the virus and some
say radiation, too.

Torsos: Pathetic shells of former life, a torso can come out of no where
and bite you. Though slow, they are sneaky and lie dormant until you pass
by. They get one free sneak attack per combat.

Infected Dogs: Infected Dogs will typically travel in packs. They are faster than a
runner and can quickly take down a lone traveller. A vicious bite from them can
quickly infect a player character.

Armored Dead: Armored dead are deadly and hard to take down. They are
usually armed soldiers or mercenaries that have been infected with the virus.
They also have developed razor sharp claws that can quickly skewer the liv-
ing and slice them to pieces.

Zombie Master: Some question the existence of a beast know as the

zombie master but it is rumored to exist none the less. They are very
similar to the Armored dead but glow with an eerie green light and
aura. It is said just being close to one can shut down the human neu-
ral system and render you unable to move.

ZM TIP: Though most zombies are very simi- 35

lar, don’t be afraid to give one a special abil-
ity. For example why not give a brute or ar-
mored dead Zombie Intellect and see what
havoc they can cause?
The Zombie Hordes (CONT.) your friend they turn their attention to the prey they have
in hand instead of the one running and will get to you
Understanding the Behavior of Zombies when they have time.
To run a successful adventure or survive as a player charac- Zombies Feel No Pain (So Take out the Brain)
ter you will need to understand some of the basic behavior
Zombies feel no pain physically or emotionally. You can
of the undead.
stab them, cut off their arms, shoot them and they do not
Zombie Intelligence and Doors feel it all. You can call them names and it will do nothing
Most zombies (though there are and can be exceptions) are but perhaps draw them to you versus another target.
dumb. Their sole purpose in their new afterlife is to find you Unless you destroy the brain you will not stop the zombie.
and eat you. They are patient. They will wait for you to Even headshots in Bio Syndrome have a chance to fail be-
come to them! cause you may have shot it in the head, but did you shoot
Most zombies do not have enough intelligence to open the brain?
many doors in buildings. This explains why so many walkers One of the most effective strategies when battling the
and other zombies are often found inside of buildings. Play- undead is to drop them from afar or hand to hand and
ers can often shut or lock doors as a strategy to buy them- then have a player character use the coup de grace action
selves time when escaping zombies inside of buildings. to ensure the brain is destroyed and they will not res-
However, once enticed with the thought of food, zombies pawn.
will relentlessly attempt to bust down doors and or win-
Zombies can Sense the Presence of Life
dows to get to you. Unless it is a hardened secured door
you will only have so many rounds to escape. No one knows how, but the zombies can sense the living
by sight, smell, and sound. All of their senses are extreme-
Zombies can often be tricked long enough to get away.
ly heightened. Some theorize that they have some kind of
They are driven to bright lights, sounds, smells, and for
thermal vision and can sense the heat from the living. At
some unknown reason large fires. The worst thing you can
night time they seem to have much better vision than in
do is build a huge campfire in the woods! They will always
the day. Most survivors choose to scavenge in the day for
choose food over distractions but perhaps you can distract
this reason.
them long enough to get away.
To the opposite side of the
Zombies Attack in Numbers
spectrum, the undead
In small numbers zombies are not much of a cannot be seen with
threat. Their greatest strength is in their num- thermal vision. They are
bers. Large urban cities may have MILLIONS cold blooded and radi-
of zombies. No one knows how or why but ate no heat.
zombies can sense their fellow kindred
Zombies are Strong
getting ready to feed and are driven
to their prey like flies on honey The virus has
from nearby and sometimes strengthened zom-
far areas. bies. Zombies are
much stronger than
Though cruel and
normal humans. If
heartless a fallen
one grabs you, you better
comrade is often a
have some help or a strong weapon to knock it
way to escape
loose. When enraged in numbers they can quick-
zombies in large
ly damage and destroy doors, windows, and civil-
ian class vehicles. Zombie brutes are especially
36 numbers. Zombies do not strong and have been known to burst through walls and
have anything personal against even lift vehicles.
you. They simply want to eat you.
If they can eat a few minutes on
Super Mutants & ANIMALS
Super Mutants AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Equipment Special Abilities Skillsets, or Traits
Radiated Zombies 8+ 6+ 8+ 6+ 1 6 1 Zombie Claws Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2, Splash! Atomic!
Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2, Splash, Zombie
Mutated Zombie 5+ 4+ 7+ 4+ 3 8 5 Zombie Claws Intellect
Killer Swarm 6+ 6+ 8+ 2+ 6 10 5 Animal Claws & Teeth Living Death, Infectious, Eagle Eye 2
Dread, Immune, Eagle Eye 4, Night Vision, Covert Ops
Werewolves 8+ 4+ 6+ 5+ 4 10 3 Animal Claws & Teeth 4

Radiated Zombies: Though the infrastructure in most cities that

were not bombed by nuclear weapons is still intact, many zom-
bies have become not only infected by the virus, but also toxic
waste and some radiation. Radiated zombies can be
seen glowing a dull green from a distance at night
and even during the day. Up close they emit a sick-
ening noxious odor that is debilitating to nearby
humans. If they are attacked by hand to
hand weapons all characters close by
will take damage unless they have on
a hazmat suit.

Mutated Zombies: As if zombies were not bad

enough, the virus or radiation, or a combination
of both have mutated some zombies to a form
almost unrecognizable. They are reported to
have grown huge tentacle like appendages and
sometimes gigantic claws and teeth. Some think
they have cross mutated with other animals or life
forms but no one knows for sure. Just one of these
zombies is powerful enough

Killer Swarm: Many species of bats and birds

have become infected with the virus. They
move swiftly and can take down a human or
animal quickly and devour them to the bone in

Werewolves: Throughout the years there have

always been rumors and tales of werewolves.
The Wisconsin Werewolf is a prime example.
Some say they are mutations from the virus
and radiation but others say they are
species of Sasquatch. If you were to
believe in werewolves you would
know that they are ferocious hunters
and thrive in this new world without
Super Mutants & Animals AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Equipment Special Abilities Skillsets, or Traits
Apes, (Mutated) 6+ 6+ 6+ 3+ 6 8 3 Blunt (Club), Hunting Rifle Immune, Reach, Sentience, Eagle Eye 3, Covert Ops 2
Bears 8+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 4 10 2 Animal Claws & Teeth Infectious (optional), Living Death (optional),
Eagle Eye 4
Deer 8+ 7+ 8+ 7+ 1 12 1 Infectious (optional), Living Death (optional),
Lions or Tigers 8+ 3+ 7+ 3+ 4 12 4 Animal Claws & Teeth Immune, Eagle Eye 4, Covert Ops 5
Alligator or 8+ 3+ 5+ 5+ 6 10 4 Animal Claws & Teeth Infectious, Tanks Matter! Eagle Eye 2
Crocodiles (GIANT)
Snakes (GIANT) 8+ 5+ 6+ 5+ 6 8 3 Animal Teeth Dread, Infectious, Poisonous, Reach, Sneak Attack,
Tanks Matter! Eagle Eye 2
Apes, (Mutated): Throughout many areas of the world away from the
major urban areas apes it has been reported that apes have been seen
in large numbers building their own colonies and settlements. They
seem to be immune to the virus and have been strengthened by it. They
fight back against the zombie hordes and refuse to surrender. There are
wild reports of people even seeing apes armed with firearms and rifles.
Apes are very untrusting of humans (both living and undead) and will
attack when threatened or confronted. The more years that have past
since the outbreak the greater their numbers will be.

Bears: Before the outbreak there were eight species of bears through-
out the world. The bears on the fringe of the civilized world have gorged
themselves on the never ending supply of walkers. Many have become
infected themselves and have the same traits as their new prey.

Deer: Before the outbreak it was estimated in the America there was
over 30 million deer, not to mention Canada or the rest of the world. Deer have become highly susceptible to the virus and
have been seen traveling in huge herds that are infected. Many normal deer still exist and could provide several days worth or
rations if hunted and field dressed.

Lions or Tigers: Since the beginning of written history mankind has had a sense of both awe and fear of the majestic lions and
tigers. Since the fall of mankind they have found a new sense of purpose in the bizarre new order. They seem to have grown
fiercer and larger by the virus and immune to it. Many were kept as exotic pets throughout the world and in zoos and have
escaped to form new dens throughout rural and even urban areas. They feed on both the living and undead. They are fierce
stealthy hunters.

Alligators or Crocodiles (GIANT): The virus and or radiation have dramatically changed the alligator and crocodile populations
of the world. With the fall of man they are no longer hunted in any numbers at all any more. Twenty foot or longer alligator
and crocodiles are now more common than rare. A bite or scratch from one can transmit the virus. Without warning they will
attack from many lakes and rivers in the warmer area of the world where they thrive. Like the undead brutes, firearms do little
good against them unless the brain is destroyed.

Snakes(GIANT): Even before the outbreak several species of invasive snakes were wrecking havoc throughout the American
south. Since the virus the snakes have exploded in size and numbers.. They feed on both the living and undead. Because they
are cold blooded walkers ignore them for the most part until they are eaten up by these giant monstrosities.

ZM TIP: Feel free to create animals not in
these lists. For example if you are in a desert
area why not make stats for a giant
The Company AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Equipment Special Abilities Skillsets, or Traits
Mercenary 6+ 5+ 8+ 7+ 1 6 1 Sub-Machine Gun Eagle Eye 1, Road Warrior 1, Trucker 1
Agent 5+ 4+ 6+ 7+ 1 6 1 Tactical Vest, Semi-Automatic Tactical Training, Covert Ops 3, Road Warrior 2
Hazmat 4+ 4+ 8+ 7+ 2 6 1 Sub Machine Gun, Hazmat Suit Tactical Training, Techy 2
K9 Unit / Trained Dog 8+ 6+ 7+ 5+ 1 10 3 Animal Claws & Teeth Sneak Attack, Eagle Eye 4
SWAT 4+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 2 6 2 Tactical Vest, Sub Machine Tactical Training, Covert Ops 3, Demolitions 2, Eagle Eye 3,
Gun, Combat Knife Tanker 2
Scientist 6+ 7+ 8+ 6+ 2 6 2 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Hazmat Medic! 4, Techy 3
Company Officer 3+ 3+ 6+ 4+ 1 6 2 Tactical Vest, Semi Automatic Tactical Training, Diplomacy 3, Eagle Eye 2, Covert Ops 3
Pistol, Combat Knife

There are rumors of an organization called The Com-

pany. Rumor has it they are suspiciously unaffected
by the global pandemic and show up in vast numbers
when they want to claim an area or supplies. They kill
indiscriminately between infected and survivors mak-
ing their true intentions unknown and suspicious.

Mercenary: The mercenary is the basic grunt unit

employed by the company. They have no notable
abilities but are well armed and supplied.

Agent: An agent is the equivalent to a highly trained

soldier. They are typically well armored and armed.
They will typically be dressed all in black.

Hazmat: Some civilians call them the suits. They typi-

cally wear large hazmat suits and are armed to the
teeth. Few civilians that encounter them live to tell of
their existence.

K9 Unit: K9 units are great at detecting both the living

and undead. They are a vital part of any successful
unit. The company understands their usefulness.

SWAT: SWAT teams are elite units designed to take

out and terminate any threats they may encounter.
They are swift and strike surgically against their tar-

Scientist: Scientists are typically accompanied by

many armed personnel. Their combat effectiveness is
minimal at best.

Company Officer: A company officer is typically a

grizzled veteran in charge of a company operation.

Survivors AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Suggested Equipment Special Abilities Skillsets, or Traits
Civilian 7+ 7+ 8+ 7+ 1 6 1 Semi-Automatic Pistol, Blunt
Survivor / Raider 6+ 5+ 8+ 7+ 2 6 1 Hunting Rifle, Semi- Lucky, Survivor 1, Eagle Eye 1
Automatic Pistol, Knife
Survivalist (Prepper) 5+ 5+ 6+ 6+ 3 7 2 Tactical Vest, Haz Mat Suit, Demolition Man, Demolitions 2, Cardio 1, Covert Ops
Assault Rifle, Semi- 2, Eagle Eye 2, Jack of All Trades 2, Survivor 1, Techy 2
Automatic Pistol
K9 Unit / Trained Dog 8+ 6+ 7+ 5+ 1 10 3 Animal Claws & Teeth Sneak Attack, Eagle Eye 4
Police Officer 4+ 4+ 6+ 6+ 4 6 2 Tactic Vest, High Caliber Tactical Training, Survivor, Diplomacy 2, Eagle Eye 2,
Pistol, Police Baton Road Warrior 2
Veteran Survivor 3+ 3+ 5+ 4+ 6 6 3 IBA Armor, Assault Rifle, Scrapper, Covert Ops 3, Eagle Eye 3
High Caliber Pistol, Sword or Ci-

vilian: Civilians are inexperienced and have had very little experience fighting off the relentless hordes of the undead. They
have been lucky to survive so far and if they do not toughen up will not be around much longer in this new world.

Survivor/Raider: Survivors/Raiders are toughened civilians who have survived. They have fought countless battles, lost many
friends and family and are still here to tell the tale. Many of the survivors you run into will not all be friendly and have turned
into what is often referred to as raiders. As civilization and society reforms you will run into many roving gangs and thugs who
will steal from you everything you and leave you dead, or worse; eat you before you turn.

Survivalist (Prepper): They warned their friends and family in the last days before the outbreak but no one would listen. They
laughed! They made fun of them! They are the sorry ones now! Survivalists (Preppers) saw it all coming. They prepared their
bodies, minds, and put back the supplies and gear they would need to survive when it all hit the fan. They are very skilled in
many things and very distrusting of any former government, corporate, or military officials, though loyal to any veterans who
served their patriotic duty to their country. They are more likely than not well armed and well supplied.

K9 Unit / Trained Dog: Many survivors have formed symbiotic relationships with their canine companions. Dogs can sniff walk-
ers from far away often before they can be seen or heard and
warn their human masters. Many surviving police officers have
kept their K9 friends with them. Dogs tend to have a high re-
sistance to the virus though many have turned and hunt in
packs. See Infected Dogs.

Police Officer: Many police officers and their families banded

together after the outbreak. Accustomed to surviving every-
day while on the job adapting to this new cruel world was not
a far stretch. Police officers usually retain much of their
equipment from their former lives and are often found as
leaders of many camps and settlements.

Veteran Survivor: A veteran survivor may often be the leader

of a group of survivors or dangerous marauders. They are well
equipped through skill or pillaging and ferocious at both ranged
and hand to hand combat. Veteran survivors have mastered the
art of moving quietly and being undetect-
ed . Their skills of awareness are height-
40 ened and they may often know you are
coming before you would ever see them.
Coalition Forces AB AW AS HR HP MV HH Equipment Special Abilities Skillsets, or Traits
IBA, Assault Rifle, Combat
Fire Team Member 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 3 6 2 Knife Tactical Training, Eagle Eye 2
K9 Unit / Trained Dog 8+ 6+ 7+ 5+ 1 10 3 Animal Claws & Teeth Sneak Attack, Eagle Eye 4
IBA, Semi Automatic Pistol,
Combat Medic 4+ 4+ 4+ 4+ 3 6 2 Doctor’s Medical Kit x1 Tactical Training, Eagle Eye 1, Medic!( Advanced) 3
IBA, Assault Rifle, Combat Tactical Training, Covert Ops 3, Demolitions 2, Eagle Eye 3,
Special Forces 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 3 6 3 Knife Tanker 2
IBA, Semi-Automatic Pistol,
Machine Gun Crew 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 4 5 2 Light Machine Gun Tactical Training, Eagle Eye 2
IBA, Assault Rifle, Combat Tactical Training, Demolitions 2, Diplomacy 3, Eagle Eye 3,
Officer 3+ 3+ 4+ 4+ 3 6 3 Knife Medic! 2, Tanker 3

In the first years after the outbreak there will still be remnants, though few of the many
coalition forces that once held global security and peace around the world. Not all rem-
nants will be friendly toward civilians and some may be hostile.

Fire Team Member: A fire team member was a highly trained front line soldier of the
coalition forces.

K9 Unit: K9 units are great at detecting both the living and undead. They are a
vital part of any successful unit.

Combat Medic: A combat medic was a soldier trained in triage and the treat-
ment of battlefield related wounds and injuries.

Special Forces: Special forces soldiers were trained in covert tactics and are
able to infiltrate enemy lines without being spotted.

Machine Gun Crew: The machine gun crew is considered a medium machine
gun unit. The crew is 2 to 3 men which operate a M240B belt fed machine gun
on a bipod.

Officer: A squad leader is a soldier who has accelerated through the ranks and has
the calm and cool to lead his men and keep them alive. An officer is typically a griz-
zled veteran of many campaigns in charge of a larger unit of men.

ZM TIP: Feel free to add any equipment or 41

skillsets to the above coalition templates. For
example if they are all driving tanks ,APCs, or
have helicopter gunships give them the Tank-
er or Flyboy skillsets.
Chapter SeVEN: Time Food Water

OTHER RULES 1 Day No effect

All Rolls 1 Harder,
Lose 1 HP
All Rolls 2 Harder,
Lose additional 2
AMPUTATION Rules 2 Days No effect HP
All Rolls 3 Harder,
Lose Additional 3
If a character becomes bitten or scratched on one of their 3 Days All Rolls 1 Harder HP
four limbs and has remaining health points (HR) a character All Rolls 3 Harder,
with the Medic! Skillset may attempt to amputate the Lose Additional 3
bitten or scratched limb. (As an optional roll the ZM can 4 to 7 Days All Rolls 2 Harder, Lose 1 HP HP EACH Day
have the player roll a d8 to see where they were bitten: 1to2
= non Limb, 3 Left Arm, 4 Left Leg, 5 Right Arm, 6 Right Leg, All Rolls 3 Harder, Lose 2 Addi-
8 to 14 Days tional HP at end of time period DEAD
7 Left Hand, or 8 Right Hand.)
All Rolls 3 Harder, Lose 3 Addi-
This may not be attempted during combat but must happen
15 to 21 Days tional HP at end of time period DEAD
immediately after combat to have a chance. A tourniquet
All Rolls 3 Harder, Lose 3 Addi-
will buy time but the amputation must happen quickly. The 22+ Days tional HP PER DAY DEAD
difficulty of the roll is 8+. Characters with the Medic! Skill
(Basic or Advanced) get their bonus to this roll. A Doctor
with Medic! (Advanced) gets an additional 2+ to the roll.
Civilian: These are just civilian vehicles that are found
A character who successfully survives the amputation will throughout the game world. These are everyday vehicles
have the following PERMANENT effects. that we see all the time. Cars, trucks, vans, etc. Most
adults know how to drive so no specialty skills are re-
AMPUTATED ARM: All AB, and AW rolls are 1+ more diffi- quired to operate any of them. That means, if a survivor
cult. Weapons that require two hands to use will be very gets to one of these babies, and it works, then they can
difficult or not possible at all to use. The zombie master will drive it.
have the final say on the use of certain weapons.
Professional: These are a bit bigger and usually require
AMPUTATED LEG: Maximum movement is three inches. AW the trucker skillset to operate. Vehicles such as bulldoz-
rolls are 1+ more difficult. Disengaging movement in com- ers, semi-trucks (air brakes, etc.), tractors, backhoes, etc.
bat is only 2 inches. These vehicles are usually pretty sturdy and tough, but not
that common, and require the trucker skill to operate.
Not just every average joe is able to get into one of these
THIRST & STARVATION RULES babies and drive around! This does not include civilian
vehicles that are used for professional use (cop cars, deliv-
Eventually, depending on the campaign or adventure the ery vans, etc.), but vehicles that require training to oper-
players will run out of food or water. The average human ate.
can survive around 3 weeks or more without food but only
3 to 4 days without water. See Table 7.1 . Military: Just as it says, military vehicles are military vehi-
cles. These vehicles can certainly be found abandoned
throughout the game, or found in specific places (military
Vehicle Rules bases, defensive zones, etc.). Military are the most com-
plex and secure vehicles in the game and only those
Vehicles can be a great asset in Bio Syndrome or a great trained with the tanker skillset can actually operate them.
liability. Every zombie movie shows tension when vehicles This does not mean a survivor can't 'hide' in a tank, but
get involved, yet it is one of the first things that survivors they are going to be hard pressed to get it to move.
rush to in an attempt to escape. Here are some general
rules for vehicles used in your game. VEHICLE USE

Vehicle Types Getting into a vehicle

Vehicles can be any type or varie- The first step is for a survivor to get into a vehicle. There
ty that we find in everyday life; are no guarantees that vehicles are open or locked, full or
cars, trucks, vans, etc. Vehicles empty of gas, have the keys or not have keys. Getting to a
can be broken down into 'types' vehicle does not mean an immediate escape and can actu-
ally be a death trap. Actions inside a vehicle
Once inside a vehicle, a survivor has several options on
A survivor has to use their movement to get close enough what they can do. Where they are positioned in a vehicle
to be in base contact with a vehicle door. If they are able to will determine what they can do.
get into base contact with the vehicle's door, they are con- Switch Spots: A player can move around inside the vehicle
sidered to automatically try and 'open the door' of the vehi- to get from one spot to the other. This is important so
cle. that a person who gets into the vehicle via the driver's
side is able to drive. A survivor who gets in via the passen-
Once in base to base the survivor must roll a die 8 to see if ger side can't do much and may choose to 'switch spots'
it is locked/secure. If a 1 is scored the vehicle is locked and so they can get into the driver's seat. A survivor can get
the survivor must spend an Action to 'break in', 'force in', into any unoccupied spot of a vehicle using their move-
etc. ment in a phase. Positions include seats for all seats
(usually four), turret (for military vehicles), etc... It takes a
If a 2+ is rolled for a civilian or professional class vehicle survivor's whole movement to
when checking to see if the doors are locked/ move around inside a vehicle's
secure, then the survivor is able to get into cramped space! If all spots
the vehicle. A survivor is considered to are full, switching spots
be in the vehicle where they enter means that both survivors
(driver's side, passen- use their movement to
ger's side, back driver's trade places.
side, etc...). Military
class vehicles will either Lets get out of here!: If a
be open or not. When survivor is in the driver's
deployed in tactical seat, they can try to use
situations military ve- the vehicle to get out of
hicles only lock from the zombie territory! (or
the inside to keep out accomplish whatever the
enemy combatants. scenario is). However, not
SUV’s are very popular in the zombie apocalypse because of their versatility all abandoned cars have
Breaking into a vehicle gas, keys, or are working
etc. If a survivor is in the driver's seat they need to use
In the event that a vehicle is locked, a survivor must use their action for that phase to see if the vehicle is operable.
their Accuracy Weapons to smash in a window. A success- The survivor player must roll a d8. On a 6+ the vehicle
ful AW roll means they have broken a window and are able starts as normal. A 6+ means the keys are there, there is
to 'unlock' the vehicle to get inside. This means that the enough gas and the vehicle is good to go! On roll of 1-5
player would need an action to break open the window and something isn't working. Either there is not enough gas,
a movement action to get into the vehicle. no keys, the vehicle is stuck, whatever and the vehicle is
unusable. Uh-oh!
Example. A survivor has shot in the current phase but
spends his movement to move into base contact with a vehi- Hotwire: If a player rolled a 1to5 on the Let’s get out of
cle's door. The survivor automatically checks to see if the here! roll it may have just meant there were no keys. If
vehicle is secure (roll d8). If the vehicle is open, and the sur- the zombie master will allow it you may attempt to hot-
vivor used their entire movement to reach the door of the wire the vehicle.. If a character has motorhead, covert
vehicle, they will have to use their movement in the next ops, or techy they may choose to make a roll with a diffi-
turn to get into the vehicle. If the survivor has any move- culty of 7+. This may only be attempted on civilian or pro-
ment left over, then they are able to get into the vehicle. fessional class vehicles.

If a character has the Covert Ops skillset and a special tool NOTE: The zombie master may and should change the
known as a slim jim they may attempt to unlock the door of difficulty rolls based on the adventure or campaign setting.
a civilian or professional class vehicle but NOT a military For example if it is ten years after the outbreak the chanc-
class vehicle or a vehicle that is secure. The roll will be con- es of finding a vehicle with a fully charged battery is very
sidered very hard (7+). unlikely.

Note: A vehicle that has the secure special rule cannot be DRIVING 43
broken into! They have secure doors, bulletproof windows,
hatches that cannot be tampered with, etc. Once a vehicle is started the
survivors can now attempt to get
the heck out of dodge! The survivor can now use their er can do during the movement phase.
movement in a phase to drive the vehicle where they want
just as if they were moving on foot, the only difference is Evade
they are now inside a vehicle.
Each time a vehicle comes within 1 inch of a zombie the
IMPORTANT: The vehicle's movement counts for the move- driver can choose to evade. The character would need to
ment of ALL the occupants inside the vehicle. That means make an evade test to avoid the zombie or debris. On a
once inside a vehicle, the occupants share their movement roll of 4+ they can evade the zombie (Add in their road
with the vehicle. warrior or other driving skillset bonus). For each addition-
al zombie with the 1" of the vehicles movement, the survi-
An occupant of a vehicle can get out of said vehicle if it has- vor player would suffer a +1 to the target number needed
n't moved in the current phase. This allows occupants to to roll to evade. This is for the vehicle's entire movement
'get out' of the vehicle. When getting out of a vehicle, a of the phase, so if a vehicle moved a total of 10" in its
survivor can move half its movement rate. If occupants get movement phase, and there were 3 zombies from start of
out of a vehicle, and there is still a survivor in the driver's its movement to its finish that came within 1" of the vehi-
side, the driver can still move the vehicle once a survivor cle, then there would be modifiers (to simulate the driver
has left the vehicle. trying to swerve between the zombies).

The distance of each vehicle would be in the de- Example. A survivor is driving their vehicle and moves
scription of the vehicle. a total of 10". During the vehicle's movement it came
within '1' inch of three zombies. The survivor does not
want to risk ramming them so decides to evade. They
Vehicles cannot move
would need a (4+(base number needed to evade a
more than 45 de- single zombie) + 2 (two extra zombies that are
grees when within 1 inch of the vehicle's movement)
moving. They
can make

= 6+).
Therefore the sur-
vivor would need a 6+ to evade all
M1 Abrams Tank those zombies.
as many turns as they
want (zig zaging through the streets and zombies), but can- Debris will add to the evade roll as well (another +1 to the
not change the facing of a vehicle more than 45 degrees target number to evade based on obstacles in the street
without moving forward. (street lights, cans, piles of debris, other cars, etc.). Survi-
Example. A survivor is driving through a debris filled street. They vors racing through the streets need to make some chal-
move straight and come to the first pile of debris. They turn 45 lenging rolls!
degrees to the right to avoid the debris. They then must move
forward before they can make another 45 degree turn (left or In the event that a survivor fails to evade, then they lose
right). control of the vehicle and crash (see crashing below).


Driving in a zombie apocalypse is Instead of evading all the debris and zombies infecting the
no easy feat. Debris, hazards, streets, a survivor can try to ram through zombies or bar-
44 zombies, bodies, other vehicles, ricades instead of evade them. To ram a zombie or barri-
and lots of things litter the streets cade a survivor has to roll their AW skill. If the survivor is
and sidewalks of these cities. successful, then they hit the zombie(s) with the vehicle
When driving, there are certain and drive through them. Zombies get their armour saves
hazards and certain things a driv-
as normal. 2 points more difficult to hit).

 Different vehicles have different penetration. The If a vehicle does not move, or the shooting happens be-
heavier the vehicle, the better the penetration. fore a vehicle moves, then this modifier does not come
into play.
 Different speeds have different penetration modifiers.
Every 'x' inches a vehicle moves has a 'x' penetration Table 7.2—Vehicle Diagnostics & Repair
modifier. Roll Description
1+ Vehicle is 99% toast. Only good for parts.
 Headshots are not headshots, but on a roll of a natural Blown engine. Donor engine would be required (7+ roll
8 it is assumed the vehicle's wheel crushes the head of 2+ would be needed as well as parts)
any zombie it has rammed. Major Repair and Parts Needed(5+ roll would be needed
3+ to 4+ to repair as well as parts)
Similar to evading, the number of zombies that a survivor is Moderate Repair and Parts Needed (4+ roll needed to
4+ repair as well as parts)
trying to ram will add modifiers to their AW roll.
Quick Fix Needed (3+ roll needed to repair as well as
5+ parts)
Eg. A survivor is trying to get to the chopper. They have an AW of
6+ to 7+ Vehicle Runs Rough, 1/4 tank gas
4+. A few zombies are in his way as well as a fence (barricade).
The survivor travels 10" with their truck. They drive through 2 8+ Vehicle in Good Shape, Almost Full Tank of Gas
zombies after moving the truck 3", another zombie after moving a
total of 6" and finally they crash the truck into a barricade at the
end of the truck's movement at 10". The driver would need to
make their AW test to ram the first two zombies with a +1 to their
target number (normally needing a 4+ they now need a 5+). Then Vehicles have many complex mechanical and electrical
they would need to roll a 4+ for the second single zombie and an- systems. If any one of these systems are slightly damaged
other 4+ when they reach the barricade. or not maintained the vehicle many not run correctly or at
all. Vehicles you find throughout the zombie apocalypse
Any zombie that has been successfully rammed is automati- will have been damaged from collisions, encounters with
cally knocked back 2" from the vehicle when it passes. walkers or even other survivors. In the description of Lets
get out of here! a roll of 6+ meant the vehicle had keys
If at any point the survivor fails their AW test when and could run. In this section we will introduce a table to
attempting to ram debris or zombies, they lose control of help determine the condition of vehicles and what is re-
their vehicle and crash (see Crashing below). quired to repair them. Without being trained in Motor-
head (Basic or Advanced) a character will not be able to
Crashing make any repairs beyond a quick fix which will require an
untrained skillset roll of 7+ (See Table 3.1) . See Chapter 3
A vehicle can crash when trying to evade or ram objects. for a detailed breakdown of the Motorhead Skillset.
When a character fails their evade or ram roll, the vehicle
loses control and crashes. When a vehicle crashes, all occu- ZOMBIES AND VEHICLES
pants of the vehicle are automatically hit in a crash. They
get any armour saves allowed. Any failed armour saves Hidden zombies
causes one loss of Health. A crashed vehicle is assumed to
be stuck, leaking gas, broken in some way that it cannot be At the beginning of combat the zombie master may se-
used anymore to drive. If it is a vehicle that has mounted cretly place zombies in any of the vehicles on the map. A
weapons, they can still be operated, but the vehicle is con- zombie master can pile in as many zombies into a vehicle
sidered immobile. as there are spots available.

Note: When testing to evade or ram, a roll of 1 is a critical If a survivor ever breaks into a car that has a hidden zom-
crash. Not only does the vehicle crash but it also catches bie, the zombie master can immediately activate the zom-
fire. Any occupant in the vehicle is considered to be lit On bie and attack the survivor. The attack happens just as the
Fire! survivor has gained access and is about to enter the vehi-
cle. Combat resumes as normal after this free attack.
Shooting from a Vehicle
This rule cannot be used for mo-
Any occupant that is in a vehicle can shoot from that vehicle torcycles. 45
or shoot with a weapon that is mounted on the vehicle.
When shooting from a moving vehicle, a survivor's AB be- ZOMBIES ATTACKING VEHICLES
comes less accurate and they suffer 2 to their AB (making it
TABLE 7.3—Vehicles

Vehicle Name AS HP MV Equipment Vehicle Traits # of

Motorbike n/a 3 15" n/a Noisy, Easily Maneu- 2
verable, Fragile

Small Car 6+ 4 12" n/a Noisy, Easily Maneu- 4

Car 6+ 4 12" n/a Noisy 5

Van 5+ 4 12" n/a Noisy 7

Truck (inside) 5+ 4 12" n/a Noisy 3

Truck (open 7+ n/a n/a n/a Noisy 4


SUV 5+ 4 12" n/a Noisy 5

Humvee 3+ 5 10" Light Machine Noisy, Secure, 5

(Armoured) Gun, Grenade
APC 2+ 5 8" Heavy Machine Noisy, Secure, Air tight 10
Tank n/a 10 8" Light Machine Noisy, Secure, Air 5
Gun, Cannon, Gre- tight, Tank!
nade Launcher

Zombies are attracted to vehicles. They make lots of noise
and move around. Any zombie that is close enough to a If there are enough zombies to completely surround a
vehicle that forces a survivor to 'evade', or any zombie that vehicle a vehicles movement is stopped.
is 'rammed' by a vehicle gets to attack that vehicle with a If there are enough zombies in the front or back of a vehi-
'free' swipe of its claws. If a zombie rolls an 8, it is consid- cle and are two zombies deep, then the vehicle cannot
ered that they have reached in just in time, or are hanging move in that direction.
onto the moving vehicle attacking the drivers, and score a _______
hit on one of the occupants. This is a free attack by the XX| |
zombies, and if they are not killed from being rammed, they XX|______ | front
act as normal during their phase.
Eg. The above vehicle cannot move backwards because zombies
Attacking Occupants inside a vehicle take up the entire rear of the car and are stacked two deep.

Zombies that are in base contact with a window or opening Survivors can shoot or use their melee weapons against
of a vehicle that has an occupant can attack the survivor zombies to 'clear' the vehicle.
inside. All survivors have an Armour Save (AS) depending
on the vehicle they are in. The stronger the vehicle, the
better the save. Some vehicles are so secure that zombies Disabling a Vehicle
can only attempt to disable the vehicle as they cannot pen-
etrate its armour. See vehicles for descriptions. Zombies can swarm over a vehicle and damage it to such a
degree that it will no longer operate. Depending on the
Note that a survivor inside a vehi- vehicle, will depend on how easy/hard it is for a zombie
cle gets two saves! one from the swarm to rip apart a vehicle.
46 vehicle, and one from their per-
sonal armour. Disabling a vehicle is treated the same as breaking down
barricades. That means, zombies need to roll 8 for the
first turn they are trying to disable a vehicle. If there is
more than one zombie, then there is a +1 to the roll Secure
(needing a 7 or 8).
If a vehicle has the special rule secure, then a player needs
If a vehicle is being 'swarmed' then there is a further +1 to to roll a higher number in order to get into the vehicle.
disabling the vehicle (needing a 6-8) on the first turn! Once This is to represent advanced forms of security of a vehi-
a vehicle is 'disabled' it no longer has any movement. Survi- cle. For professional vehicles, this could be 4+, for military
vors can still remain in the vehicle and 'clear out the un- vehicles this could be a 6+.
dead', but they can't move the vehicle.
Every time zombies roll successfully to disable a vehicle,
remove one HR (or SR) from the vehicles profile. Once a Tanks are just that, tanks. These are the best vehicles that
vehicle has lost all of its HR (or SR) the vehicle is disabled. are so strong, so powerful, that the average zombie can-
not even penetrate its armour. Vehicles with the Tank
Some vehicles that are so strong are not affected by swarm special rule cannot be disabled by claws. In addition,
or disabling (such as tanks, they can driver right over zom- when a vehicle with the Tank special rule rams an enemy
bies without issue). it does 5 points of damage to anything it runs over!


Armour Save (AS): This is the Armour save that all occu- Vehicles that are fragile require great care in operating,
pants get when attacked while inside the vehicle. This is in especially in a zombie apocalypse. Vehicles such as mo-
addition to their own personal AS. torcycles can easily be tipped over, drivers pulled off by
near zombies or lose control after driving over debris or
Health Points (HP) : The number of 'health' points that a bodies.
vehicle has before it is disabled. Zombies will have to tear
this many points from the vehicle before it is disabled. Operators who are using a vehicle with the fragile special
rule suffer 2 points to their AW when ramming.
Movement (MV): The total number of inches a vehicle can
move in a single turn. Easily Maneuverable

Equipment: Any special equipment that a vehicle may Vehicles that are easily operated and have great control
have. are considered Easily Manoeuvrable. Vehicles with this
special ability gain a +1 to all 'evade' rolls.
Special Abilities: A list of any special features that a vehicle
may have.

#of Seats: The number of seats that a vehicle can have.

The number of seats a vehicle has determines how many
people can be inside the vehicle. It also dictates how many
hidden zombies can be inside a vehicle.


Air Tight

The vehicle is of such advanced technology that it has an

internal air filtration system. Occupants of this vehicle are
safe from chemical weapons/attacks.


Because vehicles are so noisy, they easily attract zombies.

All vehicles are considered noisy. Any zombie that is within 47
5" of a vehicle with a survivor in it gains an additional 2"
movement TOWARDS the vehicle. This illustrates the zom-
bies in the area rushing towards the noisy vehicle.
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