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Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa

Jusper Dave E. Botalon
Master in Educational Management
September 30, 2023

1. Choose one Model of HRM and explain it briefly and justify why you choose such model. (20pts)

Harvard Model

Dealing with people requires a transformational leadership characteristics this will help personnel to
function well and that has something to do with the Harvard model in which it primary focuses on the
interests of stakeholders in addition it has factors that need to consider and what factors I am referring
to? These are situational factors involved in stakeholder’s interests. First is the internal factors, these
includes employee needs under human Relation approach wherein social and physiological needs must
be met. I remember the hierarchy of needs of Maslow wherein in order for an employee to be good in
its service one must meet his physiological needs, safety and third belongingness, second is Expectations
this suggest that the open system of this model provides expectations that must be met for once to have
a sense of fulfilment in a context of embracing work role meaning, an employee is expected to be highly
skilled based on what his role and in return this skills must be utilized by putting him on the right field of

This summarizes my reflection on how I take the lesson about different models in HRM.

2. Explain briefly the concept of Human Resource Planning and its importance or significance to
organization. (20pts.)

Human Resource Planning as a concept plays a vital role in any organization small or big,it requires a
vision that will serve an ignition on what needs to become, Planning focuses of detailed structured of
events versioned by the HR this will lay foundation for better understanding on what is much needed on
each ideal stage.

A plan with an objective is a key ingredient in any successful organization, it brings harmony, peace and
seamless workflow to each member because of well-prepared plan. Understanding the complexity of
the nature of planning will help HR mitigate any need of correction when necessary once plan is being
implemented with the purpose of focusing on the objective set beforehand.

3. Give and explain the steps in Human Resource Planning. (10pts.)

 Analyze organizational objectives

Seeting a goal is a pre requisite idea on any plan this will be your roadmap in achieving such
 Evaluate the current workforce or uncovergaps
Finding balance between what is working and not is a best feature on in plan it becomes the
lungs that serve as a tweaked or breathing moment for a plan to halt and evaluate the necessary
areas for better results.
Pamantasan ng Lungsod ng Muntinlupa
 Forecast future HR Requirements
Trends are inevitable change is constant by this philosophy we can learn that adapting to ever
changing needs of the community one organization must serve to the pleaser of innovation and
 Develop and implement a plan
This stage is a flow of plans making into action, Implanting is difficult because its unpredictable
but no matter how unpredictable it may seem plan B,C and all the letters in the alphabet are in
place to alter any error.
 Monitor and assess plan
Improvements come at any stage of implementation it provide better outlook and unforeseen
mistake that could have been plan but not on included this is the opportunity to reshape and
reconstruct restraints to avoid future errors.

4. In the new direction of Human Resource Management; why putting people matters most? (20 pts.)

There is a famous saying from anonymous and I quote “a mango tree will not bear an apple fruit” end
quote this also goes saying that behind a productive Dean like Dr. Cunanan is a loving husband this only
proves that people who are highly skilled must be put on their specialization, the product of any
organization depends on how the distribution of role are put in place it provides a sense of trust and
assurance to any when people are place on their rightful place. No Wonder why Graduate studies under
the leadership of Dr. Cunanan is reaping recognition and excellence only because it was place under a
very competitive, highly respected woman Dr. Remedios Cunanan.

5. Give and explain at least five features of Modern Human Resource Management

1. Employment Security
With the world starting to bounce back from pandemic security of tenure is one of the most
sought after of every employee for certainty.
2. Incentive pay
Recognition comes a big role in a company that equates to performances
3. Employee ownership
When business grow it comes along with the growth of life of its employee as well.
4. Selective recruiting
Choosing the best is essential to cater the needs of a growing institution, its not about
5. Use of team and job redesign
Recruiting from the inside.

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