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Commission/Committee Reform Year Purpose/ Theme Details/Recommendations

Native army should be composed of different nationalities and castes which have to be
Peel Commission 1858 Military Affairs mixed across regiments
Kitchener Reforms 1903 Military Affairs Unified all Presidency armies into one Indian Army

Drop the terms Covenated and uncovenanted.
Classify ICS into Imperial, Provincial and Subordinate CS
No to Simultaneous exams in India and England
Raise the Age limit to 23 from 18 (set in 1878 by Lytton)
Aitchison Commission 1886 Lord Dufferin (INC) Abolish Statutory Civil Services (est by Lytton Baba)

Rejected simultaneous exam in India and England

Islington Commission 1912 Lord Hardinge II Asked for recruitment from both India and England
Simultaneous exam in India and England passed. Allahabad (1921)
Montford Reforms 1919 Public Services 1/3rd of recruitments to be made in India itself.
Direct recruitment to ICS on 50:50 parity of Ind and Euros

Lee Commission 1924 Public Services Public Service Commission establish immediately as decided in GoI Act, 1919
GoI Act, 1935 1935 Establish Federal and Provincial PCS.


Calcutta Madrasa 1781 Oriental Education Warren Hastings
Asiatic Society of Bengal 1784 Oriental Education William Jones
Sanskrit College at Varanasi 1791 Oriental Education Jonathan Duncan
Fort William College 1800 Civil Servants Training Lord Wellesly

Charter Act 1813 1813 Company to spend Rs 1 Lakh annually on promoting modern education in India
In Calcutta. With the help of Raja Rammohun Roy. Later became Presidency College,
Hindu College 1817 David Hare Calcutta.

Vedanta College 1825 Raja Rammohan Roy Combines Western thoughts, science and Indian learnings
James Mill- Thomas Macaulay
Oriental edu is full of errors and unscientific thoughts
Macaulay Minute on Edu Policy 1835 English Education English should be made the medium of higher education
Downward infiltration Theory
Bentick's Resolution 1835 European Science and Literature Opened more English schools and colleges and neglected elementary education of masses.
Asked the Govt to assume responsibility of education of masses, thus refuting the idea of
downward infiltration theory.

-Recommended English medium of instruction for higher studies and vernaculars at school
Heirarchy of vernacular primary schools in village, anglo-vernacular schools & colleges in
district and affliating universities in presidencies.
-Laid stress on female and vocational education.
Charles Wood Despatch* 1854 -Secular education in Govt schools and grant in aid to encourage private enterprise.
*(Different Hunter Commission for Jallianwala Bagh Massacre inquiry)
Local bodies should be entrusted with the mgmt of primary education
Hunter Commission* 1882-1883 Lord Ripon More privatisation of schools and colleges
Raleigh Commsion 1902 Under Lord Curzon Based on its recommendations, Indian Universities Act was passed.
Universities to give more attention to study and research
Most fellows to be nominated by the Govt.
Govt to have power to veto regulations of univ's senate
Indian Univ Act 1904 Stricter norms for affiliation of private colleges

To report on problems of Calcutta and other universities. Recommendations-

-Separate board of Secondary and intermediate education.
-School course for 12 years as pre condition for 3 years degree course in university.
Recomm included in Montford -Flexibility in framing university regulations.
Saddler Unversity Commission 1917-19 reforms -Female edu, applied scientific and tech edu, teachers edu to be extended.
A policy of consolidation and improvement of primary education
Hartog Committee 1929 Selective system of admission to univ and diversify courses for industrial careers.

Establishment of elementary schools and high schools and intro of universal & free

compulsory education
abolition of intermediate courses
Sergeant Plan of Education 1944 Adequate technical, commercial and arts education


Campbell Commission 1866 Orissa Famine of 1866 district officers were made responsible for saving all preventable deaths
Great Famine of 1876 in Madras, Bombay, UP and Punjab:
Duty of state to provide relief to poor

Stratchey Commission 1880 Under Lord Lytton Supply of food in distressed areas to be a priority
Provisional Famine Code 1883 Norms for action to be taken during famines and precautionary measures

Lyall Commission 1896 Recommended for Irrigation facilities to prevent droughts + other recommendations of 1880

For the Famine of 1899-1900:
Policy of moral strategy, early distribution of advances
Anthony McDonnell Commission 1902 Lord Curzon Appointement fo Relief Commissioner

Plague Commission 1897 WC Rand Bubonic Plague in Pune and Bombay. Killed by Chapekar Brothers
Anarchical and Revolutionary Crimes Act:
K Any Indian can be arrester anywhere and put into jail for 2 yrs without any trial.
Sedition Committee 1919 Sydney Rawlatt Act It was a black Act
Consisted of 4 Indian members as well
Unanimously condemned actions of General Dyer who was later recalled
William Hunter Commission 1920 Jallianwala Bagh Massacre Enquiry But could not impose any penal action.

To investigate into the working of constitution set up in 1921 according to GoI Act, 1919
Muddiman Commission 1924 Also to check problems arising out of Dyarchy.
Indian Statutory Commission:
Suggestions included in GoI Act, 1935
Simon Commission 1927 Review GoI Act, 1919 Abolition of Dyarchy in Provinces etc. and increasing Indian Representation.
To examine the relationships between the princely states and the govt.
Recommended supremacy of paramountcy and states dependence on central legislature
Butler Committee 1927 without their consent.

Brooksfield Committee 1928 Bardoli Satyagraha (TO BE VERIFIED) Revised the revenue rent rate from 30% to 6.03%.


Provincial Govt authorised to levy local taxation
Transfer of certain deptt of admin such as medical, edu, roads etc
Mayo's Resolution 1870 Lord Mayo Area: Provincial govt of Bengal, Madras, NWFP, Punjab
Dev of Local bodies to improve admin and education
Aministering local affairs through urban and local bodies & definite duties
Non-officials to be Chairpersons and majority in these bodies
No levy of tax without permission
Ripon's Resolution 1882 Father of LSG Decrease in official Interference
More power to village panchayats
Emphasis on subdistrict boards to be established in every taluka with different sphere of
Royal Commission on duties and revenue
Decentralisation 1908 Primary education to be undertaken by Municipalities.

LSG under Transferred Subject.

Govt of India Act, 1919 1919 Finance of LSG still under Reserved List.

WC Rand Assassination 1897 Pune Plague Commission Killed by Chapekar Brothers and inspired VD Savarkar

Anushilan Samiti-Maniktala Conspiracy (Unsuccessful attempt)
Assassin of Kingsford 1908 Magistrate of Muzaffarpur Khudiram Bose, Prafull Chaki, Banindra Ghosh, Aurobindo Ghosh
Rash Bihari Bose and Sachin Sanyal
RB Bose fled to Japan, later role in INA,

Assassin Viceroy Hardinge 1912 Coronation of Kind George 5 & Mary Sachin Sanyal wrote "Bandi Jeevan" in Kalapani.
HSRA members: Ram Prasad Bismil, Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Chandrashekhar Azad, Roshan
Singh, Ashfaqullah Khan, Rajendra Lahiri.
Kakori Conspiracy 1925 HSRA Carried out dacoity in Kakori train. Ram Prasad Bismil hanged

To avenge death of Lala Lapat Rai during Anti-Simon demonstration (1927)
Saunder's Assassination 1928 Shot dead Saunders, ASP, Lahore Bhagat Singh, Sukhdev, Rajguru, C Azad. Hanged in 1931.
Bhagat Singh and Batukeshwar Dutt threw bomb just to show their ideology and got arrested

Cental Legislative Ass Bombing 1929 voluntarily.


Bangabhasha Prakashika Sabha 1836 Associates of Raja Rammohun Roy

Landholders' Society Unknown To protect Zamindars interests

Bengal British India Society 1843 Collection and dissemination of info regarding the conditions of people in British India
Mainly local landlords, Generally provided Indian representative to Legislative Coucils after
1st voluntary & major org in India, Indian Council Act, 1961. All Indians. Formed by merger of Landholders and Bengal British

British Indian Association 1851 Calcutta India Society

Bombay Association 1852 Same purpose as above Joined by Dadabhai Naoroji in 1876
Madras Native Association 1852 Same purpose as above Dead by 1862, replaced later by Madras Mahajan Sabha
East India Association 1866 London Dadabhai Naoroji
Poona Sarvajanik Sabha 1870 MG Nanade, GV Joshi, Challenger to Bombay Association
Indian League 1975 Sisir Kumar Ghosh Encourage sense of Nationalism and encouraging political education
Formed by new educated professional classes challenging landlords of British Indian Asso.
Indian Association 1876 By Surendranath Banerjee Formed with the aim of representing the people.
National Conference 1883 SN Banerjee and AM Bose Predecessor of INC and merged with it in 1886
Madras Mahajan Sabha 1884 M. Vijayaraghavachariar Subramaniya Iyer and P Anandacharlu. Major pol org in Madras
Bombay Presidency Association 1885 B. Tyabji, Pherozshah Mehta KT Telang
Indian National Congress 1885 WC Banerjee, Prez, AO Hume And the rest is history.
Social BILLS/Regulations
Sati Regulations, 1829 1829 Abolished Sati, Raja Ram Mohan Roy
Suppression of Thugi 1930 By William Bentick
Lex Loci Act 1850 Gave right to converts to inherit property.

Indian Post Office Act 1854 One of the causes of Revolt of 1857. Sepoys to be charged for sending letters/posts.
General Services Enlistment Act 1856 Mandatory for sepoys to serve anywhere (even outside country).

Civil Services Act 1861 Removes discrimination to Indians in Civil Services. Throws open covenated services
1st census. Also Resolution on Local Self- Government (1870).
Statistical Survey of India 1871 Lord Mayo 1st Viceroy to be murdered in office

1st Factory Act 1881 Improving Labour Conditions, then 2nd in 1891

Age of Consent Bill , 1891 1891 Behramji Malabari effort. Increased age from 10 to 12
Sarada Act, 1929 1939 Increased marriage age of girls from 12 to 14

Depressed Class (DC) Movement & Organisation

Harijan' Coined by Saint Narsinh Mehta and not Gandhiji
All India DC Association 1926 MC Rajah (Prez) BR Ambedkar (VP). Left in 1930
Mahad Satyagraha 1927 BR Ambedkar Use of public well for lower caste Mahar community in Maharashtra

Kalaram Temple Entry Satyagraha 1930 BR Ambedkar For temple entry of dalits in Nagpur Maharashtra. Supported by Pandurang Jiwas Sabnis.
All India DC Congress 1930 BR Ambedkar
Harijan Sevak Sangh 1932 Thakkar Bappa Gandhiji served here

Launched from Yervada Jail for upliftment of Harijans post Poona Pact with BR Ambedkar.
All India Anti-Untouchability League 1932 Mahatma Gandhi Also used magazines Harijan & Young India to propagate his ideas

All India DC League 1935 INC-Jagjivan Ram
Labour Party 1936 BR Ambedkar
All India SC Federation 1942 BR Ambedkar MC Rajah also joined

All India Trade Union Congress 1920 Lala Lajpat Rai (Prez)
K Dewan Chaman Lal (Gen Secy). Tilak Supported
CPI 1925 Satyabhakta at Kanpur. 1st CPI at Tashkent bhy MN Roy in 1920.
Six month strike in Textile mills of Bombay
Girmi Kargar Union 1928 Led by Communists Split in 1929 on issue of boycott of Royal Labour Commission
To assuage feelings of working class and look into their problems.

Royal Labour Commission 1928 Set up by Govt Look into the coming up of Trade Unions
Indian Trade Union Federation 1929 NM Joshi Split group of GKU

Indian Red Trade Union Congress 1929 Split group of GKU led by Communist
Communists take control of AITUC which leads to groups forming their own Trade Unions
Indian Trade Union Congress 1947 INC
Hind Mazdoor Sabha 1948 Indian Socialists


Young Women's Christian Asso 1875 Calcutta 1st women association. Became National in 1896
Bharat Stree Mahamandal 1904 Sarladevi Chaudhurani
Women's Indian Association 1917 Margaret Cousins, Anne Besant
National Council of Women in India 1925 Lady Mehribai Tata Part of Intl Council of Women
Inspired by Margaret Cousins. To promote Women Education
Non-political body initially, later lobbied for all sorts of rights like franchise, marriage
reforms, women laboureres.
All India Women's Conference 1927 Used only petitions and appeals and did not agitate masses.
Kamini Roy and Kadambini Ganguly were the 1st women graduates


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