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Self or Peer Review: Language and Literature HL Essay

Author’s Name:____________

Reviewer’s Name:__________

Highlight the areas for improvement in yellow. = SLOW DOWN, TAKE A LOOK
Highlight areas of strength in green. = GOOD TO GO
Revise for…
Expository Analysis
Criterion A: Knowledge and Understanding
◻ clear main points

◻ insightful thesis

◻ well-chosen references to support the thesis (facts, examples, etc.)

◻ developed commentary explaining the evidence and linking to main points

◻ reflective conclusion restating thesis in a new way and main points

◻ clear and thoughtful connections to the central concept

◻ clear line of inquiry

Criterion B: Analysis and Evaluation of Author’s Craft/Style
◻ clear discussion of textual features

◻ shows how language and technique shape meaning

◻ shows how authorial choices influence the reading, listening, or viewing of a text

◻ use of literary vocabulary is precise

Criterion C: Organization
◻ clear thesis/controlling idea in the introduction

◻ appropriate and purposeful organizational design; paragraphs have a clear focus

◻ line of inquiry is clearly developed

◻ supporting examples are well integrated into the sentences and paragraphs

◻ fluid sentences and paragraph transitions

◻ varied sentence structure helps with the reading of the text

◻ properly MLA 8 formatted in-text citations after every quote or concrete example (author #).

◻ properly MLA 8 formatted Works Cited page with a hanging indent and entries in alphabetical order

◻ original title hints at the main idea of the essay

Criterion D: Language
◻ word choice (purposeful and precise)
o Consider sentence stems if you get stuck at.
◻ active verbs (avoids too many “be” verbs: is, are, being)

◻ language is clear, effectively chosen

◻ grammar and vocabulary are accurately used

◻ the student uses a formal, academic tone for the essay.

Edit for…
◻ first letter in a sentence, names, months, days of the week, official titles of people, holidays, and pronoun "I"

◻ geographical names, places, historical periods, events, documents, languages, races, and nationalities

◻ titles of books, stories, and essays

o use quotation marks for smaller, minor texts such as poems, songs, short story titles, article titles, etc.
o use italics for major works such as novels, movie titles, play titles, exhibit titles, etc.
◻ proper nouns, including abbreviations, initials, acronyms, and organizations
◻ correct punctuation at the end of sentences

◻ commas with items in a series, dates, compound and complex sentences, transitions, introductory elements, and in
nonrestrictive phrases and clauses
◻ quotation marks in dialogue

◻ apostrophes in contractions and possessives

◻ italics and underlining for titles and emphasis

◻ colons, semicolons, dashes, and parentheses to set off phrases and clauses
◻ high frequency/commonly used words

◻ commonly misspelled words

◻ special words

◻ commonly confused terms – its/it’s, affect/effect, there/their/they’re, and to/two/too

◻ complete sentences (avoidance of unintentional splices, run-ons, fragments)

◻ subject-verb agreement

◻ subordinating conjunctions to form complex sentences (helps make writing less choppy and more fluid)
Reviewer: What were the strengths of the essay? What are the areas for improvement?

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