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CvSU Vision CvSU Mission

The premier University in

Republic of the Philippines Cavite State University shall
historic Cavite globally recognized
for excellence in character
CAVITE STATE UNIVERSITY provide excellent, equitable and
relevant educational opportunities in
development, academics, Carmona Campus the arts, science and technology
research, innovation and through quality instruction and relevant
sustainable community
Market Road, Carmona, Cavite
research and development activities.
engagement.  (046) 487-6328/ It shall produce professional,
skilled and morally upright individuals
for global competitiveness.

Dear Participant,

Good day! We/I are/am currently conducting a research entitled “<SYSTEM TITLE HERE, ALL CAPS
BOLD FACE>”. In line with this, I/we are/am respectfully seeking for your assistance to fill out this
evaluation form. It will not be a problem if you wish not to participate but your responses will highly be
valued. The evaluation form can be completed anonymously. Responses from completed questionnaires
will be collated for analysis; once this is complete, the original questionnaires will be kept electronically.
Rest assured that all information indicated therein will be treated with utmost confidentiality under the Data
Privacy Law of 2012 and strictly be used for the above purpose only. All the gathered information/data will
also be retained to the system and will be used as a part of the historical data for further analysis. If you
wish to learn more about the results of the research please send an email to
We/I are/am hoping for your kind consideration and support. Thank you very much.

NAME: _______________________________________________ DATE: __________________

DESIGNATION: _______________________________________ SEX: ___________________
INSTITUTION: ________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ___________

Rate the following statement. Check (✓) the number that corresponds to the degree of your answer.
Please be guided with the following scales:

LEGEND: 1 –Poor 2 – Fair 3 – Satisfactory 4 – Very Satisfactory 5 –

1 2 3 4 5
Functional Suitability
1. The system includes the following modules:
a. inventory module,
b. ordering module,
c. reports module, and
d. content management system module.
2. The system can be used to:
a. <include all the functions of every module>
b. <include all the functions of every module>
c. <include all the functions of every module>
d. <include all the functions of every module>
e. <include all the functions of every module>
f. <include all the functions of every module>
3. The system can generate:
a. <include all the reports>
b. <include all the reports>
c. <include all the reports>
d. <include all the reports>
4. The functions of the system corresponds to its previously
set objectives.
Performance Efficiency
5. The system provide an appropriate response time when
performing various task such as:
a. uploading files <this is just an example>, and
b. downloading files <this is just an example>.
6. The system have an acceptable level of performance when
large number of users are accessing the system.
7. The system can handle large amount of data/
8. The system can perform its required functions efficiently
while sharing a common environment and resources with
other products, without detrimental impact.
9. The system can export data. <this is just an example>
10. The system used consistent terms.
11. The system have a consistent layout or user interface.
12. The system have a consistent position on screen for error
13. The system used unambiguous title for function buttons.
14. The command buttons was easy to remember.
15. The system uses helpful messages on screen.
16. The system was easy to operate based on the transaction
17. The required information are easy to locate.
18. The system responds to invalid input.
19. The interface looks good.
20. The system’s accessibility varies on user’s designation.
21. Account’s username and password are encrypted when it
was saved in the database.
22. The system is accessible to all its users.
23. The system is capable in handling errors.
Prepare by:

Jhumel C. Ignas

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