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Aleah Blessy G.

Sodusta BSED RE 4
Page 208 OBSERVE

a. Dignified Observe I have found that the teacher knows what her
roles is and as well as she respect herself and
others. She’s a teacher with a dignity she knows
what her role is.
b. Healthy Observe I have found that the teacher doesn’t have an
underlying diseases our resource teacher is
c. Spiritual Observe I have found that our Resource teacher is a
Roman Catholic wherein she memorize the
prayers every morning offering.
d. Knowledgeable Observe I have found that the teacher is a Filipino teacher
and she mastered already her field in teacher just
like as what I have observed when she is
teaching she frequently look at the PPT because
she already mastered her lesson. She know what
are the techniques that she is going to use.
e. Humble Observe I have found that the teacher humble no matter
what position and achievement that she has her
humility prevails.
f. Determined Observe I have found that the teacher is determined
because she gets disappointed every time her
class cannot memorize the sabayang pagbigkas
because she always says that she want their class
to become the champion.
g. Cooperative Observe I have found that our Resource teacher
cooperates every time that we are going to
interview her and asked what is being needed
into our episodes she provide it, as well as with
the other teacher she cooperate especially during
their intramurals.

Page 209 ANALYZE

a. Humility- as a teacher no matter what happened humility or humbleness within yourself is
needed just like Jesus Christ as our perfect model.
b. Cooperative- a teacher must be cooperative in every activities you should not separate yourself
from the co-teachers and also share your ideas with them.
c. Spiritual- as a teacher no matter how busy you are we should not forget our creator and always
go back to him.
2. Determined. I am a kind of person/pre-service teacher that is determined my goal is to
win in every activities or competitions not for the sake of participating only. As long as I
can do it I really joined in the activities. I think this fits as a teacher someday because I
am a model of my students.
Page 210 REFLECT
- Their are some teacher’s that doesn’t possess good qualities just like when I was in
elementary one teacher told me that I just only making myself beautiful in school and
every time that she has the class with us I don’t want to listen. When I was in high
school theirs this teacher that gave us the performance task and we got the lowest
score which is 30/50 and during the card day we got the grade of 79 we questioned
her why and she told us because of the one performance task and that’s why I told
myself that I don’t want that kind of attitudes and strategies if I will become a teacher.
In college a lot of teachers influence me from how I dress, act and the strategies and
techniques that I will going to apply in the field of teaching, it inspires me to become
a teacher and pursue education.
Page 210 OBSERVE
Professional Competence
Yes No Doubtful
1. /
2. /
3. /
4. /
5. /
6. /
7. /
8. /
9. /
10. /

Page 212 ANALYZE

1. - I view the teacher as a professional educator since she conducts herself professionally
around everyone she meets, not just her students. She teaches with enthusiasm,
knowledge, and determination. She has the traits of an experienced educator.
- Yes, it coincide because the teacher possess the good qualities and she also practice
the code of ethics as a teacher and she is responsible in everything that she do.
Page 212 REFLECT
1. As a future teacher, the results imply that I should possess the professional characteristics
and competencies that the teacher needed in order for me to be responsible in everything
that I do. Also, to motivate my students to learn.
2. Then learners will be motivated to learn everyday, they will become more excited going
to school everyday. The learners can learn a lot with the teachers also because they
possess the good qualities. The student can find it easy yo learn everyday, they won’t be
bored and always ready to learn.

Page 213 SHOW

1. Short narrative about the teacher with a description of the personal qualities and
professional characteristics that you have observed. You may request a picture from the

Teacher Valerie Amor F. Padernal, she is our Resource Teacher and she possesses both the
professional competencies and personal qualities that a great teacher should have. She
possesses professional competencies such as she teaches the subject matter very well with
mastery, she uses varied teaching methods that facilitate learning with skill and ease, she
teaches with compassion based on the knowledge and understanding of the characteristics
and needs of diverse learners and as a teacher, she makes the classroom safe and secure
for learning. She is dignified, she is knowledgeable and she is humble to any person she
encounters. His personality made the students like her in school, her former students and
her students always says hi to her, she is approachable, she is jolly and she is great in
teaching. She always ensures that her students learned well from her subject. She always
made learning fun in many ways, she presents examples happily, she even do a short magic
trick inside the class, she is the perfect teacher and a role model to us all future teacher.

Page 215 LINK

1. D
2. C
3. C
4. B
5. A
Page 220 ANALYZE
1. It is, in my opinion, the management of learning. From what I observed, the teacher was
quite concerned about the students' active engagement in the lesson's discussion. To make
the teaching-learning process engaging and relevant for the students, she has
implemented a variety of instructional resources and activities.
2. It's the actual teaching, in my opinion. I was impressed by the teacher even on the first
day of our observation as she clearly understood her material and could explain it simply
and directly. At the conclusion of the lesson, she asks pupils about their learning since
she is also very meticulous about meeting the learning objectives.
3. I believe that the teacher is adaptable enough to fulfill all of her obligations, but she did
once admit in us that she was finding it difficult to do the administrative works because
they take up a lot of her time, particularly at night when she is preparing the paperwork.
She typically feels under strain because of the report deadlines.
4. Yes, I think she's a good teacher. She had the expected attributes, both personal and
professional, of a teacher. She is also sufficiently capable and competent to handle the
administrative, management of learning, and teaching aspects of her job.
Page 221 REFLECT
1. Yes, I have already seen the truth in a real teaching and learning environment, which
has inspired me to become a teacher. In my interactions with our coordinating teacher,
I came to many realizations. I came to see that teaching is a really difficult profession
that demands a great deal of patience, devotion, and commitment. Despite the
challenges, I am determined to pursue this career path since it is my passion and I get
great satisfaction in witnessing my students succeed.
2. In case that I do end up becoming a teacher, I will make sure to uphold all school
policies and to have the character traits and skills expected of teachers. I'll also
cultivate positive relationships with the parents, students, and coworkers. I will never
forget that I am a RE teacher by calling, and it is my duty to teach and encourage my
students to succeed as well as to be people of integrity.
3. Academic Difficulty: Unlike other students, certain students truly struggle
academically, finding it difficult to absorb and understand what they are learning. It
could be the result of various personal impairments or the parents' lack of educational
guidance. Psychological problems: Some students lack motivation for their academics
and exhibit an unbalanced emotional response to all circumstances. The main cause of
this is typically a lack of moral and emotional support from their parents, which makes
them reluctant to learn and complete their schoolwork. They also typically experience
anxiety and depression as a result. It will be a big task for me as a prospective
RE/ValEd teacher to encourage positive family dynamics among my students. n order
for my students to feel comfortable coming to me with their difficulties, I will make
sure to develop a strong relationship with them. I'll mentor and advise them. In school,
I shall serve as their second parent as well.
4. I'd want to give our CT a card of appreciation and congratulate her. In addition, I will
personally express my gratitude to her for being a wonderful CT to us. and I'll invite
her to lunch outside the school if we have any extra money.
Page 222 OBSERVE
A. Current Classroom I am Observing
Grade level: 4

B. My Classroom for the 21st Century

Page 223 ANALYZE

It was arranged in a The setting will take place The use of ICT and
traditional classroom in a 21st-century technology integration in the
environment. There are classroom environment classroom is where
armchairs and a blackboard. with more advanced similarities lay.
The only person using the technology and
computer and ICT learning ICT for educational The present makes the
resources is the teacher. purposes. These resources differences. Although the
Students continue to mostly are available to teachers classroom is now set up in a
learn from books, and they and students alike. Less traditional manner, it will
continue to take notes and lectures will be given, soon be changed to better
write their learning on paper however align with the teaching and
using pens and paper. more emphasis on the learning context of the
practical activities and twenty-first century. The way
discoveries made by that classrooms are set up and
students utilizing the how students can access ICT
available learning resources differs.

Page 224 REFLECT

The obstacles I see ahead of me as a future teacher are the various global and social issues that
may arise, such as the current pandemic that impacted the teaching and learning environment.
These problems, in my opinion, are uncontrollable and will put all educators and students to
the test in terms of their adaptability in finding ways to carry on with their education in spite of
the problems. In response, as a prospective instructor, I will be upbeat, adaptable, and
situation-aware. I'll try my hardest to ensure my students' safety while they're in class. By
going to various seminars and training regarding technology and ICT integration, I will get
ready for teaching and learning in the twenty-first century and become a worldwide teacher.
To keep my students interested, I will also use contemporary teaching techniques and online
learning environments into my lessons. In addition, I promise to promptly and appropriately
attend to my students' needs. Above all, I promise to always uphold the professional attributes
and skills of a teacher and to set a positive example for my students and coworkers.
Page 225 LINK
1. A
2. C
3. C
4. A
5. B
Page 228 OBSERVE
Philosophies of Education Which philosophies are expressed Which philosophies are
in the DepEd Vision, Mission expressed in the K to 12
Statements, Core Values, Mandate? Curriculum Framework and
Give proof. Guide and Sec. 5 of RA
10533? Give proof.
1. Essentialism Essentialism - The core values of Essentialism - List of
maka-Diyos, maka-tao, maka- standards and competencies
kalikasan and maka-bansa show that learners are expected to
that DepEd is essentialist. DepEd attain is the subject matter
believes in unchanging values that that students are expected to
need to be inculcated. learn.
- Essentialist
2. Perennialism DepEd Mission The main purpose is to
produce productive and
Ensure family, community, and responsible citizens who
stakeholders are actively engaged possessed essential
and share responsibility for competencies, skills and
developing lifelong learners. values for lifelong and in
preparation for employment.
3. Progressivism DepEd Mission The education learner-
centered and responsive to
Ensure students learn in a child the holistic development,
friendly, gender sensitive, safe and cultural capacity and diversity
motivating environment. of learners.
4. Reconstructionism DepEd Vision The Enhanced Basic
Education primarily aim to
Envision of students who have develop students with skills
values and competence enable them and competence in order for
to realize their full potential and them to cope with the
contribute meaningfully in building changes in society, and to
the nation. help to address the social
issues that might arise.
5. Existentialism DepEd Mission There is an emphasis on the
Career Guidance and
To protect and promote the right of Counseling Advocacy which
every Filipino to quality, equitable, help the students to be guided
culture-based and complete basic in choosing their own career
education. track the would like to
6. Pragmatism Mandate The Enhanced Basic
Education emphasizes that
To provide for establishment and curriculum was developed to
maintenance of complete, adequate, be relevant, purposely and
and integrated system of basic meaningful to the life of
education relevant to the gold of every learners.
national development.
7. Rationalism DepEd Mission The curriculum framework
was developed research-
The teacher facilitates learning and based and inquiry-based. It
constantly nurtures every learner. includes different training,
leadership skills
development, and problem-
solving related competences
that help students develop
their reasoning powers.
8. Utilitarianism Mandate There is a declaration of
policies and standards to be
The DepEd strictly formulates, adhered to by the teachers,
implements and coordinates students, stakeholders and
policies, plans, programs and even the community to
projects on areas both formal and support students effective
non-formal education. lifelong learners.
9. Empiricism DepEd Vision The curriculum used spiral
progression approach to
Instill values and competence ensure mastery of knowledge
enable students to realize their full and skills after each level
potentials. through the help of active and
actual learning activities.
10. Behaviorism DepEd Mission The curriculum framework
emphasizes its aim to provide
Ensure that students learn in a a learner-centered and safe
child-friendly, gender, sensitive, learning environment for
safe and motivating environment. students. In which the
curriculum shall be inclusive
and developmentally
appropriate for students.
11. Constructivism DepEd Mission The curriculum use
pedagogical approaches that
The family, community and other are constructivist, inquiry-
stakeholders are actively engaged based, reflective,
and share responsibility for collaborative and integrative.
developing lifelong learners.

Page 231 OBSERVE

Philosophies of Education Teaching Behavior
1. Essentialism In what way was teacher essentialist?
curriculum is prescribed; subject matter-centered there are
universal, objective values;
e.g. He/she saw to it that the students mas-
inculcate values; subject
tered basic concepts and skills.
He/she inculcated values.
2. Perennialism She relates her lessons to the universal values and Filipino

She let students realized and appreciate the relevance of the

lesson into their own lives.
3. Progressivism She used to integrate learning activities that promoted
interactive learning collaboration among students.

She did not spoon-feed her students.

She only facilitates the learning process.

She allowed her students to freely express their own identity.

4. Reconstructionism She used to relate her lesson to the current global or social
issues and allowed students to do the problem-solving using
their learning from the lesson.
5. Existentialism She gave much emphasis on what values students can learn
during the homeroom session.
6. Pragmatism She used different learning materials to help her students easily
understand the lesson.
7. Rationalism She always gave problem-solving and reflective questions.
8. Utilitarianism She engaged her students in fun learning activities during class
9. Empiricism She involved students in actual learning experiences like role-
play and other school events.
10. Behaviorism She organized her classroom properly and maintained its
cleanliness to make the learners comfortable while learning.
11. Constructivism She allowed students to construct and share their own
understanding about a particular term or concept of the lesson.
Page 233 ANALYZE
1. It is my belief that the dominant educational philosophies found in the basic schools in
the Philippines are constructivism, existentialism, progressivism, and perennialism. The
Enhances Basic Education program mainly supports a student-centered learning method
in which teachers only assist students in making their own learning discoveries. The
emphasis is mostly on giving pupils opportunities for learning by doing and relevant
lessons. To put it briefly, rather of expecting children to learn passively, the Philippine
basic schools encourage them to actively explore and discover what they have learned.
2. I believe reconstructionism to be the cause. This idea needs to be emphasized in schools
and by educators in order to equip pupils with the necessary intelligence and adaptability
to deal with the many social developments. Since change is a constant, as we all know,
pupils who are aware of it and able to adapt will undoubtedly survive and grow up to be
responsible, productive members of society.
Page 234 REFLECT

My Philosophy of Teaching

I believe learners should have equal opportunities to engage in a variety of contexts and
uncover their hidden qualities. It is important to provide students the choice to select the
values they want to learn. Students need to understand that growing oneself takes time, effort,
and consistency. It doesn't happen overnight. Reaching their full potential will require them to
learn how to step outside of their comfort zone and engage in more social activities. Students
should not be discouraged if they notice that they are different from their peers; rather, they
should be happy because their differences help them to develop their own identities. This
philosophy is centered around the idea that "every individual is different from each other, we
should avoid comparing ourselves to one another."

I think that in addition to teaching them from books, I should also teach them from my heart.
A teacher's primary responsibility is to make a positive impact in the lives of their students and
instill in them the value of embracing diversity. Teachers should guide and care for their
students because when they feel loved and cared for, they will begin to perceive themselves as
deserving people. The instructor should also create a welcoming and accepting environment in
the classroom to inspire all students to express themselves without fear of rejection. Every
class needs to incorporate real-world examples into the discussion to help students develop a
positive mindset and self-awareness when interacting with others. Although this philosophy
also holds that real education occurs when a person learns to know himself on a physical,
emotional, mental, social, and spiritual level, I still think that education is primarily about
developing academic competency.

Therefore, creating a welcoming and encouraging learning environment for children is the
responsibility of the teacher, as well as that of their peers, superior, parents, and other
stakeholders. Every learner will gain both internal and external motivation in this way,
supporting their own ongoing progress. To allow students to freely express themselves and
value their existence, excellent educational and social support systems are required.

Page 236 LINK

1. C
2. D
3. B
4. A
5. A
6. D
7. D
8. C
9. D
10. B

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